Code of Conduct and Ethics for Teacher by TSC
I —Citation.
2 —Interpretation.
3—Application of Code.
5 —Rule of law.
6 —Public trust
7 —Fundamental rights and freedoms.
8 — Nepotism or favouritism.
9— Duty to protect children.
I I —Conduct of duties.
13 — Conflict of interest.
14 —Confidentiality.
15 — Care of public property
16—Political activity.
17 — Improper enrichment.
19—Proffesional advice.
20—Misleading information.
21 —Evaluation of learners.
22—Sexual relations with learners.
984 Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2015
23— Sexual harrassment.
24—Relations with fellow employees and the public.
26—Prohibited drugs and psychotropic substances.
27 —Financial dealings and private affairs.
28 —Official dealings.
29 —Canvassing for favours in service.
30—Endorsing of private activities.
31 —Civil and charitable activities.
32—Private tuition.
33 —Acting for foreigners.
34—Acting through other s.
35 —Subversive association.
36—Declarations of income, assets and liabilities.
3 7 —Reporting.
38 —Investigations.
39—Reporting Authority.
40 —Breach of this Code.
41 —Review of this Code.
Appendix—Staff Integrity Pact
Form A – Report of Gifts Received
For B-Declaration of Conflcit of Interest
Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2015 985
(No. 20 of 2012)
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 48 of the Teachers Service Commission Act, (No. 20 of 2012) and section 37 (1) as read together with section 52(l) of the Leadership and Integrity Act, 2012, the Teachers Service Commission makes the following Regulations:—
1.This Code may be cited as the Code of Ethics for Teachers, Citation. 2015.
2. In this Code, unless the context otherwise requires— Interpretation.
“Act” means the Leadership and Integrity Act, 2012;
“asset” means a thing, tangible or intangible, owned, whether wholly or in part, or controlled by a teacher, which has an actual or determinable economic value and can be sold, exchanged or otherwise used or applied to meet an obligation or acquire something else in return;
“bid rigging” refers to a benefit that is given or received for not submitting a tender, proposal, quotation or bid; or withdrawing or changing a tender, proposal, quotation or bid; or submitting a tender, proposal, quotation or bid with a specified price or with any specified inclusions or exclusions;
“conflict of interest” refers to instances when a teacher’s personal interest clashes with his or her official duties;
“client” means a person to whom services are rendered by a teacher and includes learners, parents and other members of the public;
“employer” means a person, institution or entity that engages the services of a teacher;
“harmful sexual activity” means any act of a sexual nature that may cause physical, emotional or psychological torture which includes but not limited to flirtation, sodomy, sexual intercourse, lesbianism, defilement, indecent touching, rape, sexual assault;
“leamer” means a person undergoing instruction in an educational institution;
“pornography” means explicit depiction of sexual subject matter electronically or otherwise;
“pornographic materials” includes but not limited to material such as literature, photography, or other printed or visual material depicting sex organs or sexual activity in a way that is designed to arouse sexual excitement, erotic stimulation rather than education;
“teacher” means a person who has been trained as a teacher as provided for in law and registered as a teacher;
“unethical behaviour” refers to any action or omission that contravenes the provisions, spirit and tenor of this Code; 986 Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2015
“values” refers to norms, principles and standards of behaviour depicted of a teacher as amplified by Articles 10 and 232 of the Constitution of Kenya and the Commission’s core values;
“Secretary” refers to the Chief Executive Officer of the Teachers Service Commission appointed pursuant to Article 250 (12) of the Constitution of Kenya;
“sex toy” means an object or device that is primarily used in facilitating human sexual pleasure;
“Sexual harassment” refers to an act by a teacher who persistent ly rfiakes any sexual advances or requests including gestures, cat calls, jokes or comments including innuendos, regarding another person’s sexuality if the person doing it knows or ought to know or has reasonable grounds to know, are unwelcome;
“subversive activity” means any act which by its nature, upsets Public order, peace and security and shall include anything done to endanger, undermine or is detrimental to public policy and interest; and
‘vacancy” means an existing and available post for recruitment, transfer and promotion at the Commission.
