Home Latest Education News Equity Bank Wings To Fly Form One Scholarship Form 2024, Cut off...

Equity Bank Wings To Fly Form One Scholarship Form 2024, Cut off marks

The 2024 Equity Bank Wings to Fly program is now open. It targets high achieving yet needy (orphan or vulnerable) students identified by assessing their performance at the nationally administered Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations.

A successful applicant for the Wings to Fly Scholarship should be:

Academically Promising

– top 5th percentile performing student in their Sub-County in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).

Orphaned or from vulnerable backgrounds (as defined below):

• Children who have lost one or both parents and have no relative or guardian or sponsor to provide for their secondary education – evidence in form of Death Certificates/Burial Permits/letter from
your Chief should be attached
• Children whose parents are physically or mentally challenged and are unable to educate their children and have no relative or guardian or sponsor to provide for their secondary education
• Children whose parents are living with HIV/AIDS or other chronic debilitating illnesses and are unable to educate their children and have no relative or guardian or sponsor to provide for their secondary education – medical records should be sought
• Children from families affected by natural disasters such as flooding, drought, and famine or civil conflict and are unable to educate their children and have no relative or guardian or sponsor
to provide for their secondary education – family’s current living conditions
• Children who have suffered neglect and/or abandonment and have no relative or guardian or sponsor to provide for their secondary education
• Children with parents living under extreme poverty and have no relative or guardian or sponsor to provide for their secondary education

Application Process

Wings to Fly Online Application has been opened in DMIS. And the Physical forms have been dispatched to be received on Monday and Tuesday next week.

Application deadline is 11th Dec 2024.

Apply Now

Download application form