Read here the guidelines from the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, on recruitment of the 2019 Teacher Interns. Here are the full details;
The Commission advertised a total of 10,300 posts for recruitment of Teacher Interns (4,300 posts for Primary Schools and 6,000 posts for Secondary Schools).
Interested candidates, made their applications online through the TSC Web – and closing on 24th October, 2019. The eligibility was well stipulated in the advert.
Selection Criteria
- After the closure of the advert on 24th Oct. 2019, the County Director will be required to invite the applicants by specifying date, venue and time of the interviews and / or verification of documents via short messaging service (SMS).
- Arising from decentralization of teacher recruitment, you are required to conduct the process of selection, appointment and posting of teacher interns (including verifying the authenticity of their academic & professional certificates).
- The current recruitment guidelines for 2019/2020 FY apply as well as guidelines for teacher internship attached (Appendix I to IV attached).
- Once selected, the Intern shall sign an Internship Agreement with the Commission using a prescribed format (Attached).
Overview of Teacher Internship Programme
- Internship is a period of work experience offered by the Commission to give newly qualified teachers an opportunity for guided practice needed to acquire and demonstrate teaching knowledge, skills & dispositions required in the teaching service.
- It is a temporary position for a period of twelve (12) continuous months.
- Interns will work under the guidance and supervision of the head of the institution-the Supervisor.
- A Supervisor (head of institution) will assign a mentor to assist the interns acquire necessary skills.
- A mentor is a teacher who is recognized by TSC for his/her practical knowledge of the teaching profession and/or other areas of expertise which support theoretical knowledge acquired from the training Institutions.
- Once appointed, teacher interns will be posted to the sub county or school where they applied for primary and secondary schools respectively.
Submission of documents to TSC Headquarters
The County Director will be required to submit the following to the TSC HQs on och December, 2019 or 10th December, 2019;
- Duly filled offer of Internship Letter (for both primary and secondary schools)
- Duly signed Internship Agreement.
- County merit list for Primary schools and school merit list for Secondary school applicants.
- A valid Certificate of Good Conduct.
- A copy of valid personal accident policy
- Certified copies of the following documents in the order indicated below:-
- National identification card;
- National Council of Persons with Disability (NCPWD) Card (where applicable);
- Two passport size photographs;
- KCPE Certificate;
- KCSE Certificates (include first attempt certificate if one repeated exams);
- PTE Certificate / Diploma/Degree Certificates and all official transcripts (where applicable);
- Primary and Secondary Schools and college leaving certificates
- KRA PIN certificate, Bank form and Bank plate to facilitate appointment on payroll.
Merit Lists
The ICT Directorate will send system generated merit lists for the County/Sub- County for primary school interns. Further it will send merit list per school and subject combination for secondary schools. You are expected to ensure that from the merit lists provided, Sub-County, County and school merit lists are developed based on verification of documents and marks awarded for Section C of the score sheet in case of secondary schools.
These merit lists should be in MS Excel and must bear the name and TSC No. of the County Director.
- County Directors will be held responsible for cases of flouting the recruitment guidelines.
- The TSC Regional Directors are required to oversee the exercise.
Also read:
- All TSC services online portals and how to log in
- TSC TPAD data upload deadline
- Complete guide to the new TSC TPAD portal
- TSC: Full details on the newly established grades for teachers
- TSC: Designation codes for all teacher job groups
- TSC Grades and qualifications/ requirements for various administrative positions in schools
- TSC: Details on the current all 36 Teacher job groups/ grades
- TSC: Requirements, appointment and responsibilities of Principals
- All what you need to know and carry to a TSC teacher recruitment interview
- TSC: Requirements, responsibilities and appointment of Deputy Principals
1.1 Procedure
To ensure effective implementation of Teacher Internship programme, the Commission will:-
- 1.1.1 Plan and budget for the teacher internship programme;
- 1.1.2 Declare teacher internship opportunities on an annual basis and advertise available vacancies in newspaper/s with nation-wide circulation and the TSC website;
- 1.1.3 Adhere to any statutory guidelines and national policies on the engagement of interns;
- 1.1.4 Appoint supervisors, mentors and assign relevant work to assist the interns acquire necessary skills and maximise on this opportunity;
- 1.1.5 Pay the Interns the prescribed stipend;
- 1.1.6 Monitor and evaluate the Internship programme in educational institutions;
- 1.1.7 Issue a Certificate of Completion of Internship to the interns upon satisfactory completion of the programme;
- 1.1.8 Maintain a record of all teacher interns who successfully complete the programme.