3. This Code shall apply to all registered teachers. Application.
Provisions of this Code.
4. (1) Every teacher has a responsibility to comply with the Compliance.
(2)Al I teachers shall ifi addition, comply with the provisions of the General Leadership and Integrity Code set out in Part 11 of the Act.
(3) The General Leadership and Integrity Code in paragraph (2) shall form part of this Code.
(4) All teachers shall abide by the guiding principles of 41 Leadership and Integrity set out under Chapter Six of the Constitution.
5. (1) A teacher shall respect and abide by the Constitution and Rule of law.
the law.
(^) A teacher shall carry out the duties of his or her office in
accordance With the law.
6. A teaher’s position is of public trust and the authority and Public trust. responsibility vested in his or her office shall be exercised in the best interest of the learners, institution and members of the public.
7. (1) Every teacher shall res pect and uphold the personal rights Fundamental and freedoms of all persons As guaranteed in Chapter 4 of the lights and Constitution.
(2) Notwithstanding the generality of the provisions in Paragraph (1), a teacher in the performance of his duty shall not discriminate directly or indirectly against any person on any ground including, race, sex, pregnancy, marital status, health status, ethnic or Z_
social origifi, colour, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief,
Culture, dress, language or birth.
Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2015 987
8. A teacher shall not while performing his duty practice Nepotism or
nepotism, favoritism, tribalism, cronyism, religious bias or engage in favoritism.
corrupt or unethical practices.
9. (1) A teacher shall be entrusted with the duty of care of a Duty to prot^ct
child, including a child with special needs and. shall take all reasonable children.
steps to ensure the child is protected from abuse, neglect, harmful
cultural practices, all forms of violence, discrimination, inhuman
treatment, corporal punishment and exposure to hazardous or
exploitative labour.
(2) A teacher shall not deny learning materials or remedial
teaching services to a learner on account of their natural abilities.
10. (1) A teacher shall carry out his or her duties with honesty Integrity.
and impartiality and shall not allow family, social, political or other
relationships to influence his or her conduct or judgment.
(2) A teacher shall not use or lend the prestige of his or her
office to advance his or her private interest or those of others and shall
not knowingly convey or permit others to convey the impression that
4pyoneisin a special position to influence him or her.
(3,) A teacher shall not use his or her office to unlawfully or
wrongfully enrich himself or any other person or accept a personal loan
or benefit which may compromise the teacher in carrying out the
assigned duties.
(4) A teacher shall not misappropriate public funds.
11. A teacher’s assigned duties shall take precedence over all his Conduct of duties.
or her other activities and in the performance of these duties, the
following standards shall apply-
(1) maintainance of professional competence;
(2) adherence to the provisions of the Code of Regulations for
Teachers and this Code;
(3) patience, dignity, and courtesy to all stakeholders with
whom the teacher deals with in an official capacity;
(4) prompt, efficient, lawful, reasonable and procedural
fairness in the execution of responsibilities-,
(5) demonstration of honesty and impartiality
the conduct of
public affairs;
(6) non engagement in activities that amount to abuse of
(7) accuracy and honesty in representation of information to
the public,
(8) non engagement in wrongful conduct in furtherance of
personal benefit;
(9) prudent management of public resources; and
(10) maintenance of proper official records.
988 Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2015
12. (1) A teacher shall ensure that his or her private and public Professionalism.
conduct upholds the dignity and integrity of the teaching service.
(2) A teacher shall, at all times, be of good conduct whether or
not on official duty and shall, in particular-
(a) maintain a neat and decent standard of dressing which
befits the dignity and image of the teaching service;
(b) ensure that his or her appearance and personal hygiene is
not offensive to workmates or those they serve;
(c) observe official working hours, be punctual and meet
(d) not be absent from duty without proper authorization or
reasonable cause;
(e) develop and maintain relevant professional records to
enhance efficient and competent performance of duty;
(f) perform his or her duties in an efficient and competent
(g) exercise diligence, care and attention and seek to achieve
high standards of professionalism in the delivery of
(h) practice and prom6te adherence to merit in appointments to
any position in the Commission with guiding principles
being qualifications, merit, competence and experience;
(i) seek to contribute and enhance the standards of
performance and level of professionalism in the teaching
(3) A teacher shall actively and personally promote a culture in
the teaching service that aims at providing fast, friendly, responsive
and efficient service and shall be courteous to all persons in the
provision of such service.
