School | Grade | Learning Area | Term | Year |
3 | EnglishActivities | 3 |
Week | Lesson | Strand/Theme | Sub Strand/Sub
theme |
Outcomes |
KeyInquiry Question(S) |
Experience |
Resources |
Assessment | Remarks |
1 | 1 | Listening and
Speaking |
and Vocabulary |
Bythe end of the
sub strand, the learner should be ableto: a)Pronounce words withthe consonant blends /gh//rm/ correctlyand accurately. b) Recognise new words usedin the theme to acquirea range ofvocabulary. c)Pronounce the vocabularyrelatedto thetheme correctlyfor effective communication. |
1. Howdo you
pronouncethe word a)Lamp? |
1. Learners listento
the vocabularyused in oraland written sentences anduseit in theirown sentences and dialogues.
2. Learners pronouncewords withthe consonant blends /nth/and/nd/ |
word cards withthe consonant blends, word wheelsand computing devicesthat are available.
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg. 116- 117 |
questions, portfolio, observation |
2 | Listening and
TheFestival |
Language structure and functions
Describing words-size, shape,colour |
Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Useadjectives ‘howmany’and ‘what shape’to describe people, things and actionsin afestival. |
can you see outside? 2)What coloursare they? |
1. Learners group
objectsinterms of size,colour, shape and numbers. 2. Learnerdescribes objectsinthe classroomusing size, colourand |
computers, pictures, photos,flash cards
New Progressive |
questions, portfolio, observation |
b)Appreciate the use
ofcolour, size, shape and number to describe nouns |
3. Learners colour differentshapesof objectsand describe themappropriately, firstin pairsthen individually. |
English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg. 117- 118 |
3 | Reading | Comprehension | Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Read words with the consonantblends/rm/ /gh/ in preparation to reading. b)Readandretellthe story ‘The music festival’ toenhance oralcommunication. c)Answersimple directandindirect questions based ona textofabout200 words. |
1. Whatdo you
thinkwill happeninthis story? |
the picture/title beforetheyreada shortprintordigital textand make predictions. 2. Learners practise readingthetext ‘The musicfestival’ and retellthestory, conversation accordingtotheir understanding. 3. Learneranswer questions after readinga textby gettingcluesfrom the storyread. 4. Learners talk abouttheirown experiencesin relationto the story. |
cuttings of simple stories, audio-visual narrations, picture books
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg. 118- 120 |
questions, portfolio, observation |
2 | 1 | Writing | Guided Writing | Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be able to: a)Write wordsfroma prompt to demonstrate mastery |
Howdo you
uselightsat home? |
1. Learners are
guided onthefive steps ofthe writingprocess: planning, drafting, revising editingand writing |
pictures and photographs
New Progressive Primary |
questions, portfolio, observation |
vocabulary/complete sentences, b) recognisethe correct formand meaningof the wordsto beused in fillingin gaps, c)re-arrange wordsto make shortphrases and sentences, |
2. Learners fillingin gapscorrectlyand sensibly. 3. Ingroups, learners mime a situationandlet others write aboutit. 4. Learners write phrasesin response to a picture prompt appropriately. 5. Learners write meaningful sentences in pairs fromsimple substitutiontable |
Learners Book/Grade 3 pg. 120- 121 |
2 | Listening and
Playtime and Sports |
Language structure and functions
Comparatives and superlatives (-erand–est) |
Bythe end of the sub
strand,the learnershould be able to: a)Identify comparativesand superlativesthatare usedto describe people andthings duringplaytime and sports day. b) formcomparatives and superlatives appropriately basedon the given examples foreffective communication; |
1. Whatis the
size ofa football? |
1. Learners put
objectsinto 3 groups ofdifferent sizes 2. Learners observe anddescribeobjects accordingtosize, usingpositive, comparative and superlative forms 3. Learners construct sentences using comparativesand superlativesto describe |
