Official Step by step guide on how to fill TSC Wealth Declaration Form Online
1 Open the TSC portal at TSC Wealth Declaration Portal.
2. Select Teachers Online Services
3. Click on Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities
4. Create password to register (only for first time users); provide mobile number and primary email address
5. Log into the system using TSC no and password
6. Select Wealth Declaration menu and fill General Info
7. Click appropriate tabs (Income, Assets and Liabilities)
8. Enter details of your spouse and children and
capture their assets, liabilities and income details
9. Enter other relevant information
10. Enter witness details
11 Click on ‘view summary’ to verify the information
12. Click submit; a confirmation message will be sent to your inbox.
8. Enter details of your spouse and children and capture their assets, liabilities and income details
9. Enter other relevant information
10. Enter witness details
11 Click on ‘view summary’ to verify the information
12. Click submit; a confirmation message will be sent to your inbox.