NameID No.Constituency
Political Party
Particulars of Relevant Information
1.JOHN WALUKE KOYI829017SIRISIA 217JUBILEEThe  Aspirant  is  a  Member  of  Parliament  for  Sirisia Constituency.  He  was  charged  at  the  Milimani  Anti- Corruption Court ACC. 31 of 2018 with corruption and economic   crimes   under   the   Anti-Corruption   and Economic Crimes Act. On 25th June 2020, the Aspirant was convicted and found guilty on three counts, and fined a total of Kshs. 727,451,062.80.
2.JOHN NJOROGE CHEGE8335227KASARANI 280UNITED DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCEThe  Aspirant  was  the  duly  elected  member  of  the National  Assembly  for  Kasarani  Constituency  during the  2013  General  Election.  He  was  charged  with  a corruption offence vide Milimani ACC 5 of 2013, where he  was  convicted  and  sentenced  to  a  fine  of  Kshs. 650,000  in  default  to  serve  imprisonment  for  one year.
3.MILLITONIC MWENDWA KIMANZI KITUTE22269911KITUI EAST 073WIPER DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENTThe  Aspirant  was  charged  vide  ACC  43/2007  and 48/2007 in  Makadara Law court with  counts relating to  impersonation  of  an  Ethics  and  Anti-Corruption Commission  investigator  and  colleting  bribes  from members  of  public.  The  Aspirant  was  convicted  on 13/8/2021 fined 200,000 in  default  to serve  2 years imprisonment.
4.OSCAR  KIPCHUMBA SUDI22218279KAPSERET 145UNITED DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCEThe  Aspirant  is  a  Member  of  the  National  Assembly for Kapseret Constituency. He was charged before the Nairobi  Milimani  Anti-Corruption  Court  vide  case  No. NRB  ACC  14/2016  with  several  counts  of  forgery, uttering false document relating to falsification of his alleged  academic  certificates  and  submitting  a  false declaration during the 2013 General elections.
The matter is pending in court.
5.JONAH MBURU MWANGI11362203LARI 122JUBILEEThe Aspirant was charged in Court vide CF No. 036 of 2020   with   counts   of   conspiracy   to   commit   an economic    crime    relating    to    an    allegation    of embezzlement  of  public  funds  of  NG  –  CDF  Lari constituency.
The matter is pending in court.
6.EMMANUEL WASWA SIMIYU22309953KWANZA 136DEMOCRATIC ACTION PARTYThe  Aspirant  was  charged  in  Eldoret  vide  case  No. Eldoret 2 of 2017 together with others for a count of abuse  of  office  relating  to  the  misappropriation  of Ksh.  3  million  allocated  to  the  Trans  Nzoia  County Assembly by the County Government.
The matter is pending in court
JUBILEEThe  Aspirant  was  charged  in  Court  vide  Case  No. Milimani ACC 20 of 2018 with counts of conspiracy to defraud  contrary  to  Section  317  of  the  Penal  Code. The   matter   is   pending   in   court,   coming   up   for sentencing on 9th June 2022.
8.SOSPETERS ODEKE OJAAMONGSON7513281TESO SOUTH 040ORANGE DEMOCRATIC PARTYThe  Aspirant  was  charged  in  Nairobi  Milimani  Anti- Corruption Court vide case No. ACC 23/2018 Milimani
– Republic v. Sospeter Ojaamong and 8 Others with counts relating to Abuse of office and failure to follow procurement  laws.    The  matter  is  pending  before court.
9.KENNEDY WAFULA MKOMBOZI WANJALA4369198WEBUYE WEST 222SAFINAThe Aspirant was charged in Bungoma Anti-Corruption Court  vide  case  ACC  1/2017  Republic  vs  Godfrey Wafula and 7 others with counts relating to abuse of office  and  failure  to  follow  procurement  laws.   The matter is pending before court.
10.FREDRICK ODHIAMBO  OYUGI11582976UGUNJA 233UNITED DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENTThe  Aspirant  was  charged  vide  in  Nairobi  Milimani Anti-Corruption Court vide ACC 31/2019 – Republic vs Mike  Sonko  and  2  others,  with  counts  of  Money Laundering  contrary  to  sections  3(b)(i)  as  read  with section  16 of  the  proceeds  of  crime  and anti-money laundering act no. 9 of 2009. The matter is pending before court.
