The Business Studies syllabus incorporates fundamental aspects of the various business disciplines, leaving out the more specialized concepts for post school education and training.

The aim of t subject is to provide the learner with opportunities to acquire basic business skills and positive attitudes necessary for the development of self and the nation.

Business Studies, being a living subject, takes into account the need to address contemporary issues, trends in business and current economic issues in society. The teacher as well as the learners is therefore expected to update themselves on these trends by making use of resources such as print and electronic media, resource persons and relevant business environment.

The vital role of the learner in the learning process has also been recognized. In this connection, the teacher is strongly advised to employ participatory approaches to learning in order to tap and incorporate the learner’s experiences.



This course will enable the learner to:

  1. acquire necessary knowledge, skills and attitude for the development of the self and the nation
  2. understand business and its environment
  3. appreciate the role of business in society
  4. acquire necessary entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and attitude for starting and operating a business
  5. develop ability for inquiry, critical thinking and rational judgment
  6. appreciate tile need for ethical practice and efficient business management
  7. acquire self-discipline and positive attitude towards work
  8. enhance co-operation and inter-relation in the society through trade
  9. understand the role of the government in relation to business activities
  10. appreciate the role communication and information technology in modern business management
  11. develop positive environmental and health practices
  12. have a firm foundation for further education and training
  13. appreciate the need for measuring business performance
  14. appreciate basic economic issues in society
  15. understand the role of auxiliary services in business
  16. appreciate the role of market forces in determining prices of goods.




1.0.0   Introduction to Business Studies (3 Lessons)

2.0.0  Business and Its Environment (6 Lessons)

3.0.0  Satisfaction Of Human Wants (9 Lessons)

4.0.0  Production (12 Lessons)

5.0.0  Entrepreneurship (17 Lessons)

6.0.0  The Office (17 Lessons)

7.0.0  Home Trade (30 Lessons)













By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning of business studies
  2. b) explain the importance of business studies in society.



1.21  Meaning of business studies

The study of business is about how individuals and groups of people organise, plan, and act to create and develop goods and services to satisfy customers. Business is influenced by and impacts on the cultural, ethical, environmental, political, and economic conditions of the day.


Business Studies will help you to make more informed decisions in the everyday business of living. It gives you a better understanding of the world of work. It encourages you to think about how and why people start up in business and why you too might also consider starting a business.


As well as developing the essential transferable or ‘soft’ skills that employers demand, the following strengths are also cultivated through business studies:

  • critical thinking and analytical skills, alongside familiarity with evaluative techniques;
  • numeracy and the ability to research, interpret and use business and financial data and information;
  • self-reliance, initiative and the ability to manage time, projects and resources;
  • appreciation of the causes and effects of economic and other external changes,
  • a creative problem-solving approach and sound, logical decision-making skills;
  • effective and persuasive written and oral communication skills;
  • understandingorganisationalbehaviour and structure.

These attributes are much sought after by employers, since they build commercial awareness and allow new employees to start contributing to the organisation quickly.

The course structure and design of assignments also boost employability, with presentations, group work, independent projects and business simulation activities giving ample opportunity for development.




1.22  Importance of business studies


Business Studies helps you to make more informed decisions in the everyday business of living. It gives you a better understanding of the world of work. It encourages you to think about how and why people start up in business and why you too might also consider starting a business.


As well as developing the essential transferable or ‘soft’ skills that employers demand, the following strengths are also cultivated through business studies:

  • critical thinking and analytical skills, alongside familiarity with evaluative techniques;
  • numeracy and the ability to research, interpret and use business and financial data and information;
  • self-reliance, initiative and the ability to manage time, projects and resources;
  • appreciation of the causes and effects of economic and other external changes,
  • a creative problem-solving approach and sound, logical decision-making skills;
  • effective and persuasive written and oral communication skills;
  • understandingorganisationalbehaviour and structure.

