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The 2019 UNESCO- Hamdan Prize for teachers. Apply today.

The 2019 UNESCO- Hamdan Prize for teachers. Apply today.

The 2019 UNESCO- Hamdan Prize for teachers. Apply today.

The 2019-2020 call for nominations is now open

The UNESCO-Hamdan bin Rashid Al-Maktoum Prize for Outstanding Practice and Performance in Enhancing the Effectiveness of Teachers was created in 2008 to support the improvement of teaching and learning quality in achieving the Education for All goals, which is one of UNESCO’s priorities.

Awarded every two years, the Prize is generously supported by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum of the United Arab Emirates. It amounts to US $300,000, which is equally divided between three winners whose projects aim at improving worldwide the performance and effectiveness of teachers.

The winners are selected by an International Jury composed of five distinguished professionals chosen for their high-level of knowledge and experience in teacher-related issues.

The Prize will be awarded for the sixth time at a ceremony that will take place during World Teachers’ Day celebrations at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on 5 October 2020.

The deadline for submitting applications for the 2019-2020 Prize is 31 October 2019 (midnight, Paris time). Applications are to be emailed to: sends e-mail) with the mention in the subject “UNESCO-Hamdan Prize application”.

To submit an application, please download the guide, the application form and the nomination form.

Download the Statutes of UNESCO-Hamdan Prize.The Secretariat of the Prize stands ready to provide you with any additional information that you may require (tel.: +33 1 45 68 23 22 – fax: + 33 1 45 68 56 26; e-mail: teacherprize(a)

Background Information

In 2008, the UNESCO-Hamdan Prize was created to support the enhancement of teaching and learning quality in achieving the Education for All goals, which is one of UNESCO’s priorities. The Prize is awarded every two years to three winners whose projects aim at improving the performance and effectiveness of teachers worldwide. The Prize, generously supported by H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum of the United Arab Emirates, amounts to UD $ 300 000, which is equally divided between the three winners.

Who is eligible?
●●Candidates may be individuals representing institutions or organizations; international or national governmental or non-governmental organizations (NGOs); educational or research institutions and local/national/regional communities.
●●Applications are not opened to individuals.

What is a nominating body?
●●Nominating bodies may be governments of Member States, in consultation with their National Commissions and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) maintaining official partnerships with UNESCO.
●●A nominating body may nominate and recommend up to 5 candidates for the Prize.

How to apply?
●●Applications may be submitted in two ways:
●➤A candidate shall ask a nominating body to send its application to UNESCO;
●➤A nominating body may initiate the process of nominating a candidate and send the application to UNESCO.
●●A candidate shall be nominated by no more than one nominating body.
●●Applications must be written either in English or in French only.
●●Unsolicited applications are not taken into consideration/self-nominations cannot be considered.Selection process
●●Applications received before the deadline are reviewed by the Screening panel, who will eliminate non-eligible candidates and transmit accepted applications to the International Jury of the Prize.
●●The International Jury meets in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) to select the Prize winners.
●●Prizes are awarded to winners during an official ceremony organized at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on the occasion of World Teachers’ Day (October 2020).Application

The application must contain:
●●The nomination form filled by the nominating body (using the appropriate form);
●●The application form completed by the candidate (using the appropriate form);
●●Accompanying/supporting materials (in English or French).

Both application and nomination forms can be downloaded from UNESCO’s website: or Hamdan Foundation website:

Applications should be sent only electronically to with the mention in the subject” UNESCO-Hamdan Prize application” by 31 October 2019 (midnight, Paris time).

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