Home Latest Education News KNEC News Portal Top 500 schools KCSE 2022/2023; Official list

Top 500 schools KCSE 2022/2023; Official list

Official list of Top 300 Schools KCSE 2022/2023 Nationally

Pos Nationally Name of School Mean Score Region County Mean Grade
1 NYAMBARIA SCHOOL 10.897 NYANZA Nyamira A-{minus}
2 CARDINAL OTUNGA 10.76 NYANZA Kisii A-{minus}
3 Kokuro Boys 10.68 NYANZA Migori A-{minus}
4 ALLIANCE GIRLS 10.52 Central Kiambu A-{minus}
5 ST Brigids Girls High KIMININI 10.5 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia A-{minus}
6 Strathmore School 10.5 Nairobi Nairobi A-{minus}
7 PANGANI GIRLS 10.49 Nairobi Nairobi B+{plus}
8 NAKURU BOYS HIGH 10.42 Rift Valley Nakuru B+{plus}
9 ASUMBI GIRLS 10.377 NYANZA Homa Bay B+{plus}
10 Mang’u High 10.336 Central Kiambu B+{plus}
11 St. Anthonys Boys Kitale 10.33 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia B+{plus}
12 GONZAGA GONZA 10.3 NYANZA Nyamira B+{plus}
13 Mudasa Academy 10.3 WESTERN Vihiga B+{plus}
14 ST. PAULS IGONGA 10.24 NYANZA Kisii B+{plus}
15 Igonga DOK Secondary 10.24 NYANZA Kisii B+{plus}
16 Alliance High School 10.2 Central Kiambu B+{plus}
17 Moi High School Kabarak 10.13 Rift Valley Nakuru B+{plus}
18 Kapsabet High 10.083 Rift Valley Nandi B+{plus}
19 Kisumu Day Secondary 10.074 NYANZA kisumu B+{plus}
20 Moi Girls Eldoret 10.06 Rift Valley Uasin Gishu B+{plus}
21 KANGA HIGH 9.97 NYANZA Migori B+{plus}
22 KAAGA GIRLS 9.96 Central meru B+{plus}
23 Kenya High School 9.95 Nairobi Nairobi B+{plus}
24 Matinyani Secondary 9.942 Eastern Kitui B+{plus}
25 St Brigids Girls High 9.92 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia B+{plus}
26 ORERO BOYS 9.906 NYANZA Homa Bay B+{plus}
27 Light Academy Mombasa 9.9 Coast Mombasa B+{plus}
28 Samoei Boys High 9.89 Rift Valley Nandi B+{plus}
29 CHEPWAGAN BOYS 9.7474 Rift Valley Kericho B+{plus}
30 Chebwagan high 9.74 Rift Valley Kericho B+{plus}
31 MASENO SCHOOL 9.663 NYANZA Kisumu B+{plus}
32 Ogande Girls 9.62 NYANZA Homa Bay B+{plus}
33 Sawagongo High 9.619 NYANZA Siaya B+{plus}
34 Kagumo High 9.58 Central Nyeri B+{plus}
35 Murang’a High 9.55 Central Murang’a B+{plus}
36 Nairobi School 9.543 Nairobi Nairobi B+{plus}
37 MARANDA SCHOOL 9.541 NYANZA Siaya B+{plus}
38 Nyakongo boys 9.54 NYANZA Nyamira B+{plus}
39 MERU SCHOOL 9.52 Central Meru B+{plus}
40 ST PATRICKS MAKUNGA 9.5 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia B+{plus}
41 Cheborge Boys 9.44 Rift Valley Kericho B{plain}
42 Bishop Linus Okok girls 9.43 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
43 Light Academy Nairobi 9.39 Nairobi Nairobi B{plain}
44 CHEBORGE GIRLS 9.3754 Rift Valley Kericho B{plain}
45 Korongoi Girls 9.36 Rift Valley Kericho B{plain}
46 Lelwak boys 9.344 Rift Valley Nandi B{plain}
47 KIPSIGIS GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL 9.3154 Rift Valley Kericho B{plain}
48 Kitui School 9.312 Eastern Kitui B{plain}
