KSSSA (Kenya Secondary Schools Sports Association). This is the body that runs all secondary schools' sports in Kenya.
KSSSA (Kenya Secondary Schools Sports Association). This is the body that runs all secondary schools' sports in Kenya. KSSSA Games

The Ministry of Education has released guidelines to be followed during the school games competitions.


These guidelines provide clear and actionable guidance on measures and protocols to be put in place for safe resumption of games and sports through prevention and control of COVID-19, during school teams training, games time tournament and championships. The guidelines apply to primary and secondary school games and sports. The intended users of these guidelines include: learners/ trainees, teachers, sports officials, non-teaching staff, parents/ guardians, communities and partners.

The guidelines also categorises games that are non-contact, low risk and high risk.  The guidelines will advise the Ministry of Education on policy guidelines on how and when the games can resume at competitive level.

Additionally, the guidelines will be implemented mainly in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government, other line ministries, County Governmentsand other key stakeholders.

The guidelines herein will be reviewed from time to time with guidance from Ministry of Health to ensure they align with new information on COVID -19 and global best practices.

2.1 Objectives of The Guidelines/Protocols

  1. Sensitizesecondary schools, primary schools and Teachers Training Colleges (TTCs) sports officials on the COVID-19, safety and health  guidelines developed by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Sports, Culture and Heritage.
  2. Identify and justify sports that are non contact, low risks  and high risk in COVID-19 era.
  3. Identify health and movement activities with low risks in regard to COVID-19, safety measures.
  4. Put in placemeasuresto ensure that identified sporting events are planned and executed in line with relevant best practice and in accordance with the Ministry of Health and WHO rules and regulations onCOVID 19.
  5. Provide a framework for the detection, isolation and management of a positive COVID19 infected person(s) or contacts of persons participating in sports.
  6. Develop a COVID-19 infection control manual for co-curricular activities for Basic Education Institutions
  7. Develop simple procedures for tournament organisation.


3.1    Introduction:

What is corona virus?

  • Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
  • In humans they can cause mild disease similar to a common cold – others cause more severe disease (such as MERS and SARS )
  • Some coronaviruses that are found in animals can infect humans (zoonotic diseases)
    • Emerging respiratory viruses
  • Scientists have discovered that viruses continue to emerge and pose challenges to public health
  • Emerging respiratory viruses which currently, include;
    • 2002: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome corona virus (SARSCoV)
    • 2009: H1N1 influenza
    • 2012: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome corona virus (MERSCoV)
    • 2019: Novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

3.1.1 How do new viruses emerge?

  • The human health, animal health and the state of ecosystems are inextricably linked
  • 70-80% of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases are known to be of zoonotic origin (animals and human transmission)
  • Population growth, climate change, increasing urbanization, and international travel and migration all increase the risk for emergence and spread of respiratory pathogens

3.2 The Symptoms of COVID-19

3.3 Transmission


3.4 Clinical Management of COVID-19

  • Limited information is available to characterize the spectrum of clinical illness associated with COVID-19.
  • No vaccine or specific treatment for COVID-19 is available.
  • Care is supportive.”


3.5 Prevention



There are currently no vaccines available to protect against human coronavirus infection. Transmission is reduced through;

·       Washing your hands often with soap and water/sanitizing your hands.  Dry your hands thoroughly with a disposable paper towel.

·       Avoid close contact with people who are sick


If you are mildly sick, keep yourself hydrated, stay at home, and rest


If you are concerned about your symptoms, you should see your healthcare provider


3.5.0 Hand hygiene practices

  • Hand hygiene is the cornerstone of infection prevention and control and it is the single most effective method to prevent the spread of many communicable diseases.
  • We can use the following:
    • Plain soap & water
    • Alcohol based hand gel
    • 05% chlorine solution
    • Appropriate techniques of hand washing must be adhered to as recommended by WHO/MoH.

Using 0.05% chlorine solution?

Statistics – Kenya and Embu (15/10/2020)


3.6 COVID-19 Kenya Statistics as at 18th October, 2020

The data provided by the Ministry of Health was as follows;

  • Total tested -621,976.
  • Confirmed cases – 44,881.
  • Recovered – 31,857.
  • Active cases – 12,192.
  • Deaths – 832.


3.7 Sports Management during COVID19 Pandemic


Sports associations or federations that would wish to resume sports must ensure the following is done and thoroughly implemented.

  • Temperature check or screening to be done before the start of sports and maintain coughing and sneezing etiquette.
  • Marking of fields and also minimize/avoid physical contact.
  • Games that allow physical distancing to be encouraged.
  • Swimming to be avoided until COVID19 risk is over.
  • Always keep at least 1 meter social distance during sports.
  • All inactive participants/officials to put masks appropriately.
  • Hand washing stations to be strategically fixed in the fields, and liquid soap provided.
  • Avoid touching eyes, face, nose and mouth (T-zone).
  • Cleaning and disinfection of cloak rooms/washrooms.
  • Safe waste management, especially the medical waste, by use of pedal operated bins.
  • Don’t shake hands, hug or high five during games; neither should participants share food or bottle of water during games.
  • Don’t participate in sports if feeling sick, and visit the nearest health facility.
  • Don’t overcrowd at any one point, or hold hands rails at any given point.
  • Eat and drink healthy.
  • Swimming and Gymnastics should be discouraged in all institutions until COVID19 risk is over.
  • There should be plans to mainstreaming the physically challenged/disabled in sports.




The Ministry of Education inaugurated a COVID-19 response Committee on 13th March 2020. The committee came up with a lot of recommendations for the re-opening of educational institutions within the context of COVID-19 which required adequate preparations by the education sector and close collaboration with the Ministry of Health.  This is to manage early detection and prevention of infection, control and management of COVID-19 in schools.

These guidelines outline how public health recommendations in the context of COVID-19 can be made practicable, how communities and education partners can provide support.

The committee developed guidelines/protocols to address the issues of social distancing and hygiene and sanitation. Social distancing are measures put in place to restrict where and when people can gather in order to stop or slow the spread of the infectious disease.  In education settings, social distancing of at least one meter will be required to be maintained in the commonly shared areas such as classrooms, boarding facilities, sanitary facilities, kitchen/dining hall, learners transport, co-curricular activities.

In order to combat COVID-19, clear focus on issues of health, nutrition and sanitation demands for concerted effort of everyone in the institution and the community.  Timely provision of adequate water supply is critical for hygiene and sanitation which will help in reduction of COVID-19 in schools.

The following are the various areas that were covered by the guidelines, that will be key for implementation for institutions to be safe for sports resumption.

4.1 Leadership and Management:


The management willestablishCOVID-19 response committee who will guide on strategic direction, policiesand procedures on COVID- 19.They will also communicate COVID 19 Messages to all stake holders through various channels. There should be clearly stipulated roles and responsibilities as well as spelt out working, monitoring and reporting procedures on COVID 19 and sports.

It will ensure activities/events requiring huge gatherings such as games, AGMs, sports day etc. are controlled.

4.2 Boarding Facilities and sanitation

A distance of one point five metres (1.5m) should be permanently marked between occupied beds.Adequate hand washing points and sanitizers should be availed in the dormitories i.e. at the entrance and inside the dormitories.The dormitories must be friendly to people living with disabilities.

There should be proper ventilation, disinfection of facilities and proper waste management.

All boarding institutions must providebathrooms at the ratio of two to twenty five (2:25) for female students and two to fifty (2:50) for male students.

All toilets/latrines should be clearly labeled designatedand messages on COVID-19 should be displayed around sanitation facilities.

Sanitary disposal bins for female learners should be provided in the toilets. They should have proper cover and pedal to avoid touching by the learners and trainees.

There should be disability friendly toilets for learners and staff.

4.3Kitchen/ Dining Hall


A distance of one point five metres (1.5m) must be maintained between participants while in the dining halls. There should be proper ventilation and disinfection of kitchen/dinning hall facilities such as door nobs rails and tables.

There must be proper waste management such as provision of pedal operated bins.

And adequate water points and sanitizer stations should be established.

The kitchen staff must have appropriate protective clothing including head gear, uniform and footwear.Food handlers should obtain medical certificates.

The dining halls should be friendly to participants living with disabilities.

4.4Schools Transport Protocols


Participants should maintain at least one point five metre (1.5m) distance from others while waiting to board institutions buses; the ground should be clearly marked and Staggered pick-up and drop off times considered to limit the number of people at the institution during these times.

During transport- the buses should have the windows open unless it is windy or raining.Participantsalso should wear facemasks and sit at leastone point five metre (1.5m) distance from each other in accordance with COVID 19 protocols while on transit. They must remain seated while on board to avoid touching one another and other surfaces.

Records of Participants using institutional transport and where learners are picked must be maintained. The institution should also maintain updated information on who is picking them. There should be Hand washing facilities provided at transport hubs with liquid soap and water.

Institutions should ensure learners’ transport comply with the Legal Notice No. 50 of 6th April, 2020 which licenses vehicles to carry not more than fifty percent (50%) of the capacity or as may be advised by relevant authorities from time to time

Frequently touched surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected between each journey using detergents followed by household disinfectants or disinfectant wipes.

All drivers shall observe COVID-19 protocol and learners’ or trainees’ temperatures should be screened using thermo-gun while boarding the bus.

