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KCSE Business Studies Past Papers and Marking Schemes For all years

KCSE Business Studies Past Papers and Marking Schemes For all years

KCSE Business Past Papers

 Business Studies KCSE Paper 1

KCSE 2010

  1. In the spaces provided below, indicate the type of utility created by each of the following commercial activities: (4 Marks)
Commercial activity                                     Type of utility
  1. Selling goods to customers …………………….
  2. Transporting goods ………………………
  1. Making a chair ……………………….
  1. Give five reasons why the government may find it necessary to start a
  2. Name the types of warehouses associated with each of the statements given below. (4 Marks)
Statement                                                                       Type of warehouse
  1. Goods can be stored before payment of custom duty………………….… ii.Individual can hire storage facilities……………………………………… iii.Goods are stored from several manufacturers…………………………….. iv.Specialized goods are stored ………………………………………………
  1. The figure below shows a shift in the supply curve of a given








0                     Q0                    Q1                                  Quantity


Outline four factors that may have caused the shift in the supply curve from S0 to S1


(4 Marks)

  1. The balances given below relate to Enotika Traders for the year ended 31st December, 2008.
Capital ?
2 Year Bank Loan 230,020
Creditors 95,200
Fixed assets 480,000
Current assets 145,220

Prepare a balance sheet as at 31st December, 2008. (5 Marks)


  1. Give two reasons why a three column cashbook is used both as a journal and a ledger. (4 Marks)
  2. The management of national debt, credit control and lender of last resort are some of the functions of the Central Bank. Match these functions with the statements given below. (3 Marks)


  Statement Function
i. Repayment of Government securities as they mature.  
ii. Receipt of treasury bills to secure loans.  
iii. Directing commercial banks on the preferred sectors to

lend money.



  1. State the meaning of the following terms of sale as used in international

(4 Marks)

  1. LOCO………b) I.F……… c) F.A.S………d) F.O.Q…….


  1. The manager of Tasa Limited constantly walks around various


State four merits of this style of management.                         (4 Marks)


  1. State four reasons why the government should create an enabling environment for investors. (4 Marks)
  2. Outline four differences between insurance and (4 Marks)


  1. State four factors that may influence the level of national (4 Marks)
  2. Outline the difference between cash and credit (2 Marks)
  3. The terms; capital employed, working capital, owner’s equity and borrowed capital are types of capital found in a Match each of the statements given below with the relevant type of capital. (3 Marks)
Statement                                                                          Type of capital
  1. Resource invested into the business by the owner ………………..
  2. Excess of current assets over current liabilities ………………..
  1. Outline four ways in which government expenditure may stabilize the economy of a country. (4 Marks)
  2. State four problems associated with development ( 4 Marks)
  3. State four services that a wholesaler may offer to a (4 Marks)
  4. State four reasons why flower exporters would transport their produce by air rather than by sea. (4 Marks)
  5. The diagram below represents the relationship between population and income per capita.

P (Axis)

  1. The following information was extracted from the books of Helen

1/1/2008              31/12/2008

Shs                           Shs

Salaries pre-paid                   24,800                     52,400

Salaries paid                                –                           48,200

Prepare a salary expense account using the above information. (5 Marks)


  1. State four circumstances under which one may decide to start a personal business. (4 Marks)
  2. Highlight four ways in which a business idea can be (4 Marks)


  1. Outline five measures that a manager can take to improve the working environment in the office. (5 Marks)
  2. Highlight four challenges that a person may encounter when using a cellphone (mobile phone).(4 Marks)
  3. The diagram below represents the long-run equilibrium of a firm under monopolistic (4 Marks) Name the curves represented by letters a,b,c and d.(i.) a is.…(ii.) b is…..(iii.) c is…. (iv.) d is….













0                                                                            S (Axis)

State what is represented by P and S axes, and letters R and Q. (4 Marks)

  1. P (axis)………ii. S (axis)…….……iii. R…………iv. Q…………….

0                                  Q0                            Quantity


KCSE 2011

  1. Identify the types of wholesalers described in the statements given

(4 Marks)

  1. A wholesaler who trades in maize grain only…………………………………
  2. A wholesaler who supplies goods to most of the traders in Kitui, Mbooni and Machakos districts in Eastern part of Kenya………………………………………………………….………………
  3. A wholesaler who buys tomatoes from farmers in rural areas and sells the same to other wholesalers in urban areas…………………………………….
  4. A wholesaler who trades in a wide variety of human medicine……………
  1. Outline four factors that should be considered before buying office

(4 Marks)

  1. Outline four malpractices by traders against which consumers may need protection by the (4 Marks)
  2. State three features of an insurable (3 Marks)


  1. Outline four ways of reducing the level of unemployment in (4 Marks)


  1. State four services offered by a commercial bank to its (4 Marks)


  1. List four sources of public (4 Marks)


  1. Outline four reasons why countries may trade with each (4 Marks)


  1. Outline four reasons why economic development is desirable to a

(4 Marks)

  1. Indicate the reward associated with each of the factors of production in the table (4 Marks)


  Factor of production Reward
a. Land  
b. Labour  
c. Capital  
d. Entrepreneurship  
  1. Outline four circumstances under which a co-operative society may be (4 Marks)
  2. Highlight four features of a bonded (4 Marks)
  1. Outline four factors that may be considered when measuring the size of a

(4 Marks)

  1. The following transactions were extracted from the books of Sarah Traders for the month of March 2006.

Record the above transactions in ledger accounts below:                (4 Marks)

  1. Salim Traders Account (b)Shah Traders Account




(c)Purchases Account                   (d) Sales Account



  1. On 2nd November 2006, Oromo received an invoice for Ksh. 12,000. Terms of payment were trade discount 5% and cash discount 10%. If payment is made within 30 days. Determine the amount paid if payment was made on 28th November 2006. (4 Marks)
  2. The following balances were extracted from the books of Nafula Traders as at 31st December 2005.

Current Liabilities                150,000

Net profit                                  50,000

Total assets                            500,000

2 Year Bank Loan                 100,000

Calculate the rate of return on capital.                                                 (4 Marks)

  1. The information given below was extracted from the books of Amina Traders on 31st December 2006.
Purchases 260,000
Opening stock 75,000
Carriage on purchases 12,500

Closing stock                                  27,500

Goods were sold at a mark-up of   25%.

Using the information above, prepare Amina Traders’ Trading Account. (4 Marks)


  1. State four benefits that a farmer may get by transporting produce to the market by (4 Marks)
Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Quantity(Metric Tonnes) 505 485 430 375 340 290 215 195




Outline four causes of the trend in the table.                                         (4 Marks)

  1. Outline four ways in which households contribute to national income of a (4 Marks)
  2. Outline four circumstances in which a trader may use oral

(4 Marks)

  1. Outline four reasons why a firm may remain (4 Marks)
  2. On 1st January 2007, Muthoni Traders Cash Book showed a credit balance of Ksh. 150,000 at the bank and debit balance of 25,250 in hand. During the month, the following transactions took place:

January 5: Made cash sales for Ksh. 21,500

January 16: Received a cheque for Ksh. 360,000 from a debtor.

January 28: Paid a creditor Ksh. 100,000; partly by a cheque of Ksh. 80,000 and the balance in cash.

Prepare a Two-column Cash Book for the month.                           (5 Marks)

Date Details Cash (Ksh) Bank (Ksh)   Date Details Cash (Ksh) Bank (Ksh)


Dr.             CASH BOOK                                            Cr.





  1. State four benefits that a trader may get by advertising products in a

(4 Marks)

  1. The cost of consumer goods and services for a representative basket of an average family is given below.

Year 2006               2007

Prices (Ksh) 1,200              1,600

Determine the increase in Consumer Price Index using 2006 as the base year.


KCSE 2012

  1. Outline four circumstances under which cash with order may be

(4 Marks)

  1. State four benefits that a farmer may derive from being a member of a Producer Co-operative (4 Marks)
  2. Highlight three benefits of globalization to a business (3 Marks)
  3. Highlight four ways in which consumers may protect themselves against exploitation by traders. (4 Marks)
  4. Outline one circumstance under which each of the following telecommunication services may be used: (3 Marks)
    1. Paging………… Facsimile (fax)…… iii. Radio call……….
  5. The following information was extracted from the books of Marigi Traders on 30th June 2009. (4 Marks)
Item Shs.
Purchases 720,000
Opening stock 165,000
Closing stock ?
Sales 980,600
Margin 20%

Prepare the Trading Account of Marigi Traders for the year ended 30th June 2009.


  1. Outline four tools of monetary policy that a government may use to reduce excess money in (4 Marks)
  2. Outline one circumstance under which each of the following types of inflation may (4 Marks)

(i.)          Creeping inflation……………. (ii) Hyperinflation…………

  1. State four forms of economic integration that may exist between

(4 Marks)

  1. Highlight four problems of development planning that a country may (4 Marks)
  2. Nyaboke operates a shop in a farming area. State four ways in which the farming community can benefit from the business activity. (4 Marks)
  3. Outline four features of indirect (4 Marks)
  4. State four factors that may lead to the success of a (4 Marks)
  5. State four ways in which a good filing system may facilitate the operations in an office. (4 Marks)


  1. Highlight four benefits that a country gets by encouraging trade among her (4 Marks)
  2. Outline four challenges that may be encountered when measuring national income using the output approach. (4 Marks)
  3. Highlight four measures that a government may take to reduce the mortality rate in a country. (4 Marks)
  4. The following balances were extracted from the books of Highlife General Stores on 31st December, 2008. (5 marks)
Item Shs.
Land and building 650,000
Stock 470,000
Bank overdraft 80,000
Debtors 350,600
10 Year Bank Loan 500,000
Creditors 220,000
Cash 50,00
Motor van 150,000
Capital ?



Prepare the Balance Sheet of Highlife General Stores as at 31st December, 2008.


  1. Given the statements in the table below, indicate the type of entry to be made in the relevant ledger accounts: (4 Marks)
  1. In the spaces provided in the table below, name the document Jambi Ltd would issue under the circumstance described: (4 Marks)


  Circumstance Document

to issue

i. Jambi Ltd sold goods worth Sh. 54,000 on

credit to Jamilar Traders.

ii. Osuri Enterprise which had bought goods worth Sh. 27,000 was erroneously charged for

only Sh. 25,000.

iii. Guru Traders paid Sh. 33,900 by cheque to

Jambi Ltd for goods which had been supplied.

iv. Goods sold to Jamilar Traders had been

overpriced by Sh. 4,000.




  1. Outline four conditions under which a warehouse may be considered to be operating (4 Marks)
  2. Highlight four advantages of promoting sales through the (4 Marks)


  1. Zawadi operates a hardware business in her home Outline four methods she may use to determine prices for her goods other than the forces of demand and supply. (4 Marks)
  2. Highlight four factors that a firm may consider when deciding on the goods to (4 Marks)
  3. State four features of a perfectly competitive (4 Marks)


  Statement Type of entry
i. An increase in revenue.  
ii. A decrease in an asset.  
iii. An increase in an expense.  
iv. A decrease in a liability.  


KCSE 2013

  1. Outline four ways in which business studies may be of benefit to an


(4 Marks)


  1. Highlight four external factors that may negatively influence the operations of a (4 Marks)
  2. State four characteristics of a successful (4 Marks)


  1. State four functions of an (4 Marks)


  1. Fill the relevant branches of trade in the diagram given (3 Marks)










  1. The participants in a two sector economy are households and Identify the relevant participant in each of the statements given below: (4 Marks)


  Statement Participant
a. Payment for goods and services a………….
b. Sale of factors of production. b………….
c. Payment for factors of production. c…………..
d. Sale of goods and services. d…………..
  1. The following balances were extracted from the books of Wekesa Traders on 31st December, 2009.
Items                                  Shs.

Capital                                500,000

Cash in hand                        20,000

Buildings                            200,000


Furniture 25,000
Motor vehicle 400,000
Creditors 18,000
Debtors 36,000
Bank 100,000
Bank loan 263,000


Using the above information, prepare Wekesa Traders’ Trial Balance on 31st December, 2009.                                                                  (5 Marks)


  1. The following information relates to Karibu Traders for the year ended 31st December, 2008.
Details                                  Shs.

Fixed assets                         1,840,000

Current assets                         400,000

6 Year Bank Loan                  600,000

Current liabilities                   150,000


Determine owner’s capital using the information given above. (4 Marks)


  1. State the type of unemployment relating to each of the following descriptions:


(4 Marks)




  1. Highlight four circumstances under which the capital of a business may


(4 Marks)


  1. Below are some entries in the cash book of Romano Traders for the month of July
Dr.                          CASH BOOK                                                   Cr.
  1. Outline four factors that may make a producer to by-pass the wholesaler when distributing (4 Marks)
  2. Highlight four benefits that a country would get by developing her (4 Marks)









State the meaning of the following entries.








(4 Marks)

  1. State four benefits of a bonded warehouse to the (4 Marks)


Date Details Cash




  Date Details Cash





July 1


Bal b/d




July 1


Bal b/d



July 6 Cash   20,000   July 6 Bank 20,000  
July 20 Sales   15,000   July 15 Wages 5,000  
July 28 Debtors 20,000     July 29 Stock   10,000
          July 31 Bal c/d 10,000  



  1. Highlight four factors that may cause the supply curve to shift to the

(4 Marks)

  1. Outline four positive effects that production activities may have on community


  1. July 1, 2010 Balance b/d, bank column, 100,000……………
  2. July 6, 2010 Cash 20,000 and bank shs. 20,000………………
  3. July 28, 2010 Debtors 20,000…………………………………
  4. July 31, 2010 Balance c/d 10,000……………………………..
  1. Outline one circumstance under which each of the following source documents may be issued by a trader: (4 Marks)
    • Debit note…… ……………………………………





  1. Name four documents that may be required by the registrar of companies in order to register a public limited company. (4 Marks)
  2. Outline four measures that a country can take to reduce the level of


(4 Marks)

health.                                                                                                   (4 Marks)

  1. State four basic features of a (4 Marks)


  1. State four features of a (4 Marks)


  1. Outline four circumstances in which the government may be involved in (4 Marks)
  2. Highlight four factors that a trader may consider when choosing a means of (4 Marks)
  3. State four reasons for privatizing public (4 Marks)


KCSE 2014

  1. The following are descriptions of features of human Identify the features that relate to the description in the spaces provided. (4 Marks)


  Description Feature
(a) A person is unable to fully satisfy all wants.  
(b) Once satisfied, they have a tendency of being felt again.  
(c) Some wants are satisfied together.  
(d) The same want can be satisfied using different resources.  



  1. Name two occupations that relate to each of the production activities given below: (3 Marks)


(a) Extraction i.………………………


(b) Construction i.………………………


(c) Direct services i.………………………




  1. Outline four tasks that may be carried out by a receptionist in an

(4 Marks)

  1. Highlight four circumstances in which a cheque may be used as a means of (4 Marks)
  2. Highlight four activities that may be carried out in a stock exchange

(4 Marks)

  1. Outline four features of liners in sea (4 Marks)
  2. State five types of information that a manager may communicate to the

(5 Marks)

  1. Explain the meaning of the following terms: (a)Insured….…(b) Insurance…..
  2. In the spaces provided below, indicate whether the following factors cause movement along the demand curve or a shift of the demand (3 Marks)


  Factor Movement along or shift of
(a) Change in income. …………………….. the demand curve.
(b) Change in price. …………………….. the demand curve.
(c) Change in weather …………………….. the demand curve.
  1. Highlight four roles played by the broker in the chain of (4 Marks)
  2. The following diagram represent the circular flow of income in a two sector closed economy. (4 Marks)




a                                                                          b


Identify two factors represented by each of the arrows labelled a and b.

  1. Fill in the missing figures in the table below: (4 Marks)


(a) 275,500 …………… 315,000 115,500
(b) 182,000 108,700 …………. 217,100
(c) …………. 76,400 123,100 91,900
(d) 313,450 211,340 189,170 ………..


  1. Mheshimiwa Ltd had the following ledger account balances as at 31st May, 2010:
Details Shs.
Purchases Sales

Returns outwards Returns inwards

D. Simola (Debtor)

P. Mwende (Creditor) Wages

Cash Capital











Required: PrepareMheshimiwa’s trial balance as at 31st May, 2010. (5 Marks)

  1. The following is a format of the debit side of a three-column cash

Name the column labelled V, W, X and Y.                                            (4 Marks)


  1. Outline four functions of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. (4 Marks)
  2. State four disadvantages of barter (4 Marks)
  3. The following transactions relates to Jelimo Stores:
    1. 10th October 2010: Sold unused stationery for Sh. 3,000 on credit to Likia.
    2. 23rd October 2010: Bought a motor vehicle on credit from Onjwaria Motors for Sh. 700,000.


Required: Record the above transactions in the General Journal given below:



Date Particulars Folio Dr. Cr.
……. …………… ……… …….. …….


  1. List four levels of (4 Marks)
  2. Many countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia are considered to be under- developed. Outline four characteristics they have in common. (4 Marks)
  3. Madam Emoro operates a matatu business. State four factors in the internal environment that may influence the (4 Marks)
  4. Highlight four reasons for which businesses should observe ethical
  5. State four merits of promoting products through personal (4 Marks)
  6. The following information relates to Kiboko Traders as at 31st December,


Details Shs.
Total drawings 400,000
Added investments 800,000
Capital on 31st December, 2010 7,000,000
Profit 3,100,000

Calculate Kiboko’s initial capital.                                                        (3 Marks)

  1. Outline four positive implications of youthful population to an
  2. PQ Ltd had the following balances as at 31st December, 2012. (4 Marks) Sales                                  23,498,000

Stock 1/1/2012              57,140

Returns inwards             27,200

Purchases                  16,290,000

Stock 31/12/2012            86,340

Prepare PQ’s Trading Account for the year ended 31st December, 2012.

