Education CS Prof. George Magoha (left; in suit).

This is how and when we will reopen schools: CS Magoha explains

Education Cabinet Secretary Prof. George Magoha has issued a strong warning to parents and the public over discussions on school reopening and fees; saying the safety of learners is of paramount importance. The CS said schools will remain closed till June 4 and that the Government will review the situation before advising the public of the next step regarding the start of second term.

“The children should enjoy their holidays and the schools shall remain closed effective 4th of this month to 4th of next month (June, 2020),” he said.

But, the CS was quick to point out that they will not rush into reopening of the schools saying such a decision will involve a number of stake holders.

“So, if and when we are going to make the pronouncements to either shift the calendar or open schools, we shall wait for the appropriate time, which has not arrived. That opportunity will come as we together look at what government is doing” he explained.

National Examinations and the school calendar

On the 2020 KCSE and KCPE examinations, Prof. Magoha was categorical that the government has not decided to post-pone the tests yet.

“Even up to this point, the government has not decided to postpone the national examinations,” Magoha said.

Embakasi East MP, Babu Owino.
Embakasi East MP, Babu Owino: “As the secretary general of kenya young parlimentarians, the cabinet secretary education Professor George Albert Magoha Omori must submit in my office those exam papers (KCPE and KCSE) in advance so that i can verify if they have tested what has not been taught.”
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He wondered why parents were haggling about school fees at a point when the Country is grappling with the covid-19 pandemic.

“It is also very disturbing to hear the parents and the public only discussing about school opening and haggling about fees. It is important to remember that this is a medical crisis, not an economic crisis. The economic aspect is on the side and we must control the medical crisis first,” a physically agitated Magoha said.

Magoha warned Kenyans to be wary of the corona virus saying it is too early to celebrate on the successes of keeping the virus at bay. The CS took an opportunity to school Kenyans hon how masks should be worn.

He further said that the government will treat every child as equal and that ‘every child will be given content that he (/she) did not have’. His pronunciation on schools’ reopening date has effectively put a stop to academies that have been issuing second term school fee notes to parents and guardians.

The CS was speaking during the daily briefing session by the government on the status of the covid-19 pandemic in the country.

On the debate surrounding the current online learning, he said the services are available to all learners; adding that the government is making all it can to ensure all learners have the necessary gadgets to attend to the online lessons.

“The content for online learning for the national curriculum is available on the KICD website and radio lessons are available for free,” he reiterated.


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