National Youth Service & Youth Resocialization

The Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP) program is a development constituency based initiative whose purpose is to catalyze youth empowerment for enhanced youth participation in National Development to create formidable youth economy. It aims to;

  • Provide gainful employment to unemployed community youth
  • Support the re-socialization of community youth
  • Foster a sense of responsibility amongst the youth
  • Support the youth to engage in economic activities through savings and training


Phase I : Empowerment – start of projects, the formation of Saving Schemes and cooperatives training

Phase II :Awakening Phase – work from morning  to lunch hour then attend entrepreneurship and life skills training for Social Transformation .

Saving Schemes

900 Community Youth shall form 60 Saving Schemes of 15 Youth each. These Schemes will immediately engage in table banking activities from their first wages payment.


Cohorts and the NYS officers will be in the designated working dress while at work.

The chain of command is from the squad youth leader, elder, ward commander and sector commander and regional commander then to DNS.

Progress to date

National Coverage of the YEP: Since the initiation of the YEP it has reached community youth in 253 of the total 290 constituencies in Kenya. This represents a remarkable 87.2% coverage of the country.

Impact of the Programme…

  • Community participation and good citizenship:
  • Provided income to the Youth
  • Access to Finance
  • Social and financial skills
  • Improved social cohesion