Home Latest Education News Universities & Colleges information Eastern Kenya Integrated College- Courses, Application Form, Requirements, Location, Fees

Eastern Kenya Integrated College- Courses, Application Form, Requirements, Location, Fees

Eastern Kenya Integrated College
Eastern Kenya Integrated College

Eastern Kenya Integrated Teacher Training College is a private College that is fully owned and sponsored by African Brotherhood Church. (A.B.C).

It is managed under strict Christian morals and is fully registered by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kenya under Certificate Number P/TC/598/11 and MOHEST/PC1858/012.

EKIC is a Kenya National Examination Council Accredited center No-3111 for Teacher Education Courses and No. 12301806 for Business and Technical Courses. It also, host other Examination Bodies like KASNEB, City & Guilds And ABE among others

Eastern Kenya Integrated College is a private College fully owned and sponsored by the Africa Brotherhood Church, it first begun on 12th February, 1950 as a Divinity School. In 1979,the Divinity School entered into a collaborative agreement with Carey Theological College (of the University of British Columbia) through its long term partner in Ministry- Canadian Baptist Ministries.

Through CAREY, the Divinity School was able to offer Certificates in Ministry and later Bachelor Degrees in Ministry. It later evolved to Africa Integrated Theological College (AITC) on 22nd March, 2008, and later to the present day EKIC in September 23rd, 2008 when education courses began.

Upon EKIC’s registration with the Government of Kenya, Carey (through CBM) entered into a further collaborative agreement with EKIC which enabled EKIC to offer both Masters and Doctoral Degrees in Ministry.Carey also facilitated EKIC to develop, launch and offer a Diploma in Divinity and lately a Bachelor in Divinity.

The School of Education opened its doors on March,22nd 2008 while the School of Business and Technical Education opened its gates on November 2011.

Though present day EKIC is  a multidisciplinary college ,its run under strict Christian Principles was awarded best disciplined class trophy by Kenya Teachers College Sports Association (KTSCA). Indeed ,its Philosophy “ Integrating Faith and Professionalism” is the rule of the thumb!

Academic standards have also not been given a lesser prominence. Quite notably Pass rate at Primary Teacher Education PTE for the last three years has been over 90 % and was No. 42 out of 119 Teacher Training Colleges in Kenya

Advanced Diploma in Teaching & Assessing Learning for the last three Years has been 100%
At their first attempt in 2012 the Diploma in Teacher Education had a pass rate of 100%

EKIC’s Main campus is situated at Mitaboni Town, 23 Km from Machakos Town along Machakos– Mitaboni-Kathiani Road. In Machakos Town it is located at Machakos town center,Ngei Road,ABC IMANI PLAZA building,fourth floor (Next to Oil Libya Petrol Station)

The first Diploma in Divinity class (at Bishop Ngala) graduated on 22nd March, 2008and was posted for Ministry when the college was AITC. Other divinity intakes followed since then.

The College was fully registered on June, 2009 under the Ministry of Education as a teacher training centre.

EKIC has Bishop Ngala as the main Campus at Mitaboni, Machakos County, with other campuses at Machakos Town &Manza Campus also in Machakos County, Mbooni Campus and Kyanginywa(Kibwezi) Campus in Makueni County and Chumvini Campus in Taita-Taveta County.

EKIC has had 45 graduation ceremonies by the year 2012 with candidates graduating in different courses in different modes of study.  EKIC is currently a proposed university (Africa Brotherhood Church University) ABCU.

Our Vision
To be a World Class Centre for Knowledge, Practical Skills and Christian Moral Values.

Our Mission
To create self – actualized visionary Godly leaders and professionals for service to God and Humanity to provide hope and Health to a hurting World.

Our Philosophy
Integrating Faith and Professionalism.

Our Core Values
•    Godliness – To be loving and obedient to God in service.
•    Integrity – Commitment to Honesty and strong moral principle in service delivery.
•    Servant leadership – Serving others above self.
•    Professionalism – High training standards.
•    Innovativeness – Continuous improvement through research.

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Courses Offered at Eastern Kenya Integrated College

Take a look at the courses offered at Eastern Kenya Integrated College and find one that meets your needs.

Find Eastern Kenya Integrated College courses offered:-

Contact the institution using the below details for more information
1. Craft in Information Technology (KNEC)
2. Craft in Business Single & Group Stage I (KNEC)
3. Craft in Business Single & Group Stage II (KNEC)
4. Diploma in Human Resource Management (KNEC)
5. Craft in Human Resource Management (KNEC)
6. Craftin Business Management (KNEC)
7. Diploma in Business Management (KNEC)
8. Craft in Sales &Marketing (KNEC)
9. Crafti n Secretarial Studies (KNEC)
10. Craft in Social Work &Community Development (KNEC)
11. Craft in Food &Beverage Production &Sales& Service (KNEC)
12. Diploma in Food &Beverage Production &Sales& Service Management (KNEC)

More courses on offer in Artisan, Craft Certs, Certificates & Diploma Courses in the following Areas:
1.School of Hospitality
(a) Hospitality management
(b) Food & Beverage management
(c) Tourism management
(d) Bakery & cake baking.
2.School of Education
(a)Diploma in Teacher Education(DTE) Secondary Grade C+
(b)Diploma in primary Teachers Education(DPTE) Primary Grade C
(c)Diploma in Early Childhood Teachers Education(DECTE) Grade C
3.School of Beauty
(a)Hair dressing & Beauty therapy
(b)Cosmetology & Nail technology
4.School of Engineering
(a)Electrical, Metal processing ,Mechanical
(b)Plumbing/Masonry, Computer engineering
5.School of professionals
(a)Business Mgt, Sales & Marketing, Guidance & Counselling
(b)Community development & Social work.
(c) Supply chain Mgt, Guidance & Counselling
d) Accountancy 1.CPA 2.ADT 3. CAM
6.School of Fashion & design-Fashion & design
7.School of ICT
(a) Computer packages 10 Packages @ 3500/=
(b) Information communication Technology(ICT)
(c) International computer Driving License (ICDL)


The college offers other courses apart from the ones mentioned above

Contact the institution using the below details for more information

Eastern Kenya Integrated College Fees Structure

Eastern Kenya Integrated College Fees Structure.

The fees structure depends on the course that you are undertaking at the time of application.

Eastern Kenya Integrated College Contacts

Physical Address: ABC Imani Plaza, 4th Floor, Ngei Road
Postal Address: P.O. Box 32, Machakos 90100
Mobile: 0735-103339, 0724-424523, 0712-180416, 0752-697910, 0728-560394

Enroll today for DTE,DPTE & DECTE
1.DTE.Diploma in teacher education.3yrs secondary school teacher.
Entry C+.
2.DPTE.Diploma in primary teacher education.3yrs Entry C plus C in the following cluster subjects. Starting May 2021.
a. English and kiswahili
b .Mathematics
c. Humanities (any)
d. Science (any)
3.DECTE.Dploma in early childhood education3yrs .Entry C with no cluster subjects. Starting May 2021
4.Those with ECDE proficiency can register for ECDE certificate .
5.Those with refers in PTE and ECDE areas can register for resits/
Registration is on going in all areas.
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