Home General News Apply KPLC Electricity connection, meter – Simplified procedure, application form

Apply KPLC Electricity connection, meter – Simplified procedure, application form

General Application Procedure

This application procedure applies to Domestic (below 25kVA) and Premium applications (Above 25kVA, excluding SMEs with a load between 100kVA to 200kVA). This includes Additional Load and  Meter Separation applications.

1. Application

We are encouraging all customers apply online https://selfservice.kplc.co.ke, submit with the applicable documents (refer to customer checklist below). You will be provided with an Application Reference Number instantly.

2. Quotation

You will receive a quotation based on your specifications in your enquiry.

The following quotation timelines will apply for various application types;

Application Connection Type


Requiring a meter only

7 days

Requiring low voltage extension

14 days

Requiring low voltage extension (Single phase up to 8 kVa)

28 days

Requiring medium voltage extension and/or trans­former

28 days

Requiring connection at high voltage

within the period agreed with the Customer.

A quotation is valid for ninety (90) days within which payment can be made via the following channels;

  1. Electronic funds transfer (RTGS) to KPLC Bank Account No. 0104074121608
  2. Mobile money (Pay bill number 888899, Account No: application reference No.)
  3. Cheque to KPLC (Quote your application reference number and contact number overleaf of the cheque)
  4. Cash payment at KPLC Payment office

3. Construction & Metering

We will obtain necessary consent where applicable to lay electricity supply lines and thereafter undertake construction and metering within the following timelines;

Type of Connection


Requiring a meter only

3 days

Requiring low voltage extension (Single phase up to 8 kVa)

14 days

Requiring low voltage extension (3 phase above 8 kVa)

14 days

Requiring medium voltage extension and/or trans­former

28 days

Requiring connection at high voltage

within the period agreed with the Customer.

Customer Checklist: Please attach the following documents when submitting your enquiry for supply form

All Applicants

  • Copy of National Identification (I.D) or Passport for Non-Kenyans/ Company Registration Certificates
  • Copy of your PIN Certificate
  • Route sketch map leading to premises where supply is required.
  • Copy of title deed and land search documents for ownership of property (to support wayleaves consent)
  • Duly filled Supply Contract form (https://bit.ly/3btxjVq)
  • Wiring Certificates (Submit any time after issuance of application reference number but before construction of the electricity network)

Meter Separation and Additional Load Application

  • Copy of latest Electricity Bill

Additional Requirements for Premium Applications (Businesses)

  • Scaled site plan (Preferably in soft copy AutoCADD 2014 lower version/DWG format)
  • Load Schedule Details
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