4.5Institutions Ground


The institutions’ compounds shall be fenced off with manned gates clearly indicating the entry and the exit.

The institutions’ compound shall be clean and well maintained at all times. There should be enhanced signage in all areas of the institutions’ compounds to improve movement and social distancing such as designated entrances, demarcated common spaces and floor markings.

4.6 Water


Availability of water remains crucial to support personal hygiene including drinking and hand washing with soap as a key preventive measure. Water should also be available for regular cleaning, laundry and other purposes.


The following guidelines shall be followed:

Safe water source shall be ensured in all institutions with adequate designated hand washing points at the ratio of one hand washing point to twenty-five (1:25) learners.


Water shall be made available through on-site taps, or reservoir at the institutions and containers filled regularly. Five (5) litres per child per day in day school and twenty (20) litres per day in boarding schools.


Participants/officials shall avoid sharing cups or glasses while drinking water.


Where standard taps are in use, they should be regularly cleaned or paper towels provided to be used while opening and closing taps.


Ensure water safety by treating, regularly cleaning and covering water storage facilities in institutions.

4.7 Institutions’ Canteens


The number of participants who enter the canteens should be regulated to avoid overcrowding.Queues should be managed in line with social distancing procedures.

Hand washing points should be equipped with water and soap or hand sanitizers and disposable paper towels at the entry to the canteens.

The floor inside the canteens should be marked to facilitate compliance with the physical distancing, particularly in the most crowded areas, such as serving counters and tills.

4.8Waste Management


There should be proper collection, storage, transfer or elimination of waste in institution particularly collecting and elimination of waste that could be contaminated.

Pedal-operated waste collection bins should be availed at the point of use within all institutions’ buildings.

4.9Co-Curricular Activities Protocols


Fields shall be appropriately marked to ensure learners play different games that avoid touching or holding each other.Handshakes and hugs to celebrate achievements during and after events are prohibited. The exchange and sharing of uniforms is prohibited.

The team event organizers should gather teams in one place prior to and until the end of the championship.  They will keep records and contact information of all the athletes, athlete support personnel and any other person for ease of contact tracing. Where learners will be engaged in games within the institutions compound, teachers should ensure that the learnersWash hands thoroughly well with running water before and after games and

Always keep a distance of at least one (1.5) meter between each other as they play.


Always wear a mask when not playing and use sanitized and safe sports equipment.


Avoid touching eyes, face, nose, ears and mouth using hands.Don’t hug during games as a way of celebrating a winavoid sharing food or water bottlers in the field and donot play if feeling unwell.




5.1 Objectives of these guidelines

Ensure sports events are planned and executed in line with relevant best practice and in accordance with the MOH/WHO guidelines;

Ensure compliance of the established guidelines and protocols to guarantee health and safety of participants.


General Guidelines

Respective Sports Organizations to ensure they disseminate information about COVID-19 as released by the MOH to Athletes, athlete support personnel, officials, staff and volunteers;

  • A fully fledged health and safety COPVID 19 response team must be established to ensure adherence to the laid down protocols. It MUST comprise members from MOH and technical experts in various categories of sports who shall be coordinated by an overall safety protocol
  • Ensure the availability of hand washing facilities, alcohol-based sanitizers and Gun thermometers at the training and competition sites;
  • Venue operators should ensure safe environments, carry out regular cleaning and disinfection of venues, associated fixtures and equipment
  • All staff working in sports venues during events will all have to take the COVID-19 tests;
  • No press conference will be allowed except flash interviews for athletes. Such interviews to be conducted respecting the social distancing of 1.5 meters and more;
  • Handshakes, hugs to celebrate achievements during and after events is prohibited;
  • Exchange and sharing of uniforms is prohibited;
  • Team event organizers, should gather teams in one place prior to and until the end of the championship. The organizers will keep records and contact information of all the athletes, athlete support personnel and any other person for ease of contact tracing; Any suspected cases of COVID-19 to be processed in line with the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health;
  • There will be signage at every entrance and strategic locations to remind all persons of the COVID-19 measures; and
  • Body temperature checks shall be conducted to all persons at the time of entry to the venue.(Anyone with a body temperature reading above 37.5˚C will not be allowed into any sporting venue)


5.2 Testing Guidelines for participants

  • Testing of athletes and other actors to be undertaken Ninety Six hours into thecompetition.
  • The testing conducted to any athletes and athlete support personnel will be done at thediscretion of the Federations/Sporting institutions to safeguard the athletes and athletessupport personnel from COVID-19 effects, but in circumstances where necessary, theministry may direct testing for a particular athlete, team, institution, club and/or eventstaff at the cost of those being tested.
  • All those travelling out of the country, will be required to adhere COVID-19 Guidelines and requirements of the host country.
  • All players confined for activities such as training camps in groups shall undergo COVID-19 tests.
  • All athletes and athlete support personnel who have pre-existing conditions should not participate in competitions or trainings unless they have a clean bill of health from their doctors.
  • Any player with detected symptoms should be isolated.
  • Testing will not be required for non-contact sports unless an athlete or athlete handler shows signs of COVID-19;
  • All costs for testing of athletes and athlete handlers who require testing will be met by the respective event organizers or Sports Organization.
  • Testing of athletes and other actors to be undertaken ninety-six hours into the competition (from when the competition begins). These athletes and actors found negative will then be required to be booked/checked in a facility with no access to the general population.
  • Specific guidelines for managers of indoor facilities
  • Managers of sports facilities are responsible for ensuring compliance with the healthguidelines issued by the Ministry of Health.
  • The managers must work in collaborationwith the sports organizations, if applicable;
  • To ensure that social distancing guidelines are followed, solid partitions can beinstalled in certain areas (e.g. reception, in front of the markers) or between thepieces of equipment (e.g. equipment in the gym);
  • Changing rooms accessibility is restricted in order to promote social distancing.
  • Access to showers in the changing rooms is restricted, provided social distancingguidelines are followed and the area is disinfected after every use; and
  • Access to non-essential common areas that lend themselves to gathering is restricted
  • Loitering around the entrance and exit is prohibited.

5.3 Venue preparedness

  • Identification and appointment of COVID-19 Sport champions and response personnel/teams;
  • Health checks, testing and screening for athletes, athlete support personnel, sport officials, venue staff, sport goods suppliers and any other persons authorized to facilitate sports as and when identified;
  • Fully endorsed action plans by organizers, which must align to these protocols and other international guidelines isolation and medical rooms to be availed in every venue.
  • Sufficient water supply, soaps, trash cans, alcohol-based sanitizers to be availed.
  • Venue should be thoroughly disinfected prior to any event.
  • Seating places should show social distancing.
  • Entry and Exit points should be clearly marked.
  • Signage about COVID-19 should be clearly displayed at the venue.
  • Designated places for PWDs and other vulnerable groups must be clearly set.
  • NOTE: Camps, private sports clubs, training and talent academies should adhere to the same protocols


5.4 Venue Guidelines

  • Adequate Supplies – constant water supply, hand washing facilities, soap, paper towels, tissues, no-touch foot pedal trash cans, sanitizers;
  • Adequate supply of PPEs for venue staff undertaking cleaning and disinfection;
  • Provision of more waste disposal facilities and safe removal of waste before, during and after events;
  • Enhancing cleaning and disinfection of busy areas; Development and display of venue policies and information boards;
  • Provision of isolation, quarantine and medical rooms;
  • Provision of medical services – it is recommended that properly equipped and manned ambulances be stationed at the venue. All such ambulances to have adequate PPEs;
  • Venue Disinfection after completion of each sporting activity; and staff accessing the venue should have proper PPEs.

5.5 Swimming Pools/Aquatic Venues

  • All water sports with high aerosol levels such as swimming to remain closed;
  • Saunas, steam rooms, and hot tubs should remain closed.



5.6 Pre-Competition Guidelines

Event Management Planning:

A maximum of two (2) physical meetings is recommended and they should last not more than one hour otherwise teleconferencing and virtual meetings are encouraged.During such meetings, it is encouraged that they be held in line with general government protocols for conducting meetings, events and workshops.


5.7In-Competition Guidelines

During the competitions including, any tournaments, matches, leagues and/or games, athletes and all other sports stakeholders are advised to follow the following

Inactive athletes, athlete support personnel and officials should be allocated designated areas where social distancing must be observed;

  • All but active athletes and event officials will be required to sanitize, wear face masks and observe social distancing while working.
  • It is recommended that athletes be allowed to take health breaks to allow personal hydration; Proper personal hygiene shall be observed at all times. Handshakes, high-fives, hugging shall not be permitted;
  • All other health and safety requirements must be followed;
  • Athletes, athlete support personnel and officials should refrain from sharing water coolers, drinking stations, water bottles and other drinking devices;
  • Participants’ personal effects to be kept to a strict minimum (e.g. water bottle and towel) and are not to be left just anywhere. Specific areas may be designated for this purpose;
  • Spaced blocks of activities (staggered schedules) should be encouraged. These staggered schedules allow enough time for the staff to disinfect grounds and equipment between groups of participants;


5.8Post-Competition Guidelines

At the completion of any sporting activity, all athletes, athlete support personnel and stakeholders are required to observe all existing regulations on public health and social measures to control spread of COVID-19 in the following aspects:

  • Transportation of athletes to be carried out as guided by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure; Cleaning and disinfection of the used venue and all equipment;
  • Collection and proper disposal of waste;
  • Anti-Doping will be conducted in line with respective guidelines; and
  • Post- event meetings to be kept at a minimum. Event organizing co-partners to prepare an event report to be filed with the relevant authorities.

