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Kuccps Diploma in Law (Paralegal Studies): Intakes, Requirements, Duration & Fees

Kuccps Diploma in Law (Paralegal Studies): Intakes, Requirements, Duration & Fees
Kuccps Diploma in Law (Paralegal Studies): Intakes, Requirements, Duration & Fees

The Kenya School of Law is an institution established under the Kenya School of Law Act, Cap 16C.  The School is mandated  by  section  4(1)  of  the  Act  to  be  a  public  legal  education  provider  responsible  for  the  provision  of professional  legal  training  as an agent  of the Government.

In the exercise  of this mandate,  the school  invites applications  from  qualified  candidates  to  pursue  studies  leading  to  a  Diploma  in  Law  (Paralegal  studies),
commencing in May 2025.

Continue reading: Kuccps introduces Diploma in Law programme for KCSE graduates with Grade C

General objectives of the Diploma in Law (Paralegal Studies) Programme:

The general objectives are to train persons to serve in all fields of law and to instill professional preparedness  and ethical commitment in the legal practice as Paralegals.  The programme may also lay a foundation for those wishing to pursue further studies in the legal field.

The PTP programme helps to bridge the existing gap in a middle cadre
support for the legal professionals practicing at the Bar, the corporate world and government institutions.

Training Venue and Classes for Diploma in Law (Paralegal Studies)

The programme is offered at the Kenya School of Law, Town Campus, in Development House, 5” and 6’h Floor, New Wing, Moi Avenue, Nairobi.  Learning will be physical day classes (morning 9am-12pm or afternoon classes 2-
Spm, Monday to Thursday) or virtual classes in the evenings 5-8pm (Mon-Thur).

Minimum entry requirements for Diploma in Law (Paralegal Studies):

To be eligible for admission  into the Diploma  in Law  (Para-legal  Studies)  Programme,  applicants  must meet the following requirements:

  1. a) A mean grade of C (plain) in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E) examination or its equivalent with at least C (plus) in English or Kiswahili;
    b) At least one principal pass at the Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (K.A.C.E) examination;
    c) A pass in a certificate of law course offered at an accredited legal education provider; or
    d) A certificate of experiential learning issued by the Council of Legal Education.

Duration and Pattern of the Diploma in Law (Paralegal Studies) programme:

a. This is a weekday programme with an option for either day-physical or evening-virtual classes.
b.  The programme shall last for a minimum period of two (2) academic years comprising of three (3) terms in each year.
C.    Students shall register for a maximum of four (4) course units per term.
d.    To qualify for the award of the Diploma in Law (Paralegal Studies) candidates must complete the course of study in not less than two (2) academic years.

Fees structure for Diploma in Law (Paralegal Studies):

{NB — 75% of fees due for each term must be paid during registration and the balance at least two weeks before commencement of examinations)

Item Cost(Kshs.)
1. Application fees (to be paid on submission of application) 2000/=
2. Tuition fees per course unit*………………………… Maximum 4 units per term 7500/=
3. Examination fees per course unit*…………………. Maximum 4 units per term 3000/=
4. Library fees (per year)………………………………………………… 5000/=
5. Attachment fees (payable in the last term of second year) 5000/=
’Total units for the programme = 25 (inclusive of attachment)

Diploma in Law (Paralegal Studies) Mode of Application:

Application to the 2025/2026 academic year commencing on  12th May 2025 must be submitted through the online application portal applications.ksI.ac.ke/ available on the School website www.bsl.ac.ke.  The following documents should be uploaded on the portal:
a)   Copy of KCSE/KCE certificate;
b)   Copies of relevant professional certificates and transcripts (where applicable);
c)    Copy of national identity card;
d)    A passport size colour photograph;
e)   Copy  of bank  payment  slip showing  payment  of application  fee.

Your  full name should  appear  on the deposit  slip.  Applicants  must  deposit  a  non refundable application  processing  fee  of  Kshs.  2000/  as indicated below:

Account Name: Kenya School of Law
Account No: 01129706350500
Bank: Cooperative Bank of Kenya, Karen Branch or any other co-operative bank countrywide

So as to be received, not later than 18tApril 2025. Applications  not accompanied  by the required  documents,  or sent after the closing date shall not be accepted.

Applications  can  also  be  submitted  via  KUCCPS  Portal  www.students.kuccps.net

Our  program  code  is: 5485J23 Program Name: Diploma in Law (Paralegal Studies)

Please feel free to reach out to us via email ptpdiploma@ksl.ac.ke or Safaricom:  0712923459 Airtel: 0754456629
Tekom: 0202699582/0202699584


Minimum Entry Requirements

Cluster Subject 1 ENG / KIS
Cluster Subject 2 MAT A / MAT B / BIO / PHY / CHE / BIO / GSC
Cluster Subject 3 HAG / GEO / CRE / IRE / HRE
Cluster Subject 4 BIO / PHY / CHE / BIO / GSC / HAG / GEO / CRE / IRE / HRE / HSC / ARD / AGR / WW / MW / BC / PM / ECT / DRD / AVT / CMP / FRE / GER / ARB / KSL / MUC / BST
NOTE: A subject may only be considered ONCE in this section

Minimum Subject Requirements

Subject 1 ENG / KIS B


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