Applications for placement in Kenyan Universities, Artisan, and Colleges is done via the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service, KUCCPS, portal.

All secondary schools are expected to give necessary career guidance and assist the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, 2022 candidates with online application for placement to universities and colleges.

That all secondary schools shall on behalf of candidates collect, collate and submit online application for placement to universities and colleges by following procedures given in the website.

That every candidate is required to pay Kshs 500(Five hundred only); following procedures given in the website.

That the minimum requirements for placement to degree is C+, Diploma C- , Craft Certificate D- and Artisan Certificate E.

That minimum entry requirements by regulatory and professional bodies shall apply.
That the placement of government sponsored students is only for Kenyan Citizens.
That the applications for placement is a four stage process as shown below:

Stage 1:

KUCCPS School/Centre Application

The School/Centre application has been closed.

All candidates should be encouraged to apply and can select for four levels. However they should make choices for programmes they are only interested in pursuing. No program is mandatory.

For more information visit:

Stage 2:

KUCCPS first revision 2023

First revision for degree and diploma choices will be on dates to be announced by placement service soon.

Stage 3:

KUCCPS second revision 2023

Candidates who will not have qualified on competitive selection for any of their preferred choices during the first round of selection will be given a chance to do second revision by selecting courses with unfilled capacities.

Stage 4

Any applicant who fails to qualify for their choices but meet the cut off points for placement may be offered any course with unfilled capacities taking into account the minimum requirements for admission.

How to Log into the KUCCPS Portal

  • Access the Student’s login portal by using the address:
  • Enter your 2018 KCSE index number, KCSE year (2022) and your password ( Use Your Birth Certificate No. / KCPE Index No (as used in KCSE Exam Registration) as your Initial Password).

How to download Various resources/ Guides from the KUCCPS portal:

Visit the KUCCPS resources download page at To download various resources resources for the 2023/2024 Academic year. The following resources are available for download:

  • The Principal’s manual
  • Degree Programmes Cutoff
  • Diploma Programme Codes
  • Craft Programme Codes
  • Artisan Programmes Codes
  • Degree Cluster Document