KCSE 2015

  1. What are the reasons that would make an individual engage in business?

(4 Marks)

  1. List four types of utility and the production activity associated with each of (4 Marks)
  2. Outline four ways in which the office facilities effective handling of (4 Marks)
  3. Highlight four factors that may influence a consumer to purchase products from a kiosk other than a (4 Marks)
  4. State four circumstances under which hire purchase may be used to acquire (4 Marks)
  5. Give four reasons for the increased use of mobile phones in (4 Marks)
  6. Outline four methods that the Government of Kenya uses to regulate business (4 Marks)
  7. State four disadvantages of using internet as a means of

(4 Marks)

  1. State four differences between life assurance and general (4 Marks)
  2. Give four reasons for observing ethical practices in product

(4 Marks)

  1. The graph given below represents the demand and supply curves of









Quantity dd/ss State four effects of a shift of the demand curve to the right.                         (4 Marks)

  1. Outline four disadvantages that a manufacturer would suffer if wholesalers were eliminated from the chain of (4 Marks)


  1. The following balance sheets was incorrectly


Stock 5,000 Furniture Debtors Capital 50,000





Bank overdraft 5,000
Cash 9,000

Prepare a corrected balance sheet.                                         (4 Marks)


  1. The following figures relate to Jumbo Traders for the year ended 12.13.


Details Shs.
Capital 940,000
Net Loss 20,000
Additional investment 420,000
Monthly drawings 5,000

Determine the capital as at 01.01.13. (4 Marks)

  1. Identify the ledgers in which the following accounts are (5 Marks)


i. Pendo (Debtor)  
ii. Machinery  
iii. Rent  
iv. Capital  
v. Juma (Creditor)  


  1. List three levels of (3 Marks)
  1. Name the documents described by the statements given below are used in International Trade: (4 Marks)
    1. Requests for payment before goods are delivered……..………………
    2. Shows ownership or title of goods imported…………………………..
    3. Shows the country of manufacture of goods….……………………….
    4. Shows the transportation charges for goods……………………………
  2. The following Purchases Returns Journal relates to Farasi Traders:




March       Ksh
1 Junior R22 PL1 2,000
3 Mimi supplies 100 PL2 4,000
4 Kilimanjaro 30 PL5 5,000
      GL4  11,000     


Post the information above to the relevant ledger accounts.             (4 Marks)

  1. Outline four goals of development to a (4 Marks)
  2. The following information relates to Kahawa Traders as at 31st December,

Stock 01.01.12 Ksh. 80,000

Stock 31.12.12 Ksh.  120,000

Purchases           Ksh. 1,000,000

Margin                           20%

Required: Prepare a trading account.                                           (5 Marks)

  1. State four reasons that make it necessary for firms to maintain a healthy (4 Marks)
  2. Highlight four benefits of a business plan to an (4 Marks)


  1. Outline four benefits of sea transport over air (4 Marks)


  1. In which ways can an investor benefit from the stock exchange? (4 Marks)


  1. State three clauses found in the Memorandum of (3 Marks)


KCSE 2016

  1. State four external factors that may negatively influence the operation of a (4 Marks)
  2. Highlight four benefits of a business plan to an (4 Marks)


  1. State four ways in which a good filing system may facilitate the operations of an (4 Marks)
  2. Highlight four activities that may be carried out in a stock exchange

(4 Marks)

  1. Outline four circumstances under which a co-operative society may be (4 Marks)
  2. Outline four methods that the government Kenya uses to regulate business (4 Marks)
  3. State four ways in which a youthful population may be useful to an

(4 Marks)

  1. Outline one circumstance under which each of the following telecommunication services may be used:
    1. Paging……ii. Facsimile (fax)……. Radio call……….. iv. Telex……
  2. The following transactions relates to Jelimo Stores: (4 Marks)


Required: Record the above transactions in the General Journal given below:


Date Particulars Folio Dr. Cr.
……. …………… ……… …….. …….


  1. State four features of an insurable (4 Marks)


  1. State four features of (4 Marks)
  1. The graph given below represents the demand and supply curves of









Quantity dd/ss

State four effects of a shift of the demand curve to the right.     (4 Marks)


  1. Outline four functions of World (4 Marks)


  1. Outline four ways of reducing the level of unemployment in (4 Marks)


  1. The following balances were extracted from the books of Highlife General Stores on 31st December, (4 Marks)


Item Shs.
Land and building 650,000
Stock 470,000
Bank overdraft 80,000
Debtors 350,600
10 Year Bank Loan 500,000
Creditors 220,000
Cash 50,00
Motor van 150,000
Capital ?

Prepare the Balance Sheet of Highlife General Stores as at 31st December, 2015.


  1. Outline four circumstances in which the government may be involved in (4 Marks)
i. Pendo (Debtor)  
ii. Machinery  
iii. Rent  
iv. Capital  



  1. The following diagram represent the circular flow of income in a two sector closed (4 Marks)




a                                                                       b






Identify two factors represented by each of the arrows labeled a and b.



  1. State four reasons for privatizing public (4 Marks)


  1. State four reasons for the increased use of cell phones in (4 Marks)


  1. List four sources of public (4 Marks)


  1. State two situations in which each of the following types of inflation may

(4 Marks)

  1. Creeping inflation………… ii) Hyperinflation……………


  1. Outline four factors that may make a producer to by-pass the wholesaler when distributing goods. (4 Marks)
  2. Outline four goals of development to a (4 Marks)


  1. Outline four characteristics of (4 Marks)

KCSE 2017

  1. State four elements of the demographic environment that may influence the operations of a business. (4 Marks)
  2. Outline four circumstances under which goods may be transported by use of (4 Marks)
  3. The following information was extracted from the books of Salome Traders: Capital Ksh. 1,119,300, Long Term Liabilities Ksh. 1,807,000 and Current Liabilities Ksh. 978,700.


  1. Highlight four indicators of economic growth that may be observed as a country progresses. (4 Marks)
  2. Chem Chemi Ltd is a new cement Outline four factors that may encourage this company to be established in Athi River town where other cement manufacturers are located despite the obvious competition. (4 Marks)
  3. Outline three ways through which a partnership may be (3 Marks)


  1. State four features of land as a factor of (4 Marks)


  1. State the principles of insurance described in the statements given below:

(4 Marks)

  1. Restoring the insured’s financial position after suffering loss from insured risk…………………………………………………………
  2. Existence of a very close relation between the loss suffered and the insured risk…………………………………………………………..
  3. The insurer taking ownership of the remains of the destroyed property after the insured is duly compensated……………………………….
  4. Proof that the insured will suffer direct financial loss if property is



  1. Highlight four items that would be included in the measurement of national income using the income approach. (4 Marks)
  2. The table below shows general price changes over a period of five


Year Price (Ksh) CPI
2010 90.00
2011 100.80
2012 103.50
2013 105.30
2014 108.00


Using year 2010 as the base year, determine the consumer price index of 2011,2012,2013 and 2014.                                                                                               (4 Marks)

  1. List four forms of retail businesses that a school leaver may engage

(4 Marks)

  1. State four benefits of using the internet for office (4 Marks)


  1. The following information relates to Zawadi Traders rental income: 01.01.15: Had Ksh. 50,000 in the rent income account at the beginning of the

10.06.15: Received Ksh. 120,000 from tenants.


12.11.15: Refunded Ksh. 20,000 to a tenant who had vacated the premises.


Required: Prepare Zawadi Traders Rental Income Account.          (4 Marks)


  1. State four means of payment that may be provided by commercial banks to their (4 Marks)
  2. The equations given below relate to the quantity demanded and quality supplied at the equilibrium point.

𝑄𝑑𝑒 = 4𝑃 + 50

𝑄𝑠𝑒 = 8𝑃 + 30

Determine the equilibrium price and quantity.                                   (4 Marks)

  1. Outline four ways in which the balance of payments of a country may be (4 Marks)
  2. Identify the source documents into which the information given in the table below would be recorded. (4 Marks)
Information Source document
a. Payments received from debtors  
b. Purchases made on credit.  
c. Validating payments made by the cashier.  
d. Requesting for additional payments from a debtor.  


  1. Highlight four factors that should be considered by a firm when deciding on the method to use for promoting its products. (4 Marks)
  2. Outline four features of money that enables it to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. (4 Marks)
  3. Outline four benefits of proper filing to an (4 Marks)


  1. Highlight four characteristics of a monopolistic competitive (4 Marks)


  1. The aggressive campaign for citizens to plan their families seems to be causing a decline in the country’s population growth. Outline four possible effects of (4 Marks)
  2. State four functions of commercial attachẻs. (4 Marks)


  1. Outline four benefits that may be realized when two firms form a (4 Marks)
  2. Shaban started a shop dealing in ladies clothing but failed after two


Outline four factors that may have caused this failure. (4 Marks)


KCSE 2018

  1. Outline four features of labour as a factor of (4 Marks)


  1. Outline four ways in which peace within a country may encourage entrepreneurial (4 Marks)
  2. State four duties of the office (4 Marks)


  1. The document shown below is used in home



  1. Identify the document……………………………………………. (1 Mark)
  2. Outline three circumstances under which the above document may be (3 Marks)
  1. State four measures that may be taken by the government to control
  2. State four measures that may be taken by the government to curb (4 Marks)
  3. Highlight four benefits of national income statistics to the

(4 Marks)

  1. State four categories in which the various types of business partners may be (4 Marks)
  2. Highlight four ways in which the government creates an enabling environment for the conduct of business in the country. (4 Marks)
  3. Outline four roles of transport in the facilitation of (4 Marks)


  1. State three circumstances under which firms would form a (3 Marks)


  1. Outline four conditions under which a manufacturer would distribute his products through the (4 Marks)
  2. State four reasons for maintaining a cash book in a business

(4 Marks)

  1. Apart from the forces of demand and supply, list four other ways in which the price of a product may be set. (4 Marks)
  2. Outline four factors that would make two people taking the same type of life assurance policy with the same insurer to pay different amount of premium.
  3. State the line of communication involved in each of the following: (4 Marks)


  1. The manager of ABC Company Ltd talking to manager of XYZ Company Ltd…………………………………………………………………..
  2. A secretary asking for time off from her boss……………………..
  3. The Production Manager giving instruction to the Secretary of Sales Manager……………………………………………………………..
  4. The Store Keeper giving explanations to the Chief Accountant………
  1. List four books of original entry that may be used to record transactions


Business Assets (Sh) Capital (Sh) Liabilities (Sh)
A 40,000 15,734
B 158,300 61,500
C 17,670 5,680
D 67,000 24,705


affecting stock.                                                                                    (4 Marks)


  1. Highlight four external economies of scale that a firm may get when operating on large scale. (4 Marks)


  1. The following information was extracted from the books of Leila Traders on 31st July, 2016:
Details Sh.
Capital 90,000
Fixed assets 80,000
Cash in hand 20,000
Current liabilities 20,000
Stock 20,000
Net profit 15,000
Drawings 5,000

Calculate: Capital owned………(2 Marks) (b) Acid test ratio……. (2 Marks)

  1. Watamu Enterprises had the following assets and liabilities on 1stMay
Particulars                          Sh.

Equipment                           800,000

Capital                               1,200,000

Creditors                              100,000

Debtors                                 200,000

Stock                                    250,000

KCSE 2019

  1. State whether the commodity or service given in the table below would satisfy a basic human want or secondary human want. (4 Marks)
Commodity/service Class of human want
(a) A shirt  
(b) Education  
(c) Housing  
(d) A packet of milk  
(e) Entertainment  
(f) Haircut  
(g) Green grams  
(h) A car  


  1. Outline four factors that make office managers to communicate in writing to


Cash at bank                          50,000

The following transactions took place on 2nd May 2014:

  1. Bought good for re-sale 150,000 on credit.
  2. A debtor paid 100,000 by cheque.


Required: Prepare Watamu Enterprises balance sheet after above transactions.              (5 Marks)


  1. Outline four merits of indirect (4 Marks)
  2. Highlight four ways in which the technological environment may improve business performance. (4 Marks)
  3. Identify the types of ledger in which each of the following accounts would be found: (4 Marks)


  Account Type of ledger
a Otieno (Buyer)  
b Carriage outwards  
c Mueni (supplier)  
d Cash at bank  
  1. Highlight four ways in which the introduction of money helped eliminate

their staff.                                                                                                   (4 Marks)

  1. The information given below was extracted from the books of Birika Traders on 31stDecember, 2014: (4 Marks)
Details                                   Amount (Ksh.

Furniture and fittings                234,000

Debtors                                         67,500

Capital                                      157,900


Commission eared 13,200
Creditors 34,750
Drawings 21,800
5 Year Bank Loan 114,450
Discount received 3,000

Required: Prepare Birika Traders Trial Balance as at 31st December, 2014.



  1. Highlight four functions of an office in an (4 Marks)


  1. Outline four roles played by the Nairobi Securities Exchange in the Kenyan (4 Marks)


problems faced in barter trade.                                                             (4 Marks)


  1. Name the basic concept in population described in the statements given below:

(4 Marks)

  1. Population size that is adequate for the full utilization of available resources in a country………………………………………….
  2. The average number of births per one thousand women in a year……………………………………………………………
  3. When a country is experiencing higher death rates than birth rates…………………………………………………………………
  4. Where a bigger proportion of the population is comprised of people who are above 55 years old………………………………………………………………
  5. State the circumstance under which each of the following terms of trade would be applied in foreign (4 Marks)

(a) Franco… (b) Ex-works…… (c) In Bond… (d) Free Alongside Ship…

  1. Complete the diagram below to illustrate the classification of (3 Marks)



  1. Highlight four merits of using salespeople to promote the sales of a particular (4 Marks)
  2. By use of book keeping equation, determine the missing values in the table (4 Marks)








1,593,600 a)    ………… 900,900 1,151,600
812,700 1,953,750 b)  …… 2,172,100
c)    ……… 781,295 1,010,000 664,030
1,320,920 1,450,050 1,260,860 d)  ……
  1. Outline four features that may indicate a country’s state of


(4 Marks)


  1. List four types of small-scale retail business that one can run without a


(4 Marks)


  1. Highlight four functions of Department of External Trade in the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Co- (4 Marks)
  2. Outline four factors that Chemi chemi Dairies would consider when selecting a channel to distribute their fresh milk. (4 Marks)
  3. State the relevant book of original entry into which information extracted from the source documents given below would be recorded: (4 Marks)


Source documents Books of original entry
(a) Incoming invoice a)    ………………
(b) Outgoing credit note b)  ……………….
(c) Outgoing cash sale slip c)    ……………..
(d) Incoming debit note d)     ……………..
  1. Outline four features of co-operatives (4 Marks)


  1. Highlight four factors which may lead to an increase in a country’s national income. (4 Marks)
  2. The following information was extracted from the books of Jabali Traders on 31st December, 2015.
Details Ksh.
Purchases 84,375
Carriage out 7,400
Stock on 01/01/2015 67,900
Carriage in 9,170
Stock on 31/12/2015 17,970
Returns out 15,520


  1. Identify the level of production into which the following workers belong:

(4 Marks)


Workers Level of production
(a)     Carpenter ……………….
(b)     Nurse ……………….
(c)  Maize farmer ………………..
(d)  Mason ………………..
(e)  Wholesaler ………………..
(f)    Lumber …………………
(g)  Road engineer …………………
(h)  Insurer ………………….


  1. Outline four characteristics of a good tax (4 Marks)


  1. Highlight four contributions of entrepreneurs to the growth of an

(4 Marks)

  1. Highlight four factors that may influence an individual’s demand for money in order to fulfill the transaction motive. (4 Marks)
  2. Determine the excess demand and excess supply from the combined demand and supply schedules of oranges given below: (4 Marks)


1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400
Quantity Demanded


280 400 500 650 700 850 950 1000

Supplied (Bags)

1400 1200 900 650 500 420 350 200
Excess Demand


Excess Supply




  1. Outline four benefits of a bonded warehouse to the (4 Marks)


  1. Apart from trains and motor vehicles, state four other means of transporting goods and people on land. (4 Marks)

KCSE 2020

  1. List four external environmental factors that may influence the operations of a (4 Marks)
  2. State four characteristics of direct (4 Marks)
  3. Name the document described in each of the following statements: (4 Marks)
    • Used to demand for payment before goods are delivered…………….
    • Used to reply to a specific letter of inquiry…………………………..
    • Informs the buyer that goods ordered for have been dispatched…….
    • Used to correct an overcharge……………………………………….
  4. Highlight four reasons for government involvement in (4 Marks)
  5. State four factors that may lead to a shift in demand as shown in the diagram (4 Marks)









  1. Outline four circumstances under which a trader would prefer to transport goods by (4 Marks)
  2. The following information was obtained from the books of Sindo Limited on 31st December, 2015:
Details Ksh.
Capital 24,000  
Stock 1,500
Debtors 2,000
Machinery 20,000
Cash 4,000

Determine the total liabilities of the business.                            (3 Marks)

  1. Highlight four services that commercial banks offer to their

(4 Marks)

  1. Outline four reasons that may make Kenya restrict trade with other

(4 Marks)


  1. Classify the following resources as natural, man-made or human: (4 Marks)


Resource Classification
(a) Architect  
(b) Boat  
(c) Soda ash  
(d) Driver  


  1. List four sources of capital that may be available to a sole

(4 Marks)

  1. Highlight four circumstances under which a firm may be located near the source of raw materials. (4 Marks)
  2. The following information was extracted from the books of Kombo Traders on 30th April, 2018:


Details Ksh
Land and buildings 150,000
Creditors 1,500
Motor car 120,000
Cash 25,500
Capital 311,000
Bank 4,000
Sales 5,000
Purchases 18,000


Required: Prepare Kombo Traders Trial Balance.                              (5 Marks)


  1. Outline four reasons that would make an entrepreneur prepare a business

(4 Marks)

  1. Identify the office equipment described in each of the statements below:

(4 Marks)


Description Equipment
(a) Used to make postage stamp impressions on envelopes.  
(b) Used to transmit verbal messages.  
(c) Used to store confidential documents and valuable


(d) Used to record and store information in audio tapes.  


  1. State four sources of government (4 Marks)
  1. Outline four measures which may be taken by a government to address the problem of (4 Marks)
  2. Highlight four benefits of personal selling to a (4 Marks)


  1. Outline four channels that may be used for distributing imported


  1. State four merits of a bonded warehouse to the (4 Marks)


  1. Identify the source documents from which the information posted in the following journals would be extracted: (4 Marks)


Journal Source Document
a) Sales Return Journal  
b) Purchases Journal  
c) Cash Receipts Journal  
d) Sales Journal  


  1. State four ways through which leakages of national income may happen in a


four-sector economy.                                                                        (4 Marks)


  1. State four benefits of using computers in an (4 Marks)


  1. Identify the factor of production that relates to each of the following

(4 Marks)


Resource Factor of production
(a) Supervision  
(b) Tractor  
(c) Trees  
(d) Owner  


  1. List four sources of business (4 Marks)


KCSE 2021

  1. State four characteristics of a successful (4 Marks)


  1. List four types of business (4 Marks)


  1. Outline four challenges that may be faced in the satisfaction of human

(4 Marks)

  1. Match four factors of production with their (4 Marks)


  1. Highlight four factors that may be considered when choosing a means for transporting cash. (4 Marks)
  2. State four ways in which the government may be involved in

(4 Marks)

  1. Outline four benefits of a (4 Marks)


  1. List four mailing services that facilitate (4 Marks)


  1. On the diagram below, show the effects of increased (4 Marks)



Price Pe

  1. Write the book-keeping equation for the business whose transactions are given (4 Marks)

-Started a business with Ksh. 10,000 cash.


-Acquired a loan of Ksh. 50,000 which was directly banked.