These attributes are much sought after by employers, since they build commercial awareness and allow new employees to start contributing to the organisation quickly









By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning and purpose of a business
  2. b) identify various business activities
  3. c) identify various types of business environments
  4. d) explain how the various environments influence a business


2.21  Meaning and purpose of a business

2.22  Business activities

2.23  Business environments.

  1. a) Internal
  2. b) External

2.24  Effects of various business environments on a business








By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning and characteristics of human wants
  2. b) classify human wants
  3. c) explain the meaning of goods and service
  4. d) discuss characteristics of goods and services
  5. e) explain the meaning and characteristics of economic resources
  6. f) relate the concepts of scarcity, choice and opportunity cost to real life situations



3.21  Meaning and characteristics of human wants

3.22  Types of human wants

3.23  Meaning of goods and services

3.24  Characteristics of goods and services

3.25  Economic resources

3.26  Relation between Scarcity, choice and opportunity cost to real life situations





By the end of the topic, the learner should he able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning of production
  2. b) distinguish between the different types of utility
  3. c) distinguish between direct and indirect production
  4. d) describe the levels of production and occupations relating to each
  5. e) discuss the factors of production and the reward for each
  6. f) explain the role of division of labour in the production process
  7. g) Classify goods and services produced in an economy.



4.21  Meaning of production.

4.22  Types of utility.

4.23  Direct and indirect production.

4.24  Levels of production and related occupations.

4.25  Factors of production and their rewards.

4.26  Division of labour and specialization,

4.27  Classification of goods and services produced in an economy.



By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning of entrepreneurship
  2. b) discuss the importance of entrepreneurship to an economy
  3. c) describe the characteristics of an entrepreneur
  4. d) generate business ideas
  5. e) identify a business opportunity
  6. f) evaluate a business opportunity
  7. g) explain the need for a business plan
  8. h) discuss the factors that may inhibit entrepreneurial development in Kenya
  9. i) discuss the causes of business failure
  10. j) recognize the need for ethical practices in business



5.21  Meaning of entrepreneurship

5.22  Importance of entrepreneurship to an economy

5.23  Characteristics of an entrepreneur

5.24  Business ideas

5.25  Business opportunity

5.26  Evaluating a business opportunity

5.27  Need for a business plan

5.28  Factors that influence entrepreneurial practices

5.29 Causes of Business Success

5.30  Ethical values in business
















By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the concept of an office
  2. b) explain the functions of an office
  3. c) discuss the various office layouts
  4. d) explain the uses of various office equipment
  5. e) discuss the role of filing in an office
  6. f) discuss the duties of various categories of office staff
  7. g) describe essential qualities of each category of office staff
  8. h) discuss trends in office management.


6.21  Concept of an office

6.23  Functions of an office

6.24  Types of office layouts

6.25  Role of filing in an office

6.26  Duties of various office staff

6.27  Essential qualities of office staff

6.28  Trends in office management



By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning and importance of trade
  2. b) classify trade
  3. c) explain the forms of home trade
  4. d) discuss the types and functions of retailers
  5. e) discuss the types and functions of wholesalers
  6. f) describe the documents used in home trade
  7. g) explain the means of payment used in home trade and the circumstances under which they are used
  8. h) explain the terms of payment used in home trade and circumstances in which they are used.



8.21  Meaning and importance of trade

8.22  Classification of trade

8.23 Forms of home trade

8.24  Types and functions of retailers

8.25  Types and functions of wholesalers

8.26  Documents used in home trade

8.27  Means of payment in home trade

8.28  Terms of payment in home trade


















8.0.0  Formsof Business Units (30 Lessons)

9.0.0  Governmentand  Business (12 Lessons)

10.0.0  Transport ( 12 Lessons)

11.0.0  Communication (12 Lessons)

12.0.0  Warehousing (6 Lessons)

13.0.0  Insurance (12 Lessons)

14.0.0  ProductPromotion (12 Lessons)

8.0.0  Formsof Business Units (30 Lessons)

9.0.0  Governmentand  Business (12 Lessons)

10.0.0  Transport ( 12 Lessons)






8.0.0 Forms of Business Units


By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) identify the various forms of business units
  2. b) explain the characteristics of each form of business unit
  3. c) discuss the formation and management of each form of business unit
  4. d) discuss the sources of capital for each form of business unit
  5. e) discuss the role of stock exchange as a market for securities
  6. f) explain the advantages and disadvantages of each form of business unit
  7. g) recognize the circumstances under which the various forms of business units may be dissolved.
  8. h) discuss trends in business ownership.