49 Nyalenda Secondary 9.3 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
50 Butula Boys 9.287 WESTERN Busia B{plain}
51 MOBAMBA HIGH 9.284 NYANZA Kisii B{plain}
52 Sigoti Complex 9.27 NYANZA Kisumu B{plain}
53 STAREHE BOYS CENTRE 9.27 Nairobi Nairobi B{plain}
54 ST.MARKS CHERANG’ANI 9.2517 WESTERN Tranz Nzoia B{plain}
55 Friends School Kakamega 9.2473 WESTERN Kakamega B{plain}
56 Mt Carmel girls 9.2353 Eastern Makueni B{plain}
57 MaryHill Girls 9.23 Central Kiambu B{plain}
58 Kiage Tumaini High 9.23 NYANZA Kisii B{plain}
59 Saye Mixed 9.22 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
60 Kabianga High 9.2162 Rift Valley Kericho B{plain}
61 Moi Tea Girls High School 9.21 Rift Valley Kericho B{plain}
62 OSSEN GIRLS HIGH 9.2 Rift Valley Baringo B{plain}
63 ST MARKS CHERANGANY 9.2 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia B{plain}
64 MBITA HIGH 9.157 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
65 KATHIANI GIRLS HIGH 9.1235 Eastern Machakos B{plain}
66 KISII SCHOOL 9.12 NYANZA Kisii B{plain}
67 MWONGORI HIGH 9.119 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
68 KUURA SEC 9.11 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
69 St Clare Girls Secondary 9.1 Rift Valley Nakuru B{plain}
70 ANDERSEN HIGH 9.1 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia B{plain}
72 St Pauls Gekano Boys 9.0634 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
73 NYANSIONGO HIGH 9.053 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
74 WANG’APALA BOYS 9.04 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
75 Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed 9 Coast Mombasa B{plain}
76 RIGOKO ELCK 9 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
77 Kapsabet Girls 8.98 Rift Valley Nandi B{plain}
78 Metkei Girls High 8.96 Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet B{plain}
79 AGORO SARE 8.935 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
80 Kibabii Boys High 8.93 WESTERN Bungoma B{plain}
81 Mbooni Girls 8.911 Eastern Makueni B{plain}
82 MENYENYA SDA 8.871 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
83 Ruth Kiptui Girls Kasok 8.87 Rift Valley Baringo B{plain}
84 Moteiribe Secondary 8.859 NYANZA Kisii B{plain}
85 KEBIRIGO BOYS 8.842 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
86 Arabuko Forest High 8.84 Coast Kilifi B{plain}
87 Nyamagwa girls 8.823 NYANZA Kisii B{plain}
88 RUTH KIPTUI GIRLS 8.8 Rift Valley Baringo B{plain}
89 ST JOSEPHS BOYS 8.8 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia B{plain}
90 Meteitei Secondary 8.77 Rift Valley Nandi B{plain}
91 Qubaa Muslim Secondary 8.76 Coast Mombasa B{plain}
92 OLOOLAISER HIGH SCHOOL 8.76 Rift Valley Kajiado B{plain}
93 TENWEK HIGH SCHOOL 8.7561 Rift Valley Bomet B{plain}
94 BUTERE GIRLS 8.727 WESTERN Kakamega B{plain}
95 NYAIKURO MIXED SEC 8.71 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
96 Got Rateng’ Mixed 8.7 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