  1. Outline four channels for distributing locally manufactured products to local (4 Marks)
  2. Outline four limitations of barter (4 Marks)


  1. State four features of an efficient tax (4 Marks)


  1. Identify the book of original entry prepared from each of the following source (4 Marks)


Source document Book of original entry
a) Outgoing invoice  
b) Received receipt  
c) Copy of credit note  
d) Original invoice  


  1. List four types of capital in a (4 Marks)


  1. Record each of the following transactions into their relevant ledger







0                            Qe                        Quantity


(4 Marks)



  1. Outline four factors that may influence a firms’s decision on the type of goods to produce. (4 Marks)
  2. Highlight four benefits of localization of (4 Marks)
  1. Outline four reasons that would make an organization prefer a landscape office over (4 Marks)


  1. The following information was extracted from the books of Adow Traders on 31st December 2020.
Details Ksh
5 Year Loan 256,700
Land 120,000
Cash 24,600
Creditors 37,400
Buildings 430,500

Prepare Adow Traders Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 2020.        (4 Marks)


  1. Jane decided to take an insurance cover for her car against theft from Sarufi Insurance Ltd. It was valued at Ksh.600,0000 and she was required to make month y payments of 6,000. Identify the appropriate insurance term for:

(4 Marks)

  1. Outline four difficulties that a country with a young population may

(4 Marks)

  1. Identify the retailers described in the statements given (4 Marks)


Statements Retailers
(a) Sells goods by displaying them along the


(b) Moves from one place to another on foot

selling their goods.

(c) Dispenses goods with the use of coin

operated machines.

(d) Meet on designated days in open grounds to

sell their goods.



  1. Highlight four benefits of inflation to an (4 Marks)


  1. Outline four benefits enjoyed by countries that participate in international

(4 Marks)

KCSE 2022

  1. Identify the component of Business Studies described in each of the statements below. (4 Marks)


Statements Component
(a) Systematic way of recording business transactions for

decision making.

(b) The study of trade and aids to trade.  
(c) The study of how human beings strive to satisfy their

endless wants using the available scarce resources.

(d) The process of identifying a business opportunity and

getting necessary resources to start and run a business.



  1. State four limitations of direct (4 Marks)


  1. Kaimosi Traders owned a house whose book value was 1,000,000. They insured the house for Ksh. 800,000 against the risk of fire. Fire occurred and partly destroyed the house to the cost of Ksh. 800,000.

Required: (a) Work out the amount of compensation that Kaimosi Traders would receive.                                                                                                                      (3 Marks)

(b) State the reason for paying the amount as determined in 3(a) above. (1 Mark)


  1. The diagram below represents the circular flow of income in a two-sector (4 Marks)


Goods and services









Identify what is represented by the letters (a), (b), (c) and (d)


Condition Market structure
a) The firm is the industry  
b) Buyers and sellers have complete knowledge

about market but cannot influence the market

c) Few large firms that dominate the market  
d) Comprised of many sellers of differentiated




  1. Identify the market structure described by each of the conditions given below.

(4 Marks)



Source document Book of original entry
a) Bought goods on credit from

Kamau wholesalers

b) Received Kibisu a debtor, returned


c) Cash sales  
d) Sold an old tractor on credit  


  1. Outline three circumstances under which cash with order would be

(3 Marks)

  1. State four non-tax sources of government (4 Marks)
  2. Highlight four ways in which the economic environment may lead to business (4 Marks)










Outline four causes of cost-push inflation.


State four reasons for ethical practice in business.




(4 Marks)


(4 Marks)



  1. Outline four circumstances under which a firm may be located near the market for its product. (4 Marks)
  2. Explain the meaning of each of the following trends in business

(4 Marks)




  1. State whether the transactions given in the table below will cause Decrease,


Increase or No effect on the totals of the balance sheet.                     (4 Marks)



Statement Effect
a) Bought furniture in cash  
b) Deposited some money into the business

bank account from personal savings.

c) Purchased goods on credit  
d) Withdrew money from the bank to pay

the child’s hospital bill



  1. Highlight four benefits of product promotion to the (4 Marks)


  1. Name the type of unemployment described in each of the following


Statement Type of


a) Caused by change in production pattern during

the year influenced by weather conditions.

b) Occurs repeatedly at similar times.  
c) The number of people employed exceeds those

that are required.

d) Firms are willing to employ all people at thr prevailing wage rate but job seekers are not

willing to take up the jobs.



  1. Outline four differences between primary wants and secondary

(4 Marks)


  1. The following information relates to Maji Mazuri Traders for the month of December 2021.

Details                           Ksh

  1. Identify the type of financial institution described in each of the statements (4 Marks)


Statement Type of financial institution
a) Operates fixed deposit,

savings and current accounts.

b) Advances loans in

proportion to one’s savings

c) Sells houses through


d) Offers finance to start and

expand industrial enterprise.




  1. Outline four benefits of electronic filing (4 Marks)


  1. Highlight four benefits that Kenya may get from being a member of the East African Community. (4 Marks)
  2. The following information relates to Roga Roga Traders for the year



Loan from Bank 24,000 Sales                         Ksh. 270,000
Stock 40,000 Margin                               40%
Cash 60,000 Rate of stock turnover      6 times
Debtors 12,000  
Salaries 8,000 Required:    (a) Gross profit. (2 Marks)
Creditors 18,000 (b) Cost of goods sold. (1 Mark)
Furniture 16,000 (c) Average stock      (2 Marks)



Work out the net worth of Maji Mazuri Traders.                         (4 Marks)



  1. Outline four reasons that may make the Government protect

(4 Marks)

  1. Highlight four reasons for locating bonded warehouses at the border

(4 Marks)

  1. Outline four services that retailers may offer to the (4 Marks)




KCSE 2010

Business Studies KCSE P2 (2010-2022)




  1. Explain five negative effects that inflation may have on the economy of a












Required: (i) Determine total costs, average costs and marginal costs at each level

(ii) Determine the units to be produced in order to maximize profits. 5 (a) Discuss five problems that a country may face when measuring her national

income using the output approach.

  1. b) Explain five factors that an entrepreneur would consider when evaluating a business idea.

6 (a)    Discuss five benefits that a customer may get by using Automated Teller Machine (ATMs) for financial transactions.

  1. b) Amina operates a fleet of Public Service Vehicles (PSVs). Explain five possible risks she can insure her business against.

KCSE 2011

  1. b) Explain six factors that may hinder the development of a
  1. b) Explain the procedure for taking an insurance claim

(ii) A farmer’s house valued at sh. 1,200,00 was insured against fire for sh. 900,000 under the “with average clause”. Fire occurred and damaged the house causing a loss of sh. 500,000. Determine the value of compensation due to the farmer.

  1. b) Describe five features of economic
  1. b) Discuss five circumstances under which a partnership may be
Unit produced (in tones) Total fixed cost Sh. Total variable cost


Total cost Sh. Total average cost


Marginal cost Sh.
0 200 0      
10 200 50
20 200 80
30 200 100
40 200 140
50 200 200


factors that may influence the choice of a channel for distributing its products.

  1. b) Give four reasons for maintaining books of original
  1. b) Given information and three transactions, required to prepare a balance sheet showing the items in their relevant classes.


KCSE 2012


  1. b) Explain five ways in which computer may be used in an office


Price (sh) Quantity demanded “000” tones Quantity supplied “000” tones
























  1. b) Explain five merits of direct taxes to the
  1. b) Discuss five factors that may promote entrepreneurship in 4 (a) Explain five characteristics of property insurance.
  2. b) Explain five elements of effective



KCSE 2013


government policy to relocate industries to rural areas.

  1. Given information and gross profit margin as 40% and required to prepare
    • A TPL
    • A balance sheet

commodity while its demand remains constant.

  1. b) Explain five features of

KCSE 2014



KCSE 2015


1 (a) Explain five uses of national income statistics to a country.

  1. b) Discuss five principles that would lead to effective uses of government 2 (a) Explain five ways in which the consumer may benefit from warehousing.
  2. b) Given transactions to prepare a two column cash


3 (a) Describe five characteristics of monopolistic competitive market.

  1. b) Explain five features of human 4 (a) Given trial balance to prepare a TPL.
  2. b) Explain five methods of determining the price of a product other than price


KCSE 2016

1 (a) Explain five factors that may promote entrepreneurship in Kenya.

  1. b) Explain five circumstances under which a partnership may be 2 (a) Explain five advantages of government involvement in business.
  2. b) Traders are required to observe ethical practices when carrying out product promotion. Explain five reasons for observing such ethical practices.


KCSE 2017

KCSE 2018



KCSE 2019

  1. Outline five assumptions associated with the circular flow of income in a two sector economy.


KCSE 2020

6 (a)       Explain five reasons that may take it necessary for the government to promote entrepreneurship.                                            (10 Marks)

  1. b) Explain five advantages of indirect production to the (10 Marks)

KCSE 2021

1 (a)       Explain five circumstances under which a producer may sell goods directly to the consumer.                                            (10 Marks)

(10 Marks)

(10 Marks)

(b) Explain five demerits of indirect taxes. (10 Marks)

(10 Marks)

( II) Return on Capital Employed. (3 Marks) 5 (a)               Explain five reasons that make it necessary for the Government to train

business people.     (10 Marks)

(b)      Explain five problems that the Kenyan Government may experience when implementing the Vision 2030. (10 Marks)

6 (a)       Explain five advantages of written communication. (10 Marks)

(b)     Given transactions to prepare a Two-column Cash book. (10 Marks)

KCSE 2022

1 (a)       Explain five circumstances under which a bank may dishonour a cheque.        (10 Marks)

2 (a)       Explain five factors that may lead to dissolution of a co-operative society. (10 Marks)

(b)      Explain four elements of a good transport system. (8 Marks)

4 (a)       Explain five ways in which employees may contribute to the success of a business. (10 Marks)

(b)    Explain five roles of the World Bank in promoting international trade.

(10 Marks) 5 (a)               Explain five limitations of mobile phones in communication.

(10 Marks)

(b)     Use the diagram given below to answer the questions that follow D1                D0

Price                                                                 S

Pe0                                                                                         e0



D1         D0



(b) Explain four reasons that may make Government departments adopt open office layout. (8 Marks)


Business Studies KCSE Paper 2 (2009-2020) Accounting Questions



KCSE 2009

2(b) The trial balance of Zakayo Traders as at 1 June 2008 is given below.


Details DR (sh) CR (sh)
Stock Creditors Debtors Bank

Fixed assets Cash Capital

Lighting due
















1,777,600 1,777,600

During the month, the following transactions took place.

June 5Paid a creditor sh. 228,000 by cheque in full settlement of a debt after deducting a 5% cash discount.

June 15Withdrew sh. 100,000 from bank for office use.

June 28Received sh. 160,000 cash from a debtor after allowing cash discount of sh. 40,000.


Required: Record the above transactions in their relevant ledger accounts and balancethem off. (10 Marks)

5 (b) Malamu Traders had the following balances as at 31 December 2008.

Repairs on buildings Repairs on furniture Repairs on motor vehicles General expenses








Prepare: (i) Profit and loss account for the year ended 31 December 2008.

(ii) Balance sheet as at 31 December 2008. (12 Marks)

KCSE 2010

3(a) The following balances were extracted from the books of K100 Traders for the year ended 30th June 2008.











Stock on 1stJuly 2007 Discount received Furniture

Motor vehicle Returns inwards Returns outwards Debtors Creditors Purchases Carriage on sales

Carriage on purchases Lighting

Sales Insurance Repairs Water bills

General expenses Cash

Capital Bank

Bank overdraft
























Building Bank loan Debtors Creditors Furniture Gross profit Motor vehicle

Discount allowed Lighting

Interest on loan Closing stock Rent received














Additional information: Stock on 30th June 2008 was valued at sh.120,000


(i) (i) Trading, profit and loss account for the year ended 30th June 2008. (9 Marks) (ii       (ii) Balance sheet as at 30th June 2008. (5 Marks)



BS KCSE 2010-2022 P1&P2 Questions compiled by Business Studies Guru,||Murigi Michael 2023                                                                                                                         27


KCSE 2011

6(b) The following balances were extracted from the books of Rehema Traders on 1st January, 2007.



Capital Creditors Motor van Furniture Stock Debtors











The following transactions took place during the year ended 31st December, 2007:


  1. Sold furniture worth 60,000 for which Ksh. 40,000 cash was received and balance was due at the end of the year.
  2. Purchased goods worth Ksh. 100,000 for which cash of Ksh. 70,000 was paid and the balance was still outstanding at the endof the year.



Draw Rehema Traders’ balance sheet as at 31st December, 2007 showing the items in their relevant classes.(10 Marks)

KCSE 2012

5 (a) The following Trial Balance was prepared by Laketi Traders on 31st December, 2009.


Particulars Dr(Shs) Cr(Shs)
Premises 850,000  
Debtors 650,500  
Creditors   820,000
Motor vehicle 800,000  
Equipment 550,500  
Gross profit   1,960,200
Furniture 350,000  
Stock 75,000  
Bank 200,000  
Cash in hand 150,000  
General expenses 117,800  
Discount received   66,100
Commission allowed 12,400  
Insurance 7,500  
Lighting 4,600  
Salaries 78,000  
Capital   1,000,000
  3,846,300 3,846,300


Using the information given above, prepare:


  1. A Profit and Loss Account(7 Marks)
  2. A Balance (5 Marks)


KCSE 2013

3 (b)The following balances were extracted from the books of Solo Traders on 31st December, 2010.



Machinery Furniture Sales Opening stock Closing stock Purchases Rent income

General Expenses Debtors

Creditors Bank Cash







? 395,000








Additional information:

Gross profit margin is stated at 40%

Prepare: (i) Trading, profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 2010. (5 ½ Marks)

(ii) Balance sheet as at 31st December, 2010.(4 ½ Marks)

4 (b) On 1st January 2011, Jumo Traders had Shs. 22,500 in cash and Shs. 250,000 at bank. During the month, the following transactions took place:

2nd Jan: Made cash sales of Shs. 465,200

5th Jan: Received a cheque for shs.451,250 from Kamau Traders in full settlement of their debt after allowing a 5% cash discount.

15th Jan: Paid Ndaru Traders Shs. 184,000 in cash after deducting a cash discount of Shs. 16,000.

20th Jan: Deposited Shs. 200,000 from cash till into the bank.

25th Jan: Paid wages Shs. 144,000 in cash.

28th Jan: Settled Mbago Trader’s account of Shs. 300,000 by cheque, less 15% cash discount.

29th Jan: Withdrew Shs. 250,000 from the bank for office use.

30th Jan: Deposited all the cash into the bank, except Shs. 59,700

Required: Prepare a duly balanced three column cash book.(10 Marks)

KCSE 2014

2 (a) on 1st January, 2012 Ndovu Traders had shs. 30,000 cash and shs. 75,000 at the bank.

During the month, the following transactions took place:

January2nd: Bought goods in cash worth shs. 15,500

January 5th: Received cash from Chui shs. 23,750 after allowing 5% cash discount.

January 8th:Withdrew shs. 8,900 from the bank for personal use. January 11th: Maro, a debtor settled her account of shs. 16,800 by a cheque of shs. 16,000

January 15th: Sales amounted to shs. 24,250 in cash. January 17th : Paid Furaha Traders shs. 29,100 in cash in full settlement of their account less 3% cash discount.

January 20th : Withdrew shs. 15,000 from the bank for business use. January 22nd: Koko, a debtor, settled her account of shs. 40,000 by cheque less 2.5% cash discount

January 25th: Paid wages shs. 21,000.

Required:Prepare a duly balanced three column cash book.(12 Marks)



Stock 1st January 2012 Purchases


Carriage outwards Carriage inwards Returns outwards Returns inwards General expenses Insurance

Stock 31st December 2012












4 (a) The following information relates to Bahati enterprises: Calculate:


  1. (1 Mark)
  2. Rate of stock turnover (3 Marks)
  1. (2 Marks)
  2. Net (2 Marks)


KCSE 2015

2 (b) The following balances were extracted from the books of Mamboleo Traders in the month of September, 2014.


-September 1: Had cash in hand, shs. 15,500 and a bank overdraft of shs. 9,700.

-September 3: Bought goods for sale shs. 12,300 on credit.

-September 5: Sold goods in cash shs. 8,500.

-September 9: Sold good on credit shs. 10,000

-September 12: Received a cheque of sh. 9,000 from a debtor.

-September 15: Paid a creditors shs. 10,000 in cash.

-September 17: Paid wages shs. 2,600 in cash.

-September 19: Received a cheque shs. 23,400 from Samson for goods sold in January.

-September 20: Received shs. 6.700 from a debtor in cash.

-September 23: Withdrew sh. 7,700 from the bank for office use.

-September 24: Paid electricity bills by cheque of shs. 1,200

-September 25: Received a cheque of shs. 11,500 from a debtor.

-September 26: Made cash sales of shs. 12,800

-September 27: Purchased goods worth 8,950 in cash.

-September 28: Deposited personal cash shs. 3,500 into the business account.

– September 30: Paid water bills by cheque sh. 2,800.

Required:Prepare a two-column cash book. (10 Marks)

Details DR (Ksh) CR (Ksh)
Stock Bank Purchases Sales Returns Rent Insurance Creditor Carriage in





















31,750 31,750


4 (a) The following trial balance relates to Chui Traders as at 31st December, 2014.

Additional information:





Prepare Trading, Profit and Loss Account. (10 Marks)


KCSE 2016

4 (a) On 1st January, Ndovu Traders had Ksh. 30,000 in cash and Ksh. 75,000 at the bank.

During the month, the following transactions took place. January 2:Bought goods in cash worth Ksh. 15,500

January 5: Received cash from Chui Ksh. 23,750 after allowing 5% cash discount.

January 8: Withdrew Ksh. 8,900 from the bank for personal use.

January 11: Maro, a debtor settled her account of Ksh.16,800 by a cheque of Ksh. 16,000.

January 15: Sales amounted to Ksh 24,250 in cash.

January 17: Paid Furaha traders Ksh 29,100 in cash in full settlement of their account less 3% cash discount.

January 20: Withdrew Ksh 15,000 from the bank for business use. January 22: Koko a debtor settled her account of Ksh 40,000 by cheque less 2.5% cash discount.

January 25: Paid wages Ksh 21,000 cash.


Required: Prepare a duly balanced three column cash book. (12 Marks)


4 (b) The following balances were extracted from the books of Rehema Traders on 1st January 2015.Ksh

KCSE 2017

2(b)The following Trial balance was extracted from the books of Ojwang Limited on 31st December, 2013.


