Riomego PAG Secondary KCSE 2024/2025 Full Results Analysis {Verified Knec Official Results}

Total Candidates/ Entry116
A (Plain)0
A- (Minus)0
B+ (Plus)0
B (Plain)0
B- (Minus)0
C+ (Plus)6
C (Plain)36
C- (Minus)43
D+ (Plus)29
D (Plain)2
D- (Minus)0
X (Absent)0
Y (Cancelled)0
U (Not Graded)0
P (Pended)0
W (withheld)0
2022 MEAN SCORE4.418
2023 MEAN SCORE4.125
2024 MEAN SCORE5.121
2024 MEAN GRADEC- (minus)
Position in Nyamira County78
University Direct Entry (C+ & above)6
% Transition to university5.17241
Physical Location: Sub CountyNYAMIRA NORTH

Release Of Examinations Results

The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) wishes to bring the following information to the attention of all institutions presenting candidates for the KNEC examinations:

Examination Results Slips and Printouts
Each of the institutions that enter candidates for the KNEC examinations shall receive a hard copy of the institution’s examination results printout and result slips which captures the following information:
1. Institution’s Code and Name
This appears on the top left side of the printout.  The institution’s code is a unique number by which an examination centre is identified by the Council.  This is the number that an institution should always quote whenever communicating with KNEC.
2. Candidates Details
Below the institution’s name and code are details of the candidates.  These details include the index number of the candidate, year of examination, gender, individual subject grades and the mean grade.
The important features of the examination results are as indicated below:-

  • X – denotes an absent candidate. A candidate is declared absent if he/she did not sit for one or all papers in the examination. However, for the KCPE examination results, the symbol AB indicates an absence;
  • Y- denotes that the candidate was involved in an examination irregularity. For the KCPE examination results, the symbol 00 indicates an irregularity;
  • P- denotes that the candidate’s examination results have been pended due to infringement on the entry requirements for the examination e.g. incorrect KCPE details for entry in KCSE examination;
  • W– denotes that the candidate’s examination results have been withheld on suspicion that the candidate has been involved in an examination malpractice and investigations are ongoing;
  • U- denotes ungraded examination results due to infringement of the awards criteria.

Mean Grade Award Descriptions

  • Mean grade will be X, if a candidate is absent in all subjects
  • Mean grade will be Y , if one or more subjects are cancelled
  • Mean grade will be U, if the entry requirements for the KCSE examination are not met
  • Mean grade will be CRNM, if the course requirements for the Teacher education, Business and Technical examinations are not met
  • Mean grade will be P, if results are pended
  • Mean grade will be W, if the examination results are withheld;

The details of pended, withheld and irregularities are communicated to the institution through the Sub County Director of Education at the time of release of the examination results and are received by the institutions at the same time with the examination results.

Release Of Certificates

Once certificates for a specific examination are ready for collection/dispatch from KNEC, the institutions shall be informed through the mass and print media, Sub County Directors of Education and/or the heads of institutions:

  • All certificates for regular candidates are issued through the Heads of Schools/Institutions and to private candidates through the Sub County Directors of Education.
  • The Kenya National Examinations Council reserves the right to withdraw a certificate for amendment or for any other reason should this be necessary.

Riomego PAG Secondary KCSE 2024/2025 Full Results Analysis {Verified Knec Official Results}