TPAD 2 termly calendar of activities.
TPAD 2 termly calendar of activities.

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has provided a TPAD 2 Calendar of Activities at school Level per term. The calendar shows the timelines within which TPAD 2 activities are to be carried out.

It is necessary that you follow the calendar to the latter such that to avoid anomalies when filing your TPAD 2 data online. For instance, it will be a mistake for you to fill learners’ progress records at the beginning of a new term. This should be done towards the end of the term.

See also;


S/NO.TPAD ActivityAction ByTime frame
1Planning meetings before school opening involving all staff to set school TPAD Activity calendarHeads of Institutions , Senior Management Team, Teachers,By the last week of the school holiday.
2Submission of professional documentsHeads of institution All TeachersBy  the end of the term
3Undertaking Lesson observations and identifying and documenting teacher’s professional gapsAppraisees and appraisers.Between  2nd week and 10th week of the term
4Undertaking teacher professional development to address professional gaps.Appraisees, appraisers, institutional administrators.Throughout the term; from 1st week to the last week of the term
5Internal Monitoring & Evaluation of the implementation of TPAD processHeads of institution, Deputy Head of Institution, Heads of DepartmentContinuous throughout the term
6Monitoring the implementation of TPAD process at county level; zonal, sub county & countyCurriculum Support Officers, Sub County Directors and County DirectorsThroughout the term; from 1st week to the last week of the term
7TPAD rating meetingsAppraisee (teachers) and appraiser (HODs, deputy heads, Heads of Institution, CSOs, SCD)By the closing date of the term
8Uploading of TPAD data and evidence.Appraisee (teachers) and appraiser (HODs, deputy heads, Heads of Institution, CSOs, SCD)Throughout the term


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