Home Latest Education News TSC News Portal TSC advertised History internship vacancies per schoool

TSC advertised History internship vacancies per schoool

TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia. The Commission has paid teachers' April salaries with the new tax regime factored in.
TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia.

If you are looking for a list of the recently TSC advertised History and other subject combinations internship posts per school, then see all the details below.

The list has all the advertised History Subject combinations; History/CRE, History/Business, History/Kiswahili and History/Geography.

Remember to check similar lists for other subject combinations here; Advertised TSC vacancies per Subject combinations.


See also;

Central Kiambu 147012063121 Kahuguini Sec Hist/CRE
Central Kiambu 147012063037 Kimunyu sec Hist/CRE
Central Kiambu 147012063114 Munyuini Sec Hist/Eng
Central Kiambu 147012013065 Musa Gitau  Sec Hist/CRE
Central Kiambu 147012063151 Theta mixed  Sec Hist/CRE
Central Kiambu 147012013020 Githiga High Sch Hist/CRE
Central Kiambu 147012013050 Kiambururu Sec Hist/Bst
Central Nyandarua 147012043103 Ndaragwa Boys (Centre Of Excellence) Hist/Kisw
Central Nyandarua 147012043013 Shamata Girls Hist/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012023048 Gatwe Sec Hist/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012023009 Karia Sec Hist/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012023158 Gacharu Sec. Hist/Kisw
Central Nyandarua 147012023117 Mumbu-Ini Sec. Hist/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012063124 Mithini Sec. Hist/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012063119 Muti Sec Hist/Geo
Central Nyandarua 147012063087 Thungururu Sec. Hist/Kisw
Central Nyandarua 147012073124 Marumi Sec. Hist/Bst
Central Nyandarua 147012073117 Kiawambutu Sec Hist/Bst
Central Nyandarua 147012073031 Ng’araria Girls Hist/CRE
Central Nyeri 147012053199 Gitundutisec Hist/CRE
Coast Kilifi 147013073041 Majivuni Mixed Day Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Coast Kilifi 147013013067 Mbuyuni Mixed Day Sec Sch Hist/Cre
Coast Taita Taveta 147013053012 Mghalu Mixed Day/Boarding Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Coast Taita Taveta 147013053078 Mahandakini Mixed Day Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Coast Tana River 147013063017 Buyani Mixed Day Sec  Sch Hist/Kisw
Coast Tana River 147013063006 Kipini  Mixed Day/Baording Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Embu 147014013002 Kyeni Girls Sec Sch Hist/Geo
Eastern Embu 147014013045 Ciamanda Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Isiolo 147014023020 Uhuru Mixed Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Isiolo 147014023005 Merti Muslim Girls Hist/Kisw
Eastern Isiolo 147014023026 Gafarsa Mixed Day Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033126 Kanzau Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033232 Ung’aatu Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033214 Itiko Mixed Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033080 Kwa Tundu Mixed Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014103039 Kiio Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014103028 Mui Boys Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014103112 Wamaiyu Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014103026 AIC Kyome Boys Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014103074 Kikiini Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033166 Kangii Mixed Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033020 Kyondoni Girls Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033037 Musengo Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033006 Mutonguni Boys Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033086 Mutukya  Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033043 St.Monica Girls Mulutu Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 14701153247 Masukanioni Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 14701153237 Kitho Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033151 Masaani Mixed Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Machakos 147014053169 Kikumbo Sec. Hist/Kisw
Eastern Machakos 147014053338 Kaloleni Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Machakos 147014053293 St Martin Mixed Hist/Kisw
Eastern Machakos 147014053034 Kinyui S.A Girls Hist/Kisw
Eastern Machakos 147014053226 St.Francis Of Assis Kwatombe Hist/Kisw
Eastern Machakos 147014053224 Makaalu Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Machakos 147014053028 Kathiani Boys Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043124 Kanthuni Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043379 Mavindini Girls Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043322 Masongaleni Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043190 Yikitaa Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043220 Kavatanzou Sec. Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043355 Katulani Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043284 Masalani Makindu Secondary Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043077 St. Pauls Kyamuthei Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043198 Mwea Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043208 Nthangu Mixed Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043272 Kimuumo Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043184 Itulu Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043022 Utangwa Mixed Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043044 Kiatineni Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043099 Mweini Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Meru 147014083159 Angaine Mixed Day Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Meru 147014113312 Kongo Kamau Day Mixed Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Meru 147014113181 Mathirine Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Meru 147014113162 Ntuti Day Hist/Kisw
