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TSC TPAD2 Portal Best User Guide

TSC TPAD2 Portal Best User Guide




1. On your desktop, click on the start button to open any of the browsers ie Google chrome, internet explorer or Mozilla firefox by clicking on it.

2. Type in the” address line” the following URL https://www.tsc.go.ke/ and press the enter key

3. The following screen appears. Point on Online Services, below it click on Teacher Appraisal

4. The screen below will be displayed. Click the Login button as shown.

5. The login screen is displayed as below

5. On the login screen type your TSC Number as your username and password then Click on the login button

6. The manage account screen appears as below.

7. The manage account screen type in to change your password accordingly and then click on the change password button.

8. The confirmation note will be displayed as shown below and then click on the login button

9. Type in your TSC Number as your username and your new password in the login screen then click login button

10. Finalize your registration and click submit button

11. The homepage appears as shown below

12. Click on the data tab and then click on institutions as shown

13. Click on my institution tab as shown

14. The list of the teachers in the institution will be displayed. Click appraisal button alongside your name.

15. If the appraisal form is not displayed, click on the create new button

16. Fill in all the information in the spaces as shown below.

17. Click on the create button

18. Click on the action tab dropdown arrow and select the respective form for filling

19. For example click on the teaching standard mass to appraise/rate yourself accordingly then click save data button

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