(4) A teacher shall carry out his or her official duties in a manner
that inspires public confidence and integrity of his or her office.
(5) A teacher who is a member of another professional body shall
adhere, observe, and subscribe to the ethical and professional
requirements of that body.
13. (1) A teacher shall avoid being in a position in which his or Conflict of
her personal interests conflict with his or her duties. interest.
(2) A teacher shall neither participate in any tendering process
where his or her personal or proprietary interests conflict with his or
her duties and shall not award tenders to self, spouse, relatives,
business associate nor be involved in bid-rigging.
(3) A teacher shall disqualify himself or herself from any matter
where his or her impartiality might reasonably be questioned including
but not limited to instances in which —
Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2015 989
(a) a teacher has a personal bias, prejudice or interest over the
subject matter;
(b) a teacher or his or her family or a close connection has a
financial or any other interest that could substantially affect
the outcome of the matter in issue; or
(c) a teacher, or his or her spouse, or a person related to either
of them or the spouse of such a person or a friend or a
business associate is a party to the matter in issue.
(4) If any teacher is present at a meeting or any committee at
which any matter is the subject of consideration and in which matter
the person, the person’s spouse, relative or business associate is
directly or indirectly interested in a private capacity, that person shall
as soon as is practicable after the commencement of the meeting,
declare such interest and shall not take part in any consideration,
discussion or proceedings touching on the matter in question.
(5) Notwithstanding paragraph (4) , in cases where a teacher has
prior knowledge of the existence of a personal interest in the matter,
such a teacher shall declare his or her interest using the prescribed form
to the relevant authority and refrain from participation in the
deliberations with respect to the matter.
14. (1) A teacher shall ensure that confidential information or Confidentiality.
documents entrusted to his or her care are adequately protected from
improper or inadvertent disclosul.’e.
(2) A teacher shall follow the Commission’s Regulations,
procedures and directives for safeguarding information and documents
and shall not disclose any information in contravention of such
Regulations, procedures and directives.
15. (1) A teacher shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that Care of
public or institutional property in his or her custody, possession, or public and
control is taken care of and is in good condition. property .
(2) A teacher shall not use public or institutional property, funds
or resources at his or her disposal for activities that are not related to
his or her official work.
. (3) A teacher shall surrender to the issuing authority all public or
institutional property in his or her custody, possession, or control at the
expiry of the teacher’s appointment or upon transfer to another station.
16. (1) A teacher shall maintain political neutrality at all times Political activity.
and shall not act in a manner that may compromise or be perceived to
compromise his or her neutrality.
(2) A teacher shall serve impartially with loyalty, honesty and
objectivity regardless of the teacher’s political views.
(3) A teacher shall not— –
(a) act as an agent for, or further the interests of a political
party or candidate in an election;
990 Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2015
(b) manifest support for or opposition to any political party or
candidate in an election;
(c) engage in any political activity or campai gns that may
compromise or be seen to compromise the dignity of his or
her office; or
(d) use public or institutional resources for the furtherance of
any project for the purpose of supporting a candidate or
political party.
(4) A teacher who intends to contest an election shall retire Or
resign from service at least six months before the date of election.
17. (1) A teacher shall not use his or her office to improperly improper
enrich himself or others. enrichment.
(2) Without limiting the generality of paragraph(l), a teacher
(a) neither ask for, nor accept any property or benefit of any
kind, for himself or for any person, on account of anything
to be done, done or omitted to be done, by the teacher in
the discharge of his or her duties or by virtue of his or her
official position;
(b) not either directly or through family members, solicit or
accept any gifts, gratuity, hospitality, free passages or
favours from any person or any body corporate or
unincorporated that might reasonably be thought to
influence, or intended to influence, the teacher in the
performance of his or her duties.
