The new TSC Payslip portal login at
The new TSC Payslip portal login at






The Commission has been in the process of enhancing security features of its various systems.

Among them is the TPAY system that handles Teachers and Secretariat Pay slips, P9 statements, Control sheets, Third Party transactions, application and approval of Loans process.

Users of the system have faced security challenges in the past where fraudsters have used details of legit users of the system to gain access into the system.

To curb this, the Commission has enhanced security by introducing a two level authentication process, where One Time Pin (OTP) is sent to the user’s registered phone number or Email to enable them log in.

Secondly, the user’s passport size photograph is to be updated in the TPAY user profile for purposes of identification.

This feature comes in handy as it shall assist the financial institutions in physical identification of the applicants on financial services as legitimate users and owners of the TPAY accounts.


  1. Access the TSC Tpay system by using the link; T-Pay – Teachers Service Commission.

2. Kindly capture your credentials, and enter the sum of the numbers provided. This is a security feature that eradicates the possibility of a robot logging in your system.

3. A “CAPTCHA” is a turing test to tell human and bots apart. It is easy for humans to solve, but hard for “bots” and other malicious software to figure out.

4. For you to reset the password, click on ‘Forgot your password’ button

5. Enter your TSC number and click on Reset Password Button. An OTP will be sent to your mobile phone

6. Enter the OTP code, enter new password, confirm the new password then click on Reset Password button.

7. If you enter a wrong OTP, an error message will pop

8. If you enter a correct OTP, a successful message will pop. You will need to proceed to login by capturing your TSC No. as your username, enter the new password, then click on login button

9. The system has locked you from accessing other services within it until you complete the profile update process.

10. To begin, click on the Update My Details tab.

11. Retrieve your OTP code from your phone and capture into the TPAY system.

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