11.JAMES MWANGI GAKUYA9136756EMBAKASI NORTH 283UNITED DEMOCTRATIC ALLIANCEThe  Aspirant  was  charged  in  Nairobi,  Milimani  Anti- Corruption Court vide ACC 35/2018 Republic vs James Mwangi Gakuya and 11 others, with counts relating to conflict of interest contrary to Section 42 (3) as read with    Section    48    of    ANTI-CORRUPTION    AND ECONOMIC CRIMES ACT, 2003. The matter is pending before court.
12.MUTUA DIDMUS WEKESA BARASA22924186KIMILILI 223UNITED DEMOCTRATIC ALLIANCEThe Commission received allegations that the Aspirant bachelor’s     degree     certificate     is     a     forgery. Investigations  have  established  that  the  Aspirant  is culpable and recommended prosecution for forgery.
13.JIMMY NURU ONDIEKI ANGWENYI3347315KITUTU CHACHE NORTH 268JUBILEEThe  Aspirant  was  charged  in  Kakamega  ELC  Court vide Case No. 906 of 2018 with counts relating to the fraudulent      acquisition      of      Parcel      of      land Kakamega/Municipality/Block   3/64.   The   matter   is pending before court.
14.ALFRED MUTUA NGANGACK19629MWALA 082MAENDELEO CHAPCHAPThe Commission received and investigated allegations of  abuse  of  office  in  the  purchase  of  second  hand subaru  vehicles  valued  at  Ksh.  47  million  for  the county.  Investigations  established  that  the  Aspirant was culpable. The Aspirant has not taken plea due to a court injunction in Civil Appeal No. 41 of 2017. The matter is pending before court.
15.KETER ALFRED KIPTOO21771810NANDI HILLSINDEPENDENTThe Commission received and investigated allegations that the Aspirant and others created disturbance at a weighbridge.   Investigations   established   that   the aspirant  was  culpable  and   charged  with  creating disturbance vide case No. CF 742/2015. The matter is pending in court
16.JARED OKOTH OKODE21006965KASARANI 280INDEPENDENTThe Commission is verifying the veracity of academic certificates issued to the aspirant from a an academic institution in Uganda which are alleged to be forged.
17.MOHAMED ALI KOMBO22091318NYALI 004INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
18.MACMILLAN NYANGE MWAWAZA21702263VOI 026INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
19.SIAT KEDIE SALAT8054078IJARA 032INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned  from  the  Prison  Service  as  at  9th  February 2022  in  line  with  Section  43(5)  of  the  Elections  Act, 2011.
20.ABDULLAHI KHALIF BULLE24308644WAJIR SOUTH 038INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
22.STEPHEN MBURU INJIA MWAURU9945986KANDARA 109INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
23.JOHN NJENGA KEZIAH24712862GATUNDU NORTH 112INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
24.NAFTALY RUGARA MUIGA10845304JUJA 113INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
25.EMMANUEL EDUNG LOBOLIA20679890KWANZA 136INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
26.JOHN MUKONYOLE IYADI22929189ENDEBESS 137INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
27.DAVID WAFULA LWANGALE13415800KWANZA 136INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
28.NATHAN KITIO PSIWA7030431ENDEBESS 137INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
30.WOLLACE NDERITU KARIUKI24171297LAIKIPIA WEST 163INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
31.DAVID LEKUTA RUDISHA27699630KILGORIS 177INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
32.JAMES PHILIP WANDAHWA6283956BUTERE 207INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
33.KISAKA EDWIN MUNIALO13660304LIKUYANI 200INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
34.WALIAULA MOSES MAKOKHA2082193SIRISIA 217INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
35.NALWA BENJAMIN21563037MALAVA 201MAENDELEO DEMOCRATIC PARTYThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
36.ABDULLAHI ABDI (ALIO BANK) ALIO0034389MANDERA EAST 043KANUThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
37.JOSPHAT MURILA JEMOVO10919429HAMISI 213KANUThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
38.GEORGE TEDDY SIRIMA OKARO10412533BUTULA 229KANUThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