(3) Where a gift or donation of the nature specified in paragraph
2 is given without the knowledge of the teacher or it would be
offensive to custom or good public relations to refuse the gift, such a
teacher may accept the gift provided that such acceptance shall not
unduly influence his or her decision in the performance of his or her
(4) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this paragraph to the
contrary, but subject to section 14(2) of the General Leadership and
Integrity Code, a teacher may accept-
(a) gifts which are occasional or in the form of a souvenir;
(b) personal gifts or donations from relatives or friends, on
such special occasions, as may be recognized by custom;
(c) gifts that are granted pursuant to a recognised institutional
reward system for performance; and
(d) non-monetary gifts given to him other in his or her official
capacity but not exceeding the value of twenty thousand
18. (1) A teacher involved in the receipt and administration of Donations,
donations to an institution shall ensure that proper records are kept of
Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2015 991
the donations and that the donations are used for the purposes for
which they were given.
(2) A teacher who has reasonable grounds to believe that-
(a) proper records of any donations for the institution have not
been kept; or
(b) any donations for the institution have not been used for the
purposes for which they were given;
shall inform the Secretary or any other relevant authority.
19. A teacher who has a duty to give advice shall give honest, Professional
accurate, and impartial advice without fear or favor. advice.
20. A teacher shall not knowingly give false or misleading
information to members of the public or to any other teacher.
21. (1) A teacher shall evaluate learners honestly based oil their Evaluation of
performance. learners.
(2) A teacher shall ensure that internal and external examinations
are conducted fairly and without cheating.
22. (1) A teacher shall not— Sexual relation’s
(4) engage in any sexual activity whatsoever with a learner,
with learners.
regardless of whether the learner consents;
(b) make a request to, or exert pressure on.
a learner for sexual
activity or favour; or
(c) flirt with a learner.
(2) For purposes of this paragraph, a teacher shall not:-
(a) send learners to their personal residences for whatever
(b) induce, coerce, threaten or intimidate a learner in any way
and particularly in regard to their academic performance, in
exchange for sexual relations;or
(c) facilitate non disclosure or cover-up of cases of sexual
abuse against a learner.
(3) A teacher shall not;-
(a) release a learner from school for any reason before
notifying the parent or guardian; . Z, – , ,
(b) send a learner away from school earlier than 6.00am or
later than twelve noon expep( in cases of emergency.
23. (1) A teacher shall not— Sexual
(a) sexually harass a fellow employee or members of the
(b) persistently make requests or exert pressure for sexual
activity or favour which he or she knows or ought to know
is unwelcome; or
992 Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2015
(c) make intentional or careless physical contact that is sexual
in nature.
(2) It shall be the duty of the person alleging sexual harassment
to report the same to the relevant authority.
24. A teacher shall-
(a) treat fellow employees and the public with dignity, courtesy
and respect;
(b) avoid behavior that is unbecoming, abusive, belittling or
threatening to fellow employees or any member of the
public; and
(c) not bully or perpetrate offensive behaviour which is
vindictive, cruel, malicious or humiliating and is intended to
undermine a fellow employee or a member of the public.
Relations with
fellow employees.
25. (1) A teacher shall ensure that his or her station of work is Pornography.
free of pornography and pornographic material.
(2) A teacher shall not-
(a) supply pornographic materials to a fellow employee, a
learner or a member of the public;
(b) expose a learner to pornography, sexual toys or assist a
learner in obtaining access to the same;
(c) sell, let to hire, distribute, exhibit or in any manner put into
circulation; or
(d) make, produce or have in his or her possession any
pornographic book, pamphlet, paper, drawing, painting, art,
representation, figure or any other obscene object.