Eastern Meru 147014083014 Kaaga  Girls Hist/Kisw
Eastern Meru 147014083025 Githongo Boys Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Meru 147014083005 Tabata Mixed Day Hist/Kisw
Eastern Meru 147014113013 Kitheo Hist/Kisw
Eastern Tharaka Nithi 147014133066 A C K Kaanwa Hist/Kisw
Eastern Tharaka Nithi 147014133019 Muthambi Boys Hist/Kisw
Eastern Tharaka Nithi 147014133029 Nturiri Boys Hist/Kisw
Eastern Tharaka Nithi 147014133046 Ibiriga Sec. Hist/Kisw
Eastern Tharaka Nithi 147014133053 Kiangondu Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Tharaka Nithi 147014133035 Mutaaruni Sec Hist/Kisw
Nairobi Nairobi 147011013076 Karen C Girls Boarding Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Nairobi Nairobi 147011013080 Shadrack Kimalel  Mixed Day Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
North Eastern Wajir 147015033035 Lagboqol  Mixed Boarding Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
North Eastern Wajir 147015033032 Bute Mixed Day Secondary Hist/Kisw,
North Eastern Wajir 147015033014 Habaswein  Mixed  Day Sec Sch Hist/Kisw, Maths/Phy
North Eastern Wajir 147015033033 Barwaqo Mixed Day Sec Sch Hist/Kisw, Bst/Maths
North Eastern Wajir 147015033038 Tulatula Boys Boarding Sec Sch Hist/Kisw, Chem/Math
North Eastern Mandera 147015023021 Buruburu Day Boys Sec Sch Hist/Kisw, Arabic/IRE
North Eastern Mandera 147015023008 Rhamu Girls Sec School Hist/Kisw
North Eastern Mandera 147015023010 Wayam  Secondary  School Hist/IRE
North Eastern Garissa 147015013009 Galmagala Mixed Day  Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
North Eastern Garissa 147015043002 Yussuf Haji Girls Boarding  Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
North Eastern Garissa 147015043005 County Mixed Day  Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
North Eastern Garissa 147015043001 Shurie Sec Sch Hist/Kisw, Bio/Chem
North Eastern Garissa 147015013010 Iftin Girls Day Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
North Eastern Garissa 147015014006 Modogashe Girls Hist/Kisw, Bst/Maths
Nyanza Kisii 147016013058 Gakero SDA Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016013127 St. Thomas Turwa Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016013034 Kenyenya Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016013057 Kerongorori Sec. Hist/Geo, Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016013076 Mesabakwa Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033091 Nyansira SDA Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033140 Joram Asanyo Motonto Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033175 Nyagoto Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033033 St. Johns Metembe Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033120 Kiabusura DOK Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033050 St. Theresa Bogiakumu Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033058 Mobamba Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033119 St Cecilia Ramasha Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083203 Aolo Girls Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083012 Dol (Kodera) Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083168 Nyahera Girls Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083163 Kolweny Kingsway Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083186 Lwanda Lutheran Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083207 Ponge Lutheran Sec. Hist/CRE, Agric/Bio
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083191 St. Philip’s Nyabondo Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083007 Wang’apala Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083215 Alaru Central Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083212 Koredo Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083218 Simbi Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083171 St. Francis Nyaganjo Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023023 Bishop Okulu Magare Girls Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023048 Wiobiero Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023108 Nyakwadha Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023072 St. Francis Andingo Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023011 Joshua Ojede Ndere Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023007 Magina Girls Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023010 Ndisi Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023046 Osure Mixed Hist/Geo
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016103005 Moi Girls Sindo Hist/Kisw
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016103058 Mark Matunga Kiwa Sec. Hist/Geo
Nyanza Homa Bay 14701433334 Rowo Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063203 Lwala Giribe Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063048 Migori Township Complex Sec. Hist/CRE, Phy/Math
Nyanza Migori 147016063120 God Ngoche Girls Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063099 St. Juliane Ugari Sec. Hist/Geo
Nyanza Migori 147016063148 Nyamongo Sec. Hist/CRE, Geo/Bst
Nyanza Migori 147016063111 Amoyo Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063083 St. Joseph Modi Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063150 Mariba Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063127 St Sabianus Owich Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063157 Akala Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063211 Rabuor – Karungu Sec. Hist/Geo
