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NHIF benefits package- How to get the services


The scope of benefits includes comprehensive outpatient and inpatient medical treatment both within the country and overseas for the principal member and eligible dependants. In addition the cover provides for Group Life and Last Expense Cover for the Principal Member.


The outpatient benefit package includes both curative & preventive services which comprise, but not limited to:

  1. Consultation
  2. Laboratory investigations
  1. Dental health care services
  2. Radiological examinations
  3. Nursing and midwifery services
  1. Optical care
  2. Rehabilitation services
  3. Annual medical check-up


The Dental Cover includes dental consultation, orthodontics, root canal, dentures, Cost of filling, X-rays and Extractions including surgical extractions together with anaesthetics fees, hospital and operating theatre cost. The Dental Cover can be accessed as per the provided limits in Table B on a Fee for Service basis.


A member shall benefit in the proportion of expenses on a Fee for Service



basis as shown on table B for the cost of the eye glasses and eye testing.


Job Groups Optical (KES) Dental (KES)
All Job Groups 40,000 50,000


NB.Provided the total cost in any one period of insurance does not exceed

the limits specified in Table B.


NHIF shall meet the pre-test costs for the kidney donor identification upto a maximum of two (2). The potential donors shall be a paid up registered member/be enrolled as a member of NHIF.


The principal member and spouse are eligible for annual general medical checkup at the selected healthcare facility. Medical checkup will entail examination of the following:

  1. Body mass index
  2. Full Haemogram
  1. Blood sugar
  2. Gamma GT
  3. Urinalysis
  1. Mammogram

NB:Health Care Facilities that are unable to offer the above scope of services are advised to refer the member to other facilities (members shall not be required to pay for these services on referral)


KEPI vaccines, Rota virus vaccine, Anti – rabies, Anti –Snake venom and yellow fever vaccine are catered for in the scheme. The vaccinations will be availed at the selected health care facilities.

Members are expected to seek Out-Patient treatment in their selected



medical facility. Members in job groups A-K will have unlimited outpatient services in their selected facilities. Members in job groups L-T will access outpatient services in their selected facilities subject to their annual limits as indicated in Table C.

The following documents are required at the point of service:

  1. A copy of NHIF card OR
  2. A copy of the National Identification card of the principal member or Staff Identification


Inpatient care may include all medical and surgical conditions which need admission and where the management will be of therapeutic value. The Inpatient cover includes the following:

  1. Hospital accommodation charges
  2. Nursing care


  1. Rehabilitation services
  2. Operating theatre services
  3. Specialist consultations or visits
  1. Pre-hospitalization procedures such as laboratory, x-ray or other

medical diagnostic procedures and tests


  1. Consultation and treatment for both mother and child,
  2. Cost of Child birth including caesarian section deliveries


In-patient treatment will be on referral basis from the selected primary healthcare facility. These services will be accessed as follows:-

  1. Members in Job Group A-K will access comprehensive benefit in case they fall sick in Private wing in the two National referral hospitals (KNH and MTRH), Amenity wards in Government hospitals and Ward Beds



in Mission and Medium Cost Private Hospitals in facilities designated to them.

  1. Members in Job Group L-T will access comprehensive benefit subject to their limits in Private wing in the two National referral hospitals (KNH and MTRH), Amenity wards in Government hospitals and ward beds in Mission and private Job Group R, S, T – can access private single rooms in the facilities designated to them.
  1. A copy of NHIF card;
  2. A copy of the Principal Member’s National Identification card;
  3. A copy of the spouse’s National Identification card in case the spouse

is the patient;

  1. Copy of birth certificate or birth notification for child(ren) below six

(6) months or copy of adoption certificate where applicable in case

of child admission;

  1. A copy of proof of registration with the National Council for Persons with Disability will be required for dependants with Disability and are over 21 years;
  2. A letter of proof that the child is enrolled in a full time learning institution for children above 21 years will be


Job Groups In- Patient Out-Patient
A-G Unlimited Unlimited
H Unlimited Unlimited
J Unlimited Unlimited
K Unlimited Unlimited
L 1,000,000 100,000
M 1,250,000 150,000
N 1,500,000 200,000
P 1,750,000 225,000
Q 2,000,000 250,000
R,S,T 2,250,000 350,000


Incase of a medical emergency, members and/or their declared

dependants will access services in any NHIF accredited health facility.



The facility should communicate to the nearest NHIF office for purposes of reimbursement. Members are expected to report cases of emergency or emergency admissions to the nearest NHIF office.

Members will not be required to meet the cost of such treatment.


The contracted Health Care Provider has a proper referral system and shall refer the beneficiaries to a lower level facility or higher level facility depending on the medical and health care services required. The types of referral may be;-

  1. Outpatient to outpatient: Referral from a lower/higher level facility
  2. Outpatient to inpatient: Referral for inpatient


A scheme member will seek treatment in their selected health facility. However, where the selected facility lacks a particular service, the facility shall refer the member to any other health provider where the service is available. Such referrals shall be paid for by the member’s selected health facility. These shall exclude dental and optical which are paid on Fee for Service basis.


The hospital will notify NHIF for authorization in cases of day care surgery, and when a member is away from their capitated facility. The authorization shall be issued by the Branch Manager, Deputy Branch Manager or Head of Benefits.