Capital 600,000
Creditors 180,000
Motor van 200,000
Furniture 200,000
Stock 60,000
Debtors 80,000
Cash 240,000


Ojwang Limited Trial Balance

Details Dr(Ksh) Cr(Ksh)

Opening stock



Purchases 680,000  
Returns 50,000 80,000
Discounts 80,000 45,000
Carriage inwards 42,000  
Debtors and creditors 200,000 105,000

Motor vehicles



Furniture and fittings 250,000  
Rent 50,000 60,000
Bank overdraft

Carriage outwards





As at 31st December, 2013





The following transactions took place during the year ended 31st December 2015:

  1. Sold furniture worth Ksh 60,000 for which Ksh 40,000 cash was received and the balance was due at the end of the year.
  2. Purchased goods worth Ksh 100,000 for which cash of Ksh 70,000 was paid and the balance was still outstanding at the end of the year.

Required: Outline the effect of each transaction on the items of the balance sheet. (8 Marks)

6 (a) On 1st September 2015, Gondi had Ksh 55,000 in hand and Ksh 250,000 at bank. During the month, the following transactions took place:



Required: Prepare a three-column cash book and balance it off. (10 M)











Additional information: Closing stock was valued at Ksh.80,000.

Required: Prepare a TPL account. (10 Marks)

4(a) The following transactions relate to Dagoreti Enterprises for the month of March 2016.

March 1: Started business with Ksh 15,300 in cash and a bank overdraft of Ksh 8,200.

March 3: Made cash purchases of Ksh. 10,200 in cash.

March 4: Harrison, a debtor settled his account of Ksh 18,000 by issuing a cheque of Ksh. 13,400 and rest in cash.

March 5: Paid wages by cheque, Ksh. 5,000.

March 6: Received a cheque of Ksh. 9,310 from Chebet. March 7: Received cash, Ksh. 7,720 from Otieno.

March 8: Paid Hassan Ksh. 5,450 in cash.

March 9: Deposited Ksh. 6,000 from the office into the business bank account. March 10: Paid insurance Ksh. Ksh. 3,700 by cheque.

March 11: Paid Ksh. 3,900 for repairs in cash.

March 12: Received Ksh. 8,570 in cash from Mwende. March 13: Received a cheque of Ksh. 11.200 from Makokha March 14: Paid water bill Ksh. 2,590 by cheque.

March 15: Paid rent Ksh. 6,500 by cheque.

March 29: Took all the cash that was in the office and deposited it into the business bank account.

Required: Prepare a two-column cash book for the month of March 2016. (10 Marks)


KCSE 2018

2 (b)The following information was extracted from the books of Kisababu Traders on 31st December, 2014.

Details                           Ksh

Sales 84,000
Purchases 58,800
Opening stock 15,700
Stock on 31/12/2014 13,000
Returns out 1,500
Returns in


  1. Prepare Kisababu Traders Trading Account for the period ending 31st December, 2014. (5 Marks)
  2. Work out Kisababu Traders percentage Mark-up (2 Marks)

KCSE 2018

5 (b) The following balances were extracted from the books of Mageta Traders on 1st July, 2016. ( 10 marks)

Details Ksh
Furniture 56,000
Capital 80,000
Creditors 20,000
Debtors 25,000
Bank 11,000
Cash 8,000

The following transactions took place in the course of the month.


Prepare Mageta Traders Balance Sheet at the end of July 2016. (10 Marks)

KCSE 2018

6(b) Use the transactions given below to prepare Jawabu Traders two column cash book for the month of February 2015.(10 Marks)


1stFeb: Had Sh. 12,500 cash and bank overdraft of Sh. 5,000.


2ndFeb: Used cash to pay for water bill sh 800, electricity sh 1,100 and wages sh 4,700.


3rdFeb: Received a cheque of sh 18,900 from a debtor. 5thFeb: Sold goods worth sh 7,150 in cash.

7thFeb: Paid for goods bought for resale worth sh6,400 by cheque.


9thFeb: Received a cheque of sh 13,000 from the co-operative society as earnings from dividends.


10thFeb: Withdrew sh2,500 from the bank for family use. 13thFeb: Received sh 15,900 in cash from a debtor.

15thFeb: Deposited sh 9,500 from the office into the business bank account.


17thFeb: Paid a creditor by cheque sh 4,390.


27thFed: Used all the money in the bank to purchase furniture leaving only a balance of sh. 2,010.


KCSE 2019

2 (b) The trial Balance given below was extracted from the books of Rakwaro Enterprises on 31 December 2015.

Rakwaro Enterprises Trial Balance

Details Dr (Ksh) Cr (Ksh)




Debtors Creditors







Cash 24,000  
Drawing 28,000  
Purchases Sales

Stock 1-1-2015






Returns inwards 16,000  
Carriage inwards 6,800  
Discount allowed 40,400  
Salaries and wages 200,000  
  2,400,000 2,400,000


As at 31st December, 2015

KCSE 2020

3 (a) Post the following transactions to the relevant ledger accounts and balance them off.(10 Marks)

1/3/2018— Started a business with Ksh. 100,000 at bank.

2/3/2018— Bought motor vehicle worth Ksh. 800,000 on credit from

General Motors.

4/3/2018— Withdrew Ksh. 20,000 from bank for office use.

6/3/2018— Bought stock worth Ksh. 30,000 paying by cheque.

10/3/2018—-Made cash sales of Ksh. 15,000.

10/3/2018— Took cash Ksh. 8,000 to pay hospital bills.


KCSE 2020

5 (b) The following is an extract of trial balance from the books of Adan Traders as at 31st December, 2018.









Stock on 31 December 2015 was valued at Ksh. 280,400. Required: (i) Prepare Rakwaro Enterprises Trading Profit and Loss Account for the period ending 31 December 2015. (7.5 Marks)

(ii) Determine Rakwaro Enterprises initial capital. (2.5 Marks)

Adan Traders Trial Balance

As at 31st December, 2015

Details                        Dr (Ksh)               Cr (Ksh)

Premises                               1,120,000

Cash at bank 80,000  
Discounts 15,000 2,400
Salaries and wages 27,000  
Commission 16,000 9,000
Power and lighting 11,700  




Additional information:    


Debtors and creditors                 55,00037,300 Cash in hand                           65,000




KCSE 2019

4 (a) The following information relates to Moyale Retailers for the month of july 2015:

Sales                          Ksh 50,000

Cost of sales              Ksh. 40,000

Average stock           Ksh. 20,000

Expenses were          5% of sales


  1. Mark-up (2 Marks)
  2. Margin (2 Marks)
  1. Net (2 Marks)
  2. Rate of stock (2 Marks)






Stock of gods on 31 December 2018   Ksh. 25,000. Gross profit                                                         Ksh. 120,000.



KCSE 2021

4 (b) The following information was extracted from the books of Ushirika Traders as at 31st December, 2020. (10 Marks)

Details                               Ksh

Gross Profit                     94,000

Commission received       32,000

Carriage Outwards             8,000

General Expenses             15,000

Discount Received            29,000

Total Fixed Assets 1,110,000
Insurance 17,000
Capital 490,000
Drawings 37,000
Long Term Liabilities 610,000
Discount Allowed 12,000
Commission Allowed 4,000
Current Liabilities 162,000
Current Assets 192,000
Salaries 22,000


Prepare a profit and Loss Account. (6 Marks)

(ii) Determine: (I) Working Capital. (1 Mark)

(II) Return on Capital Employed. (3 Marks)


6 (b) Use the transactions given below to prepare Patel Traders Two Column Cash Bok for the Month of February, 2020. (10 Marks)

1st Feb: Had Ksh 1,200ncash in hand and a bank overdraft of Ksh. 1,000 2nd Feb: Used cash to pay water bill Ksh. 200, electricity Ksh. 100 qnd waages Ksh. 400

3rd Feb: Received a cheque of Ksh. 14,000 from Daisy. 5th Feb: Sold goods worth Ksh. 7,000 in cash.

7th Feb: Paid for goods bought for resale worth Ksh. 5,000 by cheque. 9th Feb: Received a cheque of Ksh. 10,000 from Co-operative Society as earning from Dividends.

10th Feb: Withdrew Ksh. 2,000 from the bank for family use. 13th Feb: Received a cheque of Ksh. 10,000 from Petro.

15th Feb: Deposited Ksh. 1,000 from the office into the business bank account.

17th Feb: Paid Manu by cheque Ksh. 1,000.

27th Feb: used the money in the bank to purchase furniture leaving only a balance f Ksh. 2,000.


KCSE 2022

3(a) The following balances were extracted from the books of Mtito Andei Wholesalers on 1st October, 2021. (10 Marks)

Details                                   Ksh

Bank                                    80,000

Cash                                     15,000

Juma (Creditor)                 24,000

ICDC Loan                          70,000

Motor Vehicle                   210,000

Stock                                    45,000

Mangu (Debtor)                  26,000

Capital                                237,000

The following transactions took place in the first week of the month: October 2nd : Withdrew Ksh. 14,000 from the bank to pay Juma. October 3rd : Mangu paid his debt of Ksh. 10,000 cash

October 4th : Took loan from bank worth Ksh. 170,000 cash of which Ksh. 70,000 was used to clear Outstanding ICDC loan.

October 5th : Purchased goods worth Ksh. 40,000 in cash.


6 (a) The following trial balance was extracted from the ledgers of Ushindi Traders 30th November, 2021. (10 Marks)

Ushindi Traders Tiral Balance

As at 30th November, 2021

Details                                   DR (Ksh)             CR (Ksh)

Capital                                                                     58,300

Sales                                                                       200,000

Purchases                              111,000

Salaries                                     13,300

Rent Income                                                            40,000

Stock 1/12/2020 12,500  
Insurance 10,500
Telephone 9,500
Advertising 14,000
Premises 100,000
Furniture 16,000
Debtors 33,500
Creditors   53,000
Cash in hand 18,400  
Cash at bank 12,600  
  351,300 351,300

Stock on 30th November was valued at Ksh. 8,500

Prepare the Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 30th November, 2021 and a Balance Sheet. (12 Marks)

KCSE Business Past Papers Answers.







KCSE 2010-2022 P1&P2




















Business Studies KCSE 2010-2022 P1 Marking Scheme

7.          Matching functions of the Central Bank. (3 Marks)


KCSE 2010

  1. Type of utility created. (4 Marks)
    • Possession utility (ii)Place utility
    • Time utility (iv) Form utility
2.     Reasons for government to start a parastatal. (4 Marks)
  1. To increase revenue
  2. To provide strategic goods and
  1. To reduce foreign
  2. To address special social
  3. To create more employment
  1. To stimulate economic
  2. To take care of business that requires a large initial capital
3.        Types of warehouses referred to are: (4 Marks)
4.        Factors that would have caused increase in supply.
  1. Fall in cost of production
  2. Fall in price of competitively produced
  1. Favourable weather/climatic conditions e.g. adequate rainfall
  2. Favourable government policies like reduced tax and increased subsidies
  3. Future expectations of fall in price of the commodity
  1. Longer time
  2. Less strikes
  3. Increase in the price of jointly supplied goods


5.            Enotika Traders balance sheet as at 31st December, 2008. Enotika Traders

Balance Sheet

As at 31st December, 2008


Fixed Assets    480,000 Capital                       300,000
Current Assets 145,220





Long-Term Liabilities

2 Year Bank Loan 230,000 Current Liabilities

Creditors                95,200



  1. Why a three-column cashbook is used both as a journal and a ledger. (4 Marks)
  2. Cash transactions are entered in three-column cash book directly as they occur
  3. Cash and Bank columns in the cash book act as a ledger and total balances are used to prepare trial balance
  1. Both of them have a ledger folio column for cross- referencing.
  1. Repayment of Government securities as they mature-
Management of national debt.
  1. Receipt of treasury bills to secure loans-Lender of last resort
8.          Terms of sale as used in international trade. (4 Marks)
  1. LOCO-this means that the price of goods quoted are as they are at the exporter’s warehouse/premises. The importer meets all other expenses of moving the good to his/her
  2. I.F (Cost Insurance and Freight)- the price quoted includes the cost of goods, insurance and transport.
  3. A.S (Free Alongside Ship)-the price quoted includes the

expenses from exporter’s premises to the dock including loading expenses. Importer meets other expenses.

  1. O.Q (Free on Quay)- this means price quoted includes all expenses up to the quay.
9.          Merits of Management by Walking Around. (4 Marks)
  1. Manager gets the first-hand information
  2. Manager gets immediate feedback from
  1. Manager can enhance interpersonal relations with works
  2. Manager can address issues/problems as they arise
  3. Manager can identify and manage absenteeism or
10.      Why government create an enabling environment for investors. (4 Marks)
  1. To minimize cost of doing
  2. To expand tax base and increase
  1. To open new areas neglected by
  2. To encourage utilization of local
  3. To promote public-private sector relationship.


11.      Differences between insurance and assurance. (4 Marks)


It deals exclusively with


It deals exclusively with life
Cannot be used as a saving plan Can be used as a saving plan
Has no surrender value Has surrender value.
Has no maturity date Has maturity date
Policy cannot be used as a security for a loan Policy can be used as a security for a loan
In case of loss compensation is given to the insured Compensation is given to beneficiaries in case of death

of assured

Sum insured depend with value of property Sum assured depends with assured’s ability to pay
Principle of subrogation and

indemnity applies

Principles of subrogation and

indemnity does not apply


  1. Factors that may influence the level of national

(i)Availability of natural factors. (ii)Availability of (skilled) labour.

(iii) Level of technology.                   (iv)Political stability.

(v) Attitude of citizens towards work. (vi)Size of subsistence sector.

(vii) Level of foreign investment. (viii)Amount and quality of capital.

(ix) Entrepreneurial culture.            (x) State of Infrastructure

13.      Difference between cash and credit transactions. (2 Marks)
14.      Matching types of capital. (3 Marks)

Statement                                                       Type of capital

  1. Resource invested into business by the owner-Owner’s equity
  2. Excess of current assets over current liabilities-Working capital
15.      Ways in which expenditure may stabilize the economy of a country. (4 Marks)
  1. Provision of security which creates conducive environment for doing
  2. Provision of social amenities to cater for social welfare of the citizens
  1. Provision of essential goods and services to the public to meet high
  2. Provision of incentives to local industries to encourage production.
  3. Spending on general government administration for effective operation of the
16.      Problems associated with development planning. ( Marks)

(i) Inadequate funds.                   (ii) Political instability. (iii)Conflicts of interests.             (iv) Lack of political goodwill. (v)Lack of enough specialists.                        (vi) Overambitious plans. (vii)Natural catastrophes/calamities(viii) Inadequate/inaccurate data.

17.      Services offered by wholesaler to a manufacturer. (4 Marks)
  1. Links the manufacturer to the
  2. Breaks bulk on behalf of
  1. Help manufacturer on distribution of
  2. Offers advice and valuable information to
  3. Products promotion on behalf of
18.      Why transport flowers by air rather than by sea. (4 Marks)
  1. Air transport is faster than sea transport in case flowers are urgently
  2. Security of air transport is relatively higher than sea and thus flowers will be
  1. Flowers are highly perishable hence air transport which is faster than sea transport.
19.      Letters represents (4 Marks)

P(Axis)-per capita income    R-Under population

S(Axis)-Population               Q-Optimum population

20.      Salaries Expense Account (4 Marks)
Balance b/d    24,800

Cash                48,200

Profitt and Loss a/c 20,600 Balance c/d                                   52,400
  73,000 73,000


DR                  Salaries Expense Account               CR.





21.      Circumstances to start a personal business. (4 Marks)
  1. Where there is need to create
  2. When there is need for additional
  1. When there is need to utilize extra time
  2. When one wants to be own
  3. Where there is need to exploits one’s
22.      Ways in which a business idea can be implemented.(4 Marks)
  1. By creating a new
  2. By improving on an existing
  1. By expanding the range of services
  2. By offering unique services/products.
  3. By improving on process of production/inventing
23.      Measures to improve the working environment an office.
  1. Provision of adequate space for
  2. Provision of adequate equipments and
  1. Provision of proper and adequate
  2. Provision of safety measures and
  3. Provision of proper
24.      Challenge for using a cell phone (mobile phone). (4 Marks)
  1. Are relatively expensive to
  2. It requires constant
  1. May be damaging to the
  2. There is possibility of been
  3. May be relatively difficult to
25.      Monopolistic competition market curves. (4 Marks)

(i)  a-marginal cost curve       (ii) b-average cost curve

(iii) c-average revenue curve. (iv) d-marginal revenue curve


KCSE 2011

1.          Types of wholesalers described below. (4 Marks)
  1. A wholesaler who trades in maize grain only-
Specialized Wholesaler
  1. A wholesaler who supplies goods to most of the traders in Kitui, Mbooni and Machakos districts in Eastern part of Kenya-Regional Wholesaler
  2. A wholesaler who buys tomatoes from farmers in rural areas and sells the same to other wholesalers in urban areas-
Rack Jobber
  1. A wholesaler who trades in a wide variety of human medicine-General Line Wholesaler
2.          Factors to consider before buying office equipment.
3.          Malpractices consumers need protection by government.


4.          State three features of an insurable interest. (3 Marks)
  1. Presence of property rights or interest
  2. Potential insurable risk must be present
  1. The insurable risk must be legal
  2. There must be possibility of suffering financial loss in case of occurrence of risk
5.          Outline four ways of reducing the level of unemployment in Kenya. (4 Marks)
  1. Exporting surplus manpower
  2. Adopting appropriate education system to instill relevant skills
  1. Increase government expenditure to expand economy
  2. Population control to avoid overpopulation
  3. Diversification of economy by encouraging different industries
  1. Encouraging foreign investment by giving foreign investors incentives
  2. Adopting use of modern technology to increase production and reduce wastage
6.          State four services offered by a commercial bank to its consumers. (4 Marks)
  1. Accepting deposits
  2. Safekeeping of valuable items
  1. Offering foreign exchange services
  2. Offering advisory services on financial matters
  3. Money transfer services
7.          List four sources of public finance. (4 Marks)
  1. Taxes
  2. Fines from courts
  1. Borrowing
  2. Grants and foreign aid
  3. Rent and rates for use of government property
  1. Interest earned from loans advanced by government
  2. Escheats
8.          Outline four reasons why countries may trade with each other. (4 Marks)
  1. To dispose of their surplus
  2. To acquire what they do not have
  1. To enhance access of variety of goods for its citizen to improve their quality of life
  2. To earn foreign exchange
  3. To create employment for their
9.          Outline four reasons why economic development is desirable to a country.       (4 Marks)
  1. To improve standards of living of the citizens
  2. To improve infrastructure
  1. To increase life expectancy of the citizens
  2. To improve social welfare of citizens
10.      Indicate the reward associated with each of the factors of production in the table below. (4 Marks)


  Factor of production Reward
a. Land Rent/Rates/Royalties
b. Labour Wages/salaries
c. Capital Interest
d. Entrepreneurship Profits


  1. Outline four circumstances under which a co-operative society may be dissolved. (4 Marks)
  2. Where there is a court order to dissolve
  3. Where the objectives of the co-operative society have been achieved
  1. In case of mass withdrawal of members leaving less than ten
  2. If the co-operative society is declared bankrupt
  3. In case of an order from commissioner of co-operatives to dissolve it.