Nyanza Migori 147016063040 Kameji Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063057 Kamagambo Day Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063078 St Johns Komolorume Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063196 Pheres Oluoch Kanindo Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063012 Bware Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063182 Bishop Makario Kisugunua Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016053017 Chacha Moronge Sorore Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016053023 Nyamaharaga Sec. Hist/Geo, Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016053029 St. Peters Nyamotambe Sec. Hist/Geo
Nyanza Migori 147016053031 Komosoko Sec. Hist/Kisw
Nyanza Migori 147016053033 Kugitumo Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016053041 Taragai Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043185 Bishop Abiero Shauri Moyo Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043068 St Peter Nanga Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043044 Dago Thim Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043047 Kuoyo Mixed Hist/CRE, Eng/Lit
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043055 St. Mary Gorety Oluowa Sec. Hist/Geo
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123037 Kowuor Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123072 Pala Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043200 Ranjira Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123069 Ogwedhi Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043009 Miwani Boys Hist/Geo
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123007 Agai Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123025 Olembo Boys Hist/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016113006 Barkowino Mixed Hist/CRE, Bst/Math
Nyanza Siaya 147016113004 Chianda Boys Hist/CRE, Bio/Chem, Math/Phy
Nyanza Siaya 147016113073 Rachar Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016113035 St. Mathews Kandaria Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016093147 Ojwando Mixed Hist/Geo
Nyanza Siaya 147016093084 Miyare Sec. Hist/Geo
Nyanza Siaya 147016093115 Sifuyo (St. Patricks) Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016093135 St Edwards Masamra Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016093118 St Peters Bar Atheing Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016093041 Nyagondo Sec. Hist/CRE,Eng/Lit
Nyanza Siaya 147016093157 St.Peters Wagai Sec. Hist/CRE, Eng/Lit
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073093 Enkinda SDA Sec. Hist/Geo
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073136 Kea SDA Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073094 Bomorito Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073091 Kianungu PAG Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073013 Menyenya Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073032 Riyabe Sec. Hist/Geo
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073066 Geke Sec. Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017013049 Kaptiriony Mixed Secondary School Hist/Bst
Rift Valley Baringo 147017013023 Oinobmoi Boys Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017013007 Talai Boys Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017063003 Kabimoi Boys High School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017063067 Kamura Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017063060 Solian Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017063036 Sinende Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023098 Kiplokyi Mixed Secondary  School Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023027 Mugango Boys Secondary  School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023171 Bukunye Secondary  School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023187 Saoset Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023154 Chebaraa Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023184 Kapsabul Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017183102 Bosto Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Rift Valley Baringo 147017183079 Kabiangek Mixed Day Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Rift Valley Baringo 147017183043 Kipkorir Salat Boys Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023191 Kitala Mixed Day Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023165 Taboino Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017183030 Terek Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023123 Chebongi Secondary School Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023122 Chesilyot Girls Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023178 Kameswon Secondary School Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023169 Kapletundo Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017183008 Ngariet Boys Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017033033 Chebonet Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017033012 Simotwo Secondary School His/CRE,
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017083051 Ismael Chelanga Mixed Secondary School Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017083021 St. Michael’s Embobut Secondary School Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017083054 A.I.C. Chebai Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017043025 Iloodariak Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017043051 Kuku Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho NEW Ainapkoi Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017183013 Cheborge Boys Secondary School Hist/CRE,Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017183003 Getarwet Girls Secondary School Hist/CRE, Eng/Lit