5.9 Guidelines for indoor facilities

Frequently touched surfaces and equipment (doorknobs, sinks,training kits etc.) must be cleaned several times a day. Frequency of cleaning and disinfection to be determined based on the amount of traffic;

  • Fitness rooms and gyms should be disinfected and aired out after each session. The schedule should provide time between training sessions or matches for full disinfection when required, depending on the type of physical or sports activity; and there should be proper and sufficient ventilation with air not being blown directly to people.
  • The number of people per session must be comfortable enough to cater for social distancing and avoid overcrowding.
  • Ensure handwashing facilities, alcohol-based hand sanitizers are readily available for all. Posters on COVID-19 awareness and prevention should be displayed in the venue and be clearly visible for all participants.
  • NOTE: Camps, private sports clubs, training and talent academies should adhere to indoor facilities protocols

5.10Guidelines for handling equipment and materials

  • It is recommended that shared objects and equipment be disinfected regularly.
  • Each participant should use his or her own equipment as much as possible. If this is not possible, the equipment should be changed regularly during the activity and washed with hot water and soap or an effective disinfectant between activities
  • If the players bring their own equipment (e.g. a ball, rackets, hockey sticks), a person designated by the club must disinfect it before the players take it to the field. Hands do not frequently touch some objects, such as cones and hurdles, during the sports activity. People should be asked to wash their hands after handling them.
  • The sharing of team equipment and uniforms is not permitted. Federation/Clubs to make arrangements for regular cleaning and disinfection of equipment and team uniforms;
  • After the training session or match, kits should be removed and washed with regular laundry detergent.

5.11Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Ensure compliance
  • Draw lessons from experience in order to adjust intervention strategies;
  • Improve the design/nature of the guidelines;
  • Determine the adequacy of the guidelines to overcome the identified constraints;
  • Compare the actual outcome of the guidelines and identify the reasons for shortfalls or achievements.


6.1 Introduction

Sports can be broadly divided into six (6) broad categories, that is outdoor recreation, water sports, non-contact, contact sports (low risk), high contact sports

The resumption to sports and recreational activities will take place in phases based on the COVID-19 scenario in the country

The table below highlight this categorisation of some of the sports as guided by the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Heritage. Listed are only those applicable to schools

Outdoor recreation (to open)Non-contact sports (to open observing containment measuresContact sports (low-risk) remain closedContact sports high risk (to remain closed)Water sports (remain closed)
–        Jogging

–        Team building

–        Trekking

–        Tug of war

–       Athletics, Heptathlon, Decathlon

–       Badminton

–       Table tennis

–       Gymnastics

–       Darts

–       Cycling

–       Soccer

–       Hockey

–       Netball

–       Basket ball

–       Hand ball

–       Volleyball


–       Boxing

–       Karate

–       Judo

–       Rugby

–       Chess

–       Scrabble

–       gymnastics


–       Swimming

–       Lifesaving


6.2  Justification: Non-contact and Low-risk

1.NetballPlayers keep a distance of 1 m/ observe 1m rule
2.BasketballNon contact game – players are penalised for holding , pushing, running unto blocking etc
3.Badminton(especially for singles)There are 2 sides in the field of play
4.Lawn /tennis (singles)There are 2 sides in the field of play
5.Athletics (especially the field events)Athletes use different  lanes

Number of athletes can be regulated

6.HandballAccording to rules  HB is a non contact game though players  use the same ball
7.Soccer/VolleyballIf rules are followed, it is a low risk game
8.HockeyOnly 2 players can scrabble at the same time, ball hitting any part of the body is a foul.  The ball may only be touched by hand when being carried to a foul position and player should now be encouraged to hit it with the stick to the position to minimise hand contamination.


7.1 Pre-Competition

The following guidelines are critical in the pre-competition stages;

  • Maintain an adequate ratio of coach to participant for adequate supervision.
  • Participants to hydrate often by provision of adequate safe drinking water.
  • Keep training sessions short.
  • Ensure participants put on clean face masks when not in action.
  • Avoid contacts that are unnecessary (handshakes, high fives, hugs, pecks fist-ups )
  • After testing keep the participants away from contact until the end of the competitions.
  • Ensure adequate accommodation villages that are compliant with COVID 19 protocols.
  • Maintain proper records of participants for contact tracing for the required period of competition.


7.1.1 Venue preparation

  • Clearly display posters on COVID-19 protocols, at strategic points on portable stands, all over the field, venue and rooms.
  • Ensure proper signage to control flow of movement.
  • Designate hand wash pointswith soap at strategic places at the venues.
  • Screen all for temperature and keep the records.
  • All non-participants to have their face masks on at all times.
  • Source, account for and sanitize all the equipment beforehand.
  • Fumigate the field/rooms and the village before and after use.
  • Avail adequate peddleoperated wastebins at strategic points in the venue.

7.1.2 Handling competitors.

  • Screen for temperature in call room/checking area.
  • Regular reminder via public address systemon the health and safety protocols throughout the duration of the championship.
  • A structured communication to technical persons and officials on guidelines and information governing the competitions.
  • Provide facilities that ensure compliance with the protocols e.g. the time keepers stand should cater for social distance.

7.2 During competition

The following guidelines should be observed;

  • Observe social distance while at the venues.
  • All competitors to wear mask unless in action.
  • Should have a clearly labelled personal carrier bag where they personally put their personal effects that should not be shared.
  • The organizers should provide an ambulance manned by well-trained medical personnel and paramedics.
  • All technical officials to be provided with latex hand gloves and sanitizers.
  • Safety protocol officials to be in-charge of sanitizing the equipment, participants as well disinfecting surfaces.
  • Outlaw hawkers from the venues of competition.
  • Regular reminder via public address systemon the health and safety protocols throughout the duration of the championship.
  • Replace the match past with dedicated team stations with use of public address systems to give instructions.
  • Keep sanitation facilities clean and disinfected throughout the day.
  • All equipment for use during the championship should be sanitized and disinfected throughout the championship.
  • Designate working areas for all technical officials.
  • Signage to ensure well-coordinated human flow.
  • Provide an ambulance in every hosting venue.
  • Have restricted areas for different team/teams.
  • Playing fields should be spaced per identified disciplines to avoid overcrowding.

7.3 Post Competition


  • Award of medals should be in self-service style. Participantsto pick pre-arranged and spaced sanitized medals for themselves in their designated venues.
  • Control celebration of winners to ensure there are no contacts.
  • Restrict the access and activities at the mixed zone areas.
  • Keep proper records of the participants for contact tracing for the required period of time.
  • Fumigate the dormitories after the teams leave to ensure that they are safe for the students of the hosting school.


  • Technical officials


  • Should have their designated rooms and observe social distance
  • Sanitize as they handle the equipment for use
  • Keep social distance as they officiate
  • Prepare materials for use
  • Will be screened and remain in masks
  • Should have identification tags throughout the competition
  • Remain in their designated fields of action to avoid too much interaction
  • All officials must be vaccinated.


  • Service providers


  • Identify and sensitize all essential service providers e.g. sponsor, media, catering, securityofficers
  • Designate their operation points/rooms
  • They MUST abide by the health and safety protocols e.g.being screened, being in face masks, observing social distance.
  • Ensure catering service providers are vetted, permitted by Public Health officials and comply with the health and safety protocols. They should be in their appropriate safety attire and always have their identification tags on at all times.
  • Should ensure that their clients observe social distance as they serve them.


  • Transport
  • Buses should carry recommended capacity of passengers as per the Ministry of Transport Guidelines.
  • Buses are required to be fumigated and thoroughly cleaned
  • Passengers to observe a social distance as per the Ministry of Transport Guidelines.
  • These should be adequate ventilation
  • Before boarding, participants should be screened for temperature and should be in well-worn face masks
  • Should have waste collection bins for waste management and disposal
  • All buses should be fumigated before and after use.
  • The drivers MUST comply with the health and safety protocols.
  • Sitting positions should be maintained throughout the journey under supervision a dedicated health and safety transport protocol official.


  • Cleaning of the venue
  • Ensure proper disposal of the wastes.
  • Clean the whole field by collecting all the litter and safely dispose it.
  • Fumigate all the rooms that were used for accommodation.
  • Clean and disinfect all the toilets and bathroom before and after use.
  • Keep records of the participants for contact tracing in case of need.
  • Ensure the cleaners are well equipped and comply with the COVID 19 protocols.


7.4 Guidelines for Managers/Referees/Judges/Coaches/Umpires


  • They should be screened and sanitize regularly.
  • Should remain in designated areas during the competition.
  • Observe health and safety protocols before, during and after competition.
  • Declare their official residence during the championship.
  • Prepare and carry out sensitization on COVID 19 protocols before the start of the matches
  • Maintain clear record keeping and tracking tools.
  • Should supervise warm up to ensure compliance with health and safety protocols.
  • Should maintain their equipment and stationery (No Sharing)
  • EnsureTrophies and medals are sanitized and given to the coach of the winning team at the respective playing venue/field.
  • They shall call for a let if a player persistently coughs or sneezes during play to allow for sanitization and disinfection of the playing. (KSSSA rule modification).
  • All officials should have designated places for storing their referee equipment bag.
  • Coaches and other officials should avoid shouting near the participants.