97 Chemelil Sugar Academy 8.69 NYANZA Kisumu B{plain}
98 LUGULU GIRLS 8.655 WESTERN Bungoma B{plain}
99 St Andrew Kaggwa Girls High 8.648 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
100 NYABURURU GIRLS 8.631 NYANZA Kisii B{plain}
101 NYAKOIBA HIGH 8.6 NYANZA Kisii B{plain}
102 Ober Boys 8.6 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
103 Nyangajo Girls 8.6 NYANZA Homa Bay B{plain}
104 Dr Aggrey School 8.6 Coast Taita Taveta B{plain}
105 SEGERO ADVENTIST 8.6 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia B{plain}
106 AIC Sombe Girls 8.545 Eastern Kitui B{plain}
107 Kianungu Mixed 8.5 NYANZA Nyamira B{plain}
108 RAPOGI HIGH 8.489 NYANZA Migori B-{minus)
109 Kisumu Girls 8.47 NYANZA Kisumu B-{minus)
110 MANGA GIRLS 8.4 NYANZA Nyamira B-{minus)
111 Dudi Girls 8.4 NYANZA Homa Bay B-{minus)
112 Kwale High School 8.4 Coast Kwale B-{minus)
113 Mwaghogho Boys School 8.4 Coast Taita Taveta B-{minus)
114 TABAGON GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL 8.4 Rift Valley Baringo B-{minus)
115 MAKUENI BOYS 8.399 Eastern Makueni B-{minus)
116 St. Patrick’s iten 8.369 Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet B-{minus)
117 Lenana School 8.3596 Nairobi Nairobi B-{minus)
118 NYAKEMINCHA SEC 8.35 NYANZA Nyamira B-{minus)
119 Koru Girls 8.3465 NYANZA kisumu B-{minus)
120 KIPKELION GIRLS 8.3335 Rift Valley Kericho B-{minus)
121 NYANSABAKWA BOYS 8.316 NYANZA Nyamira B-{minus)
122 Bishop Abiero 8.3 NYANZA Kisumu B-{minus)
123 BARINGO HIGH SCHOOL 8.3 Rift Valley Baringo B-{minus)
124 BOGICHONCHO PAG 8.275 NYANZA Kisii B-{minus)
125 ST DANIEL COMBONI KAPTABUK BOYS 8.2556 Rift Valley West Pokot B-{minus)
126 BUSIADA GIRLS 8.247 WESTERN Busia B-{minus)
127 Kenyatta High School- Mwatate 8.23 Coast Taita Taveta B-{minus)
128 SACHO HIGH SCHOOL 8.23 Rift Valley Baringo B-{minus)
129 KAKAMEGA SCHOOL 8.228 WESTERN Kakamega B-{minus)
130 Rang’ala Girls 8.2264 NYANZA Siaya B-{minus)
131 RAN’GALA GIRLS 8.226 NYANZA Siaya B-{minus)
132 MATUTU PAG SEC 8.2 NYANZA Nyamira B-{minus)
133 Mirogi Boys 8.2 NYANZA Homa Bay B-{minus)
134 Obera Boys 8.2 NYANZA Homa Bay B-{minus)
135 ST JOSEPHS GIRLS 8.2 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia B-{minus)
136 ST CHARLES LWANGA SCHOOL KITUI 8.18 Eastern Kitui B-{minus)
137 KIABONYORU HIGH 8.17 NYANZA Nyamira B-{minus)
138 Ulanda Girls 8.17 NYANZA Migori B-{minus)
139 Nkubu High 8.1693 Central Meru B-{minus)
140 Our Lady of Lourdres Turbo Girls 8.14 Rift Valley Uasin Gishu B-{minus)
141 RAN’GALA BOYS 8.117 NYANZA Siaya B-{minus)
142 MUTHALE GIRLS HIGH 8.11 Eastern kitui B-{minus)
143 PeHill Boys 8.1 NYANZA Migori B-{minus)
144 Gendia High 8.1 NYANZA Homa Bay B-{minus)
145 NYACHURURU SEC 8.08 NYANZA Nyamira B-{minus)
146 KEBABE GIRLS 8.07 NYANZA Nyamira B-{minus)
147 SAMETA HIGH 8.0637 NYANZA Kisii B-{minus)
148 NYABISASE MIXED 8.025 NYANZA Kisii B-{minus)
149 AMASEGE SDA 8.023 NYANZA Kisii B-{minus)