12.      Highlight four features of a bonded warehouse.
  1. i) They are usually located at the entry points. ii)Stores goods that are under bond.
  1. Storage fees are charged on all goods stored in the warehouse.
  2. Goods can be prepared for sale while still in the
  3. Goods can be re-exported while still on
13.      Outline four factors that may be considered when measuring the size of a firm. (4 Marks)
  1. The volume of output
  2. The number of employees
  1. The floor area covered by the firm premises
  2. The level of technology used/method of production used
  3. The sales volume
    1. Salim Traders Account (b) Shah Traders Account



(c) Purchases Account             (d) Sales Account

Mar 10 Salim Traders 200,000


15.      On 2nd November 2006, Oromo received an invoice for Ksh. 12,000. Terms of payment were trade discount 5% and cash discount 10%. If payment is made within 30 days. Determine the amount paid if payment was made on 28th November 2006. (4 Marks)


𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 =        𝑥12,000 = 600      𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡


= 12,000 − 600 = 11,400


𝐶𝑎𝑠𝑕 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 =         𝑥11,400 = 1,140 𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑑


= 11,400 − 1,140 = 𝐾𝑠𝑕 10,260

  1. 𝐴 = 𝐶 + 𝐿

500,000 = 𝐶 + (150,000 + 100,000)

500,000 − 250,000 = 𝐶 => 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝐾𝑠𝑕. 250,000


  1. vi) To reduce rural-urban migration


𝑁. 𝑃






𝑥100% = 20%


17. Amina Traders on 31st December 2006

Amina Traders Trading Account

For the period ended31st December, 2006


  1. State four benefits that a trader may get by advertising products in a newspaper. (4 Marks)
    1. Wide coverage/message will/each many people
    2. It has reference/evidence of message
  1. It allows detailed
  2. Graphical details/pictures can be included.
  3. Advertised message is readily acceptable by readers.
  4. 𝐶𝑃𝐼 = 𝑝1𝑥100 𝐶𝑃𝐼 2006 = 100%



18.      State four benefits that a farmer may get by transporting produce to the market by road. (4 Marks)


𝐶𝑃𝐼 2007 =



𝑥100% = 133 %


1                       1


  1. Transporting is relatively
  2. It is readily available

𝐻𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒,      𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 = 133


KCSE 2012

− 100 = 33 %



  1. They are variety means of transport to choose
  2. It is relatively cheap to hire
19.      Causes of decrease in supply of Sukuma Wiki. (4 Marks)
  1. Fall in price of kales
  2. Outbreak of kales destroying kales
  1. Increase in cost of farm inputs such as fertilizer/seeds
  2. Use of inappropriate method of
  3. Increased government taxation on
  1. Increase in price of substitutes such as cabbage making producers to shift to producing
20.      Outline four ways in which households contribute to national income of a country. (4 Marks)
  1. Consumption of goods and
  2. Savings and
  1. Payment of
21.      Circumstances in which trader use oral communication.
  1. Where there is need to bargain/negotiate.
  2. Where there is need to explain use and features of
  1. Where there is need to get immediate feedback from customers.
22.      Outline four reasons why a firm may remain small.
  1. Where the nature of product requires small-scale production
  2. Where market is small
  1. Lack of appropriate technology
  2. Owner’s decision to remain small
  3. Legal constraints/government policy
23.                                                        MUTHONI TRADER CASH BOOK


  1. Outline four circumstances under which cash with order may be used. (4 Marks)
    1. Where the buyer is new to the
    2. Where the buyer’s credit worthiness is in
  1. Where the seller is operating a mail order store business.
  2. Where the seller wants to avoid high cost of debt collection.
  3. Where the seller needs working
2.          Benefits to a farmer by being a member of a Producer Co-operative Society. (4 Marks)
  1. May get farm inputs such as fertilizers at fair
  2. May get dividends from shares
  1. May get education on best agricultural
  2. The society may prepare goods for sale on behalf of the farmer.
  3. May acquire skills on better methods of
3.          Benefits of globalization to a business enterprise.
  1. The business accesses wider market.
  2. It makes it possible for countries to share methods of production.
  1. Encourages collaboration among businesses from different
  2. Facilitates sharing of research findings by businesses globally.
  3. Enables business to take advantages of resources found in other parts of the world without
4.          Ways in which consumers may protect themselves against exploitation by traders. (4 Marks)
Date Details Cash Bank Date Details Cash Bank
Jan 1 Bal b/d 25,250   Jan 1 Bal b/d   150,000
“ 5 Sales 21,500   “ 28 Creditor   80,000
“ 16 Debtor   360,000 “ 28 Creditor 20,000  
        “ 31 Bal c/d 26,750 130,000
    46,750 360,000     46,750 360,000
Feb 1 Bal b/d 26,750 130,000        


  1. Complain through the media.
  1. Demonstrating peacefully against
  2. Avoiding traders identified as exploiters by refusing to buy from
  3. Enlightening themselves about their rights as consumers.


5.          Circumstance under which each of the following telecommunication services may be used: (3 Marks)
  1. Paging-When there is need to call a person to attend to an emergency within an
  2. Facsimile (fax)-Where there is need to send a copy of printed document
  1. Marigi Traders Trading Account for the year ended 30th June Marigi Traders
Trading Account

For the year ended 30th June 2009 Opening Stock                           165,000                                    Sales            980,600 Add: Purchases                     720,000

COGA4S                    885,000

Less: Closing Stock 100,520 Cost of goods sold      784,480

Gross Profit c/d        196,120                                      

980600                         980,000

  1. Monetary policy tools that a government may use to reduce excess money in circulation. (4 Marks)
    1. Open market operations -Selling government
    2. Raising bank interest rates on loans
  1. Giving directives for commercial banks to increase interest rates on loans
  2. Increasing compulsory deposits for commercial bank in central
  3. Selective credit control-restrict lending money to some sectors.
8.          Outline one circumstance under which each of the following types of inflation may occur. (4 Marks)
  1. Creeping inflation (a) Where general price levels rise gradually over a period of time usually at single

(b) Where the value of money tends to be stable over time and effects on the economy is not severe.

  1. Hyperinflation– (a) Where the general price levels rise at a high rate usually more than two

(b) Where there is drastic loss in value of money and effects on the economy is very severe.

9.          State four forms of economic integration that may exist between countries. (4 Marks)
  1. Common Markets-to have common currency to increase free trade and full mobility of
  2. Free Trade Area-where barriers such as tariffs and quotas are
  1. Economic Unions-where common economic institutions like banks are set to deal with monetary
10.      Highlight four problems of development planning that a country may experience. (4 Marks
  1. Lack of accurate adequate data for planning
  2. Unreliable data which may not be useful in
  1. Lack of qualified planning experts/personnel
  2. Private sector activities are not easily
  3. Lack of political
  1. Natural calamities which disrupt the development
11.      Benefits of a single shop to Nyaboke farming community (4 Marks)
  1. They can buy farm inputs from the
  2. They can buy consumer goods from the
  1. They can sell some of farm produce to
  2. The shop can be used as a communication
  3. Nyaboke can employ some of
12.      Outline four features of indirect production. (4 Marks)
  1. There is use of modern
  2. Goods produced are meant for sale.
  1. There is specialization in
  2. Goods produced are of high
  3. It encourages
13.      State four factors that may lead to the success of a business. (4 Marks)
  1. Availability of adequate
  2. Proper location of the business
  1. Right choice of
  2. Government support/Favourable government policies.
  3. Aggressive
  1. Availability of
  2. Proper debt
  3. Availability of market/customers.
14.      State four ways in which a good filing system may facilitate the operations in an office. (4 Marks)
  1. It ensures easy retrieval of
  2. It ensures office
  1. Facilitates quicker decision
  2. It saves on office
  3. It ensures confidentiality of information by limiting access to unauthorized
15.      Highlight four benefits that a country gets by encouraging trade among her citizens. (4 Marks)
  1. Earns revenue from
  2. Enhanced good relationship between communities/peace in the
  1. Increased job opportunities for its
  2. Improved infrastructure in the
  3. Development of rural areas/remote
16.      Challenges encountered when measuring national income using the output approach. (4 Marks)
  1. Inadequate output
  2. Problem of deciding on what to
  1. Price fluctuations/inflation.
  2. Problem of illegal activities which are not included in measuring national
  3. Problem of valuing government inputs are not factored in at market


17.      Highlight four measures that a government may take to reduce the mortality rate in a country. (4 Marks)
  1. Availing adequate modern medicines in
  2. Improvement and equipping of health facilities to enhance their efficiency.
  1. Sensitization and civic education on personal hygiene.
  2. Disaster preparedness to reduce fatalities in case of disaster
  3. Enforce traffic laws to reduce road
18.      Balance Sheet for Highlife General Stores as at 31st December, 2008. (5 Marks)

Highlife General Stores Balance Sheet

Fixed Assets

Land and Buildings



Capital                         870,000
Motor Van  150,000 Long Term Liabilities
  800,000 10 Year Bank Loan 500,000
Current Assets    


Stock 470,000   Current Liabilities
Debtors 350,000   Creditors                 220,000
Cash 50,000 870,000 Bank overdraft           80,000


    1,670,000  1,670,000


As at 31st December, 2008














  Statement Type of entry
i. An increase in revenue. Credit entry
ii. A decrease in an asset. Credit entry
iii. An increase in an expense. Debit entry
iv. A decrease in a liability. Debit entry


  Circumstance Document to issue
i. Jambi Ltd sold goods worth Sh.

54,000 on credit to Jamilar Traders.

ii. Osuri Enterprise which had bought goods worth Sh. 27,000 was erroneously charged for only Sh.


Debit Note
iii. Guru Traders paid Sh. 33,900 by

cheque to Jambi Ltd for goods which had been supplied.

iv. Goods sold to Jamilar Traders had

been overpriced by Sh. 4,000.

Credit Note















  1. Conditions under which a warehouse may be considered to be operating efficiently. (4 Marks)
    1. When it is conveniently
    2. When it has proper building
  1. When it has adequate handling
  2. When it has adequate skilled
  3. When it has good communication and transport
22.      Advantages of promoting sales through the internet.
  1. Access to world markets for increased sales.
  2. It is relatively fast to promote sales through the
  1. It reduces paperwork of keeping
  2. Instant receipt of order from all over the
23.      Methods used to determine prices of goods other than the forces of demand and supply. (4 Marks)
  1. Bargaining/haggling
  2. Recommended Retail price
  1. Abiding to government set price/price control
  2. Auctioning
  3. Price collusion with other traders
24.      Factors that a firm may consider when deciding on the goods to produce. (4 Marks)
  1. Profitability/returns
  2. Government policy
  1. Demand/market
  2. Level of competition
  3. Cost of production
25.      Features of a perfectly competitive market. (4 Marks)
  1. Large number of buyers and sellers.
  2. There is no government
  1. There is uniformity in buyers and sellers
  2. The buyers have perfect knowledge of the
  3. There is free entry and exit in the
  1. Both buyers and sellers are price


KCSE 2013

1.          Ways in which Business Studies may be of benefit to an individual. (4 Marks)
  1. It equips the individual with skills and knowledge to start and run a business successfully.
  2. It prepares the individual for future career in
  1. It enables an individual to develop positive attitude towards
  2. It enables an individual to understand and appreciate the role of government in
  3. It enables an individual to understand and appreciate the role of business in provision of goods and services in the society.
2.          External factors that may negatively influence the operations of a business. (4 Marks)
  1. Unfair/stiff
  2. Insecurity
  1. Unfavourable government
  2. Political
  3. Decrease in population leading to reduced customers
  1. Natural
  2. Strong consumer bargaining


3.          State four characteristics of a successful entrepreneur.

(4 Marks)

  1. Innovative and creative. (ix) Future oriented
  2. (x) Information seeker
  1. Time (xii) Independent
  2. Self-confident. (xiii) commitment to work
  3. Risk (xiv) Good decision maker
4.          State four functions of an office. (4 Marks)
  1. Filing
  1. Distribution of information
  2. Reproduction of documents
  3. Safeguarding and controlling organizations property
5.          Classification of trade. (3 Marks)

Home trade/Local trade      International trade/Foreign trade Retail trade & Wholesale trade Import trade & Export Trade

6.          Relevant participants. (4 Marks)


  Statement Participant
a. Payment for goods and services Households
b. Sale of factors of production. Households
c. Payment for factors of production. Firms
d. Sale of goods and services. Firms


  1. Wekesa Traders’ Trial (5 Marks)

Wekesa Traders Trial Balance

As at 31st December, 2009.

Particulars/Details DR (Ksh) CR (Ksh)
Capital   500,000
Buildings 200,000  
Cash in hand 20,000  
Furniture 25,000  
Motor vehicle 400,000  
Creditors   18,000
Debtors 36,000  
Bank 100,000  
Bank Loan                263,000
   781,000 781,000


  1. Calculation of owner’s capital. (4 Marks)

𝐶 = 𝐴 − 𝐿

𝐶 = (1,840,000 + 400,000) − (600,000 + 150,000)

𝐶 = 2,240,000 − 750,000

𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝟏, 𝟒𝟗𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎

9.          State the type of unemployment relating to each of the following descriptions: (4 Marks)
10.      Circumstances under which the capital of a business may change. (4 Marks)
  1. In case of
  2. In case of drawings
  1. In case of additional
11.      Below are some entries in the cash book of Romano Traders for the month of July 2010.

Dr.                     CASH BOOK                                                  Cr.

Date Details Cash (Ksh) Bank (Ksh)   Date Details Cash (Ksh) Bank (Ksh)

July 1


Bal b/d




July 1


Bal b/d



July 6 Cash   20,000   July 6 Bank 20,000  
July 20 Sales   15,000   July 15 Wages 5,000  
July 28 Debtors 20,000     July 29 Stock   10,000
          July 31 Bal c/d 10,000  

State the meaning of the following entries. (4 Marks)

  1. July 1, 2010 Balance b/d, bank column, shs. 100,000-
Bank Overdraft
  1. July 6, 2010 Cash shs. 20,000 and bank shs. 20,000-
Contra entry
  1. July 28, 2010 Debtors shs. 20,000-Cash received from debtor
  2. July 31, 2010 Balance c/d shs. 10,000-Closing cash in hand
12.      Circumstances under which documents may be issued by a trader: (4 Marks)
  1. Debit Note-When correcting
  2. Invoice-When demanding for payment of goods supplied.
  1. Quotation-When replying to a specific letter of
13.          Documents required by the registrar of companies in order to register a public limited company. (4 Marks)
  1. Articles of
  2. Declaration by
  1. List of
  2. Statement signed by directors
14.      Measures a country can take to reduce level of inflation.
  1. Reduce government
  2. Increase personal income tax to reduce disposable
  1. Increase interest rates on loans to make borrowing expensive.
  2. Raising compulsory deposits by the commercial banks to central bank to reduce money available for
  3. Enforce wage control to prevent wage increase.
  1. Restricting imports to curb imported
  2. Selling government securities in open market operations to reduce supply of money in
  3. Restricting terms of hire purchase and credit terms to discourage


15.      Outline four factors that may make a producer to by- pass the wholesaler when distributing goods. (4 Marks)
  1. Having own retail
  2. Dealing in perishable goods like bread which require shorter channels.
  1. Consumers and retailers buying in large
  2. Need to keep price of goods
  3. Limited geographical spread of the
  1. Where the producer has enough storage
  2. When goods are produced on
16.      Benefits that a country would get by developing her infrastructure. (4 Marks)
  1. Attraction of foreign
  2. Increased per capital/ income.
  1. Easier/fast communication
  2. Improved security.
  3. Increased entrepreneurial activities
  1. Increased production
  2. Reduced cost of
  3. Enhanced movements of goods and
17.      Benefits of bonded warehouse to government. (4 Marks)
  1. Enable the government to prevent entry of harmful goods into the country.
  2. Enable the government to inspect goods while still under bond.
  1. Enables the government to prevent entry of illegal goods into the country.
  2. It is a source of revenue for the government from customs
  3. Enables verification of documents for goods on transit.
18.      Qualities of a successful salesperson. (4 Marks)
  1. Has adequate knowledge about the product
  2. Good listener
  1. Have good command of
  2. Is sensitive to customer
  3. Is persuasive
  1. Is presentable (neat and well groomed).
  2. Persistent and patient
  3. Has a high level of
19.      Factors that may cause the supply curve to shift to right.
  1. Reduced cost of
  2. Improved production methods/ improved technology
  1. Future expectation of price fall/decrease
  1. Reduced price of substitute
  2. Favourable government subsidies e.g subsidies
  1. Increase in factors of production
  2. Bumper harvest/Favourable seasons
20.      Positive effects that production activities may have on community health. (4 Marks)
  1. Provision of safe
  2. Provision of clean
  1. Provision of labour/job which leads to reduced stress and a chance to keep fit while
  2. Provision of health facilities as a social responsibility.
  3. Provision of recreational
  1. Planting trees to improve the
21.      State four basic features of a market. (4 Marks)
  1. Availability of buyers and sellers
  2. Availability of goods and
  1. Availability of medium of
  2. Freedom to buy and
22.      State four features of a parastatal. (4 Marks)
  1. Provide essential
  2. Not profit motivated.
  1. Is mainly funded by the
  2. Is managed by government
  3. Any surplus earned is surrendered to the government.
  1. Can be dissolved only through an act of
23.      Circumstances in which the government may be involved in business. (4 Marks)
  1. When a business venture requires investment of large sums of money which individual entrepreneurs may not
  2. When the goods or services to be provided are essential to the welfare of the
  1. When the government desires to create employment for the
  2. When the government needs to generate income through revenue collection.
  3. When there is need to safeguard national
  1. Where there is need to balance regional
  2. Where there is need to reduce foreign dominance in the
  3. Where there is need to attract foreign


24.      Factors that a trader may consider when choosing a means of transport. (4 Marks)
  1. Nature of goods – whether they are bulky/perishable/fragile.
  2. Speed/urgency-where goods are to be delivered
  1. Distance to be covered.
  2. Availability of the
  3. Packaging requirements for the
  1. Reliability of the
  2. Flexibility of the
  3. Comfortability of the
25.      Reasons for privatizing public corporations. (4 Marks)
  1. Reasons for privatizing public
  2. To improve efficiency in their
  1. To enhance
  2. To increase public participation in economic activities of the
  3. To reduce government
  1. To minimize political

KCSE 2014

1.     Features that relate to the description below. (4 Marks)


  Description Feature
(a) A person is unable to fully satisfy

all wants.

(b) Once satisfied, they have a

tendency of being felt again.

Repetitive/ Recurrent
(c) Some wants are satisfied together. Complementary
(d) The same want can be satisfied

using different resources.