7.5 Testing Guidelines


  • Be carried out as per Ministry of Health (MOH) guidelines. MOHto guide on the testing of participants, officials, fatigue team, sponsors, media etc.
  • Temperature checks to be done throughout the competition at close interval e.g. 3 times a day.


7.6Guidelines for team training – in schools

  • Coach should organize screening of temperatures
  • Coach should ensure that the players have their own training kits
  • Coach should have individual skill training and non-active players should be in mask and sit at designated points
  • Coach should ensure that social distance is observed
  • Have designated areas for players to train
  • There should be no hugging, handshaking or body contacts as players celebrate
  • Coach should always have contact of a nearest health facility and means oftransport to ferry a player in case of emergencies
  • Ensure there is a mannedisolation room.








8.1 Definition of athletics

Athletics is a group of sporting events that includes:- competitive running, jumping, throwing implements and race walking. For athletes they compete for speed and strength. For speed it is determined by who finishes faster and for strength who can throw furthest. For combined events, athletes compete for strength, speed and technique.


Athletics is mostly an individual/sport with exception of relay Races and Competitions which combine athletes’ performance for a team score – e.g. Cross Country and combined events (Decathlon/Heptathlon).

Based on health and safety protocol due to the COVID 19 pandemic, athletics has been categorized as a low risk event for school sports. Recommended health and safety protocols for various categories of events need to be observed.


  • Events done on the track involve:-


  1. Sprints include -100m, 200m, 400m, 100/110m (H), 400m (H).
  2. Middle distance include: – 800m, 1500, 3000m, 2000m (s/c), 3000m(s/c).
  3. Long distance: – 5000m, 10,000m.


  1. Race walking:- 5000m(W), 10,000m(M)
  2. Relays:- 4x100m(R), 4x400m(R), 4x100m(Medley), 4x400m(Medley)


  1. Field events involve:-

(i)Throws –Javelin, shot put, discus, hammer

(ii) Jumps– Long jump, Triple Jump, High Jump, Pole vault

  1. Cross country. 6Kms for Junior women an 8Kms for Junior men


  1. Combined events –


Decathlon (10 events Men only)

Day 1: 100M, Long jump, shot put, high jump, 400M

Day 2: 110M (H), discuss, pole vault, javelin and 1500M


Heptathlon (7 events Women only)

Day 1: 100M (H),  high jump, shot put, 200M

Day 2: Long jump,  javelin and 800M




The Ministry of Education, in conjunction with the school sports associations offer athletics as one of the disciplines in the sports calendar

A full athletics team comprising of participants in all the above mentioned events has maximum 40 male athletes and 40 female athletes, total 80.


The result of racing (track) event are decided by finishing position (and/or time, where it’s measured) while the jumps are won by the athlete with highest measurement from a series of attempts.  For throws, equally the athlete with the furthest measurements after a series of attempts wins the events.

The simplicity of the competitions, lack of need for expensive equipment, chance for individual athlete to shine all the way to international level, ability for all schools/students to participate, makes athletics one of the most common types of sports in our schools and all over the world.

Athletics is mostly an individual/sport with exception of relay Races and Competitions which combine athletes’ performance for a team score – e.g. Cross Country and combined events (Decathlon/Heptathlon).

8.2 Importance of Athletics in School.

The lessons learned in Athletics, combined with the knowledge that studentathletes must do well in school to participate, motivates their persistence and drive for success.

Pairing these athletic experiences with rigorous academic curriculum, students are able to work on self-discipline, respect, communication skills and collaboration- All attributes that will greatly benefit them in their lives very necessary life skills.

Adolescents that participate in sports as school aged children are much more likely to participate in physical activity as adults and are less likely to experience depression, use drugs or be of immoral behaviour.

8.3 Benefits of Athletics

  • Improves physical health.
  • Provides children a safe and healthy activity.
  • Instils discipline and commitment.
  • Promotes interpersonal relationships.
  • Helps mental health.
  • Inculcates social values.
  • Instils self-drive that will help with future schooling and career.

Based on Health and Safety Protocol due to COVID-19 Pandemic, athletics has been categorised as a low risk event for secondary schools sports.

Recommended safety protocol for various categories of events needs to be strictly observed.

8.4 COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocol

8.4.1 Pre-Championship Protocols

  • Prior planning is essential for any successful competition. This planning allows for allocation of Resources, Sourcing, Preparation and Training of the officials, making offixtures/start hints
  • A maximum of two (2) meetings is recommended and they should not last more than one hour. Otherwise teleconferencing and virtual meetings areencouraged. During such meetings it is encouraged that they be held in line with general government protocols for conducting meetings, events and workshops.
  • Undertake sensitization of all athletes and technical officials on the necessary expectations/requirements of the school level/zones.
  • Plan for adequate hand washing water points.
  • Ensure controlled number of participants.
  • Purchase of adequate sanitizers for officials.
  • Identification of call room which conforms toCOVID-19 protocols on safety.
  • Identify and allocate duties to adequate Technical Officials.
  • Preparation and display of proper signage to reflect the COVID-19 protocols.
  • Booking and preparation of adequate hosting venues for use during championship.
  • Allocation of adequate security to help the games/championship flow smoothly.
  • Adequate waste disposal bins for the masks and other wastes.
  • Sourcing and accounting for all the necessary equipment to allow for smooth flow of competition.
  • Teams should be encouraged to have own sanitizers.
  • Allocation of duties for safety judges responsible for sanitizing of all implements before/during /post competition.
  • All officials to be vaccinated.

8.4.2During Championship Protocols

  • Ensure a well supervised and coordinated warm up area for athletes.
  • Well designated entries and exits.
  • Temperature screening of all officials and athletes at the gate.
  • Identify and designate a manned isolation room/tent.
  • COVID-19 signage and signage for flow of movement at the venue taking into consideration COVID-19 protocols should be well displayed.
  • Regular disinfecting of athletics implements and equipment after every use.
  • There should be a minimum of four (4) implements for every field event
  • Having sanitizers/hand washing points with soaps at strategic points.
  • Only accredited people should be allowed into any sporting area. (control the numbers)
  • Social distancing at call room should be observed
  • From call room-athletes should not be taken to the field.
  • Having various venues to decongest villages and fields.
  • Clear instruction must be given to participants (no sharing of uniforms/hand shaking/no high fives, water bottles, and rewards effects).
  • Ensure no hawking of food stuffs in the venue.
  • Call rooms should be in an open structure and marked clearly.
  • Inactive athletes should properly face wear masks.
  • Participating teams recommended to have their own implements.
  • Due to COVID-19 safety protocols, it is recommended that various level associations budget for their own implements to save on time and ensure the safety of their athletes.
  • Participants with underlying conditions should be declared but they should be treated with the confidentiality required.
  • Any player with detected symptoms should quietly be isolated in a way not to cause stigmatization or scare.Officials to man athletes during warm-up ensure hand washing and sanitizing.
  • Use public address system adequately  to manage the athletes.


8.4.3 Post-Championship Protocols

  • Results can be transmitted electronically for summary reports.
  • Trophies should be sanitized and given to the coach of the winning team at the respective playing venue/field.
  • All implements should be disinfected and venue/villages fumigated.
  • On transporting participants/athletes, Ministry of Transport guidelines should be followed.
  • In-active athletes should always be properly wearing facemasks.
  • There is need for post championship reporting to the championship organizers and follow up.
  • Athletes should be dropped back to school to avoid mingling with outsiders.

8.4.4 Emerging issues

  • Medical personnel must be part of the team for the championship
  • Increase in budget allocation at all levels due to increase in the number of officials
  • Formation of COVID-19 rapid response committee, during championship
  • Restricting and regulating spectators
  • More equipment and facilities will be required
  • More hosting institutions required for effective social distancing.

8.5 Protocols for category of events

8.5.1 Throws

  • The throws include; Javelin, shot put, discus, hammer
  • The Safety protocol referee to ensure strict adherence of the COVID-19 protocols by all the judges and athletes on social distancing and sanitization of all equipment.
  • Individual safety protocol judges for each particular event should ensure the equipment is sanitized after every attempt.
  • Athletes to sanitize before every attempt.
  • All equipment should be surrendered to the safety Protocol referee/judge for certification and custody for use upto the end of the event.
  • Safety cage for hammer and discus recommended where possible. In its absence the two events can be done in different venues and times for safety.
  • The 40m runway for the throws should be clearly marked and free of any obstacle/traffic.
  • Teams at all levels to provide their own recommended implements and officials to ascertain their conformity to standards.


  • Jumps

In jumps athletes compete for the highest vertical height and the longest horizontal distance

  1. Vertical jumps involve High Jump Pole vault
  2. Horizontal jumps involve long jump, Triple Jump.

Vertical jumps

  • For vertical Jumps, the crossbar, the uprights/stands and the landing gear should be sanitized/fumigated before the start and during the championships.
  • Individual safety protocol judges to ensure that the sanitization of the equipment before an athlete makes an attempt.
  • Athletes to sanitize before and after every attempt.
  • Safety protocol referee to ensure adherence to the protocols.
  • The vaulting pole should be sanitized before and after use. Minimum no of poles should be 4.
  • Observation of COVID-19 safety protocol should be done by all officials and athletes. COVID-19 safety Referee to ensure this is done.

