System Access and Login by Teachers
To access the system, Open web browser(e.g Chrome,FireFox) and the HRMIS Url: or go to TSC Website>>Online Services>> HRMIS-
Teachers and click Leave
Put in your details-TSC No, ID Number, Mobile No and click
A six-digit authorization code will be sent to your mobile number
Put in the authorization code and click login
On successful login the system is able to detect if you are either primary or post primary teachers
Click +Submit to apply for leave
Choose your preferred leave type and fill all the details and click Ok once done
Fill all the details and click Ok
The leave applied will be displayed as in the screen below.Click attachment to attach a document for the leaves that requires attachment
Click on the attachment icon to attach your document
The window below is displayed. Click on on File attachment icon as shown to upload your document
Click on on Browse to locate your document
Check the declaration box and Click Ok
Click close to exit
The screen below will be displayed
HOI(Head of Institution) Recommendation
System Access and Login by Teachers
To access the system, On the web browser enter the HRMIS url: or go to TSC Website>>Online Services>> HRMIS>>Teachers and click HOI Portal
Enter your details and click Login
Enter the authorization code send to your mobile phone and click
The screen below is displayed. Under the View/edit column click the “pen” Icon to input your remarks
Input all the leave details, check the declaration box and click Ok
Click on the attachment icon to confirmed the attached document
Click logout once done to exit