  1. Name two occupations that relate to each. (3 Marks)


(a) Extraction Mining, Fishing, Lumbering, Quarrying,


(b) Construction Masonry, civil engineering,                                                  road construction, bridge construction,

building houses

(c) Direct


Nursing, hair-dressing. Kinyozi, teaching,

Entertainment, health care services

  1. Tasks that may be carried out by a receptionist in
    1. Receiving visitors to the
    2. Receiving and routing telephone
  1. Dealing with simple petty cash for purchase of newspapers/tea
  2. Supervising
  3. Keeping simple
4.     Circumstances in which a cheque may be used. (4 Marks)
  1. When the amounts involved is
  2. When the seller insists on payment by
  1. When payment is to be directed into the payee’s
  2. When the terms of sale is cash with
  3. When there is need to ensure safety of the money being transferred.
5.     Activities that may be carried out in a stock exchange market.      (4 Marks)
  1. Buying and selling of
  2. Mobilizing savings for
  1. Issuing of new securities/raising
  2. Publication of statistical
  3. Advising
6.     Outline four features of liners in sea transport. (4 Marks)
  1. Follow a regular time table /
  2. Call at ports at regular
  1. Charges are fixed regardless of
  2. Form associations/conferences to protect themselves against unfair
7.     State five types of information that a manager may communicate to the juniors. (5 Marks)
  1. Instructions and
  2. Explain policies of the
  1. Information on performance of juniors (evaluation).
  2. Invitation to
  3. Allocation/ delegation of
  1. Explain the meaning of the following terms: (4 Marks) (a)Insured– Is an individual or business that signs an insurance contract to be covered against a risk of loss and can therefore be compensated in the event of the loss occurring.

-Individual/organization taking the insurance cover.

(b) Insurance- Is an arrangement (contract) in which the insured pays premiums to the insurer so as to be compensated in case of loss occurring as a result of an insured risk.

9.    Movement along/shift of the demand curve. (3 Marks)


  Factor Movement along or shift of
(a) Change in income. Shift of
(b) Change in price. Movement along
(c) Change in weather Shift of


  1. Roles played by the broker in the chain of
    1. Linking the buyer and the
    2. Bargaining on behalf of the owner/seller.
  1. Providing an avenue for the seller to access many buyers.
  2. Giving advice to buyers and sellers on market
11.  Factors in a two sector closed economy   (4 Marks).
  1. i) Payment for goods and
  2. ii) Provision of factors of production.
  3. i) Payment for factors of
  4. ii) Provision of goods and services
12.  Fill in the missing figures in the table below: (4 Marks)
(a) 275,500 155,000 315,000 115,500
(b) 182,000 108,700 73,600 217,100
(c) 138,600 76,400 123,100 91,900
(d) 313,450 211,340 189,170 335,620


  1. Mheshimiwa Ltd Trial Balance As At 31st May,

Mheshimiwa Ltd Trial Balance

As At 31st May, 2010


Details DR (Ksh) CR(Ksh)
Purchases 3,880  
Sales   3,350
Returns outwards   150
Returns inwards 160  
D. Simila (Debtor) 2,550  
P. Mwende (Creditor)   3,100
Wages 800  
Cash 960  
Capital                1,750
  8,350 8,350
  1. Name the column labeled V, W, X and Y. (4 Marks) Dr.



Discount Allowed





  1. Functions of the IBRD/World Bank. (4 Marks)
    1. Provision of grants to member countries to foster economic
    2. Issuance of loans to developing countries at lower rates for development
  1. Provision of experts to implement and manage identified projects.
  2. Training of local personnel in project appraisal and implementation.
  3. Supervise member countries’ management of public finance.
  1. Promotes long term growth in international
16.  State four disadvantages of barter trade. (4 Marks
  1. Lack of double coincidence of
  2. Problem of indivisibility of some
  1. Difficult to measure
  2. Problems of portability of some
  3. Lack of a standard for making deferred
17.  Jelimo Stores General Journal.
  1. List four levels of inflation. (4 Marks)
    1. Creeping/Mild/Moderate inflation
    2. Galloping/Rapid inflation
  1. Stagflation
19.  Outline four characteristics under-developed countries have in common. (4 Marks)
  1. Low per capita
  2. High population growth
  1. Low literacy
  2. High levels of
  3. Poor health
  1. High dependency
  2. Poor
  3. Low technological
20.  State four factors in the internal environment that may influence the business. (4 Marks)
  1. The management/structure.
  1. The
  2. Marketing strategy/handling of
  3. Research and
21.  Highlight four reasons for which businesses should observe ethical practices. (4 Marks)
  1. To ensure fair
  2. To protect consumers/customers.
  1. To protect the rights of
  2. To promote social
  3. To maintain a positive
  1. To promote positive cultural
22.  State four merits of promoting products through personal selling. (4 Marks)
  1. Enhances personal appeal between the buyer and the
  2. Can effectively counteract customers negative attitudes towards the
Date Particulars LF Dr. Cr.

Oct. 10


K.Likia a/c

Stationery a/c (Being record of sale of stationery on credit) Motor Vehicle a/c

Onjwaria Motors a/c (Being record of Purchase of motor vehicle on credit)






Oct. 23   700,000
  703,000 703,000


  1. Demonstration on the use of the goods can easily be
  2. Flexibility in presentation to suit customer
  3. Provide immediate feedback from and to the clients
  1. 𝐹. 𝐶 = 𝐼. 𝐶 + 𝐴. 𝐼 + 𝑃 − 𝐷

7,000,000 = 𝐼. 𝐶 + 800,000 + 3,100,000 − 400,000

7,000,000 − 800,000 − 3,100,000 + 400,000 = 𝐼. 𝐶

𝐼. 𝐶 = 3,500,000

𝐼𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝐾𝑠𝑕. 3,500,000      (3 Marks)


24.  Outline four positive implications of youthful population to an economy. (4 Marks)
  1. Less expenditure on social security and
  2. Wider market for goods meant for the youth like clothing.
  1. Flexibility and adaptability to technological changes which improve
  2. Faster growth of some sectors like the music, fashion and fast-food
  3. Increased innovation due to their adventurous nature.
25.  PQ’s Trading Account for the year ended 31st December, 2012. (4 Marks)

PQ Ltd Trading Account

For the Year ended 31st December, 2012.

Opening stock 57,140 Sales 23,498,000
Add: Purchases 16,290,000 Less: Returns in     27,200
COGA4S 16,347,140 Net Sales 23,470,800
Less: Closing Stock  86,340    
COGS 16,260,800    
Gross Profit c/d       7,210,000




KCSE 2015

  1. What are the reasons that would make an individual engage in business? (4 Marks)
    • Provision of goods and
    • Create
    • Exploitation of economic
    • Exploitation of individual’s creativity/innovation/talents/hobbies/skills.
    • To earn a profit/income/livelihood
    • To be self-reliant and independent/ to be own
    • To make use of leisure
    • To utilize idle resources
    • For prestige
    • To take advantage of government incentives eg.Hustler fund
2.      List four types of utility and the production activity associated with each of them. (4 Marks)
Utility Production Activity
(i) Time utility Storage/Warehousing
(ii) Place utility Transport/Distribution
(iii) Possession utility Buying/trading/exchange
(iv) Form utility Processing/manufacturing/


  1. Outline four ways in which the office facilities effective handling of documents. (4 Marks)
  2. Receiving documents
  3. Recording documents
  1. Distributing/mailing documents
  2. Storing/filing of
  3. Employing qualified
4.      Factors influencing consumer to purchase from a kiosk other than a supermarket. (4 Marks)
  1. Kiosks may sell on
  2. Kiosks bring goods closer to
  1. Kiosk owners have personal contact/touch with
  2. Kiosks may be accessed beyond the normal working routine when the need
  3. Kiosks may allow for
5.      Circumstances under which hire purchase may be used to acquire goods. (4 Marks)
  1. When the buyer does not have enough money to pay at once.
  2. When the product is
  1. When the buyer is a salaried employee/has regular income.
  2. When the buyer desires to own luxurious
  3. When the buyer wants to save in the form of
6.      Reasons for increased use of mobile phones in banking.
  1. Paying through mobile phones is safer than carrying cash.
  2. It is easier to transact over mobile phones.
  1. It saves on time since there is no travelling and queuing for the services.
  2. The speed of transaction is
  3. It reduces paper work by eliminating the need for physical files and other
  1. Transactions can be conducted at any
  2. Reduced transaction
  3. Easy access to transaction
7.      Methods that the Government of Kenya uses to regulate business activities. (4 Marks)
  1. Licensing business activities
  2. Setting up standards through KEBS
  1. Setting quotas
  2. Enforcement of laws
  3. Imposing bans
  1. Price
8.      Disadvantages of using internet in communication.


9.      Differences between life assurance and general insurance.


It deals with life It deals with property
It is usually a long-term contract It is usually a short-term


Can be used as a saving plan Cannot be used as a saving plan
Has surrender value. Has no surrender value
Has maturity date Has no maturity date
Risk is certain/must occur Risk may or may not occur
Policy can be used as a security for a


Policy cannot be used as a

security for a loan

Compensation is given to beneficiaries in case of death of


In case of loss compensation is given to the insured
Sum assured depends with assured’s

ability to pay

Sum insured depend with value

of property

Principles of subrogation and

indemnity does not apply

Principle of subrogation and

indemnity applies


  1. Reasons for observing ethical practices in product promotion. (4 Marks)
    • To ensure fair competition among
    • To ensure consumer’s interests are protected eg. No false advertisement or
    • To ensure that businesses comply with the
    • To protect the environment from
    • To improve the image of the
    • To maintain morality in the society/cultural/moral
11.      Effects of a shift of demand curve to the right. (4 Marks)
12.   Outline four disadvantages that a manufacturer if wholesalers were eliminated (4 Marks)
13.     The Balance Sheet As At 31st December, 2012.

(4 Marks)

  1. The following figures relate to Jumbo Traders for the year ended 12.13.
Details Shs.
Capital 940,000
Net Loss 20,000
Additional investment 420,000
Monthly drawings 5,000

Determine the capital as at 01.01.13. (4 Marks)

𝐹. 𝐶 = 𝐼. 𝐶 + 𝐴. 𝐼 − 𝐿 − 𝐷

940,000 = 𝐼. 𝐶 + 420,000 − 20,000 − (5,000𝑥12)

940,000 − 420,000 + 20,000 + 60,000 = 𝐼. 𝐶

600,00 = 𝐼. 𝐶

𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 as at 01.01.13 was Ksh. 600,000

15.                    Identify the ledgers in which the following accounts are maintained. (5 Marks)


i. Pendo (Debtor) Sales/Debtors
ii. Machinery General
iii. Rent Nominal
iv. Capital Private
v. Juma (Creditor) Purchases/Creditors
  1. List three levels of inflation. (3 Marks)
    • Creeping/Mild/Moderate inflation
    • Galloping/Rapid inflation
    • Hyperinflation/Run-away inflation
    • Stagflation
17.   Name the documents described by the statements given below are used in International Trade: (4 Marks)
  1. Requests for payment before goods are delivered-
Pro-forma invoice
  1. Shows ownership or title of goods imported-
Bill of Landing
  1. Shows the country of manufacture of goods-
Certificate of Origin
  1. Shows the transportation charges for goods-
Freight Note
  1. Post the information to the relevant ledger

(4 Marks)

Dr                   MIMI Supplies A/c                                 Cr



Dr                   Kilimanjaro A/c                                       Cr




Fixed Assets                            Capital                         66,000 Furniture              50,000

Current Assets                        Short Term Liabilities

Stock            5,000                    Bank Overdraft           5,000

Debtors        7,000

Cash             9,000 21,000

71,000                                          71,000



Dr                   Purchases Returns  A/c                            Cr



19.   Goals of development to a country. (4 Marks)
20.   Kahawa Traders Trading Account. (5 Marks) Working
  1. Benefits of sea transport over air transport. (4 Marks)
24.     In which ways can an investor benefit from the stock exchange? (4 Marks)



𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛 =

1                                       1         1

=     ,        𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘 − 𝑢𝑝 =          =


25.   State three clauses found in the Memorandum of


100      5

5 − 1     4

Association. (3 Marks)


1         𝐺. 𝑃

𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘 − 𝑢𝑝 =   =

4      960,000

𝐺. 𝑃 = 240,00

Sales= 𝐶𝑂𝐺𝑆 + 𝐺. 𝑃

𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 = 960,000 + 240,00 = 1,200,000

Kahawa Traders Trading Account

For the year ended 31st December, 2012

Opening Stock               80,000      Sales               1,200,000

Add: Purchases        1,000,000

COGA4S                   1,080,000

Less: Closing Stock 120,000 Cost of goods sold 960,000 Gross Profit c/d                      240,000


1,200,000                            1,200,000

  1. Reasons that make it necessary for firms to maintain a healthy environment. (4 Marks)
    • To enhance corporate/good image.
    • To protect/safeguard human health eg. employees, customers, surrounding
    • To maintain the ecological
    • To conserve natural resources / raw
    • For sustainable economic
    • For environmental
    • To comply with the set
    • As part of corporate social
22.   Benefits of business plan to an entrepreneur. (4 Marks)

KCSE 2016

1.          State four external factors that may negatively influence the operation of a business. (4 Marks)
2.          Highlight four benefits of a business plan to an entrepreneur. (4 Marks)


3.          State four ways in which a good filing system may facilitate the operations of an office. (4 Marks)
4.          Highlight four activities that may be carried out in a stock exchange market. (4 Marks)


5.          Outline four circumstances under which a co-operative society may be dissolved. (4 Marks)
6.          Outline four methods that the government Kenya uses to regulate business activities. (4 Marks)
7.          State four ways in which a youthful population may be useful to an economy. (4 Marks)
8.          Outline one circumstance under which each telecommunication services may be used: (4 Marks)
9.          The following transactions relates to Jelimo Stores:

(a) 10th October 2010: Sold unused stationery for Sh. 3,000 on credit to K. Likia.

Required: Record the above transactions in the General Journal given below:          (4 Marks)


Date Particulars Folio Dr. (Ksh) Cr. (Ksh)

Oct. 10


K.Likia a/c

Stationery a/c (Being a record of sale of stationery on credit) Motor Vehicle a/c

Onjwaria a/c (Being a record of purchase of motor

vehicle on credit)








Oct. 23  




  1. State four features of an insurable interest. (4 Marks)
11.      State four features of parastatal. (4 Marks)
12.      Effects of a shift of the demand curve to the right.
13.      Outline four functions of World Bank. (4 Marks)
14.      Ways of reducing the level of unemployment in Kenya.


15.                                                             Highlife General Stores Balance Sheet

As at 31st December, 2015

Fixed Assets                                    Capital                         870,000 Land and Buildings     650,000

Motor Van                    150,000      Long Term Liabilities 800,000     10 Year Bank Loan 500,000

Current Assets

Stock      470,000                                 Current Liabilities

Debtors 350,000                              Creditors                   220,000

Cash         50,000  870,000             Bank overdraft           80,000


1,670,000                                             1,670,000

  1. Circumstances which may be involved in business.
17.      Types of Ledgers which the following accounts are kept.


i. Pendo (Debtor) Sales/Debtors
ii. Machinery General
iii. Rent Nominal
iv. Capital Private
  1. Two factors represented by arrows labeled a and b)i) Payment for goods and services.
  2. ii) Provision of factors of production.
  3. c) i) Payment for factors of production.
  4. ii) Provision of goods and services
19.      State four reasons for privatizing public corporations.
20.      Reasons for the increased use of cell phones in banking.
21.      List four sources of public finance. (4 Marks)
22.      State two situations in which each of the following types of inflation may occur. (4 Marks)
  1. Creeping inflation (a) Where general price levels rise gradually over a period of time usually at single
  1. Hyperinflation– (a) Where the general price levels rise at a high rate usually more than two
23.      Outline four factors that may make a producer to by- pass the wholesaler when distributing goods. (4 Marks)
24.      Goals of development to a country. (4 Marks)
25.      Outline four characteristics of services. (4 Marks)


KCSE 2017

1.          Elements of the demographic environment that may influence the operations of a business. (4 Marks)
2.          Circumstances under which goods may be transported by use of containers. (4 Marks)
3.          (a) Salome Traders rate of Return on Capital Employed

𝐶𝐸 = 𝐶 + 𝐿𝑇𝐿 = 1,119,300 + 1,807,00 = 2,926,300

𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡

𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛 𝑜𝑛 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 =

𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑑

5.          Chem Chemi Ltd is a new cement manufacturer. Outline four factors that may encourage this company to be established in Athi River town where other cement manufacturers are located despite the obvious competition. (4 Marks)
6.          Outline three ways through which a partnership may be formed. (3 Marks)
7.          Features of land as a factor of production. (4 Marks)


𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡


𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒��

= 438945 𝑥100%


= 15%



(b)   Importance of the rate of return on capital employed.
4.          Indicators of economic growth as a country progresses.
8.          Principles of insurance described below. (4 Marks)
  1. Restoring the insured’s financial position after suffering loss from insured risk-Indemnity
  2. Existence of a very close relation between the loss suffered and the insured risk-Proximate cause
  3. The insurer taking ownership of the remains of the destroyed property after the insured is duly compensated-Subrogation
  4. Proof that the insured will suffer direct financial loss if property is destroyed-Insurable interest
9.          Items that would be included in the measurement of national income using the income approach. (4 Marks)


10.      Determine the consumer price index of 2011,2012,2013 and 2014.       (4 Marks)
Year Price (Ksh) 𝑷𝟏

𝑪𝑷𝑰 =      𝒙𝟏𝟎𝟎%


2010 90.00 90/90×100=100%
2011 100.80 100.8/90×100=112%
2012 103.50 103.5/90=115%
2013 105.30 105.3/90=117%
2014 108.00 108/90=120%
  1. List four forms of retail businesses that a school leaver may engage in. (4 Marks)
    • Kiosks (viii) Roadside selling
    • Canteens (ix) Hawking
    • Tied shops (x) Peddling
    • Single shops (xi) Mobile shops
    • Market stalls (xii) Open market trading
    • Operating an Automatic Vending Machine
    • Selling through the internet/Online business/shop
12.      State four benefits of using the internet for office communication. (4 Marks)


13.      The following information relates to Zawadi Traders rental income:

01.01.15: Had Ksh. 50,000 in the rent income account at the beginning of the year.

10.06.15: Received Ksh. 120,000 from tenants.

12.11.15: Refunded Ksh. 20,000 to a tenant who had vacated the premises.

Required: Prepare Zawadi Traders Rental Income Account.

(4 Marks)

Dr                       Rental Income A/c                                Cr.
Date Details Amount Date Details Amount
12.11.15 Tenants 20,000 1.1.15 Bal b/d 50,000
31.12.15 Bal c/d


150,000 10.06.15 Tenants 120,000
    170,000     170,000
  1. State four means of payment that may be provided by commercial banks to their customers. (4 Marks)
    • Cheques (vi) Telegraphic transfers
    • Bank drafts/bankers cheque (vii) Use of credit/debit cards
    • Standing orders (viii) Electronic funds transfer
    • Travellers cheques (ix) M-Banking/ E-Banking
    • Credit transfer (x) Direct cash deposit
15.      The equations given below relate to the quantity demanded and quality supplied at the equilibrium point.