Balls of different sizes
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg. 123- 124 |
questions, portfolio, observation |
comparativesand superlativesbiggerand biggest. |
3 | Reading | Comprehension | Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Read words with the consonantblends/ts/ /ps/ inpreparationto reading. b)Readandretellthe story‘Playingtime at school’to enhance oral communication. c)Answersimple directandindirect questions based ona textofabout200 words. |
1. Whatdo you
thinkwill happeninthis story? |
the picture/title beforetheyreada shortprintordigital textand make predictions. 2. Learners practise readingthetext ‘The musicfestival’ and retellthestory, conversation accordingtotheir understanding. 3. Learneranswer questions after readinga textby gettingcluesfrom the storyread. 4. Learners talk abouttheirown experiencesinrelationto the story. |
cuttings of simple stories, audio-visual narrations, picture books
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg. 124- 125 |
questions, portfolio, observation |
3 | 1 | Listening and
Playtime and Sports |
structure and functions
Comparatives and superlatives (-erand–est) |
Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Formcomparatives and superlatives appropriately basedon the given examples foreffective communication; |
Which is your
best game? |
1. Learners put
objectsinto 3 groups ofdifferent sizes 2. Learners observe and describeobjects accordingtosize, and length, using positive, comparative and |
computers, pictures, photos, flash cards
New Progressive Primary English |
questions, portfolio, observation |
comparativestallerand superlativestallestto describe people,things and places. |
superlative forms
3. Learners construct sentences using comparativesand superlativesto describe objects inside and outside the classroom, in pairs. |
Book/Grade 3 pg. 127- 128 |
2 | Reading | Comprehension | Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Read words with the consonantblends/lf/ /rf/in preparationto reading. b)Readandretellthe story‘Anexciting sports day’ to enhance oralcommunication. c)Answersimple directandindirect questions based ona textofabout200 words. |
1. Whatdo you
thinkwill happeninthis story? |
the picture/title beforetheyreada shortprintordigital textand make predictions. 2. Learners practise readingthetext ‘An excitingsports day’ and retellthestory, conversation accordingtotheir understanding. 3. Learneranswer questions after readinga textby gettingcluesfrom the storyread. 4. Learners talk abouttheirown experiencesin relationto the story. |
cuttings of simple stories, audio-visual narrations, picture books
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg.129- 131 |
questions, portfolio, observation |
3 | Writing | Spelling | Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)spellandwrite |
Howdo you
spellthe word prize? |
1. Learners write
shortsentencesin exercise bookor computeras the |
posters, multimedia word lists, |
questions, portfolio, |
words correctly
foreffective communication, b)appreciatethe importance of writingwords clearly, legibly and correctlyfor differentpurposes |
2. Learners re- arrangejumbled lettersto make fourto five- letterwords. 3. Learners playage appropriate spelling |
flash cards
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg. 131 |
observation | ||||||
4 | 1 | Listening and
Speaking |
and Vocabulary |
Bythe end of the
sub strand, the learner should be ableto: a)Pronounce words withthe consonant blends /spl/correctly and accurately. b)Recognisenew words usedin the theme to acquirea range ofvocabulary. c)Pronounce the vocabularyrelatedto thetheme correctlyfor effective communication. |
1. Howdo you
pronouncethe word a) splash? |
1. Learners listento
the vocabularyused in oraland written sentences anduseit in theirown sentences and dialogues.
2. Learners pronouncewords withthe consonant blends /spl/ |
word cards withthe consonant blends, word wheelsand computing devicesthat are available.
