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Nyamira County KCSE 2022/2023 List Of Top 100 Schools (Official)

Nyamira County KCSE 2022-2023 Ranking of Best 100 Schools (Ultimate List)

Position Nationally Name of School Region County Mean Score Mean Grade
1 NYAMBARIA SCHOOL NYANZA Nyamira 10.897 A-{minus}
12 GONZAGA GONZA NYANZA Nyamira 10.3 B+{plus}
38 Nyakongo boys NYANZA Nyamira 9.54 B+{plus}
67 MWONGORI HIGH NYANZA Nyamira 9.119 B{plain}
68 KUURA SEC NYANZA Nyamira 9.11 B{plain}
72 St Pauls Gekano Boys NYANZA Nyamira 9.0634 B{plain}
73 NYANSIONGO HIGH NYANZA Nyamira 9.053 B{plain}
76 RIGOKO ELCK NYANZA Nyamira 9 B{plain}
83 MENYENYA SDA NYANZA Nyamira 8.871 B{plain}
86 KEBIRIGO BOYS NYANZA Nyamira 8.842 B{plain}
96 NYAIKURO MIXED SEC NYANZA Nyamira 8.71 B{plain}
100 St Andrew Kaggwa Girls High NYANZA Nyamira 8.648 B{plain}
110 Kianungu Mixed NYANZA Nyamira 8.5 B{plain}
113 MANGA GIRLS NYANZA Nyamira 8.4 B-{minus)
121 NYAKEMINCHA SEC NYANZA Nyamira 8.35 B-{minus)
124 NYANSABAKWA BOYS NYANZA Nyamira 8.316 B-{minus)
136 MATUTU PAG SEC NYANZA Nyamira 8.2 B-{minus)
142 KIABONYORU HIGH NYANZA Nyamira 8.17 B-{minus)
151 NYACHURURU SEC NYANZA Nyamira 8.08 B-{minus)
152 KEBABE GIRLS NYANZA Nyamira 8.07 B-{minus)
159 Gekano Girls NYANZA Nyamira 7.972 B-{minus)
170 Matongo Boys NYANZA Nyamira 7.86 B-{minus)
176 Nyamira Boys NYANZA Nyamira 7.806 B-{minus)
182 ST JOSEPHS BIEGO SECONDARY NYANZA Nyamira 7.7647 B-{minus)
186 Gesiaga High NYANZA Nyamira 7.6954 B-{minus)
187 Sironga Girls NYANZA Nyamira 7.69 B-{minus)
189 Nyamiranga SDA NYANZA Nyamira 7.6125 B-{minus)
210 GEKONGE SECONDARY NYANZA Nyamira 7.35 C+{plus}
215 Nyakeore Mixed NYANZA Nyamira 7.302 C+{plus}
218 Riyabe Secondary NYANZA Nyamira 7.291 C+{plus}
226 Kiabonyoru Girls NYANZA Nyamira 7.1982 C+{plus}
234 AIC Gietai Girls NYANZA Nyamira 7.13 C+{plus}
240 St Mathias Mulumba Girls NYANZA Nyamira 7.078 C+{plus}
265 Sengera Manga NYANZA Nyamira 6.3736 C (plain)
281 Makairo Secondary NYANZA Nyamira 6.0615 C (plain)
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