The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers, KUPPET, has strongly voiced itself against the masters degree requirement introduced by TSC for a teacher to get promotion to school headship position.
While addressing press conference at KUPPET Headquarters, Secretary General Akelo Misori has termed this requirement as unnecessarily punitive and not as per the Code of Regulations for Teachers and all other instruments governing the teaching profession. Nowhere in the instruments is a Masters degree required for principals and deputy principals.
“It should be treated as an added advantage for the candidates”.Said Akelo.
He was accompanied by National Chairman Hon. Omboko Milemba, National Treasurer Wicks Njenga, National Vice Chairman Julius Korir and National Secretary Secondary Edward Obwocha.
TSC has also not made it easy for teachers to obtain Masters degrees due to the limited study leave period positions.
“As many teachers as possible should be sponsored and given study leave to learn and obtain Masters.”Added Misori.
Learning through school based programmes is no longer possible.
Addressing the same press, Hon. Omboko Milemba requested that acting principals and acting deputy principals not to vacate office but be appointed substantively in those positions by TSC instead of posting new persons to take up those positions.
βMarginalized areas like Coast, North Eastern and Turkana regions have almost all teachers in former JG L and below including those in acting principal and deputy principal positionsβ explained Julius Korir.
He added that any promotion procedures denying such teachers their deserved positions is unacceptable. These areas have some of the most experienced teachers who have stagnated in JG C3 and C4 for over 15 years.
Because of these concerns as raised by teachers, KUPPET has written to TSC and requested for the following;
(1) The advertisement already running be amended and the Masters degree requirement be withdrawn.
(2) Affirmative action principle be applied for promotions in marginalized areas so that those in lower job groups are not denied positions of administration.