1.2 Role of a Supervisor
The supervisor shall seek to create a working environment conducive to Teacher Interns’ learning, training and professional development. Specifically, the Supervisor will be responsible for;
- 1.2.1 Providing an environment that is favourable to success and the development of the intern;
- 1.2.2 Assigning duties to the intern;
- 1.2.3 Appointing a mentor for the intern;
- 1.2.4 Overseeing work performance of the intern;
- 1.2.5 Setting performance targets with the intern in consultation with the Mentor;
- 1.2.6 Appraise the intern;
- 1.2.7 Helping in the monitoring and evaluation of the programme in a wholesome way;
- 1.2.8 Assigning space, tools/equipment to the intern within the school;
- 1.2.9 Preparing a written evaluation of the Intern’s performance and organizing a meeting with the Intern to provide feedback;
- 1.2.10 Reporting to the Commission, on termly and annual basis, on the progress of the intern performance and any challenges experienced.
- 1.2.11 The Interns are not employees of the Commission. Accordingly, they may not be deemed or accepted as substitutes for teachers. Interns may not represent the Commission or the hosting institution in any official duty.
Here are links to the most important news portals:
- KUCCPS News Portal
- TSC News Portal
- Universities and Colleges News Portal
- Helb News Porta
- KNEC News Portal
- KSSSA News Portal
- Schools News Portal
- Free Teaching Resources and Revision Materials
1.3 Role of a Mentor Teacher
The mentor’s overall role is to promote the growth and development of the intern by assisting and guiding the intern in developing knowledge, skills, and dispositions essential to the teaching profession. This is intended to improve work experience. The mentor will be responsible for;
- 1.3.1 Orienting of the intern to the school environment;
- 1.3.2 Developing work programme for the intern;
- 1.3.3 Co-teaching with the intern;
- 1.3.4 Modelling and conducting lesson demonstrations;
- 1.3.5 Providing collegial and emotional support;
- 1.3.6 Demonstrating mastery of subject content and pedagogy;
- 1.3.7 Ensuring that internship programme is implemented as stipulated;
- 1.3.8 Providing experiential learning activities to the intern including setting aside time each day to evaluate the lessons taught and to plan for the following day;
- 1.3.9 Providing supportive environment for the intern to facilitate the intern’s development;
- 1.3.10 Conducting ongoing monitoring and assessment of the intern, observing and evaluating the effectiveness of the intern’s internship program and provide regular feedback on performance to the supervisor.
1.4 Broad Responsibilities of an Intern
As a teacher intern, he/she is expected to earn the respect of his/her students, to be a diligent worker and to maintain a professional relationship with students, the mentor and other stakeholders.
The intern will be required to: –
- 1.4.1 Familiarize and observe Rules, Regulations, Policies, Instructions, Procedures, and Directives of the Commissions’ hosting institution.
- 1.4.2 Plan for all activities for which s/he is responsible and have the plans approved by the mentor teacher prior to implementation;
- 1.4.3 Actively participate in the learning/training experiences at the institution;
- 1.4.4 Always be punctual and dependable;
- 1.4.5 Apply the acquired knowledge, skills and attitude during the period of internship;
- 1.4.6 Complete assignments by the mentor teacher and/or supervisor and fulfil all learning and assessment as required by the programme;
- 1.4.7 Attend all school activities that are required of classroom teachers;
- 1.4.8 Maintain a Logbook which will be verified and certified by the Supervisor;
- 1.4.9 Identify training/internship needs and set internship objectives with supervision;
- 1.4.10 Complete the internship programme as per the letter of offer;
- 1.4.11 Undertake performance evaluation as prescribed by the Code of Regulations for Teachers
- 1.4.12 Initiate meetings with the supervisor and mentor to discuss and receive feedback on the progress of the programme;
- 1.4.13 Establish and maintain effective professional working relationships with students, mentor and other teachers, school administrators and other stakeholders.
- 1.4.14 Observe confidentiality of information and ensure security of official documents, tools and equipment in their possession;
- 1.4.15 Clear with the Supervisor after the Internship period.
1.5 The conditions regulating the internship shall be set out in the Internship Agreement.
2.1 Selection Criteria
The selection will be guided by the following: –
- 2.1.1 Prescribed academic/professional qualifications;
- 2.1.2 Merit and Integrity;
- 2.1.3 Gender consideration;
- 2.1.4 Regional representation;
- 2.1.5 Disability status;
- 2.1.6 Minority and marginalized.