A Letter of Undertaking will be required for specialized cases. The member will be required to visit his outpatient facility for a referral letter before visiting the nearest NHIF Branch office to be issued with a letter of undertaking.


  1. Treatment costs for beneficiaries arising from a condition that warrants treatment not available in Kenya will be covered subject to pre- authorization by NHIF will cater for treatment cost and cost



of travel for Member or Dependants and travel and accommodation costs for one person accompanying the patient.

  1. Medical personnel accompanying a patient on recommendation by the referring Doctor will be paid for a return air ticket and accommodation for a period not exceeding two

travel cost for the organ donor.

  1. NHIF will reimburse claims related to emergency treatment incurred while the principal member is temporarily outside the country on official duty as long as the period is not exceeding six weeks at any one visit.


Referral letter from the facility or specialized consultant.

A letter from line ministry/department to the Director of Medical Services

supporting the referral.

Approval letter from the Director of Medical Services. Pro-forma invoice from the referred facility.

NB: An NHIF approved agent may assist members to identify appropriate facilities and make travel arrangements. For more information contact the nearest NHIF Office.


Ambulance services for transportation and transfer of a sick member or dependant for treatment to the nearest NHIF Accredited Health Facility is provided as follows:

  1. Emergency road transfer services by Kenya Red Cross Society is for all Civil Servants and Disciplined Services members/dependants covered under the
  2. Members can access Kenya Red Cross Helpline 24 hours a day through

a toll free line – 1199.


When there is need for a medically indicated transfer or during a medical emergency:



  1. A call shall be made to any of the Emergency Medical Dispatch

numbers (0700 395395, 0738 395395) for an ambulance;

  1. A call can also be made to the Toll free line – 1199;
  1. The caller shall be requested not to hang up until the dispatcher allows


  1. The nearest available ambulance shall be dispatched to the location or site immediately after verifying membership


Emergency Air Rescue is available for transportation and transfer of an injured Principal member of the Scheme to health facilities where adequate treatment is available. AMREF Flying Doctors has been contracted to provide emergency air rescue services to the Civil Servants & Disciplined Services officers spread across the country.

The cover includes:

  1. Two evacuation flights per year per member; and
  2. Two ground ambulance transfers per year within The Service Provider will facilitate a local road ambulance to transfer the patient from the airport/airstrip to the nearest N.H.I.F accredited Health Care Provider.


  1. In case of emergency contact the emergency control centre through telephone Numbers : 0733 639088,0722 314239,020 662299,Email:
  2. State your name, telephone contact, location/facility and nature of













NHIF shall cover a member or dependants for Dental, Optical, Pressure Stockings, Orthodontics, Root canal, Dentures, Hearing Aids, Drug and Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Services, Renal, Trauma, Diabetes, Hypertension, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment, MRI, CT- Scan, and Cancer medical care and treatment services.

The total coverage under this section in any one period of insurance shall not exceed the limits specified and the cover shall be available at NHIF accredited and contracted specialized facilities from the selected health facility.


NHIF shall, upon death of a principal member while this cover is in force pay to the next of kin the amount specified in the Last expense schedule below to cater for the funeral expenses. The declared next of kin will be required to complete the form and forward to the respective head of human resource management in the line Ministry /State Departments/ County the following documents:

  1. Original burial permit; and
  2. Duly completed claim


NHIF shall pay death benefit upon the demise of a principal member only. The declared next of kin will be required to complete the form and to forward to the respective head of human resource management in the line Ministry /State Departments/County the following documents:

  1. Original burial permit;
  2. Original Surrender of D. form;
  1. Duly completed claim

The Original documents will be returned to the next of kin after payment.

For last expense and group life the Line Ministry /State Departments/



County Heads of Human Resource Management shall forward the above documents to NHIF for payments.

NHIF shall pay Permanent Total disability benefits upon the disablement of a member equivalent to Group life benefits, whilst in service within seven(7) days on receipt of full documentation.

NHIF shall pay critical illness benefits of 30% of group life benefits upon the diagnosis of a critical illness of a member, whilst in service within seven

(7) days on receipt of full documentation.

NHIF shall pay for artificial appliances such as wheel chairs (one within the contract period), crutches, prosthesis and walking frames as necessary prescribed by medical practitioner within seven (7) days on receipt of full documentation.


  1. All notifications of death to NHIF should be signed by the Head of Human Resource Management Unit or in their absence, the Deputy Head of HR Unit in the respective Line Ministry/State Department/ County of the deceased officer within thirty (30) days of occurrence. Any notification/claim not signed by the Head/Deputy of HRM Unit will not be
  2. The Head of Department at the County/Sub County should complete and sign Part I of the Claim Form, ensure that the beneficiary/next of kin completes Part II and forward the form to the Head of HRM Unit at the line Ministry/State
  1. The Head of Human Resource Management Unit must certify that the claimant is the eligible beneficiary before forwarding the claim form to NHIF and they will be held personally accountable for inaccurate
  2. The Head of Human Resource Management Unit at the line Ministry/ State Department/County are required to submit their specimen signatures and those of their Deputies for verification of the claim form



Job Group Group Life (Kshs) Last Expense (Kshs)
A-G 700,000 100,000
H 700,000 100,000
J 700,000 100,000
K 850,000 120,000
L 850,000 120,000
M 1,000,000 150,000
N 1,000,000 180,000
P 1,150,000 200,000
Q 1,300,000 250,000
R,S,T 1,700,000 300,000



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