𝑄𝑑𝑒 = 4𝑃 + 50

𝑄𝑠𝑒 = 8𝑃 + 30

Determine the equilibrium price and quantity. (4 Marks)

𝐴𝑡 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑢𝑚, 𝑄𝑠𝑒 = 𝑄𝑑𝑒 8𝑃 + 30 = 4𝑃 + 50

8𝑃 − 4𝑃 = 50 − 30

4𝑃 = 20,        𝑃 = 5

𝑃𝑒 = 5,

𝑄𝑒 = 4𝑥5 + 50 = 70

16.      Outline four ways in which the balance of payments of a country may be improved. (4 Marks)
17.      Source documents into which the information given in the table below would be recorded. (4 Marks)
Information Source document
a. Payments received from


Outgoing/issued/copy of receipts
b. Purchases made on


Incoming/received/purchases invoice
c. Validating payments

made by the cashier.

Cash payment voucher/payment voucher
d. Requesting for additional

payments from a debtor.

Debit note


  1. Factors to consider when deciding on the method to use for promoting its products. (4 Marks)
    • Nature of the product
    • Availability of the promotional media
    • The competitor’s promotional strategies
    • Objective of the promoters
    • The cost of the method
    • Government policy/legal requirements
    • The target audience
    • Geographical coverage of the method
    • The level of demand for the product
    • Lifespan of the method
    • The urgency of the promotional message
19.      Features of money that enables it to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. (4 Marks)
20.      Benefits of proper filing to an organization. (4 Marks)


21.      Characteristics of a monopolistic market. (4 Marks)
22.      The aggressive campaign for citizens to plan their families seems to be causing a decline in the country’s population growth. Outline four possible effect.(4 Marks)
23.      State four functions of commercial attaches. (4 Marks)
24.      Benefits that may be realized when two firms form a merger. (4 Marks)
25.      Factors that caused failure of women clothing business.

KCSE 2018

1.          Features of labour as a factor of production. (4 Marks)
2.          Ways in which peace within a country may encourage entrepreneurial development. (4 Marks)
3.          State four duties of the office clerk. (4 Marks)
  1. a) Identify the document-Credit Note(1 Mark) b)Circumstances under which the document may be
    • When correcting arithmetic errors resulting to
    • Where the buyer has been charged higher prices than the recommended prices.
    • When items included in the invoice were not delivered


5.          State four measures that may be taken by the government to control inflation. (4 Marks)
6.          Measures that may be taken by the government to curb unemployment. (4 Marks)
7.          Benefits of national income statistics to the government.
Business Assets (Sh) Capital (Sh) Liabilities (Sh)
A 40,000 24,266 15,734
B 219,800 158,300 61,500
C 17,670 5,680 11,990
D 67,000 42,295 24,705


Fill in the spaces in the table below: (4 Marks)
  1. Categories for classification of partners. (4 Marks)
    • According to their age.
    • According to their liability in the business
    • According to their capital contribution to the
    • According to their role played in running the
10.      Ways in which the government creates an enabling environment for business in the country. (4 Marks)
11.      Roles of transport in the facilitation of trade. (4 Marks)
12.      Circumstances under which firms would form a cartel.
13.      Conditions under which a manufacturer would distribute his products through the wholesaler. (4 Marks)


14.      State four reasons for maintaining a cash book in a business enterprise. (4 Marks)
15.      Ways in which the price of a product may be set.
16.      Factors that would make two people taking the same type of life assurance policy with the same insurer to pay different amount of premiums. (4 Marks)
17.      State the line of communication involved in each of the following: (4 Marks)
  1. The manager of ABC Company Ltd talking to manager of XYZ Company Ltd-Horizontal communication
  2. A secretary asking for time off from her boss-Upward vertical communication
  3. The Production Manager giving instruction to the Secretary of Sales Manager-Downward diagonal communication
  4. The Store Keeper giving explanations to the Chief Accountant-Upward diagonal communication
18.      List four books of original entry that may be used to record transactions affecting stock. (4 Marks)
19.      Highlight four external economies of scale that a firm may get when operating on large scale. (4 Marks)
20.      Calculate:
  1. a) 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑒𝑑 = 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 − 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠

= (80,000 + 20,000 + 20,000) − 20,000

= 100,000                                (2 Marks)

  1. b)𝐴𝑐𝑖𝑑𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 = 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡  𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 −𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘

𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠

= 40,000−20,000 = 20,000 = 1 (2 Marks)

21.      Watamu Enterprises Balance Sheet As at 2nd May, 2014

(5 Marks)

Watamu Enterprises Balance Sheet

As at 2nd May, 2014

Current Assets




Capital           1,300,000

Current Liabilities

Debtors 100,000 Creditors 250,000
Cash at bank 150,000    
Cash 900,000    
   1,550,000   1,550,000
  1. Outline four merits of indirect taxes. (4 Marks)
    • Tax payment is voluntary/can be avoided
    • It is not easily
    • It is more convenient as it is paid in
    • It is
    • It stimulates effort to
    • It promotes equality
    • More revenue can be raised as it broad.
23.      Ways in which the technological environment may improve business performance. (4 Marks)
24.      Identify the types of ledger in which each of the following accounts would be found: (4 Marks)


  Account Type of ledger
a Otieno (Buyer) Debtors/Sales ledger
b Carriage outwards Nominal ledger
c Mueni (Supplier) Creditors/Purchases ledger
d Cash at bank Cash book


  1. Ways in which the introduction of money helped eliminate problems faced in barter trade. (4 Marks)
    • Money eliminates the need for double coincidence of wants since it is a medium of
    • Stores the value of perishable goods by selling them and keeping the money for future
    • Ensures that commodities exchanged are of comparable values by offering a standard measure of
    • Helps in the exchange of indivisible commodities since it can be divided into smaller denominations without losing
    • Money provides a unit of account by which goods and services are valued unlike in barter trade.
    • Money is a standard of deferred payment whereas it was not possible to make payments in the future under the barter
    • Money enables exchange/transfer of fixed property like
    • Money helps to solve the problem of transporting heavy and bulky goods because is


20,000               20,000        1


KCSE 2019

1.          State whether basic human want or secondary human want. (4 Marks)
  Commodity/service Class of human want
(a) A shirt Basic
(b) Education Secondary
(c) Housing Basic
(d) A packet of milk Basic
(e) Entertainment Secondary
(f) Haircut Secondary
(g) Green grams Basic
(h) A car Secondary
  1. Outline four factors that make office managers to communicate in writing to their staff. (4 Marks)
    • Confidentiality-the confidentiality of the message is enhanced by written
    • Accuracy – the message is delivered in its original form.
    • Completeness of the message – written forms may be able to pass long/detailed
    • Future reference – the message may form the basis for decision making in
    • Reliability of the means – this is the trusted means of communicating in
    • Economical-it is cost effective since it is affordable

/ relatively cheaper.

3.          Prepare Birika Traders Trial Balance as at 31st December, 2014.

Birika Traders Trial Balance

As at 31st December, 2014


Furniture and Fittings 234,000  
Debtors 67,500  
Capital   157,900
Commission earned   13,200
Creditors   34,750
Drawings 21,800  
5 Year Bank Loan   114,450
Discount Received   3,000
  323,300 323,300
  1. Functions of an office in an organization. (4 Marks)
    • Filing
    • Mailing
    • Reproduction of documents
    • Distribution/dissemination of information
    • Receiving and recording information
    • The communication centre for the organization
    • Safeguarding and controlling the organization’s property
    • An administration centre for the organization
    • Public relations centre for the organization/customer care
5.          Roles played by the Nairobi Securities Exchange in the Kenyan economy. (4 Marks)

investor’s interest.

6.          Name the basic concept in population described in the statements given below: (4 Marks)
  1. Population size that is adequate for the full utilization of available resources in a country-Optimum population
  2. The average number of births per one thousand women in a year-Birth rate
  3. When a country is experiencing higher death rates than birth rates-Declining population
  4. Where a bigger proportion of the population is comprised of people who are above 55 years old-Ageing population
7.          Circumstance under which each of the following terms of trade would be applied in foreign trade. (4 Marks)

manufacturer’s warehouse.

8.          Complete the diagram below to illustrate the classification of trade. (3 Marks)
Home trade/

Local trade

International trade

/Foreign trade










  1. Merits of using salespeople to promote the sales of a particular product. (4 Marks)
    • It gives personal touch which elicits positive response from potential
    • It can be used to target specific group of
    • It is flexible since the message can be tailored to suit the needs of each
    • Allows for demonstration on product
    • Source for immediate feedback from the
    • Buyer’s questions / concerns are immediately addressed.
    • It leads to more sales since customers may be convinced by persuasive sales
    • Facilitates collection of


10.      By use of book keeping equation, determine the missing values in the table below. (4 Marks)








1,593,600 a)    458,900 900,900 1,151,600
812,700 1,953,750 b)    594,350 2,172,100
c)     892,735 781,295 1,010,000 664,030
1,320,920 1,450,050 1,260,860 d)    1,510,110


  1. Features that may indicate a country’s state of underdevelopment. (4 Marks)
    • High disparities in income distribution
    • Underutilization of natural resources
    • High population growth rate
    • Poor infrastructure
    • High dependency ratio
    • High levels of illiteracy
    • Dominance of subsistence sector
    • Poor health facilities
    • High levels of poverty/low capita income
    • Poor governance
    • Low levels of savings and investment
    • Outdated cultural practices
    • High levels of unemployment
    • Over-reliance on developed countries
    • Low levels of technology
    • Low levels of industrialization
    • Low labour productivity due to inadequate co-operant factors
12.      List four types of small-scale retail business that one can run without a shop. (4 Marks)
13.      Functions of Department of External Trade in the Ministry of Industry, Trade & Co-operatives. (4 Marks)
14.      Factors to consider when selecting a channel to distribute fresh milk. (4 Marks)
15.      Book of original entry into which information extracted from the source documents given. (4 Marks)


Source documents Books of original entry
(a) Incoming invoice a) Purchases journal/

bought journal

(b) Outgoing credit note b) Sales returns journal/

returns inward journal

(c) Outgoing cash sale slip c)    Cash Receipts journal/

Cash book

(d) Incoming debit note d) Purchases journal/

bought journal

  1. Outline four features of co-operatives societies. (4 Marks)
    • Formed by a minimum of ten members and has no maximum membership
    • Managed/Run by a management committee
    • Governed using by-laws
    • Profit is distributed to members in form of dividends
    • It is a separate legal entity from the members
    • It has limited liability
    • It is formed by people with common interest
    • No single member is allowed to own more than 50% of the total share capital
17.      Factors which may lead to an increase in a country’s national income. (4 Marks)
18.      Determine net purchases. (3 Marks)


  1. b) State two reasons for preparing the trading account.
  1. Enables the business to determine the cost of goods
  2. It reveals the amount of revenue generated from the sale of stock in a given year/reveal net
  1. It can help to gauge the performance of a business if compared across different
  2. It can help compare performance of a business with
  3. To facilitate the preparation of a profit and loss
Workers Level of production
(a)Carpenter Secondary
(b)Nurse Tertiary
(c)Maize farmer Primary
(d)Mason Secondary
(e)Wholesaler Tertiary
(f) Lumber Primary
(g)Road engineer Secondary
(h)Insurer Tertiary


Identify the level of production for the workers.(4Marks)


  1. Characteristics of a good tax system. (4 Marks)
  2. Equitably distribute the tax burden according to the payers’ ability to pay/equity
  3. Certain and clearly defines what the payer is expected to pay/certainty
  1. Convenient and easy for the tax payer to meet the tax
  2. Flexible enough to allow for adjustments according to prevailing conditions/flexibility
  3. Diverse to capture as many sources as possible/diversity/broad based
21.      Highlight four contributions of entrepreneurs to the growth of an economy.
  1. They create employment by establishing businesses
  2. They make use of locally available resources which would have been idle
  1. Their ventures become a training ground for local labour which then becomes skilled
  2. They save the country foreign exchange which would have been spent on imports/saving on imports
  3. Promote technological advancement through their creativity.
  1. Promote development of infrastructure
  2. Reduces rural-urban migration
  3. Reduces foreign dominance of economy
22.      Factors that may influencing an individual’s demand for money for transaction motive. (4 Marks)
  1. The individual’s level of income
  2. The frequency of payments by the individual
  1. The rate of inflation/price of commodities
  2. The number of dependents supported by the individual
  3. Availability of credit
23.      Determine the excess demand and excess supply.




1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400
Quantity Demanded


280 400 500 650 700 850 950 1000
Quantity Supplied


1400 1200 900 650 500 420 350 200
Excess Demand


0 200 430 600 800

Supply (Bags)

1120 800 400 0
  1. Benefits of a bonded warehouse to the
    • The importer can sell the goods before paying the duty hence transferring the burden to the buyer
    • Goods can be prepared for final sale while still in bond

e.g. branding, blending etc.

25.      Means of transporting goods and people on land.

KCSE 2020

1.          List four external environmental factors that may influence the operations of a business. (4 Marks)
2.          State four characteristics of direct production. (4 Marks)
3.          Document described in each of the following statements.
4.          Reasons for government involvement in business.


5.          Factors that lead to a Decrease in Demand.(4 Marks)
6.          Circumstances under which a trader would prefer to transport goods by air. (4 Marks)
7.          Determine the total liabilities of the business. (3 Marks)

𝐴 = 𝐶 + 𝐿

20,000 + 1,500 + 2,000 + 4,000 = 24,000 + 𝐿

27,500 = 24,000 + 𝐿

27,500 − 24,000 = 𝐿

3,500 = 𝐿; 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 = 𝐾𝑠𝑕. 3,500


8.          Services that commercial banks offer to their customers.
9.          Outline four reasons that may make Kenya restrict trade with other countries. (4 Marks)
10.      Classify the following resources as natural, man-made or human: (4 Marks)
  1. Sources of capital for sole proprietorship. (4 Marks)
    • Personal/Owner’s savings
    • Ploughing back profits/retained earnings(profits)
    • Donations from friends/relatives
    • Credit buying (trade credit/hire purchase)
    • Borrowing from financial institutions/friends
    • Inheritance
    • Renting and Leasing of property
12.      Circumstances under which a firm may be located near the source of raw materials. (4 Marks)
13.        Kombo Traders Trial Balance As at 30th April, 2018.

(5 Marks)

Kombo Traders Trial Balance

As at 30th April, 2018


Land and buildings 150,000  
Creditors   1,500
Motor car 120,000  
Cash 25,500  
Capital   311,000
Bank 4,000  
Sales   5,000
Purchases 18,000  
  317,500 317,500


  1. Reasons that would make an entrepreneur prepare a business plan. (4 Marks)
    • To foresee and avoid mistakes that could be committed in future
    • To identify strengths and devise ways of dealing with the weaknesses of the business
    • It is a requirement by financiers
    • To enable the business organization avoid goal blindness
    • To allocate resources appropriately
    • To use it as a monitoring tool (Tool of control)
    • To be able to motivate employees
    • To adapt to future changes/For adaptability
Description Equipment
a) Used to make postage stamp

impressions on envelopes.

Franking machine
b) Used to transmit verbal messages. Telephone/ Radio call
c) Used to store confidential

documents and valuable items.

d) Used to record and store

information in audio tapes.

Dictaphone/ Dictating machine


Identify the office equipment described below.


  Resource Classification
(a) Architect Human
(b) Boat Man-made
(c) Soda ash Natural
(d) Driver Human


  1. State four sources of government revenue. (4 Marks)
    • Taxes
    • Fines from courts
    • License fees
    • Borrowing
    • Grants and foreign aid
    • Rent and rates for use of government property
    • Dividends and profits from government investments
    • Proceeds from sale of government property
    • Interest earned from loans advanced by government
    • Escheats
17.      Measures which may be taken by a government to address the problem of underdevelopment. (4 Marks)
18.      Benefits of personal selling to a trader. (4 Marks)


19.      Channels for distributing imported goods. (4 Marks)
20.      Merits of bonded warehouse to government. (4 Marks)
21.      Source documents from which the information posted in the following journals are extracted:                                                  (4 Marks)


Journal Source Document
a) Sales Return Journal Outgoing/Issued credit note
b) Purchases Journal Purchases/Incoming/ Received invoice
c) Cash Receipts Journal Cash receipt/Copy of cash receipt/Receipt issued
d) Sales Journal Sales/outgoing/issued invoice


  1. Ways through which leakages of national income may happen in a four-sector (4 Marks)
    • Savings by households
    • Government taxes on citizens and firms
    • Payments for imports
    • Transfer payments by government
    • Foreign aid and grants by government
    • Retained profits by firms


23.      State four benefits of using computers in an office.

(4 Marks)

24.      Identify the factor of production that relates to each of the following resources. (4 Marks)


Resource Factor of production
(a) Supervision Labour
(b) Tractor Capital
(c) Trees Land
(d) Owner Entrepreneurship


  1. List four sources of business ideas. (4 Marks)
    • Print media e.g., Newspapers, journals and magazines
    • Electronic media e.g. television, radio, computer
    • Vocational training and Experience
    • Hobbies/talents
    • Listening to what people say
    • Unutilized waste materials
    • Observing established entrepreneurs / role models
    • Market research and surveys
    • Attending Shows, trade fairs and exhibitions
    • Spotting a market gap/ niche
    • Brainstorming
    • Attending business seminars and workshops


KCSE 2021

1.          Characteristics of a successful entrepreneur. (4 Marks)
2.          Outline four types of business activities. (4 Marks)
3.          Outline four challenges that may be faced in the satisfaction of human wants. (4 Marks)
4.          Match four factors of production with their corresponding rewards. (4 Marks)
5.          Highlight four factors that may be considered when choosing means for transporting cash. (4 Marks)


6.          Ways in which government may be involved in business.
7.          Outline four benefits of a partnership. (4 Marks)
8.          Mailing services that facilitate communication. (4 Marks)
9.          Effects of increased demand (4 Marks) Price


Pe1 Pe



  1. Price increase from Pe to
  2. Quantity demanded increases from Qe to
  3. Equilibrium point shifts upwards from e to
10.      Outline four factors that may influence a firm’s decision on the type of goods to produce. (4 Marks)
11.      Highlight four benefits of localization of firms. (4 Marks)
  1. Book keeping Equation. (4 Marks)

𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 = 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 + 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠

𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 = 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑕 10,000 + 𝐵𝑎𝑛𝑘 50,000 = 60,000

𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 10,000

𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 = 50,000

60,000 = 10,000 + 50,000

60,000 = 60,000


  1. Channels for local manufactured
  2. Manufacturer Consumer
  3. Manufacturer Retailer                Consumer
  1. Manufacturer Wholesaler        Retailer        Consumer
  2. Manufacturer Manufacturer’s Outlet/Agent      Wholesaler Retailer       Consumer
  3. Manufacturer Government Agency      Wholesaler     Retailer Consumer
14.      Outline four limitations of barter trade. (4 Marks)
15.      Features of an efficient tax system. (4 Marks)
Source documents Books of original entry
(a) Outgoing invoice Sales journal/Debtors journal
(b) Received receipt Cash Payment Journal/   Cash

Disbursement Journal/ Cash book

(c) Copy of credit note Sales Returns Journal/ Returns

inward journal

(d) Original invoice Purchases journal/Creditors journal

/ Bought journal


Books of original entry. (4 Marks)









  1. Types of capital in business. (4 Marks)
    • Working capital
    • Capital owned//Owners’ equity/Capital Invested
    • Capital Employed
    • Borrowed capital/Loan capital
18.      Ledger accounts (4 Marks)
  1. Reasons that would make an organization prefer a landscape office over enclosed office
    • It promotes team work among employees as they work from same place and can share
    • Sharing of equipment is
    • Cost or construction and maintenance is low as compared to enclosed
    • There is easy location of workers as they are in one place.
    • It discourages absenteeism as one can be noted when absent.
    • Supervision of workers is easy as they are located in one
    • Decoration is easy and cheaper as compared to enclosed.
    • Flow of work is easy and faster
    • Avoids misuse of office equipments/resources
    • There is no wastage of time for moving from one office to another/saves on time
    • It discourages laxity in office as workers are easily monitored.
20.       Adow Balance sheet as at 31st December, 2021. (4 Marks) Adow Traders

Balance Sheet

As at 2nd May, 2021

Fixed Assets   Capital                 281,000
Land 120,000 Long Term Liabilities
Buildings 430,500 5 Year Loan      256,700
Current Assets   Current Liabilities
Cash 24,600 Creditors 37,400
   575,100   575,100
  1. Terms used in insurance. (4 Marks)
    • 600,000-Value of property/Sum insured
    • Jane-The Insured
    • Serufi Insurance Ltd-The Insurer
(iv)     Theft-The Risk insured/Insured risk
  1. Outline four difficulties that a country with a young population may face. (4 Marks)
    • High rate of unemployment as demand for jobs is
    • Increased in social evils such as crimes and prostitution as many are idle/do not have
    • Increased government expenditure to cater for youth


Dr                                     Cash A/c                                 Cr





Dr                                  Purchases A/c                           Cr





Dr                       Mawa Enteprises A/c                           Cr

welfare e.g provision of education.