- 2.2 Selection Procedures
Selection will be done through a competitive process and the following procedure will apply: – - 2.2.1 The Commission will advertise teaching vacancies in daily newspapers and TSC website;
- 2.2.2 The advertisement for internship will include teaching subjects, number of interns required, duration of internship, deadline for application, eligibility and stipend payable;
- 2.2.3 Arising from decentralization of teacher recruitment, the Commission agents will conduct the process of selection of teacher interns including verifying the authenticity of their academic & professional certificates;
- 2.2.4 The Commission will provide guidance on recruitment guidelines and job posting;
- 2.2.5 Once selected, the intern shall sign an Internship Agreement with the Commission using a prescribed format.
2.3 Principles of the Internship Programme
The Internship Programme will ensure;-
- 2.3.1 Inclusivity and accessibility to opportunities by Interns from diverse backgrounds representative of the Country’s demographics through a transparent recruitment and selection process;
- 2.3.2 Interns are provided with and acquire practical experience necessary for their professional and career development.
- 2.3.3 They should also be assisted to develop interpersonal relations, decision – making ability and Institutions management skills;
- 2.3.4 Prudent management of resources including, the material and human resources under their care;
- 2.3.5 Training and work experience is relevant to the individual and collective needs of the intern and the institutions respectively.
3.1 Remuneration
Internship will be non-remunerative. However, interns will be paid a stipend as may be determined by the Commission from time to time. In this regard, the Commission will make budgetary provision on an annual basis.
3.2 Statutory deductions
The Commission will deduct the following and any other statutory deductions where applicable from the stipend payable to the Intern;
- 3.2.1 Pay as You Earn (PAYE);
- 3.2.2 National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF).
- 3.3 Other Personnel entitlements
An Intern will be entitled to the following: –
- 3.3.1 One (1) month sick leave with pay;
- 3.3.2 Fifteen days (15) annual leave with pay.
3.4 Insurance
All interns will be required to have a Personal Accident Insurance to cover for personal risks during the internship period. They will also be required to register with the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) or other reputable medical insurance firm.
3.5 Other requirements
To ensure confidentiality of the Commission’s information, safety of learners and property that may be assigned to them, the intern will be required to provide information including;
- 3.5.1 A valid Certificate of Good Conduct;
- 3.5.2 National Identity Card (ID) or copy of passport and a copy of KRA PIN Certificate;
- 3.5.3 Two (2) coloured passport size photographs;
- 3.5.4 Teacher Registration Certificate; and
- 3.5.5 Sign for documents, tools/equipment issued to them.
Generally, unsatisfactory performance or failure to conform to the standards of conduct prescribed for the Internship may lead to termination of the internship at the initiative of the Commission or an Officer or Agent of the Commission. Specifically,
4.1 An Intern may be discontinued from the programme on any of the following grounds;
- 4.1.1 Any serious breach of the duties and obligations which in the view of the hosting Institution would justify separation before the end of the period of internship;
- 4.1.2 Absence from the hosting institution continuously for two (2) or more days without permission or reasonable cause;
- 4.1.3 Engage in unethical conduct such as but not limited to immoral behaviour, professional misconduct and being of infamous conduct as stipulated in the CORT.
- 4.1.4 Performance is not satisfactory and not in line with the relevant provisions of the Code of Regulations and Code of Conduct & Ethics for teachers;
- 4.1.5 Is charged in a court of law with a criminal offence;
- 4.1.6 Wilfully destroys the property of the hosting institution;
- 4.1.7 If at any time a hosting institution sustains a loss that is attributable to the gross negligence;
- 4.1.8 Refuses to obey lawful instructions.
- 4.1.9 The Commission may terminate the interns contract for whatever reason by giving thirty (30) days written notice.
- 4.2 In any event that the Internship may be discontinued by the Intern, he/she will;
- 4.2.1 Submit a written letter of resignation/ termination of the contract to the Commission through the Supervisor by giving thirty (30) days Written Notice.
- 4.2.2 Giving a two (2) weeks’ Written Notice before taking up employment offered to him/her before the expiry of the agreed internship period.
- 4.3 The Commission reserves the right to terminate the contract with an intern at any point during the internship period.
- 4.4 Variation
The Commission may vary or terminate it altogether to conform to or in accordance with;- - 4.4.1 Government policy;
- 4.4.2 Level of budget allocation.
- 4.4.3 Any fiscal measures the government or the Commission may put in place for the financial years relating to the Internship Programme.