8.21 Business units

  1. a) Sole proprietorships
  2. b) Partnerships
  3. c) Co-operatives
  4. d) Private companies
  5. e) Public companies
  6. f) Public corporations
  7. g) Parastatals

8.22 Features of each form of business unit

8.23 Formation and management of each form of business unit

8.24 Sources of capital for each form of business unit

8.25 Role of stock exchange market as a market for securities

8.26 Advantages and disadvantages of each form of business unit

8.27 Dissolution of business units

8.28 Trends in business ownership e.g.

  1. a) Globalization
  2. b) Amalgamation/mergers
  3. c) Privatization










By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain reasons for Government involvement in business
  2. b) explain how the Government gets involved in business
  3. c) discuss the merits and demerits of government involvement in business
  4. d) discuss the importance of consumer protection.



9.21 Government involvement in business activities

9.22 Government involvement in business e.g.
a) Regulations

  1. b) Training
  2. c) Trade promotion
  3. d) Provision of public utilities
  4. e) Enabling environment

9.23    Merits and demerits of Government involvement in business

9.24    Consumer protection

  1. a) Need for consumer protection
  2. b) Methods of consumer protection
























By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning and importance of transport to business
  2. b) explain the essential elements of transport
  3. c) describe the modes and means of transport
  4. d) discuss advantages and disadvantages of each means of transport
  5. e) discuss the factors which influence choice of appropriate means of transport
  6. f) discuss trends of transport.

10.20  CONTENT

10.21   Meaning and importance of transport

10.22   Essentials of transport

10.23  Modes and means of transport

10.24   Advantages and disadvantages of each means of transport

10.25   Choice of appropriate means of transport

10.26   Trends in transport e.g.

  1. a) Containerization
  2. b) Pipeline




By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning and importance of communication
  2. b) describe the lines of communication
  3. c) explain the essential of effective communication
  4. d) discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each means of communication
  5. e) discuss the factors that influence choice of an appropriate means of communication
  6. f) identify the barriers to effective communication
  7. g) discuss services that facilitate communication
    h) discuss trends in communication.



11.21   Meaning and importance of communication

11.22  Lines of communication

  1. a) Vertical/horizontal
  2. b) Formal and informal

11.23   Essential of effective communication

11.24   Barriers to effective communication

11.25  Forms and means of communication

11.26  Advantages and disadvantages of communication

11.27   Choice of an appropriate means of communication

11.28   Services that facilitate communication e.g. courier, postal, telecommunication

11.29  Trends in communication e.g.

  1. a) Facsimile (fax)
  2. b) Development in the internet e.g. e-mail; e-commerce
  3. c) Cell-phones















By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning and importance of ware housing to business
  2. b) discuss the essentials of a warehouse
  3. c) identify the various types of warehouse
  4. d) explain the advantages and disadvantages of each type of warehouse.


12.21   Meaning and importance of warehousing

12.22   Essentials of a warehouse

12.23  Types of warehouses

12.24  Advantages and disadvantages of each type of warehouse












By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain meaning and concept of insurance
  2. b) discuss the meaning and importance of insurance
  3. c) explain terms used in insurance
  4. d) explain the principles of insurance
  5. e) distinguish between the classes of insurance
  6. f) explain the meaning of re-insurance and co-insurance
  7. g) describe procedures of obtaining an insurance policy
  8. h) describe the procedure of making an insurance claim.



13.21   Meaning and concept of insurance

13.22  Importance of insurance

13.23   Terms used in insurance

13.24   Principles of insurance

13.25   Classes of insurance

13.26   Re-insurance and co-insurance

13.27   Obtaining an insurance policy

13.28   Making an insurance claim






















By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning of a product
  2. b) explain the meaning and importance of product promotion
  3. c) explain the various methods of product promotion
  4. d) explain the advantages and disadvantages of each method of product promotion
  5. e) discuss factors which influence choice of promotion method
  6. f) recognize the need for ethical practices in product promotion
  7. g) discuss trends in product promotion.



