Tag: kcse 2021 leakages

  • KCSE exams frequently asked questions

    KCSE exams frequently asked questions

    You may be having burning questions concerning the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, examinations and you are looking forward to the official answers. Well, here are official answers by the Kenya National Examinations Council, Knec. How can  a person register for KCPE/KCSE examination as a private candidate? During registration period, private candidates are expected…

  • CS Magoha lists schools involved in KCSE 2020/2021 exam cheating

    CS Magoha lists schools involved in KCSE 2020/2021 exam cheating

    Education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha has released a list of six schools that have been implicated for cheating during the ongoing Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination. A total of eleven (11) examination officials have also been arrested over the past week. Here is the full statement by CS Magoha; PROGRESS OF THE…