Horizontal Jumps

  • The runaway should be free of any obstacles or Traffic (width 1.22 m length max 40m).
  • The take-off board should be well placed and visible.
  • On the landing area, the sand should be well levelled and fumigated before every attempt and as they exit.
  • Hand washing points to be availed just outside the landing sector for frequent handwashing by the athletes after every attempt.
  • Allequipment for use e.g. tape measure, flags, cones should be sanitized as well as the officials and athletes using them.
  • Judges to wear gloves.


8.5.3 Athletics-Tracks Events

  • Warm up
  • Supervised and well controlled warm up of the athletes to be supervised by a qualified protocol judge.
  • Washing of hands and sanitization of all athletes when due for warm-up.
  • Enough drinking water to be provided for both athletes and Technical Officials. (No sharing of drinking containers)
  • For warm up the athletes are not supposed to wear the face masks.
  • The safety protocol judge to ensure that only small groups are allowed in the designated warm up area as dictated by the order and timing of the start lists.
  • Social distancing should bestrictly observed as the athletes go to the call room from the warm up area.
  • Adequate security to be provided.
  • Each athlete to have a dedicated carrier bag for his personal effects.



  • Call Room
  • The designated call room should be well labelled, well ventilated/open and fumigated.
  • COVID-19 safety referee to ensure that all safety procedures are followed.
  • Clearly labelled adequate washrooms should be available/nearby to allow the athletes relieve themselves due to the build-up adrenalin.
  • Athletes to be allocated their lanes and starting procedures. The safe custody of their warm up clothes established.
  • Athletes arranged, based on the lane allocation and released to the starter /event starting station.
  • They should sanitize as they leave.


Start of the Races


  • The events run on the lanes (100m, 200, 400, 100m (H), 110m (H), 400m (H), 800m).


  • COVID-19 Safety Protocol judge to ensure that the athletes arrive from call room in order of their lanes and ensure sanitization of the athletes before they start.
  • Athletes handed over to the starter for the starting of the race procedures.
  • On completion of the race, all athletes to maintain their respective lanes as they decelerate and even as they turn back for the judges to record their chest numbers, apart from 800m.
  • In 800m the COVID-19 safety and protocol judge should ensure that the athletes observe the 1.5m social distance after the race.
  • For the hurdle races 100m (H), 110m (H), 400m (H)
  • All the hurdles to be fumigated.
  • Upon any touching/infringement of any hurdle; fumigation should be done before another race starts.
  • Retrieval of the hurdlers after the race should be well coordinated and fumigation ensured.

Track races not run on lanes (curve starts), (1500m, 3000m,5000m, 10,000m, 5000m,(W), 10,000m (W) 2000m S/C).

  • A Safety protocol officer to be available to sanitize the athletes in case of need.
  • Warm up, call-room procedures for sprints apply.
  • Pre-competition preparations should take stock and allow enough heats so as to minimize the number of participants per heat to be between 8 and 16 maximum.
  • Starter to ensure that the starting line-up allows for social distancing between athletes, whether in crouch or staggered group start.
  • Medical personnel to be deployed at intervals along the track to allow for efficient and fast medical support to any athlete in need.
  • Standby ambulance should be available throughout the competition.
  • For the race walking the walk judges to be deployed along the track to efficiently manage the athletes during the walk race.
  • The umpires, judges and the Chief Walk Judge to sanitize as they handle the booking cards.
  • Starting blocks should be sanitized after every race.
  • Drinking water points to be placed along the track to allow for athletes to rehydrate during the long events.(no sharing of drinking water containers)
  • For steeplechase races, the barriers need to be fumigated, the water jump need to be disinfected after every race.
  • At the finishing, the COVID-19 safety and protocol judge to ensure social distancing is observed.
  • On all track and field events, the exit through the mixed zone should be properly supervised to allow for strict adherence to COVID-19 safety and health protocols.

8.5.4 Relay Races:

Relay are team events run by a team of 4 participants at intervals through the handover of relay burton from the start to the finish. They include the following: (4x100m(R), 4x400m(R), 4 x 100m (Medley) 4x 400m (Medley)

  • 4x100m (R) 4 member of the team (same gender) run at intervals of100m.
  • In 4x400m (R), 4 member of the team (same gender) run at intervals of 400m.
  • In 4x100m (Medley), 4 member of the team (2 male and 2 female) run at intervals of 100m.
  • In 4x400m (Medley), 4 members of the team ((2 male and 2 female)) run at intervals of 400m.


  • Starting blocks to be sanitized.
  • All athletes to be sanitized.
  • Relay buttons to be sanitized after every race.
  • Finishing protocols for the sprints and middle distances to apply.


  • Combined Events;

Combined track and field events are competitions in which athletes participate in a number of track and field events, earning points in their performance, which adds to a total points score. A team comprises 5 participants. The best 4 performance add up for the Team score.

The most common combined events are men’s decathlon (10 events) and women Heptathlon (7 events).  The events are done in 2 days.

  • Decathlon (boys) Day 1­:- 100m, long jump, high jump, shot-put, 400m

Day 2:-110m (H) discus, pole-vault, javelin1500m.

  • Heptathlon(girls) Day 1: 100m, High Jump, Shot putt, 200m.

Day 2: Long Jump, Javelin, 800m.

COVID-19 safety and health protocol for the tracks and field events apply respectively.


8.5.6 Cross Country

Cross Country running is a sport in which teams and individuals run a race on open air courses over natural terrain such as dirt or grass.  Junior Men usually race 8km and junior women usually race 6km.

For Team scoring each team enters six athletes, four to score, whereby the position for the top four finishers as added up to get the Team score.  The lower the combined scores, the superior the Team.

On cross county protocol;

  • The marking of the circuit for x-country, the twines/Ribbons/posts, obstacles and banners should be fumigated.
  • During the warm up all athletes to wash hands and sanitize before and after the warm ups.
  • Call room screening to be done, names, chest numbers confirmed: start of the race protocol given out.
  • Starting of the race- all athletes to be placed in the starting boxes while maintaining social distance.
  • Move from Team boxes to starting line,social distance to be maintained.
  • The finishing funnel should allow the athletes to observe social distance.
  • On finishing, the safety judge to ensure that social distancing is ensured and athletes have been sanitized.
  • Only sanitized position cards should be issued.
  • Finishing judges to sanitize the position cards received from athletes before recording on the score sheet.
  • Judges and recorders should sanitize and after handling score sheets.
  • The athletes exit the arena while observing social distancing.
  • The awarding of sanitized medals/trophy/certificates to be done at the venue of event. Social distancing protocols should be observed.








Racquet sports are exciting games of power which require a high level of precision, athleticism, skill, technique and mental abilities. They promote team work, enhance concentration, promotes social relations, develop agility and flexibility.

There are many racquet games.  The most popular are badminton, table-tennis, Tennis and squash. Badminton, table tennis and squash are indoor games while Tennis is an outdoor game. In the KSSSA calendar, Squash is a non-championship game.

The games involves two (singles -1 player on either side) to four (doubles- 2 players on either side). They rally a ball or a shuttle cock on a marked playing surface.

Players use a racquet, for striking a ball or shuttle cock.  Each sport has rules that determine the number of sets, the fouls, scores, change-over and the intervals.

Indoors facilities General guidelines

  • The room should be well ventilated and spacious
  • The room/hall and tables should be fumigated.
  • The room should be thoroughly mopped/well cleaned
  • Teams should be assigned specific areas of operation within the room/hall.
  • Regulate the number of people entering the room.
  • The drying of the playing surface should be done at intervals using non slip detergents.
  • Entrance and exit points should have adequate hand washing facilities with soap.
  • Security officers to control the entry and exit points
  • The tennis cans, shuttle cocks, racquets and nets should be sanitised.
  • Compliance signage with COVID 19 protocols should be observed.

Participants Preparation

  • Sensitization of players before the start of the matches on health and safety protocols including:
  • Washing of hands with soap and running water
  • Screening of body temperature
  • Ensuring social distance of at least 1m at all times
  • Ensuring each player has own personal equipment and effects e.g face towel, racquets, bats, adequate drinking water and playing kits
  • Ensure players submit their equipment for inspection and sanitisation.

Managers/Referees/Judges/Umpires preparation

  • They should be vaccinated.
  • They should be screened for temperature checks and sanitize regularly.
  • Should remain in designated areas during the competition.
  • Observe health and safety protocols before, during and after competition.
  • Declare their official residence during the championship.
  • Prepare and carry out sensitization on COVID 19 protocols before the start of the matches
  • Maintain clear record keeping and tracking tools.
  • Should supervise warm up to ensure compliance with health and safety protocols.
  • Should maintain their equipment and stationery (No Sharing)
  • EnsureTrophies and medals are sanitized and given to the coach of the winning team at the respective playing venue/field.
  • They shall call for a let if a player persistently coughs or sneezes during play to allow for sanitization and disinfection of the playing surface. (KSSSA rule modification).
  • All officials should have designated places for storing their referee equipment bag.





