TSC Kenya
TSC Kenya latest news, vacancies, promotions and many more.

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, is currently recruiting teachers during the 2019 August/ September recruitment. According to the Commission, the newly recruited teachers are expected at schools by Monday 28th October, 2019.

Also read;

New! Latest TSC replacement vacancies. Click here, now, for details

Here is the recruitment schedule as released by TSC;

ActivityTime LineDuration
Advertising of vacant posts on the TSC websiteThursday 15th August, 2019
Collection of employment documents by County DirectorsFriday 23rd August, 2019
Receiving applications by BOM and County DirectorsFriday 16th August , 2019 to Friday 30th August, 201910 days
County Selection ProcessMonday 2nd September, 2019 to Friday 13th September, 201910 days
Vetting and handling complaints at County LevelMonday 16th September, 2019 to Friday 20th September, 20195 days
Receiving documents at Head QuartersMonday 23rd September, 20191 day
Verification of results at the HeadquartersTuesday 24th September, 2019 to Monday 21st October, 201920 days
Reporting of teachers to SchoolsMonday 28th October, 2019

Interview dates per County

Nairobi County

Interviews Date: 10th September, 2019

Sub countySchoolSubjectTimeVenueOfficer Incharge
DagorettiPrecious BloodMaths/ Phyc8amPrecious BloodU.S Muniafu
Bio/ Chem10.30amPrecious BloodRegero
DagorettiBeth MugoAgri/ Bio10.30amPrecious BloodLilian Mwangi
DagorettiMutuiniComputer8amPrecious BloodU.S muniafu
LangataLangata BarracksMath/Phyc8amLangata HighFaith
KibraShadrack KimalelAgric/ Bio10.30amLangata HighOlympia
KibraRaila Education CentreChem/ Bio10.30amLangata HighOlympia
WestlandsKabete Vet LabMath/ Phyc8amState House GirlsIrene Mwende
WestlandsLavingtonChem/ Maths8amState House GirlsJoyce Karimi
WestlandsNorth HighRidgeAgri/ Bio10.30amState House Girlsyegon
WestlandsFarasi LaneMaths/ Comp8amState House GirlsLilian
WestlandsNairobi MilimaniMaths/ Chem8amState House GirlsRegero
NjiruJehovah JirehBio/ Chem10.30amRuai GirlsVeronica
NjiruRuai GirlsPhyc/ Chem2pmRuai GirlsKangwana
NjiruMihango SecMaths/ Phyc8amRuai GirlsGachoya
NjiruDandora SecComputer8amRuai GirlsLilian Mwangi
NjiruDandora SecMaths/ Geog10.30amRuai GirlsGachoya
NjiruSt. Georges AthiGeog/ Bio10.30amRuai GirlsKangwana
NjiruRuai BoysMaths/ Chem8amRuai GirlsVeronica
Peter KibkosiaMaths/ Phyc8amPeter KibkosiaAlice Karonjo
EmbakasiPeter KibkosiaHome Science2pmpeter KibkosiaCarol Munyi
EmbakasiMwangaza SecMaths/ Bio10.30amPeter KibkosiaAlice Karonjo
EmbakasiKayole SouthComp/ Maths8amPeter KibkosiaJackline
EmbakasiEmbakasi GirlsEng/ Lit10.30amPeter KibkosiaKangwana
EmbakasiUtawala SecMaths/ Bus10.30amPeter KibkosiaJackline
EmbakasiKomarockAgric/ Bio10.30amPeter KibkosiaAmana
StareheJamhuri HighComp/ Bus10.30amRuaraka SecMilton Oyugi
StareheCGHUBio/ Chem10.30amRuaraka SecAnisa Sood
KasaraniHuruma SecMaths/ Phyc8amRuaraka SecAnisa Sood
KasaraniKamiti SecChem/ Maths8amRuaraka SecGrace Owinga
KasaraniGarden EstateComputer8amRuaraka SecValentine Muchina
KasaraniBaba NdogoPhyc/ Chem2pmRuaraka SecValentine Muchina
KasaraniOur Lady of FatimaMaths/ Bus10.30amRuaraka SecGrace Owinga
KasaraniRuarakaMaths/ Comp8amRuaraka SecJane Maina
MathareNdururunoMaths/ Chem8amRuaraka SecMilton Oyugi
MakadaraStar of HopeComp8amBuruburu GirlsFanise
MakadaraMakongeniEng/ Lit10.30amBuruburu GirlsJane Muturi
MakadaraBuruburuComp/ Maths8amBuruburu GirlsJane Muturi
MakadaraHighwayBio/Chem10.30amBuruburu GirlsKilonzo
MakadaraSt. PatrickGeog/ Bus10.30amBuruburu GirlsValerie
MakadaraNile RoadBus/ Geog10.30amBruburu GirlsMargaret Odero
KamukunjiZawadi MixedBio/ Chem10.30amBuruburu GirlsFanace
KamukunjiMaina WanjigiPhyc/ Maths8amBuruburu GirlsKilonzo
Kamukunjikamukunji SecMaths/ Chem8amBuruburu GirlsValerie

Bomet County

DateSub CountyVenue
13th September, 2019Bomet CentralTenwek High School
9th September, 2019Bomet EastLongisa AGC
10th September, 2019ChepalunguMoi Siongiroi Girls
12th September, 2019KonoinSaseta Girls
11th September, 2019SotikSotik Pastoral Centre

Siaya County

2nd September, 2019BondoMaranda High School
3rd September, 2019RariedaLwak Girls High School
4th September, 2019SiayaBoro Secondary and Bishop Okoth Mbaga Girls High
5th September, 2019GemSt. Mary’s Yala School
6th September, 2019UgunjaAmbira Boys High School
6th September, 2019UgenyaSega Township Secondary School

Homa Bay County

DateSub countyVenue
4th September, 2019Ndhiwaojode Pala Secondary
5th September, 2019Homa BayOgande Girls
6th September, 2019Rachuonyo NorthGendia High
9th September, 2019Rachuonyo East Ringa Boys Secondary
11th September, 2019Rachuonyo SouthAgoro Sare Mixed
12th September, 2019RangweOrero Boys
12th September, 2019MbitaMbita High
13th September, 2019SubaSindo Girls

Kisii County

Monday 2nd September, 2019Kisii Central and Masaba SouthKisii School
Tuesday 3rd September, 2019Nyamache, Sameta and GuchaNyamache Boys
Wednesday 4th September, 2019Gucha South and KenyenyaTendere Boys
Thursday 5th September, 2019Marani and Kisii SouthItierio Boys

Nyamira County

5th September, 2019Borabu and Masaba NorthDon Bosco
6th September, 2019MangaSt. Mary’s Ekerubo
9th September, 2019Nyamira NorthSubcounty Director’s office (Ekerenyo)
10th September, 2019Nyamira SouthCounty Director’s office (Nyamira)
11th September, 2019Preparation of Merit list at Subcounty
12th September, 2019Generation of merit list at County level

Kitui County

Machakos County

Machakos County TSC recruitment schedule
Machakos County TSC recruitment schedule

Kericho County

Makueni County

Busia County

Kakamega County

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