14.21   Meaning of a product

14.22  Meaning and importance of product promotion

14.23  Methods of product promotion

14.24  Advantages and disadvantages of each method of product promotion

14.25  Choice of promotion method

14.26  Ethical issues in product promotion

14.27 Trends in product promotion


15.00  Demand and Supply (20 Lessons)

16.00 Size and Location of a Firm (14 Lessons)

17.00  ProductMarkets (10 Lessons)

18.00  Chain of Distribution (6 Lessons)

19.00  NationalIncome (20 Lessons)

20.00  Population and Employment (10 Lessons)

21.00   Net Worth of a  Business (8 Lessons)

22.00  Business Transactions (12 Lessons)

23.00  The Ledger (16 Lessons)

24.00  The Cash Book (8 Lessons)













By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning of demand
  2. b) explain the factors which influence demand for a product
  3. c) distinguish between derived demand and joint demand
  4. d) derive a demand curve from a demand schedule
  5. e) distinguish between movement along a demand curve and shift in the demand curve
  6. f) explain the meaning of supply
  7. g) explain the factors which influence supply of a product
  8. h) derive a supply curve from a supply schedule
  9. i) distinguish between movement along a supply curve and shift in supply curve
  10. j) determine equilibrium price and quantity
  11. k) discuss the effect of excess demand and excess supply in the market

l)explain the effect of a shift in demand curve on equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity

  1. m) explain the effect of a shift in supply curve on equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity
  2. n) explain other methods of determining price of a product.


15.21  Meaning of demand

15.22   Factors which influence demand for a product

15.23  Derived demand and joint demand

15.24  Demand schedule and demand curve

15.25  Movement along a demand curve and shift in a demand curve

15.26  Meaning of supply

15.27   Factors which influence supply of a product

15.28   Supply schedule and supply curve

15.29   Movement along a supply curve and shift in a supply curve

15.30   Equilibrium price and quantity

15.31   Excess demand and excess supply

15.32   Effects of shift in a demand curve and shift in a supply curve on equilibrium price and quantity

15.33   Other methods of determining price of a product.

N.B: Only normal demand and normal supply curves should be discussed in Topic 15.00






By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) distinguish between a firm and an industry
  2. b) discuss the factors which influence the decision on what goods and services to produce
  3. c) describe the criteria of determining the size of a firm
  4. d) explain the factors that influence the location of a firm
  5. e) discuss advantages and disadvantages of localization and delocalization of firms
  6. f) discuss the economies and diseconomies of scale.
  7. g) justify the reasons for existence of small firms
  8. h) discuss the implications of production activities on the environment and community health
  9. i) recognize the need for maintaining a healthy environment.


16.21   The concept of a firm and an industry

16.22   Decision on what goods and services to produce

16.23   Determining the size of a firm

16.24   Location of a firm

16.25   Localization and delocalization of firms in an economy

16.26   Economies and diseconomies of scale

16.27  Existence of small firms in an economy

16.28   Implications of production activities on the environment and community health

16.29   Maintain healthy environments



















17.10   Specific Objectives

By the end of this topic the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning of a market
  2. b) explain the meaning of product market
  3. c) discuss the features of various types of product markets.



17.21 Meaning of a market

17.22 Meaning of product market

17.23 Features of various types of product markets




By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning of distribution
  2. b) describe the various channels of distribution
  3. c) discuss the role of intermediaries in the distribution chain
  4. d) discuss the factors which may influence choice of a distribution channel.



18.21 Meaning o f distribution

18.22 Channels of distribution

18.23 Intermediaries in the distribution chain

18.24 Distribution of various products

18.25 Choosing a distribution channel

















By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning of national income
  2. b) describe the circular flow of income
  3. c) explain the methods of measuring national income
  4. d) explain the problems encountered in measuring national income
  5. e) discuss the uses of national income statistics
  6. f) discuss the factors that influence the level of national income.


