The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) is conducting a pilot study for the KIJSEA and KPLEA summative assessment at Grade 9 and Pre vocational level respectively. The assessments will be administered to the 2024 Grade 8 and Prevocational learners from 15 to 19 July 2024.

This will take place in 235 schools following the Age Based curriculum as well as 30 schools following Stage Based curriculum across the 47 counties in Kenya. The sample includes public, private and Special Needs Education (SNE) schools.

Two modes of assessment, paper and pen and online (e-assessment), will be used in the administration of the assessment tools. Learners in the sampled schools will be expected to sit for nine (9) subjects distributed in eleven (11) papers as indicated in the timetable attached.

Table 1 list the scho

Knec selected schools
Knec selected schools

In addition to administration of assessment papers, more data will be collected using questionnaires. The questionnaires will be administered electronically using Computer Assisted Technologies (CAT). One (01) external invigilator will be assigned to each school, with a KNEC officer serving as the supervisor.

Assessment tools for KPLEA will be uploaded to the KNEC CBA PORTAL. No external invigilators will be involved; instead, a teacher from the school offering Stage Based curriculum will administer the assessment, score it, and upload the scores to the CBA portal.

The purpose of this communication, therefore, is to inform you about the study and request you to inform the Head teachers of the sampled schools in your county through their respective Sub County Directors of Education (SCDEs).

The Kenya National Examinations Council appreciates your continued support.