9.1 Table Tennis – Safety Protocols for Resumption of the sport

Table tennis is a sport in which 2 or 4 players hit a light weight tennis ball back and forth across a table with a fixed net using a racquet also known as a club or bat. It is considered a low risk game as players have minimal contact


  • Ensuring that the room is well ventilated
  • Ensuring that the room is spacious enough to accommodate at least 4 tables for competition and at least 2 tables for warm up.
  • The room should be disinfected thoroughly
  • Designating seating area for players, coaches and umpires to ensurespacing of at least 1.5m
  • Draws and fixtures to be displayed at the entrance of the playing hall/room.
  • Putting in place adequate hand washing water points with soapat entry and exit points.
  • Ensuring there is clean and adequate ablution facilities in line withMinistry of health protocols
  • Organisers to ensure that each player has a personal effects bag.
  • A manned isolation room and a stand by ambulance should be provided.
  • COVID 19 messages should be well displayed in and outside the rooms.
  • Signage for flow of movement should be clearly marked.
  • The venue and surrounding environment should be adequately prepared and well maintained.
  • An adequately equipped fatigue crew should be availed per hall for the purpose ofhall disinfection under supervision of the safety protocol judges.
  • No hawking of food items within the playing venues. (Except as approved)
  • All players should observe ministry of health protocols.
  • Intentional spilling of water or saliva spitting in the playing area is prohibited and should it happen, the person should be disqualified for the match and a second time disqualified from the competition. (Rule modification for KSSSA)
  • Students to have enough bats.


In-competition protocol

  • Playing equipment MUST be disinfected at intervals during the game.
  • Players and all officials MUST wash their hands with water and soap/sanitize before the beginning and at the end of the match.
  • Ensure non-contact salutation by bowing as they observe at least 1 m distance from the umpire and opponent. (No shaking of hands before and after the game). This should be supervised by safety protocol judges.
  • Assistant umpire to keep adequate pre-inspected and sanitized balls so that there is continuity of play. Any ball that gets out of the field of play should be sanitized upon return.
  • As the coach gives instructions to the players during intervals while the game is on, designated points should have been set where the distance of at least 1m should be observed at all times
  • Players/coaches/managers/umpires and other officials not directly involved in the on-going match, should be in face masks. Those cheering their teams should use gestures or positive signs. Participating schools shall not release non participants to the hall/room to cheer their teams. No cheering.
  • Adequate officials should be provided for each match.
  • Adequate security and sanitizers should be provided during the game.



9.2 Badminton

This is an indoor racquet game that involves 1 or 2 players on either side of a net, hitting a shuttle cock back and forth across a net. It is played in a near still air environment and is considered as a low risk games as players have minimal contact.


Safety Protocols

  • All players to have their own equipment which must not be shared.
  • Ensure non-contact salutation by bowing as they observe at least 1 m distance from the umpire and opponent. (No shaking of hands before and after the game). This should be supervised by safety protocol judges
  • As the coach gives instructions to the players during intervals while the game is on, designated points should have been set where the distance of at least 1m should be observed at all times
  • Players/coaches/managers/umpires and other officials not directly involved in the on-going match, should be in face masks. Those cheering their teams should use gestures or positive signs. Participating schools shall not release non participants to the hall/room to cheer their teams.
  • Adequate officials should be provided for each match.
  • Adequate security and sanitizers should be provided during the game
  • Maintain a least 2m from the baseline and sideline to keep spectators at bay and account for the flight of the shuttle cock area
  • Provide sufficient head room of at least 8m
  • Limit number of persons in the hall
  • Sanitize the equipment before and /or at intervals and after the match
  • Provision and presence of COVID-19 safety and protocols judges
  • Stagger events to allow for disinfection of the play area.


9.3 Lawn Tennis

An outdoor racquet game that involves 1 or 2 players on either side (single or doubles). It is a moderate risk game as it has minimal contact.

  • The ball is furry (Hairy) thus may attract theCOVID 19 virus if a player coughs and handlesthe ball while in play.

Safety measures/protocols

  • During the game , if a player coughs or sneezes, the umpire shall call for a let to allow the player to sanitize and disinfection be done on the playing surface.
  • All players to have their own equipment which must not be shared.
  • Ensure non-contact salutation by bowing as they observe at least 1 m distance from the umpire and opponent. (No shaking of hands before and after the game). This should be supervised by safety protocol judges
  • As the coach gives instructions to the players during intervals while the game is on, designated points should have been set where the distance of at least 1m should be observed at all times
  • Players/coaches/managers/umpires and other officials not directly involved in the on-going match, should be in face masks. Those cheering their teams should use gestures or positive signs. Participating schools shall not release non participants to the hall/room to cheer their teams.
  • Adequate officials should be provided for each match.
  • Adequate security and sanitizers should be provided during the game
  • Limit number of persons in the playing court.
  • Sanitize the equipment before and /or at intervals and after the match
  • Provision and presence of COVID-19 safety and protocols judges
  • Stagger events to allow for disinfection of the play area.



10.1 Basketball – low risk


  • The game has 12 players but 5 play at a time
  • Game manned by a commissar, 3 referees and 5 technical officials (bench) and 1 assistant scorer, as follows;

Match Officials

  • Match commissars
  • Chief crew
  • Umpire 1
  • Umpire 2
  • Score keeper
  • Time keeper
  • Assistant score keeper (side board)
  • Official ball sanitizer/fumigator
  • Before the game
  • Documentation done earlier – registration form and record kept . done on daily basis
  • Sanitize official balls by spraying
  • Inter health breaks – take water
  • No charming water, bottles. Follow protocols when giving snack.

Safety at School Level


  • The teacher must be present during training sessions
  • Athletes sanitise before going to the court
  • The playing surface and equipment sanitized
  • Players temperature taken and record kept
  • Sanitize after training
  • Observe hygiene
  • Have adequate balls.

Before the game

  • Fumigation of the playground/other surfaces
  • Sanitising the equipment (balls, games, clock etc)
  • Players
  • They sanitize
  • They come in changed
  • They will have their temperature taken and record kept in a prescribed form.
  • No shaking of hands at the start of the match.
  • No close prayers/no psyching up
  • All players must have their accreditation cards on as they come in.
  • All the players have their masks on.

During the game

All the FIBA rules apply.

Other rules:

  • The ball is sanitized anytime it gets out of the playing court (suggestion) to have at least 4 balls placed at each corner of the court (already sanitized)
  • No spectators allowed
  • If in an indoor facility, there should be proper ventilation all the time.
  • Any player who leaves the playing court to go to a washroom must sanitize when he comes back (same with officials)
  • No sharing water bottles
  • Use of official balls only
  • Only the 10 players on the court will not have their masks on
  • Everybody on the bench must have their mask on apart from the coach giving instructions.

After the game

  • Players and officials should not shake hands
  • Players and officials to sanitize before leaving the court
  • No celebration/no high five/certificates/trophies, and medals to be given while sanitized and placed where each player picks for themselves observing social distance
  • Players to leave the court immediately
  • Players to go and shower
  • No group meals
  • Fumigation of the playground and equipment




Handball, also known as Team handball or Olympic Handball, is a fast –paced game played in its modern concentration in a seven a side contest of sixty minutes divided into two periods of Thirty minutes.

The Objective is to throw a ball into a goal and whichever team scores more goals wins.

A standard match consists of two periods of thirty (30) minutes.  Each team consists of seven (7) players.  A goal keeper and counter filed players. Outer field players can touch the ball with any part of their body that is above the knee.

Playing court is 40m long by 20m wide and is rectangular.    Lower boundary corners are called side lines and the shorter end lines are called goal lines and outer goal lines

Safety zone surrounding the court with a width of 1 metre along the side and 2 metres behind the goal line.

Pre competition safety protocols

  • Screening of officials and players, and temperature records kept.
  • Fumigation of the playing court.
  • sanitization of equipment (Ball cards, furniture, nets, goal points
  • Provision of handwashing points with enough water and soap and sanitizer.
  • Signage of entry and exit for movement.
  • Players to wear their uniform and have face masks.
  • There should be a Covid-19 safety protocols official.
  • Players and officials to wash hands/sanitize.
  • Provision of disposal pedal bins.
  • Provision of two ball retrievers wearing masks, hand gloves and face shield.
  • Players and officials to keep social distance.
  • Provision of adequate balls (Suggested four (4) balls.
  • Provision of enough drinking water and no sharing of water bottles.
  • Sensitize players and officially on Covid-19 safety protocols.






In competition safety protocols

  • No handshaking, no hugging and contact psyching.
  • Players not on court to wear face masks. The players in court do not wear masks.
  • The table officials should wear masks and face shield.
  • Provision of hydration water breaks and no sharing of the water bottles.
  • No exchange/sharing of uniforms.
  • During the request for time out, the Coach or his assistant will be required to sanitize his/her hands and the substitution card before giving it to table official and the official should also be sanitized after receiving.
  • The coach should not shout out to players at a close range when giving instructions.
  • Should a player or official leave the playing field for whatever reason during his/her return must sanitize.
  • Avoid unnecessary movements from the completion area during the game.
  • The ball retrievers should stand behind each goal line with gloves, mask and face shield,
  • Should the ball get out, they will retrieve it to the officials table where it will be sanitized before being given back to the field.
  • Players and officials at the bench should maintain social distance.