19.21  Meaning of national income

19.22  The circular flow of income

19.23  Methods of measuring national income

19.24  Problems encountered in measuring national income

19.25   Uses of national income statistics

19.26  Factors which influence the level of national income






By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the basic concepts in population
  2. b) explain the implications of population size and structure on the development of a country
  3. c) explain the meaning of employment and unemployment
  4. d) discuss the various types and causes of unemployment
  5. e) discuss the measures that may be taken to solve unemployment problems.


20.21  Basic concepts in population e.g.

  1. a) Fertility
  2. b) Mortality
  3. c) Growth rate
  4. d) Optimum population
  5. e) Over-population
  6. f) Under-population
  7. g) Young population
  8. h) Ageing population
  9. i) Declining population

20.22   Implication of population size and structure on development

20.23  Employment and unemployment

20.24  Types and causes of unemployment

20.25  Solving unemployment problems





































By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning of a business transaction
  2. b) distinguish between cash and credit transaction
  3. c) determine the effects of transactions on the balance sheet
  4. d) discuss causes of changes in capital
  5. e) determine the initial and final capital of a business.


22.21   Meaning of a business transaction

22.22   Cash and credit transactions

22.23   Effects of transactions on the balance sheet

22.24   Causes of changes in capital

22.25   Initial and final capital of a business






23.0 THE LEDGER(16 Lessons)























By the end of the topic, the learner should able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning and purpose of a cash book
  2. b) distinguish between the basic types of cash books
  3. c) explain the term contra entry
  4. d) prepare the various cash books.


24.21 Meaning and purpose of a cash book

24.22 Basic types of cash books

24.23 Contra entry

24.24 Preparation of a cash book

  1. a) Single – column
  2. b) Two – column
  3. c) Three – column





25.00 Sources Documents and Books of Original Entry

26.00 Financial Statements

27.00 Money and Banking

28.00 Public Finance

29.00 Inflation

30.00 International Trade

31.00 Economic Development and Planning
















By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning of the term source documents
  2. b) identify the various source documents used to record business transactions
  3. c) discuss the various books of original entry
  4. d) explain the meaning of the term journal
  5. e) record information in the relevant journal from the source documents
  6. f) post information from journals to the relevant ledger accounts.


25.21   Source documents

25.22   Different source documents used in recording business transaction

25.23   Books of original entry

25.24 The journal

25.25   Recording information in the relevant journals from source documents

25.26  Posting information to the relevant ledger accounts from various journals






By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) identify the various financial statements
  2. b) explain the importance of each of the financial statements
  3. c) explain the concept of trading period
  4. d) prepare simple Financial Statements
  5. e) explain the various types of capital
  6. f) calculate basic ratios from financial statements
  7. g) explain the importance of each of the basic financial ratios.



26.21 Financial Statements

  1. a) Trading account
  2. b) Profit and loss account
  3. c) Trading, profit and loss account
  4. d) Balance sheet

26.22   Importance of the financial statements

26.23   Concept of trading period

26.24   Preparation of simple financial statements

26.25   Types of capital

  1. a) Working capital
  2. b) Borrowed capital
  3. c) Capital owned
  4. d) Capital employed

26.26   Calculating  basic financial ratios e.g

  1. a) Margins and mark-ups
  2. b) Current ratio/ working capital ratio
  3. c) Rate of stock turn-over
  4. d) Return on capital

26.27   Importance of financial ratios

NB: End year adjustments are not required in Topic 26.00











By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning and limitations of barter trade
  2. b) explain the meaning and characteristics of money
  3. c) explain the functions of money
  4. d) explain demand for and supply of money
  5. e) describe the meaning of banking
  6. f) describe the development of banking
  7. g) explain the functions of commercial banks
  8. h) explain the main types of accounts offered by commercial banks
  9. i) explain the functions of non-bank financial institutions
  10. j) distinguish between commercial banks and non-bank financial institutions
  11. k) explain the functions of a Central Bank in an economy.

l)discuss trends in banking.