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg. 132- 133 |
questions, portfolio, observation |
2 | Listening and
Diseasesand Foods we eat |
Language structuresand
Conjunction ‘and’ |
Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be able to: a)use conjunction ‘and’ totalkabout nutritionand diseases. |
Whyis it
important to have ahealthy diet? |
1. Ingroups,
learners groupitems and talk aboutthemusing the conjunction ‘and’asindividuals. 2. Learners contrast |
Realia (food)
, picturesand photos of food,flash cards, video clips with |
questions, portfolio, observation |
conjunction‘and’to conveydifferent meanings. |
objectsorpeople in
theclassroom using ‘and’in pairs/small Groups. |
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg.134 |
3 | Reading | Comprehension | Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Read words with the consonantblends/spl/ in preparationto reading. b)Readandretellthe story‘Apainfultooth’ to enhance oral communication. c)Answersimple directandindirect questions based ona textofabout200 words. |
1. Whatdo you
thinkwill happeninthis story? |
the picture/title beforetheyreada shortprintordigital textand make predictions. 2. Learners practise readingthetext ‘A painfultooth’and retell the story, conversation accordingtotheir understanding. 3. Learneranswer questions after readinga textby gettingcluesfrom the storyread. 4. Learners talk abouttheirown experiencesin relationto the story. |
cuttings of simple stories, audio-visual narrations, picture books
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg. 135- 136 |
questions, portfolio, observation |
5 | 1 | Listening and
Diseasesand |
Language structuresand
functions |
Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be able to: |
Name two
vegetablesthat you know. |
1. Ingroups,
learners groupitems and talk aboutthemusing |
Realia (food)
, picturesand photos offood,flash |
questions, portfolio, |
Foods we eat | Conjunction
‘But’ |
‘but’to talkabout nutritionand diseases. b)enjoyusingthe conjunction‘but’to conveydifferent meanings. c)distinguishthe uses ofconjunctions
‘and’‘but’in sentences, |
the conjunction
‘but’as individuals. 2. Learners contrast objectsorpeople in theclassroom using ‘but’in pairs/small Groups.
3. Learners singand recitepoems about diseases andfood we eatusing conjunctions ‘but’ &‘and’ |
cards, video
clips with foodtypes.
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg. 139- 140 |
observation | ||||
2 | Reading | Word Reading | Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be able to: a)read more and longerwords withoutletter-sound correspondence for effective communication. b)Read more and longergradelevel vocabularywithout lettersound correspondence in an appropriate text, c)enjoyreading grade levelvocabularyfor effective reading. |
Howdo you
readthe word Ambulance? |
1. Learners read
words onprintor digital format to get correct pronunciation as the teachermodels. 2. Learners practise readingunfamiliar words using strategies like chunkingand findingroots and parts. 3. Learnersrecognise andread longerwords as modeled bythe teacherin group, pairs and individuallythrough |
word wheels, word slides, flash cards, videos, tablets, multimedia word lists, tablets, charts.
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg. 141- |
questions, portfolio, observation |
lookand say,
exposure and other word-attackskills. |
142 | ||||||||
3 | Writing | Guided Writing | Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be able to: a)Write wordsfroma prompt to demonstrate mastery of vocabulary/complete sentences, b)Write sentences correctlyandlegibly. c)re-arrange wordsto make shortphrases and sentences. |
Howdo you
uselightsat home? |
1. Learners are
guided onthefive steps ofthe writingprocess: planning, drafting, revising editingand writing thefinalpiece 2. Learners fillingin gapscorrectlyand sensibly. 3. Ingroups, learners mime a situationandlet others write aboutit. 4. Learners write phrasesin response to a picture prompt appropriately. 5. Learners write meaningful sentences in pairs fromsimple substitutiontable |
pictures and photographs
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg. 137 & 143 |
questions, portfolio, observation |
6 | 1 | Listening and
Speaking |
and Vocabulary |
Bythe end of the
sub strand, the learnershould be ableto:
a)Recognisenew words usedin thetheme (s)to acquirea range |
Which ofthese
words have a similar beginning sound?
Straight, string, stop,strap,sat. |
Learnersare guided
to use the vocabularycorrectly through dramatisation and roleplayin the classroom,use of realia,pictures, |
word cards withthe consonant blends, word wheelsand computing devicesthat |
questions, portfolio, observation |
b)Pronounce words withthe consonant blends /str/correctly.
c)Pronounce the vocabulary related tothe theme correctly foreffective communication, |
contextsand synonyms 2. Learners listento the vocabularyused in oraland written sentences anduseit in theirown sentences and dialogues.
3. Learners practise pronunciation of the vocabularyand talk aboutactivities related tothetheme usingthenew words. |
are available.
