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TSC warns of fake recruitment advert for 5,000 teachers

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has come out to warn teachers and the general public over a fake recruitment circular for 5,000 teachers on permanent and pensionable terms. The fake recruitment advert doing rounds in social media platforms fraudulently says that ‘interested candidates should apply to the secretary, Board of Management of the school where a vacancy has been advertised and submit a copy of the application to the TSC County Director.. not later than 25th June, 2020’.

This is not the first time that scammers have come up with such circulars. But, the commission’s quick response will go a long way in saving hundreds of prospective job seekers who may fall prey to the conmen.

“Please ignore a fake advert about recruiting teachers that is circulating on social media.” warned the commission via a tweet.


TSC posts vacancies on its official site tsc.go.ke. Anything else should be treated with the contempt it deserves.

Indeed the commission is set to employ 5,000 new teachers on permanent and pensionable terms, this year. Also to be hired are 10,000 intern teachers. It should be noted though that the adverts have not been released by the commission.

While presenting the National Budget for the Financial Year 2020/21 in Parliament on Thursday,  Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yattani said additional teachers will be hired to plug the teething shortage in public schools.

“To increase the teacher to student ratio, I have proposed Ksh 2.0 billion for the recruitment of 5,000 teacher… Ksh 2.4 billion (will be used) for recruitment of 10,000 intern teachers to support the 100 percent transition in schools; and Ksh 300 million for recruitment of ICT Interns to support digital learning in public schools,” He said.

See also;

This comes even as the Kenya National Union of Teachers, knut, protests a mone by private schools to ask for financial bail out from the government during the current covid 19 pandemic.

“The demand by the Kenya Private Schools Association (kpsa) for funds from the Government under the pretext that their cash flows has evaporated with unexpected closing of schools to fight the coronavirus pandemic is laughable and an insult to the intelligence of the public which is fully aware of the billions of shillings private schools make annually in terms of profit.” says knut secretary general Wilson Sossion.

Sossion says such funds should be used to hire more teachers instead of being “channeled to boos private enterprises.’

“Teacher shortage in the country presently stands at 125,615. Shortage in secondary schools has risen to 95,258 from 57,380 in November, 2019. In primary schools, the shortage has hit (the) 30,357 mark.” he explains adding that this has been caused by lack of adequate funding to TSC to hire more teachers.


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