39.DORIS NYAMVULA LEUGA10092745KILIFI NORTH 011JUBILEEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
40.CAROLINE DOME10748696LUGARI 199JUBILEEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
41.BEATRICE MANYASI11472063NAVAKHOLO 203JUBILEEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
42.MARY MAKOKHA7893347MUMIAS WEST 204JUBILEEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
43.SECRET JOY AMBETSA22026876KHWISERO 208JUBILEEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
44.MARY NYAGONCHERE MURIMI27337124KURIA EAST 260WIPER DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
45.WILMA AKINYI ONYANGO25423216URIRI 257WIPER DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
The  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
47.SAMUEL KOMBE NZAI11641028MAGARINI 017NATIONAL RAINBOW COALITIONThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
48.ADEN ABDULLAHI YUNIS1718319GARISSA TOWNSHIP 027DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
49.GEORGE MORARA OBARA10492389NYARIBARI CHACHE 267DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
50.DAVID ARASA OIRERE11136983WEST MUGIRANGO 271USAWA KWA WOTEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
51.JUDY BEATRICE NJOKI MAKIRA11667854KIHARU 106USAWA KWA WOTEThe  Commission  sought  confirmation  whether  the aspirant resigned  from  the  University  of  Embu  as  at 9th  February  2022  in  line  with  Section  43(5)  of  the Elections Act, 2011. The University has confirmed that resignation was tendered on 9th February, 2022; but the aspirant has continued with her engagement as a lecturer purportedly because her area of specialization could   not  be   replaced  immediately.   The  aspirant remains  on  the  payroll  of  the  university  as  at  31st May, 2022.
52.EMADAU OBWIN ROBIN25688756TESO SOUTH 226USAWA KWA WOTEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
53.KENNETH MURIITHI29954198KAJIADO EAST 185USAWA KWA WOTEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
54.EMMA MERCYLINE OTIENO32661239SEME 241USAWA KWA WOTEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
55.WILJUSTUS ELIM LOPEYOK21671939TURKANA SOUTH 127UNITED DEMOCTRATIC ALLIANCEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
56.OSCAR KIGEN SHAMALLA23581675SHINYALU 209NATIONAL RECONSTRUCTI ON ALLIANCEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
57.SAMMY SILAS KOMEN MWAITA0335079BARINGO CENTRAL 159INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  has  investigated  numerous  reports on  illegal  and  irregular  allocation  of  public  land  to private  individuals  and entities,  which  was  facilitated by the aspirant during his tenure as the Commissioner of   Lands.   Pursuant   thereto,   the   Commission   has recommended  prosecution  of  the  aspirant,  and  also instituted recovery proceedings where the aspirant is a  Defendant  and  judgment  has  been  issued  against the  aspirant  and  other  parties.  Some  of  the  cases include  KSM  ELC  No.  423  of  2015  for  recovery  of Kisumu  municipality  block  7/509  belonging  to  Kenya railways;  KSM  ELC  No.  686  of  2015  for  recovery  of Kisumu  municipality  block  7/455  belonging  to  Kenya railways; KSM ELC 731 of 2015 for recovery of Kisumu municipality block 7/542; Kisumu ELC NO 872 of 2015 for  recovery  of  property  Kisumu  municipality  block 7/520 and Kisumu ELC No. 901 of 2015 being a suit to recover property Kisumu municipality block 7/521.
Many other matters of similar nature are still pending in court against the Aspirant.
58.VINCENT KIPKURUI TUWEI8968698MOSOP 156INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  investigated  report  on  fraudulent acquisition of public properties at Kisumu belonging to Kenya Railways. The aspirant was sued in two cases namely Kisumu ELC No. 872 of 2015 (KACC VS Hon Incent  Kipkirui  Tuwei)  and  Kisumu  ELC  No.  901  of 2015 (KACC  VS Hon  Vincent Kipkirui  Tuwei)  being a suit  to  recover  property  Kisumu  municipality  block 7/521.  The  Commission  obtained  judgment  against the aspirant on
6/3/2020 allowing recovery of the parcels from the aspirant.