150 AMABUKO SEC 8.011 NYANZA Kisii B-{minus)
151 MACHAKOS BOYS 8.0081 Eastern Machakos B-{minus)
152 GEDI HIGH SCHOOL 8 North Eastern Garissa B-{minus)
153 Gekano Girls 7.972 NYANZA Nyamira B-{minus)
154 LITEINI HIGH 7.9656 Rift Valley Kericho B-{minus)
155 KISASI SECONDARY 7.965 Eastern kitui B-{minus)
156 TENGECHA GIRLS 7.9595 Rift Valley Kericho B-{minus)
157 St Bernabas Kombewa 7.93 NYANZA Kisumu B-{minus)
158 Ramba Boys 7.924 NYANZA Siaya B-{minus)
159 Chavakali High 7.912 WESTERN Vihiga B-{minus)
160 KYANG’ONDU SECONDARY 7.905 Eastern Makueni B-{minus)
161 Utumishi Boys Academy 7.894 Rift Valley Nakuru B-{minus)
162 MANDERA SECONDARY 7.8826 North Eastern MANDERA B-{minus)
163 Matongo Boys 7.86 NYANZA Nyamira B-{minus)
164 PAUL BOIT HIGH SCHOOL 7.8542 Rift Valley Uasin Gishu B-{minus)
165 Riokindo Boys 7.83 NYANZA Kisii B-{minus)
166 Onjiko Boys 7.82 NYANZA Kisumu B-{minus)
167 NYANG’ORI HIGH 7.8143 NYANZA kisumu B-{minus)
168 NYERI HIGH 7.81 Central Nyeri B-{minus)
169 Nyamira Boys 7.806 NYANZA Nyamira B-{minus)
170 Ridore Mixed 7.8 NYANZA Kisumu B-{minus)
171 Maroo Esinde 7.795 NYANZA Kisii B-{minus)
172 SINYOLO GIRLS 7.7753 NYANZA kisumu B-{minus)
173 OLKIRIANE SECONDARY SCHOOL 7.768 Rift Valley NAROK B-{minus)
174 KUNYAK SECONDARY 7.7647 Rift Valley Kericho B-{minus)
175 ST JOSEPHS BIEGO SECONDARY 7.7647 NYANZA Nyamira B-{minus)
176 Magwar Model 7.76 NYANZA Kisumu B-{minus)
177 CARING HEARTS HIGH SCHOOL 7.76 Eastern Machakos B-{minus)
178 Lwak Girls 7.7 NYANZA Siaya B-{minus)
179 Gesiaga High 7.6954 NYANZA Nyamira B-{minus)
180 Sironga Girls 7.69 NYANZA Nyamira B-{minus)
181 Omwari Secondary 7.647 NYANZA Kisii B-{minus)
182 Nyamiranga SDA 7.6125 NYANZA Nyamira B-{minus)
183 Bishop Colin Davies Senior 7.6 Rift Valley Narok B-{minus)
184 KATILU BOYS 7.5855 Rift Valley Turkana B-{minus)
185 Bura Girls High School, Mwatate 7.571 Coast Taita Taveta B-{minus)
186 Ugenya High 7.5 NYANZA Siaya B-{minus)
187 ACK Rae Girls 7.5 NYANZA kisumu B-{minus)
188 St Mary’s Yala 7.5 NYANZA Siaya B-{minus)
189 HOMA BAY HIGH SCHOOL 7.5 NYANZA Homa Bay B-{minus)
190 Moi Gesusu 7.49 NYANZA Kisii C+{plus}
191 KAPSOIT SECONDARY 7.4858 Rift Valley Kericho C+{plus}
192 SANTA MARIA GIRLS CHEPTULON 7.4834 Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet C+{plus}
193 MISYANI GIRLS HIGH 7.4823 Eastern Machakos C+{plus}
194 Mokubo Secondary 7.46 NYANZA Kisii C+{plus}
195 KANYAWANGA HIGH 7.45 NYANZA Migori C+{plus}
196 RINGA BOYS 7.44 NYANZA Homa Bay C+{plus}
198 AIC LITEIN GIRLS 7.4 Rift Valley Kericho C+{plus}
199 KOLANYA BOYS 7.3806 WESTERN Busia C+{plus}
200 SA KOLANYA BOYS HIGH 7.38 WESTERN Bungoma C+{plus}
201 Matuga Girls High School 7.36 Coast Kwale C+{plus}
202 ST JOSEPHS CHEPTERIT GIRLS 7.3356 Rift Valley Nandi C+{plus}
203 KOLANYA GIRLS 7.3247 WESTERN Busia C+{plus}
204 BUKHALALIRE 7.3125 WESTERN Busia C+{plus}
205 Kereri Girls High 7.312 NYANZA Kisii C+{plus}
206 Nyakeore Mixed 7.302 NYANZA Nyamira C+{plus}