After completion protocols

  • Players and officials should not shake hands no celebration/no high five/psyching after the match.
  • During signing of the score sheet, all the officials involved must sanitize before and after signing.
  • The awarding ceremony should be done at the court and the officials performing the ceremony must sanitize before and after awarding.
  • No exchange of uniform or medals.
  • No sharing of water bottles.
  • The playing area should be fumigated.
  • The equipment (Balls, nets time out card and furniture) should be sanitized and handed over to the organiser.
  • Players should leave the court after the shortest time possible.
  • All waste should be disposed in the pedal bins.



10.2 Soccer – low risk


Soccer also called association football is played by 2 teams of 11 players each who manoeuvre the ball into each other’s goal without using hands and arms.

Origin of Soccer

Soccer is said to have originated around 2500 BC in China, 2000 BC in Rome where it was referred to as TsuTsu and Harpastum respectively. Modern day soccer though was said to have started in Britain by Rail-road workers around Anfield in Liverpool in England in 1863.

Soccer has been classified as a low risk contact game and was effectively re-started worldwide from 1st June 2020 for A category National teams and senior club teams.

Federations have been allowed to discuss resumption of all levels of competition with strict compliance with COVID 19 health and safety protocols, going into the 2020/2021 year.

During training

The following guidelines should be complied with during team training;

  • Identification and declaration of participants with pre-existing health condition.
  • Screen and maintain a register of temperatures of the participants.
  • For those who have been tested for COVID 19, maintain a record of the participants test results
  • Have pre-training questionnaire to be developed and maintained by the coach to provide background information on the participants. This information should be confidential.
  • Restricted contact and observation of social distancing where possible during training
  • Reduce training time.
  • Ensure all equipment used during training is disinfected.
  • Fumigate the playing surfaces before and after use.
  • Adequate waste disposal peddle operated bins should be provided to ensure the playing surfaces remain clean.
  • Ensure sanitisationand disinfection of the technical area including the substitutes and members of the technical bench furniture/seats.
  • Provide adequate handwashing points with soap and sanitizers atstrategic places in the venue.
  • Designate entries and exits to the playing area.
  • Prohibit group meals and sharing of drinks.
  • Sensitize participants against spitting and ejecting nasal secretions within the area of play
  • Prohibit pre- training and post-training contacts (handshakes/high fives/first ups)
  • Provide single room accommodation where possible in the village
  • Outlaw sharing of playing kits.
  • Allow for health and water breaks for hydration.
  • Limit movement in and out of the playing area.

Before kick off

  • Safety and health protocol officials to present screened and sanitized Players and match balls which are disinfected to the 4th official area where they

Will be checked and inspected for the game by match officials.

  • Non-contact salutation to precede kick-off.
  • The substitutesto sit in their respective disinfected technical area with social distancing (12 in number).

During play/competition

  • Provide adequate disinfected designated match balls at the 4th official area for every match.
  • Ensure there are adequate screened and strategically positioned ball boys to retrieve the balls that have gone out of the field of play. These balls should be presented to the 4th official area for disinfection.
  • During free kicks, the players must avoid excessive deliberate contact.
  • During substitutions and celebrations of a goal, there should be no contact by hugging, greeting or otherwise between the players.
  • Participants will be cautioned by a yellow card against spitting and ejecting nasal secretions within the area of play



After the game


  • Players should exit the venue while maintaining social distance and proceed to clean themselves individually and disperse within the shortest time.
  • No post-match meetings
  • The sitting positions inside of the transporting means should be maintained to and fro.
  • No post-match meals within the venue.
  • The coach and technical team to retrieve disinfected equipment belonging to the team from the match officials and the venue.
  • General protocols by the competition organizers and the international game rules and regulations apply.
  • Pre-sanitized Trophies and medals should be awarded to the coach of the winning team at the respective playing venue/field.


  • Any attendee who develops COVID 19 symptoms 48 hours after the championship MUST report to the health and safety protocol officials for appropriate action to be taken.


10.3 Volleyball – low risk


The game was invented in 1895 by William A. Morgan, a director with YMCA, Massachusetts. The volleyball game is played by two teams, usually of six (6) players on a side, in which the players use their hands to bat a ball back and forth over a high net, trying to make the ball touch the court within the opponents playing area before it is returned.  To prevent this, a player on the opposing team bats the ball up and towards a team mate before it touches the court surface. The mate may volley it back across the net. A team is only allowed three (3) touches, before the ballis returned over the net.

The game is high speed and requires athleticism, endurance and power.  The volleyball match is usually played five (5) sets.  The team that wins three sets, is the winner of the match.  To win a set, a team must score 25 points with a minimum two points difference for a set 1-4 and the deciding set (5th set), a team must have fifteen (15) points with a minimum of two (2) points difference.

The game has six (6) players, three (3) near the net and another three (3) towards the back of the court.

Pre-competition protocols

  • Sensitization of players and officials
  • Fumigation and disinfection of the playing area
  • Disinfection of the equipment (balls, nets, stands, whistles, cards, furniture, referee’s stands, scoreboards)
  • Signage guiding movement of players and officials at every entry and exit point
  • Signage for COVID 19 should be well displayed at the venue of play.
  • Screening for temperature for all participants and officials
  • Provision of adequate hand washing points with running water and soap
  • Players and officials MUST properly wear face masks and keep social distance
  • Each team to be given time to warm up in the court independently (Phase out warming sessions)
  • After warm up the court should be fumigated.
  • There should be a safety protocol referee
  • Players, game officials and team officials must wash hands/sanitize before the start of the match.
  • Should have 2 ball retrievers with face masks and gloves which should be adequate and exchanged periodically
  • During the game protocols, players should not shake hands but can wave.
  • The referees can still wave during introduction.
  • Provide adequate foot peddle waste bins for waste disposal

In – Competition Protocols

  • No shaking of hands, hugging or contact psyching during the game
  • Players not on the court must properly wear their face masks
  • Table officials and team officials must properly wear their face masks, face shield, gloves and observe social distance
  • No sharing of uniforms.
  • Each student should have a carrier bag.
  • Ball retrievers will be placed diagonally at the court with sanitizers to retrieve the ball and sanitize before giving to the serving player and ensure they have adequate pre-sanitized balls for game continuity.
  • Substitute players will be allowed to wear face masks. During substitution a player going on to the court must sanitize hands and the substitution paddle. The outgoing player after receiving the paddle must sanitize hands and the paddle.
  • During set interval, social distance must be kept and the balls for warm up must be sanitized
  • Allow hydration water breaks
  • In case of injuries at the court, medical personnel should handle the case.
  • Players in the warm up area and penalty area must wear face masks and keep social distance. If there is inadequate space in the warm up area, the rest of the players will sit on the team bench.
  • Should any player or official leave the competition area for any reason, he or she must sanitize upon return.
  • Social distance must be observed.


·      No shaking of hands, contact celebration but waving is allowed.

  • The officials handling the score sheet must sanitize before and after handling the score sheet
  • The playing area and equipment must be sanitized and fumigated
  • No sharing of water bottles and other personal effects
  • During the awarding ceremony at the court, the official awarding and the team official receiving the trophies, certificates and medals must sanitize before and after the ceremony
  • Players to leave court after competition
  • All waste should be disposed in the foot peddle waste bins
  • Technical officials should hand over the sanitized equipment (nets, antenna, score boards, substitution paddles, referee stands, etc) to the organizer



Netball is a skillful and exciting fast passing ball sport played pre-dominantly by women using hands by two (2) teams of seven (7) who shoot the ball through a hoop suspended on a post ten feet from the ground. A match of netball is played for 60 minutes in four (4) quarters of fifteen (15) minutes each. A netball court is a rectangular surface measuring 30.5metres long by 15.25 metres wide. The longer sides are called sidelines and the shorter sides are called goal lines. The court is divided into 3 equal parts, a centre third and two goal thirds. The goal circle is a semi-circle 4.9metres in radius and its centre is the mid-point of the goal line. The centre circle is 3feet (0.9 metre).

The game was invented by Dr. James Naismith in 1891 in Britain as a splinter from Basketball.

It is a non-contact sport where passing of the ball only occurs when the player is static. Contact of any kind is not allowed whether accidental or deliberate. Field roles are non-overlapping.


  • Umpires to fully enforce the no-contact rules of the game
  • Ensure adequate sensitization of players and officials on COVID 19 protocols
  • Appoint a safety protocol officer
  • Identify an appropriate venue preferably outdoor
  • Sanitize all equipment at least after every 15 minutes during training sessions and during a match. Be done after every quarter
  • Ensure the venue is compliant for COVID 19 signage
  • Signage for flow of movement for players and officials should be provided to avoid congestion.
  • Players are required to sanitize their hands at the start and end of each quarter
  • A freshly cleaned or sanitized ball should be used for each quarter. (same ball can be used but must be cleaned at quarter times) avail more balls
  • A spare clean ball to be kept in reserve if the match ball enters a spectator area.
  • Match officials and scorers will now be required to be 2 Metres from activity where possible with 2 m distance between the chairs.
  • Those sitting on team benches will be 2Metre or 1metre plus apart with risk mitigation in place where 2metre is not possible.
  • Team talks should be conducted in socially distant circles on the court to avoid congesting the bench area.
  • Social norms including hand shaking, goal celebrations, high fives etc, are not permitted.
  • The post protector at each goal end should be sanitized prior to the start of the match.
  • Players are actively discouraged from touching the post.
  • Shouting is not allowed
  • No sharing of water bottles and these should be clearly marked
  • A clean set of bibs should be used with no sharing.
  • Team benches should be placed to start from diagonally opposite ends and are allowed to run along the touchline up to the centre of the opposite goal line.
  • Nail checks should take place at a distance of 2 metres or more
  • There should no pre-match huddle ( player should remain socially distanced for any pre-match team talk)
  • No pre-match or pre-quarter hand-in.