26. (1) A teacher shall not-
(a) supply illicit drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol to a learner;
(b) expose a learner to illicit drugs, cigarettes and alcohol; or
(c) assist a learner to access illicit drugs, cigarettes and
(2) A teacher shall —
(a) ensure that his or her work place is free from illicit drugs,
cigarettes and alcohol;
(b) not peddle or consume illicit drugs, cigarettes and alcohol
while on duty; or
(c) not report to work while under the influence of illicit drugs
or alcohol.
27. A teacher shall —
(a) live within his or her means and avoid incurring any
financial liability he or she cannot satisfy;
Prohibited drugs
and psychotropic
Financial dealings
and private
Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2015 993
(b) not neglect his or her financial obligations or neglect to
settle them;
(c) not evade taxes;
(d) not use or lend the prestige of his or her office to sanction
or endorse his or her own private activities or the private
activities of any other person;
(e) conduct his or her private affairs in a way that inspires
public confidence in the integrity of his or her office-, and
(f) ensure that his or her private affairs do not interfere with
his or her official duties or affect the dignity of his or her
office and that the risk of conflict with non-official duties
is minimized.
28. A teacher shall —
(a) practice and promote the principles of equity,
inclusiveness, protection of the marginalized, integrity and
professional competency;
(b) not, knowingly and deliberately, withhold information that
is not protected with a view to disadvantage any person
including teaching vacancies or posts, promotions or other
official correspondence;
(c) not engage in private business during official working
hours; and
(d) not, if serving on a full time basis, engage in any other
gainful employment. Gainful employment for purposes of
this Code refers to, but is not limited to work that a teacher
(i) pursue and perform for money or other forms of
regular compensation or remuneration;
(ii) perform which is inherently incompatible with his or
her official responsibilities;
(iii) perform and which results in the impairment of
judgment or conflict of interest;
(iv) perform and which affects the performance of his
official duties; or
(v) perform on a full time basis during official working
Official dealings.
29. A teacher shall not canvass or lobby, either directly or Canvassing for
indirectly, for any favours in the teaching service or in any other favours in service.
30. A teacher shall not use his or her position or title or any Endorsing private
authority associated with his or her office in a manner that could activities.
reasonably be construed to imply that the Commission or institution
sanctions or endorses any activities, either by him orher or by any other
person, that are not activities of the institution.
994 Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2015
31. (1) A teacher is part and parcel of the society in which he Civil and
orshe lives and whereas he or she should not be isolated, he orshe is charitable
expected to remain within dignified limits and to particularly —
(4) project a good image in the community where he or she
lives by participating appropriately in the communal
activities; and
(b) set a good example to the learners and the public by
obeying lawfully established authority and being law
(2) A teacher may contribute towards or attend a public
collection but shall not;
(a) participate in such, a way as to reflect adversely on his or
her integrity or to interfere with the performance of his or
her official duties; and
(b) use his or her office to solicit for funds for public
3. 2. A teacher may engage in teaching or learning activities Holiday tuition.
outside normal school hours to promote education provided that he or
she shall not conduct holiday tuition.
33. (1) A teacher shall not, in a manner that may
detrimental Acting for
to the security interests of Kenya, be an agent for or further the foreigners.
interests of a foreign government, organization ,or individual.
(2) For the purpose of this paragraph:-
(a) An individual is deemed foreign if the individual is a noncitizen; and
(b) an organization is foreign if it is incorporated or registered
outside Kenya or if it is wholly or substantially owned by
a foreign government, organization or individual.
34. (1) A teacher who:- Acting through
(a) causes anything to be done through another person that
would, if done by the teacher,would be a contravention of
this Code; or
(b) allows or directs a person under his or- her supervision or
control, to do anything that is a contravention of this Code;
(c) would be in. breach of the provisions of this Code.
(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply with respect to anything done
without the teacher’s knowledge, consent or the teacher took
reasonable steps to prevent it.
35, A teacher s , tall not subscribe to or be involved in ^ubversive
asspciations, sponsor oi- support a grou hat is proscribed or involved association.. p
jr. 1 any subversive activity.
36. A tea her e gage in publ d Ic service must i submit— Declaration of
income, assets
(4) an initial declaration within thirty days after employment; and liabilities.
Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2015 995
(b) a final declaration within thirty days after leaving
employm6ht; and
(c) bi-annual declarations as provided for in Part VI of the
Leadership and Integrity Act, 2012.
37. (1) If a teacher considers that anything required of him orher Repofting.
is a contravention of this Code or is otherwise improper, unethical or
unlawful, the teacher shall report the matter to an appropriate authority.
(2) Every teacher shall be under an obligation to report to the
appropriate authority any breach of the provisions of this Code.
(3) Such information received in respect of paragraph (2) shall
be dealt with in strict confidentiality with a view to protecting the
38. (1) The Commission may investigate or cause to be investigations.
investigated any allegation of breach of this Code so as to determine
the veracity of such allegation.
(2) The Commission may carry out investigations on a teacher’s
improprieties on its own initiative or pursuant to a complaint by any
(3) The Commission may refer a matter to another appropriate
body for investigation which shall investigate the matter within a
reasonable time and submit a report to the Commission on its findings.
(4) Upon the submission of a report, the Commission shall ensure
that the findings of the investigations are implemented within ninety
(5) An investigation may be carried out under this paragraph
notwith standing the fact that the person being investigated has ceased
or is not an employee of the Commission.
39. Por the purposes of section36(l) of the Leadership and Reporting
Integrity Act and paragraph 37(l) of this Code a teacher may report Authority.
any matter to the Secretary, head of institution or any other appropriate
authority as the case may be.
40. Any teacher who is alleged to have violated the provisions of Breach of this
this Code will be subjected to the laid down disciplinary procedures Code.
under the Teachers Service Commission Act and the Code of
Regulations of Teachers.
41. This Code may be reviewed from time to time as the Review of this
Commission may deem appropriate. Code.
996 Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2015
I ………………………………………. TSCI ……………. do hereby confirm that I
have read the contents of the Teachers Service Commission Code of Conduct and Ethics
for Teachers ( Revised 2014) and hence commit to adhere to its provisions at all times
and uphold both my personal integrity and the integrity of the Commission.
Date: ………………………… Sign: …………………………………………………….
In the presence of:
Report of Gifts Received
To: (approving Authority)
Description of Offer or:
Name and title:
Company: ………………………………………………………………………………………
Relationship (Business/personal): ………………………………………………………………
Occasion on which the gift was/is to be
Description & (assessed) value of gift: ………………………………………………………..
Suggested Method of Disposal
(a) Retained by receiving staff
(b) Retained for display/ as a souvenir in the office
(c) Shared among the officers
(d) Reserve as luck draw prize at staff function
(e) Donate to charitable organization
(f) Return to offer or
(g) Others (please specify)
Nameof receiving staff ……………………………………………………….. I …………….
Title………………………………………. Date ……………………………….
Part B -Acknowledgment (to be completed by approving authority)
Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2015 997
To (receiving staff)
The recommended method of disposal is *Approved/Not Approved
The gift(s) concerned should be disposed of by way of: ………………………………….
Name of Approving Authority …………………………………………………………………
*Please delete as appropriate
Part A-Declaration (to be completed by declaring staff)
To: (Approving Authority)
I would like to report the following existing/potential* conflict of interest situation
arising during the discharge of my official duties:
Persons/companies with whom/which I have official dealings and /or personal interest
2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Brief description of my duties which involve the persons/companies mentioned above
and these are the areas of real/possible conflict of interest.
Nameof Declaring Staff ………………………………………………………………………………
Part B- acknowledgment (to be completed by approving authority)
To: Declaring Staff
The information contained in your declaration for ……….. is noted. It has been decided
You should refrain from performing or getting involved in performing the work, as
described in Part A, which may give rise to conflict of interest.
998 Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2015
You should continue to handle the work as described in Part A, provided that there is no
change in the information declared above.
Other conditions (please specify):
Nameof Declaring Staff ………………………………………………………………………………….
Title……………………….. …………………………………………………………………………….
SecretarylChief Executive Officer,
Teachers Service Commission.
Teachers Service Commission.