Home Latest Education News Latest recommendations to the CBC Task Force

Latest recommendations to the CBC Task Force

Recommendations to the CBC Task Force
1) Grade 7 and 8 to be in primary schools.
2) Primary school teachers holding Diplomas and Degree or senior teachers in primary to teach grade 7 and 8.
3) Grade 9, 10, 11 and 12 to be in secondary schools.
5) All schools to be funded to be able to cater for the two pathways in Grade 11.

6) Schools to teach with what they have. No parent should be asked to buy any item. If the items needed for that topic aren’t available, the topic to be rescheduled and be taught later.
7) Assessment modalities to be changed. School Based Assessment to carry 20% while that of KNEC to carry 80%.
8) Teachers to assess learners with due respect to their religious faiths.
9) Professional Documents to be reduced.
10) TSC to put a hold on TPD but instead use every holiday to train teachers on CBC.
11) KPSEA to be a written exam with Insha and composition.
12) School Based Assessment to be conducted by external invigilators and results uploaded by the sub county KNEC offices.
13) KNEC to devolve it’s services by having Sub county KNEC offices.
14) Boarding schools to be abolished except in ASAL areas.
15) All schools to be of mixed gender.
16) Lowest entry grade for teaching courses to be reviewed. Primary: B- and Secondary B+.
17) Teachers’ pay: lowest Job group to be paid Basic Salary of 35000.
C2 to start at 70000.
18) House Allowance to be uniform. 250000 despite where one works.
19) Children of teachers to be exempted from paying fees in all public schools.
20) All schools to have at least one police officer and a qualified counsellor.
21) All teachers to undego compulsory psychiatrist test and counseling services after every one three months.

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