Sample of TSC employment/ Posting letter for newly recruited teachers.

Are you wondering on what will make a teacher to receive a regret letter from the TSC? Well. During the vetting process of newly recruited teachers, the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, may reject the application for employment by a teacher. Such a teacher will then be served by a regret letter; detailing the reasons why his/ her employment application has been rejected by the Commission.

Successful applicants, though, get their employment letters. See more details here; TSC- Letter on offer of employment as a teacher; posting letter for newly employed teacher.

Interviews and selection of new teachers is a delegated function that is done at the TSC County levels. Once the exercise is completed the TSC County Director submits the following to the TSC Headquarters;

  • County Selection Panel minutes duly signed by the Chairperson and Secretary;
  • County merit list (Appendix IV). Both in soft (Excel) via [email protected] and hard copy;
  • List of all selected applicants drawn from the current merit list (Appendix V)
  • List of all the applicants who did not appear in the merit list (Appendix VIwith names of absent candidates during the certificate verification exercise;
  • Duly filled Application for Employment Forms (APPT I) for the selected applicants;
  • Original statement of confirmation of PTE/KCSE/KCPE results from KNEC for applicants without original certificates;
  • Certified copies of the following documents in the order indicated below: –
  1. National identification card;
  2. National Council of Persons with Disability (NCPWD) Card (where applicable);
  3. Two passport size photographs;
  4. KCPE Certificates;
  5. KCSE Certificates (include first attempt certificate if one repeated exams);
  6. PTE Certificate;
  • Primary and Secondary Schools and college leaving certificates and other testimonials;
  • KRA PIN certificate, Bank form and Bank plate to facilitate appointment on payroll.
  • Written commitment by the applicant to serve in any county posted to, for a minimum period of five (5) years, and three (3) years in case of North Eastern region;
  • Panel score sheet (Appendix Iboth in soft (excel) via [email protected] and hard copy for the selected applicants;

NB: Where names on submitted documents differ, the applicants will be required to submit a sworn affidavit.


Once the documents have been submitted to the TSC headquarter, a rigorous exercise is carried out that involves close scrutiny of the documents. This exercise takes many days, and this explains the reason (s) as to why appointment letters delay for up to a period of over three (3) months.

Here are some of the reasons why a teacher may get a regret letter from TSC:

  • If the teacher took lesser units in the teaching subjects at college. TSC requires that a teacher takes a minimum of eight (8) units for each of the teaching subjects.
  • Except for Technical subjects, in post primary institutions, the teaching subjects must appear in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) certificate. For secondary school teachers, the minimum score for the teaching subjects is a C+ (plus).
  • If you got a mean grade of below a C+ (plus), for high school teachers, then count yourself unlucky. The Commission will have to reject your application for employment.
  • Your names should not conflict on your documents. In case of any disparities, it is necessary that you get a sworn affidavit.
  • Detected fraud; If the recruitment process was flawed at the County level and the ‘wrong’ applicant filled the TSC employment form, then the decision would be rescinded and the right candidate be employed.

These are just but some of the reasons that may make the Commission to reject a teacher’s application for employment.

See also;