Remuneration and Benefits for State Officers in the Senate and National Assembly
IN EXERCISE of the mandate of Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) as set out under Article 230 (4) (a) of the Constitution, SRC has reviewed the remuneration and benefits for State officers in the Senate and National Assembly under the Third Remuneration and Benefits Review Cycle that covers Financial Years (FY) 2021/2022-2024/2025. Consequently:
- for the period 2021/2022, as applicable during the second remuneration review cycle;
- for the period 2022/2023, SRC has set the remuneration and benefits as published in this Gazette Notice; and
- for the period 2023/2024 – 2024/2025, SRC shall set the remuneration and benefits on or before the commencement of FY 2023/2024.
- Monthly Remuneration for State officers in the Senate and National Assembly for FY 2022/2023
State Officer | Basic Salary | House Allowance | Commuter Allowance | Salary Market Adjustment | Gross Salary |
Speaker of the National Assembly | 696,000 | 250,000 | Official | 214,000 | 1,160,000 |
Speaker of the Senate | 696,000 | 250,000 | Official | 214,000 | 1,160,000 |
Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly | 556,800 | 200,000 | Official | 171,200 | 928,000 |
Deputy Speaker of the Senate | 556,800 | 200,000 | Official | 171,200 | 928,000 |
Leader of Majority Party | 460,800 | 150,000 | Official | 157,200 | 768,000 |
Leader of the Minority Party | 460,800 | 150,000 | Official | 157,200 | 768,000 |
Member of the National Assembly/ Senate | 426,000 | 150,000 | Official | 134,000 | 710,000 |
- The monthly remuneration set herein shall be payable upon assumption of office of State officer in the 13th
- The monthly remuneration is fixed for the term of office of a Member of Parliament, unless reviewed and set by the Salaries and Remuneration
- The remuneration set herein takes into account the reviewed job evaluation grading and includes compensation for plenary
- Salary Market Adjustment is a salary modification that takes into account market positioning, and constitutional and statutory principles for review of remuneration and benefits.
- For purposes of gratuity and pension, the pensionable emolument shall be based on the monthly basic salary set
- The basic salary set herein is 60 percent of the gross salary set
- The deconsolidated remuneration structure set herein is in compliance with the Judgment of the Court in Nairobi ELRC Petition 29 of
- Benefits for State officers in the Senate and National Assembly
- Committee Sitting Allowance
State officers in the Senate and National Assembly who serve in Committees shall be paid Committee Sitting Allowance as follows:
- Chairperson: KES 15,000 per sitting up to a maximum of KES 240,000 per
- Vice-Chairperson: KES 12,000 per sitting up to a maximum of KES 192,000 per
- Member: KES 7,500 per sitting up to a maximum of KES 120,000 per
- Official Transport:
- The Speakers of the Senate and National Assembly Shall be provided with an official car of engine capacity not exceeding
- Member of Parliament: Shall be provided with a Motor Vehicle Reimbursement of KES 7,550,000 for purchase of a car of engine capacity not exceeding 3000cc to undertake official duties as a Member of Parliament. The Motor Vehicle Reimbursement shall be payable to a Member of Parliament once in a parliamentary term.
- Car Maintenance Allowance: Shall be paid to a Member of Parliament at the rate of KES 356,525 per
- Mileage Claim: A Member of Parliament shall be reimbursed a claimable mileage of one return journey per a week from the National Assembly (Nairobi) to his/her constituency office at the rate of KES 116.63 per kilometre, based on a car of engine capacity not exceeding
- The Claimable Mileage Allowance is zoned into two, and claimable based on actual distance in kilometers (Km) from the National Assembly (Nairobi) to respective constituency office as follows:
Zones | Zoned Distance from the National Assembly (Nairobi) to Constituency Office (in Km) | Maximum Return Journey per Week (in Km) | Rate of Claimable Mileage Reimbursement in KES | Reimbursable Monthly Mileage Claim of up to a Maximum of KES |
1 | 0 – 350 | 700 | 116.63 | 353,778 |
2 | 351 and above | Based on actual distance | 116.63 | Based on actual distance |
- The maximum monthly reimbursable mileage shall be calculated based on 52 weeks in a year as follows: Maximum monthly reimbursable mileage = (maximum weekly return journey in km X 52 weeks X KES 116.63)/12 months.
- The Parliamentary Service Commission shall ensure that Members of Parliament are reimbursed within the maximum actual distance from the National Assembly (Nairobi) to respective constituency office.
- Special Parliamentary Duty Allowance: Shall be paid up to a maximum of KES 150,000 per month to State officers in the Senate and National Assembly whose duties involve added Parliamentary Leadership over and above the duties stipulated in one’s terms of service for which a regular salary is paid.
Note: The Parliamentary Service Commission shall apportion the rate of Special Parliamentary Duty Allowance, up to a maximum of KES 150,000 per month, to each of the designated state officer with leadership duties in parliament based on seniority as provided by the Constitution, Legislation or Standing Orders.
- Medical Benefit: An annual medical cover shall be provided to the State officer, one spouse and up to five children below twenty-five years fully dependent on the State officer, subject to a maximum cover limit as follows:
Inpatient: KES 10 million Outpatient: KES 300,000
Maternity: KES 150,000
Dental: KES 100,000
Optical: KES 100,000
- Retirement Benefit: Parliamentary Pensions Act Chapter 196 Revised Edition 2012 (1985), shall apply subject to note on setting of the monthly remuneration in (1)(e) above.
- Group Life Insurance: A State officer shall be covered for a value equivalent to three times of the annual pensionable
- Group Personal Accident: A State officer shall be covered for a value equivalent to three times of the annual pensionable
- Car Loan and Mortgage Benefit: To be provided to State officers in the Senate and National Assembly once during a parliamentary term, as follows:
State officer | Car Loan | Mortgage |
Speakers of the Senate and National Assembly | Up to KES 10 million | Up to KES 40 million |
Members of the Senate and National Assembly | Up to KES 8 million | Up to KES 35 million |
- The applicable interest rate shall be three (3) percent per annum on a reducing balance for the duration of the
- The car loan shall be recoverable within the contract term of a State
- The car loan and mortgage shall be administered and managed centrally by the Parliamentary Service Commission within the existing applicable regulations to govern the schemes, and subject to availability of funds.
- Daily Subsistence Allowance for local and foreign travels: Shall be paid to State officers in the Senate and National Assembly as per the rates reviewed and set by SRC from time to time.
- Airtime: To be paid at the following rates:
- Speakers of the Senate and National Assembly: Up to KES 25,000 per
- Members of the Senate and National Assembly: Up to KES 15,000 per
- Official Residence: The Speakers of the Senate and National Assembly shall be provided with an official residence together with commensurate home utilities and attendants by the State. The official residence shall be a physical building/house owned by government. The benefit shall not be commuted to cash in lieu of an official residence.
- Security: Shall be provided as advised by the Inspector General of Police and shall not be commuted to cash in lieu of
- Sitting Allowance for Plenary Sessions: Is abolished and ceases to be
- Any remuneration and benefits not specified herein is not payable, unless set by the Salaries and Remuneration Effective date: 9th August, 2022.