Rule modifications

  • Four (4) feet (1.2Metre) marking between opponents
  • Four (4) feet (1.2Metre) position of penalized player
  • Removal of toss-ups
  • Removal of idle interactions (no obstructions)


  • Two (2) umpires must be used during training and match play
  • Must ensure players are adhering to the rule modifications
  • Must maintain 4 feet (1.2 Metre) away from players at all times
  • Sharing of whistles and hand band is not allowed
  • Must be vaccinated

Positions for Start of Play

  • All players must not position within Four (4) feet (1.2Metre) of any other player
  • GA /GD/WA/WD can position as normal within the traverse line but must maintain a distance of Four (4) feet (1.2Metre) from each other.
  • GA/GK are required to start inside the goal circle Four (4) feet (1.2Metre) apart.
  • Centres can position as normal but must maintain a distance of Four (4) feet (1.2Metre) either at the centre circle of if the centre decides to mark at the traverse line.
  • All players, coaches and officials must go through temperature screening as they arrive. They should mix until the screening is done.
  • Test and trace protocol should be in place at all netball championship at any level.
  • Hands must be washed with soap/sanitized upon arrival at netball championship.
  • If a player or official makes contact ith the netball post, it should be sanitized.



  • Post-match paperwork completed digitally
  • All players, coaches, officials and other attendees must sanitize /wash hands with soap as they leave promptly
  • Establish clear traffic flow for departure/proper signage
  • All equipment must be disinfected after every netball activity including net balls, bibs, netball posts, ladders, cones etc.
  • Pre-sanitized Trophies and medals should be awarded to the coach of the winning team at the respective playing venue/field.
  • Players, coaches and officials should shower and change before leaving the venue
  • Any attendee who develops COVID 19 symptoms 48 hours after the championship MUST report to the health and safety protocol officials for appropriate action to be taken.


The game of hockey is played by two teams of eleven (11) players each.  A full team has twenty (20) players. The equipment used a hockey stick, a ball, shin guards, mouth guards and goalkeepers protective equipment.  It is played in a field measuring 90 metres by 55 metres.  It is a non-contact game and to ensure this, the following rules are observed which demonstrates that indeed hockey is a non-contact game;

  1. There should be no body contact between two players in the field of play. Any contact is considered an obstruction and thus penalized.
  2. When starting the game, all players including those in the same team should never be closer that five metres from each other.
  3. When a free hit is awarded, all players should be at least five metres away to ensure their safety.
  4. When a player has the ball and an opponent crosses his path, the game is stopped and the player penalized for obstruction.
  5. If an offence is committed within the goal keepers circle, only five players from the offending team are allowed onto the circle to minimize congestion when the short corner is being undertaken. Equally, only five players from the defending team are allowed within the goal area.
  6. If a goal keeper or defender commits an offence towards an attacker, a free kick is awarded. This is a penalty undertaken between the goal keeper and the offended team player only, at seven metres from goal line. All other players are to be twenty-five metres away from the goal line.
  7. In case the two teams tie at the end of the game, penalty shoot-out are done. Five for each team. If the draw persists after the five shoot outs sudden death shoot out ensues. During the shoot-out, two players are involved, the goal keeper and an attacker. The attack for the goal should be taken within eight seconds after the whistle otherwise it will be overtaken. Both the player and the goal keeper are not allowed to make any contact.

Health protocols to be observed include;

  1. All Umpires to fully enforce the no-contact rules of the game.
  2. An additional safety protocol official should be allocated the duty of ensuring that safety and health protocols are observed.
  3. All hockey sticks, ball, goal keeper’s equipment should be sanitized and disinfected before every game, at any substitution and at the end.
  4. All players and officials to wash their hands before the game and sanitize while getting on to the field.
  5. Extra hockey sticks for both teams should be sanitized and in custody of the safety protocol official.
  6. All players and officials should wash their hands before the game and sanitize while getting on to the field.
  7. The technical bench should observe all protocols especially on social distancing.
  8. There should be no sharing of equipment e.g. hockey sticks, unless they are well sanitized.
  9. There shall be no sharing of water bottles or uniforms.
  10. All playing areas must be fumigated/disinfected before the game (where possible).
  11. Any ball going out of play must be sanitized before being introduced back into play.
  12. Provide adequate sanitized balls before the game begins.
  13. During half time (breaks) the hockey sticks should be sanitized and the players and officials MUST wash their hands with soap.
  14. Additional official should be well equipped face mask, face shields and gloves.
  15. Players should be allowed to hydrate as much as possible.





The following are healthy and movement activities schools can use for team training or for general body fitness;

  • Jogging
  • Stretching
  • Press – ups
  • Sit ups
  • Jumps
  • Lunges
  • Shuffling
  • Aerobics
  • Rope jumps
  • Hopping
  • Back peddling
  • Star jumps
  • Running/sprinting
  • Dribbling
  • Balances
  • Springs
  • Rolls















This is the fastest growing Games and sports in the country.   Upto 2004 the games and sports for learners with disabilities were given very little attention by the government.  Most of the activities were sponsored by partners /NGO world, well wishers and church based organization but from 2004 to date the area has received a lot of attention from the government.


People are now sensitized and they now know we cannot leave these categories of learners behind.


These sports are organized by the Kenya Schools sports Association for Learners with Special Needs(KSSSALSN).It is important for all learners to play games and do sports as part of the curriculum as envisaged in the CBC curriculum.  To this learners sports play a crucial role it terms of therapy and other health benefits.

12.2 Categories of sports and games based on six(6) disabilities/disciplines

  • Visually impaired
  • Hearing impaired
  • Mentally challenged
  • Physically challenged
  • Autism
  • Deaf blind


It should be noted that games and sports differ from disability to disability and level of safety largely depend on the type and severity of the impairment.  Safe, non-contact and moderate sports can be played under close supervision of the coaches, officials and technical team.


CategorySafe and non-contact sportsModerate, safe/game/sportsHigh risks games/sports
Visually Impaired·       Show down

·       Goalball

·       Football

·       Volleyball

·       Legball

·       High jump

·       Long jump

·       Javeline

·       Discuss

·       Relays


·       Guided Races

·       Netball


Hearing impaired


Hearing impaired


·       Penalty shoot out

·       Volleyball

·       Football

·       All track events

·       Sack race

·       High jump

·       Long jump

·       Discuss

·       Javeline

·       Relays

·       Netball

·       Handball

·       Teniquoit


Mentally Challenged


·       Passing the ball

·       Kicking to each other in a distance

·       Scoring and goal keeping

Mentally Challenged (low abilities)·       Throwing in the bucket

·       Hitting object with the ball

·       Throwing and catching at a distance

·       Rope jumping

Physically challenged


·       Cricket

·       Table tennis

·       Badminton

·       Darts

·       Word puzzle

·       Throwing and catching the ball

Cerebral palsy


·       Balloon bursting

·       Filling and emptying

·       Frisbee throw

·       Javeline

·       Shotput

·       Discuss

·       Wheelchair- tennis

·       Soft ball throws

·       Football

·       Netball

·       Paravolley

·       CP football

·       Chess














·       Darts

·       Sport kick

·       Shooting in netball

·       Dribbling

·       Frisbee throw

·       Balloon bursting

·       Throwing and catching

·       Tenniquote

·       Aiming at the target

·       Word puzzle (naming and writing)

·       Kicking the ball aiming at the target

·       Sack race

·       Javeline

·       Discuss

·       Softball

·       Filling and emptying bottle

·       Long jumps

·       High jumps

·       Micro soccer

Deaf blind


·       Bowling

·       Track events

·       Bouncing

·       Standing Long jump

·       Goal ball

·       Throwing and catching

·       Sack race

·       Bouncing and soccering

·       Frisbees

·       Spot kick

·       Balloon bursting

·       Five aside



12.3 Conclusion

In developing health and safety protocols for special needs games and sports, it is very important the Ministry organizes a writing workshop for the technical and specialist personnel from the six (6) different disciplines.








  • Medical personnel must be part of the team for the championship.
  • Increase in budget allocation at all levels due to increase in the number of officials.
  • Formation of COVID-19 rapid response committee, during championship.
  • Restricting and regulating spectators.
  • More equipment’s and facilities will be required.
  • More hosting institutions because of social distancing.
  • Modify some rules in some of the games, ensure minimal contact
  • Identify and book accommodation for match officials.
  • More days because some of the activities have to take longer because of COVID-19.
  • Revert to term 1, term 2A and term 2B to reduce on the numbers.
  • Transport of students to abide by MOE guidelines and Ministry of transport guidelines.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation.



  1. Need for trained medical personnel during championships
  2. Players might forget the new protocols as they are not used them. Thus the need to constantly remind them.
  3. Regions to have own implements and equipment for athletics and other sports.



  • Ministry of Education to draw a calendar of events.
  • Involve MOH Officials during championship.
  • There should be monitoring and evaluation.
  • Have a retreat for rules modification