207 Riooga Secondary 7.3 NYANZA Kisii C+{plus}
208 KAPROPITA GIRLS HIGH 7.3 Rift Valley Baringo C+{plus}
209 Riyabe Secondary 7.291 NYANZA Nyamira C+{plus}
210 CHEPKECHEI BOYS 7.281 Rift Valley Kericho C+{plus}
211 Itierio Girls 7.28 NYANZA Kisii C+{plus}
212 NYABONDO BOYS 7.26 NYANZA Kisumu C+{plus}
213 TENGECHA BOYS 7.2423 Rift Valley Kericho C+{plus}
214 AHERO GIRLS 7.2 NYANZA Kisumu C+{plus}
215 WIRE MIXED 7.2 NYANZA Homa Bay C+{plus}
216 Kiabonyoru Girls 7.1982 NYANZA Nyamira C+{plus}
217 SIGALAME BOYS 7.192 WESTERN Busia C+{plus}
218 ST ANNES BUNYALA 7.1915 WESTERN Busia C+{plus}
219 Chesamisi High 7.186 WESTERN Bungoma C+{plus}
220 Machakos Girls 7.1406 Eastern Machakos C+{plus}
221 AIC Gietai Girls 7.13 NYANZA Nyamira C+{plus}
223 Kanjuri High School 7.1289 Central Nyeri C+{plus}
224 Makueni Girls 7.102 Eastern Makueni C+{plus}
226 TEREMI HIGH SCHOOL 7.09 WESTERN Bungoma C+{plus}
227 St Mathias Mulumba Girls 7.078 NYANZA Nyamira C+{plus}
228 Moi Girls Sindo 7.063 NYANZA Homa Bay C+{plus}
229 Ibacho High 7.053 NYANZA Kisii C+{plus}
230 THE KITONDO SCHOOL 7.04 Eastern Makueni C+{plus}
231 Nyamagwa Boys 7.0269 NYANZA Kisii C+{plus}
232 KERICHO HIGH 7.017 Rift Valley Kericho C+{plus}
233 KIMULOT BOYS HIGH 7.005 Rift Valley Bomet C+{plus}
234 Ichuni girls 7 NYANZA Kisii C+{plus}
235 Kabaa High 6.98 Eastern Machakos C+{plus}
236 OYUGI OGANGO SECONDARY 6.9593 NYANZA Migori C+{plus}
237 ST ANGELAS GIRLS SECONDARY 6.935 Eastern Kitui C+{plus}
238 BELGUT STAREHE GIRLS HIGH 6.742 Rift Valley Kericho C+{plus}
240 NANGINA GIRLS 6.5054 WESTERN Busia C+{plus}
241 MBOONI BOYS HIGH 6.5 Eastern Makueni C+{plus}
242 Mpeketoni Boys High school 6.46 Coast LAMU FALSE
243 MASINGA BOYS HIGH 6.455 Eastern Machakos FALSE
244 KOLOWA HIGH SCHOOL 6.425 Rift Valley Baringo FALSE
245 Sengera Manga 6.3736 NYANZA Nyamira C{plain
246 Ngoron high School 6.33 Rift Valley Baringo FALSE
247 Mwaghogho Boys School 6.3 Coast Taita Taveta FALSE
248 ST MONICAS GIRLS 6.3 Rift Valley Tranz Nzoia FALSE
250 CHEPTENYE BOYS 6.2359 Rift Valley Kericho FALSE
252 Oriwo Boys 6.2 NYANZA Homa Bay FALSE
253 Kwale Girls High school 6.1825 Coast Kwale FALSE
254 ST MARY’S KITANY BOYS 6.1603 Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet FALSE
256 TAMBACH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL 6.082 Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet FALSE
257 LELU SECONDARY 6.0792 Rift Valley Kericho FALSE
258 Makairo Secondary 6.0615 NYANZA Nyamira C{plain}
261 Nyabigena Boys 5.88502 NYANZA Kisii FALSE
262 St Gregory Obanga Mixed 5.8811 NYANZA Homa Bay FALSE
266 MURRAY GIRLS 5.7 Coast Taita Taveta FALSE
268 MOGOTIO GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL 5.6284 Rift Valley Baringo FALSE
269 God Oloo Mixed 5.5815 NYANZA Homa Bay FALSE
270 VOI BOYS 5.57 Coast Taita Taveta FALSE
271 AIC LITEIN GIRLS Rift Valley Kericho FALSE
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