Rift Valley Kericho 147017183080 Kaminjeiwa Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017183097 Kiptewit Girls Secondary School Hist/Kisw, Bio/Chem
Rift Valley Kericho 147017183098 Kiptobon Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053130 Lelach Girls Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053313 Ngoina Mixed Secondary School Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053015 Chepkoiyo Mixed Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053108 Kamarus Mixed Day Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053035 Chepseon Girls Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053101 Kedowa Special Mixed Secondary School Hist/Geo/Ksl
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053137 Cheramor Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053144 Kapsorok Mixed Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093048 Mau Summit Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093052 Keringet Boys Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093370 Michatha Mixed Day Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093015 Njenga Karume Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093192 Enaiposha Girls Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093317 St. Gerald’s Engoshura Mixed Day Secondary Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093247 Koisamo Mixed Day Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093127 Ol-Rongai Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093235 Sidai Mixed Day Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103005 Kimondi Secondary School Hist/CRE, Maths/Chem
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103133 Kosirai High School Hist/Kisw
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103110 Kipture Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103152 St. Josephs Kapkenyeloi Secondary School Hist/CRE, Eng/Lit
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103103 St. Peters Ngenyilel Secondary School Hist/Bst
Rift Valley Narok 147017113011 Eor-Ekule Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE, Math/Bst
Rift Valley Narok 147017113062 Oletukat Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Narok 147017113045 Olokirikirai Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE, Math/Phy, Bio/Chem
Rift Valley Narok 147017133032 Ilkerin Day Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Samburu 14701253008 Uaso Girls Secondary School Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Samburu NEW Nalingangor Mixed Day Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143169 Friends Mixed Secondary School – Chalicha Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143021 St. John’s Sirende Girls Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143122 Korosiot Day Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143050 Kwanza Girls Secondary School Hist/CRE, Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143167 Mutua Day Secondary School Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143219 St. Francis Kolongolo Girls Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143087 Chematich Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143099 St. Pauls Secondary School – Kiriita Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163020 Kapngetuny High School Hist/CRE
Western Busia 147018023042 St. Paul Busende Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Busia 147018023040 Hakati Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Busia 147018023035 Malanga Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Busia 147018063029 St. Michael Apatit Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Busia 147018063007 Kamuriai Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Bungoma 147018013017 Luuya  Girls Hist/Kisw
Western Bungoma 147018013001 Bungoma  S.S. Hist/Kisw,Bio/Bra/Maths
Western Bungoma 147018013359 Siaka Mixed Day Sec School Hist/Kisw
Western Bungoma 147018013171 Binyenya  Girls  Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Western Bungoma 147018013101 Ndakaru S A Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Western Bungoma 147018033009 Toroso  S.A. High School Hist/Kisw
Western Bungoma 147018013203 St. Anne’S Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Vihiga 147018073031 Mbihi  Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Vihiga 147018073093 Friends Sec Sch Ivona Hist/Kisw
Western Vihiga 147018073044 Ebusakami  Girls Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Vihiga 147018073021 Essaba Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018083124 Ebubole Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018083038 St. Stephen’S Maraba Mixed Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018043013 Kiman’geti Girls Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018083060 Ibokolo Sec School Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018083104 St Peters Muyundi Sec Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018083139 St Joseph’S Shirotsa Sec Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018043065 Museno S.S. Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018043018 Shanderema Boys High School Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018083049 St. Elizabeth Bumia Girls Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018083033 Munami Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018053040 Friends Sch Binyenya Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018043126 Friends Secondary School-Lusui Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 14701373131 Sabane Secondary Hist/Geo
Western Kakamega 147018043122 Shisesia (St. James) Secondary School Hist/Kisw
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