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg. 144- 145 |
2 | Listening and
Diseasesand Foods we eat |
Language structuresand functions
Conjunction ‘Because’ |
Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be able to: a)Useconjunction ‘because’to talkabout nutritionand diseases. b)enjoyusingthe conjunction‘because’ to conveydifferent meanings. c)distinguishthe uses ofconjunctionsin sentences, |
Name two
vegetablesthat you know. |
1. Ingroups,
learners groupitems and talk aboutthemusing the conjunction ‘because’as individuals. 2. Learners explain reasons usingthe conjunction because in questionand answerdialogues 3. Learners singand recitepoems about diseases andfood we eatusing conjunctions ‘ |
Realia (food)
, picturesand photos of food,flash cards, video clips with foodtypes.
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg.145-146 |
questions, portfolio, observation |
4. Learners
constructsentences usingconjunctions basedon a story, poemor conversation they have readorlistened to. |
3 | Reading
Diseasesand Foods we eat |
Comprehension | Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Read words with the consonantblends/str/ in preparationto reading. b)Read more and longerwords withoutletter-sound correspondence for effective communication, c)Read andretellthe story‘SickChacha’to enhance oral communication. |
1. Whatdo you
thinkwill happeninthis story? |
the picture/title beforetheyreada shortprintordigital textand make predictions. 2. Learners practise readingthetext ‘SickChacha’and retell the story, conversation accordingtotheir understanding. 3. Learneranswer questions after readinga textby gettingcluesfrom the storyread. 4. Learners talk abouttheirown experiencesin relationto the story. |
cuttings of simple stories, audio-visual narrations, picture books
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg. 147- 148 |
questions, portfolio, observation |
7 | 1 | Listening and
Diseasesand Foods we eat |
Language structuresand
Conjunctions ‘and’‘but’ |
Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be able to: a)use conjunctionsto talkaboutnutrition |
Which foods
do you eatat home? |
Ingroups, learners
group items and talk aboutthemusing more than one conjunctionas individuals, |
Realia (food)
, picturesand photos of food,flash cards, video clips with |
questions, portfolio, observation |
‘because’ | and diseases,
b)distinguishtheuses ofconjunctions
‘but’insentences, c)enjoyusingthe conjunctions to conveydifferent meaning |
2. Learners contrast
objectsorpeople in theclassroom using ‘but’in pairs/small groups 3. Learners explain reasons usingthe conjunction because in questionand answerdialogues 4. Learners singand recitepoems about diseases andfood we eatusing conjunctions 5. Learners constructsentences usingconjunctions basedon a story, poemor conversation they have readorlistened to. |
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg. 151- 152 |
2 | Reading
Diseasesand Foods weeat |
Comprehension | Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be ableto: a)Read words with the consonantblends/scr/ in preparationto reading. b)Read more and longerwords withoutletter-sound correspondence for |
1. Whatdo you
thinkwill happeninthis story? |
the picture/title beforetheyreada shortprintordigital textand make predictions. 2. Learners practise readingthetext ‘The saltandthe cat’andretellthe story, |
cuttings of simple stories, audio-visual narrations, picture books
New Progressive |
questions, portfolio, observation |
communication, c)Read andretellthe story ‘The saltandthe cat’ toenhanceoral communication. |
accordingtotheir understanding. 3. Learneranswer questions after readinga textby gettingcluesfrom the storyread. 4. Learners talk abouttheirown experiencesin relationto the story. |
English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg. 152- 154 |
3 | Writing
Diseasesand Foods we eat |
Guided Writing | Bythe end of the sub
strand,thelearner should be able to: a)Write wordsfroma prompt to demonstrate mastery of vocabulary/complete sentences, b)Write sentences correctlyandlegibly. c)re-arrange wordsto make shortphrases and sentences. |
Howdo you
uselightsat home? |
1. Learners are
guided onthefive steps ofthe writingprocess: planning, drafting, revising editingand writing thefinalpiece 2. Learners fillingin gapscorrectlyand sensibly. 3. Ingroups, learners mime a situationandlet others write aboutit. 4. Learners write phrasesin response to a picture prompt appropriately. 5. Learners write meaningful sentences in pairs fromsimple |
pictures and photographs
New Progressive Primary English Learners Book/Grade 3 pg.149 & 154 -155 |
questions, portfolio, observation |
substitutiontable | |||||||||