27.21   Meaning and limitations of barter trade

27.22   Meaning and characteristic of money

27.23  Functions of money

27.24  Demand for and supply of money

27.25   Meaning of banking

27.26  Development of banking

27.27  Functions of commercial banks

27.28   Types of accounts offered by commercial banks

27.29   Functions of non-bank financial institutions

27.30  The functions of the Central Bank in an economy

27.31   Trends in banking















By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning and purpose of public finance
  2. b) describe the various sources of public finance
  3. c) categorize government expenditure
  4. d) explain the principles of government expenditure
  5. e) explain the meaning and purpose of taxation
  6. f) explain the principles of taxation
  7. g) classify taxes
  8. h) explain the merits and demerits of each type of tax.


28.21 Meaning and purpose of public finance

28.22 Sources of public finance

28.23 Categories of Government expenditure

28.24 Principles of Government expenditure

28.25 Meaning and purpose of taxation

28.26 Principles of taxation

28.27 Classification of taxes

28.28 Merits and demerits of each type of tax
























By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning of inflation
  2. b) determine consumer price index
  3. c) explain the various types of inflation
  4. d) discuss causes of each type of inflations
  5. e) explain the levels of inflation
  6. f) assess the effects of inflation in an economy
  7. g) discuss the methods of controlling inflation.


29.21   Meaning of inflation

29.22  Consumers price index

29.23   Types of inflation

29.24  Causes of inflation

29.25   Levels of inflation

29.26  Effects of inflation in an economy

29.27   Controlling inflation




By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) explain the meaning of international trade
  2. b) explain the advantages and disadvantages of international trade
  3. c) discuss terms of trade, balance of trade and balance of payments
  4. d) discuss the causes of balance of payments disequilibrium.
  5. e) discuss the measures that may be taken to correct the balance of payment disequilibrium
  6. f) explain the terms of sale in international trade
  7. g) describe the documents used in the international trade
  8. h) discuss the role of international financial institutions in international trade
  9. i) describe the various forms of economic integration
  10. j) recognize the importance of economic integration to a country
  11. k) explain the advantages and disadvantages of free trade

l)explain the reason for trade restrictions

  1. m) discuss the methods of trade restriction
  2. n) discuss the advantages and disadvantages of trade restriction
  3. o) discuss trends in international trade.


30.21   Meaning of international trade

30.22   Advantages and disadvantages of international trade

30.23   Terms of trade, balance of trade, balance of payments

30.24  Balance of payment disequilibrium

30.25   Correcting balance of payment disequilibrium

30.26   Terms of sale in international trade

30.27  Documents used in international trade

30.28   International financial institutions e.g.

  1. a) International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  2. b) Africa Development Bank (ADB)
  3. c) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)

30.29  Forms of economic integration

30.30  Importance of economic integration to a country

30.31   Advantages and disadvantages of free trade

30.32   Reasons for and methods of trade restriction

30.33   Advantages and disadvantages of trade restrictions

30.34   Trends in international trade e.g.

  1. a) Liberalization
  2. b) Export processing Zones (E.P.Z)


























By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to:

  1. a) distinguish between economic growth and economic development
  2. b) discuss the characteristics of under-development
  3. c) explain the goals of development
  4. d) discuss the factors which may hinder development
  5. e) explain the meaning of development planning
  6. f) recognize the need for development planning
  7. g) discuss problems encountered in development planning.


31.21  Meaning of economic growth and economic development

31.22  Characteristic of under-development

31.23  Goals of development

31.24  Factors which hinder development

31.25  Meaning of development planning

31.26  Need for development planning

31.27   Problems encountered in development planning.



1) Discussions

2) Explanations

3) Questions and Answers

4) Visits to relevant business environments

5) Group work

6) Debates

7) Speeches from resource persons

8) Case studies

9) Role playS



Suggested Learning Teaching Resources







The subject will be assessed internally through tests, assignments and observation. The Kenya National Examinations Council will evaluate the course at the end of four years via a national examination comprised of two papers. Paper I will be comprised of structured questions covering the whole syllabus. Paper 2 will be made up of essay type questions, The candidates will be graded on the basis of a mean score achieved in the two papers. The marks obtained will makeup part of the grades appearing in the candidates’ certificate at the end of the course.