Statements Retailers
(a) Sells goods by displaying them

along the streets.

Road side sellers
(b) Moves from one place to

another on foot selling their goods.

(c) Dispenses goods with the use of

coin operated machines.

Automatic Vending

Machine traders

(d) Meet on designated days in open

grounds to sell their goods.

Open air Market



Types of retailers. (4 Marks)





  1. Benefits of inflation to an economy. (4 Marks)
    • May motivate people to work hard to meet their
    • May encourage proper utilization of resources to avoid wastage.
    • It promotes creativity and innovation with aim of increasing production.
    • It benefits debtors as they may pay
    • Traders may earn more profits as they buy goods when prices are low and sell when prices are
    • Leads to increased production
25.      Benefits enjoyed by country in international trade.

KCSE 2022

1.          Components of Business Studies. (4 Marks)
  1. Accounting (iii) Economics
  2. Commerce (iv) Entrepreneurship
2.          Limitation of direct trade. (4 Marks)
  1. There is higher distribution costs
  2. It is limited to few products/not applicable to most products
  1. Risks involved are borne by producer
  2. Consumers may access few varieties of goods and services
  3. Consumers may get poor/low quality of goods and services
  1. It may be difficult to reach to consumers especially if are widely spread
3.          Calculation for Compensation. (4 Marks)

𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑥𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠

5.          Books of original entry
  1. Purchases Journal/Creditors Journal/Bought journal
  2. Sales Returns Journal/Returns Inwards Journal
  1. General Journal/Journal proper
6.          Circumstances under which CWO would be preferred.
  1. Where the buyer is new to the seller.
  2. Where the buyer’s credit worthiness is in
  1. Where the seller is operating a mail order store
  2. Where the seller wants to avoid high cost of debt collection.
  3. Where the seller requires cash urgently
7.          Sources of government revenue other than tax. (4 Marks)
8.          Ways in which economic environment may lead to business success. (4 Marks)

(ix) Equitable distribution of income

9.          Circumstances under which firm may be located near the market. (4 Marks)
  1. Where it is cheaper to transport finished goods than raw materials
  2. If the government requires
  1. Where there is need to save on transportation costs of finished goods.
  2. Where the finished goods are highly
  3. Where the finished goods are heavy and
10.      Meaning of term in Trends of Business Units. (4 Marks)


𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 =

𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑦

  1. Holding company-It is a company that acquires fifty one percent shares or more of another


𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 800,000𝑥800,000            √


𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝐾𝑠𝑕. 640,000        √

(b) –The house was under insured/The house was insured for Ksh. 800,000 instead of Ksh. 1,000,000

4.          Circular flow of income. (4 Marks)
  1. Firms
  2. Households
  3. Provision for factors of production
  4. Payment for goods and services
  1. Amalgamation-This is where two or more businesses combine and form a one new
  1. Cartel-It is a group of related companies that agree to work together to control output and market for their
11.      Market structures. (4 Marks)
  1. Monopoly (iii) Oligopoly
  2. Perfect competition (iv) Monopolistic competition
12.              Causes of cost-push inflation. (4 Marks)


  1. Increase in wages and salaries
  2. Increase in indirect taxes such as VAT
  1. Increase of profit margin by businesses
  2. Increase in cost of utilities such as electricity
  3. Unfavourable government policies making it expensive to run business
13.           Reasons for ethical practice in business. (4 Marks)
  1. To ensure fair competition in business
  2. To protect environment/avoid environmental degradation/pollution
  1. To eliminate use of unfair means of achieving business objectives like selling underweight
  2. To protect consumers from
  3. To ensure rights of workers/employees are upheld
14.              Effects of transaction on balance sheet totals. (4 Marks)

(i) No effect (ii) Increase (iii) Increase (iv) Decrease

15.                  Benefits of product promotion to the producer. (4 Marks)
  1. To counter competition
  2. To increase sales volume of a given product/expand market
  1. To enhance customer loyalty
  2. To persuade customers to try a new product
  3. To remind customers about existence of a product in the market
21.      Benefits of electronic filing. (4 Marks)
  1. Requires little space/saves on office space as files are saved electronically
  2. Easier and fast to operate
  1. Relatively cheap /saves on labour as few workers are involved
  2. Enhance security as documents are protected with passwords
  3. Reduces paper work
  1. Provides for back-up system
  2. Documents can be accessed through internet
  3. It can be used to store large amount of information/wide storage
22.      Benefits Kenya get by being member of EAC. (4 Marks)
  1. Kenya get access to wide market for her
  2. Enables Kenya to dispose off surplus products
  1. Kenya can specialize in producing what it has comparative advantage
  2. Promotes peace and good relationship among members of EAC.
  3. Can get products she does not produce at lower costs from members of
  1. Financial ratios. (4 Marks) a) 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒏= 𝑮𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒊𝒕



16.              Types of unemployment. (4 Marks)




= 𝑮𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒊𝒕



(iii) Disguised/hidden               (iv) Voluntary/Real wage

17.                  Differences between primary wants and secondary wants


Primary wants Secondary wants
One cannot do without them One can do without them
They cannot be postponed They can be postponed
They are felt needs They are desired needs
They are universal They are not universal
They are satisfied before

secondary wants

They are satisfied after

primary wants

  1. Net worth of a Business (Capital Invested) (4 Marks)

𝑁𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑕/𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 = 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 − 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠

𝑁𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑕 = 40,000 + 60,000 + 12,000 + 16,000 − (24,000 + 18,000)

𝑁𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑕 = 128,000 − 42,000 = 𝐾𝑠𝑕. 86,000

19.          Reasons why government protect consumers. (4 Marks)
  1. To ensure that products offered for sale are of good
  2. To ensure that products offered for sale are of right
  1. To ensured consumers are not overcharged.
  2. To ensure building construction and safety standards are maintained to avoid loss of lives and property in case they
  3. To protect consumers from false advertising by traders who may give false
  1. To ensure traders do not hoard products causing artificial shortage/ensure commodities are readily available to
20.          Types of financial institutions. (4 Marks)
  1. Commercial banks
  2. Savings and Credit Co-operatives Societies/SACCOS
  1. Development Banks/Development Finance institutions

𝑮𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒊𝒕 = 𝟒𝟎𝒙𝟐𝟕𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎 = 𝑲𝒔𝒉. 𝟏𝟎𝟖, 𝟎𝟎𝟎


  1. b) 𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒔 = 𝑪𝑶𝑮𝑺 + 𝑮𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒊𝒕
COGS=270,000-108,000 COGS=Ksh. 162,000
  1. c) 𝑹𝑶𝑺𝑻𝑶 = 𝑪𝑶𝑮𝑺

𝑨𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒄𝒌

𝟔 =      𝟏𝟔𝟐,𝟎𝟎𝟎


𝑨𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒄𝒌 = 𝟏𝟔𝟐,𝟎𝟎𝟎


𝑨𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒄𝒌 = 𝑲𝒔𝒉. 𝟐𝟕, 𝟎𝟎𝟎

24.      Reasons for locating bonded warehouses at border points
  1. To ease collection of custom duties by the
  2. To ease inspection of imported products by the government.
  1. To ease inspection of goods before they are
  2. To save on transportation costs to the bonded warehouses.
  3. To avoid entry or exit of illegal goods into the country
  1. To avoid dumping of products into the country
25.      Services offered by retailers to consumers. (4 Marks)
  1. They offer credit facilities to
  2. They offer after-sale services such as transportation
  1. They offer advice and information about the product
  2. They break bulk/ divide commodities to small quantities convenient to
  3. They avail commodities to places convenient for consumers.


Business Studies KCSE 2010-2022 P2 Marking Scheme

KCSE 2010


1.   (a) Market Equilibrium for Commodity A and B.(10 Marks)


Commodity A







Price     P1














0                         Q0     Q1                     Quantity

2 (a) Principles that distinguish co-operative societies from other forms of business organizations. (10 Marks)


Commodity B





Price     P1



benefit of their members.







0                 Q1  Q0                               Quantity

(b)    Ways of making face to face effective. (10 Marks


Demand for B decreases from Q0 to Q1 as the price decreases

from P0 to P1.

This causes a shift in demand curve from D0D0 to D1D1 creating a new equilibrium quantity Q1 and equilibrium Price P1 at equilibrium point e1

(b)    Explain five negative effects that inflation may have on the economy of a country. (10 Marks)


3.   (a) (i) K-100 P&L Account. (9 Marks)

K-100 Traders

Trading Profit and Loss Account For the period ended 30th June, 2008


Opening stock                         80,200   Sales                  1,880,000 Add: Purchases 1,120,000                                                          Less: Returns In              5,800 Add: Carriage in    40,000                                                   Net Sales 1,874,000 Less: Returns out 20,800 1,139,200

COGA4S                             1,219,400

Less: Closing stock              120,400

Cost of goods sold             1,099,400

Gross profit c/d                 774,800

1,874,000                               1,874,000

Expenses                                                  Gross Profit b/d  774,800

Water bill                              250,000    Discount Received  7,500

Repairs                                     23,000

Carriage on Sales                   12,700

Lighting                                    15,000

Insurance                                   4,000

General Expenses                   56,700

Net profit c/d                      213,900                                                

  782,300                                 782,300


(ii) K-100 Traders Balance sheet. (5 Marks)

K-100 Traders Balance Sheet

As at 31st December, 2008

Fixed Assets                                            Capital                4,000,000

Furniture      3,000,000                          Add: Net Profit     213,900

Motor Vehicle 690,000 3,690,000                                 4,213,900


Current Assets                                         Current Liabilities

Stock                 120,000                        Creditors               510,400

Debtors             316,800                         Bank Overdraft        2,500

Bank                  520,000                                                         512,900

Cash                     80,000 1,036,800

4,726,800                                4,726,800

4.   (a) Benefits that a member country may get from economic integration. (10 Marks)
5.   (a) Problems that may be faced when measuring national income using the output approach.


(b) Factors that an entrepreneur would consider when evaluating a business idea. (10 Marks)
6 (a) Benefits that accrue to a customer who uses ATMs.
b)   Possible risks that Amina can insure her PSV business against. (10 Marks)

KCSE 2011

1 (a) Explaining the types of inflation. (8 Marks)


(b)   Factors that may hinder the development of a country.


2.   (a) Circumstances under which containerization may be used to transport goods. (10 Marks)


b)   (I) Procedure for making an insurance claim. (5 Marks)

𝑺𝒖𝒎 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑿 𝑳𝒐𝒔𝒔

4 (a) Benefits to an organization that adopts open office plan. (10 Marks)



(II) 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 =

(5 Marks)

𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒚



𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 =


= 𝐾𝑠𝑕 375,000

3.     (a) Factors to consider when choosing a method of promoting a product. (10 Marks)
(b)    Features of economic resources. (10 Marks)
(b)    Circumstances under which a partnership may be dissolved include: (10 Marks)
5.   (a) Factors that may influence the choice of a channel for distributing flowers. (12 Marks)


(b)    Reasons for maintaining books of original entry.(8 Marks)
6.   (a) Causes of unfavourable balance of payment for most developing countries. (10 Marks)


(b) Rehema Traders Balance sheet. (10 Marks)

Rehema Traders Balance Sheet

As at 31st December, 2007

Fixed Assets                                          Capital                 1,000,000

Premises            850,000                       Add: Net Profit  1,806,000

Motor Vehicle  800,000                                                    2,806,000

Equipment       550,500

Furniture           350,000 2,5500,500

Current Assets                                         Current Liabilities

Stock               75,000                                Creditors          820,000

Debtors          650,500

Bank              200,000

Cash              150,000   1,075,000

3,626,000                               3,626,000

KCSE 2012

1 (a) Benefits of division of labour to an organization.


(10 Marks)




(b)   Ways in which a computer may be used in an office.

(10 Marks)


5 (a) Demand and Supply Curve. (10 Marks)
















0       10       20      30     40     50      60      70      80 90



3 (a) Disadvantages that a country would suffer if she restricted trade with other countries. (10 Marks)


(b)    Factors that may promote entrepreneurship in Kenya.

(10 Marks)


4 (a) Characteristics of property insurance. (10 Marks)

– This can be up to the value of the insured property in case of over insurance and the sum insured in case of under insurance.

(b)    Elements of effective communication. (10 Marks)


5 (a) i) Laketi Traders Profit and Loss Account. (5 Marks)

Laketi Traders

Profit and Loss Account

For the period ended 31st December, 2009


Expenses                                            Gross Profit b/d 1,960,000 Commission Allowed       12,400                                          Discount Received 66,100

Insurance                           7,500

Lighting                              4,600

Salaries                             78,000

General expenses         117,800

Net Profit b/d              1,806,000

2,026,000                                  2,026,000

Net Profit b/d 1,806,000

(ii)     Laketi Traders Balance Sheet (7 Marks)

Laketi Traders Balance Sheet

As at 31st January, 2015

Fixed Assets                                          Capital                 1,000,000

Premises            850,000                       Add: Net Profit  1,806,000

Motor Vehicle  800,000                                                    2,806,000

Equipment        550,500

Furniture           350,000 2,5500,500

Current Assets                                         Current Liabilities

Stock               75,000                                Creditors           820,000

Debtors          650,500

Bank              200,000

Cash              150,000   1,075,000

3,626,000                               3,626,000




6 (a) Types of small scale retail shops that a school leaver may start. (10 Marks)


(b)    Circumstances in which a firm may acquire monopoly power. (10 Marks)


KCSE 2013

1 (a) Benefits that may accrue to a country with a large proportion of skilled labour force. (10 Marks)


(b)    Characteristics of an efficient tax system.
2 (a) Benefits that Kenya may get as a member of COMESA.
(b)   Factors that may hinder economic development in Kenya.


3 (a) Benefits that may be realized by a country as a result of government policy to relocate industries to rural areas.
(b) (i) Soilo Traders TPL. (5 ½ Marks)

Soilo Traders

Trading  Profit and Loss Account For the period ended 31st December, 2010


Opening stock           75,000  Sales             500,000

Date Details D.A Cash Bank Date Details D.R Cash Bank
2011         2011        
Jan 1 Bal b/d   22,500 250,000 Jan 15 Ndaru 16,000 184,000  
Jan 2 Sales   465,200   Jan 20 Bank c   200,000  
Jan 5 Kamau 23,750   451,250 Jan 25 Wages   144,000  
Jan 20 Cash c     200,000 Jan 28 Mbago 45,000   255,000
Jan 29 Bank c   250,000   Jan 29 Cash c     250,000
Jan 30 Cash c     150,000 Jan 30 Bank c   150,000 106,000
          Jan 31 Bal c/d   59,700 546,250
  23,750  737,700 1,051,250   61,000 737,700 1,051,250
Jan 31 Bal b/d   59,700 546,250          


Add: Purchases       395,000

COGA4S                   470,000

Less: Closing stock 170,000 Cost of goods sold 300,000 Gross profit c/d       200,000

500,000                            500,000

Expenses                                    Gross Profit b/d 200,000 General Expenses    60,000    Rent income    72,000 Net profit c/d          212,000

 272,000                                272,000

Net profit b/d   212,000



(ii) Soilo Balance Sheet. (4 ½ Marks)


Soilo Traders Balance Sheet

As at 31st December, 2010

Fixed Assets                               Capital             1,000,000

Machinery 360,000                   Add: Net profit  212,000

Furniture   430,500   790,500                            1,212,000

Current Assets                             Current Liabilities

Stock         170,000                     Creditors            101,550

Debtors       62,250

Bank         202,000

Cash            88,800   523,050                                          

1,313,550                       1,313,550

(b)    Jumo Traders Three-Column Cash Book. (10 Marks)

Jumo Traders Three-Column Cash Book

For the Month of January, 2011
















(b)    Ways through which a public limited company may be dissolved. (8 Marks)


6   (a) The effect of an increase in the supply of a commodity while the demand remains constant. (10 Marks)




P0 P1




0                          Q0     Q1                  Quantity



Explanation – 2 Marks    Total = 10 Marks

(b)    Features of oligopoly. (10 Marks)

KCSE 2014

1 (a) Benefits that a firm may enjoy by preparing a business plan. (10 Marks)

/employees /creates team work in accomplishing the objectives of the firm.


(b) Demerits that a country may suffer when the government becomes a major investor in business. (10 Marks)
2.   (a) Ndovu Traders Three Column Cash Book. (12 Marks)

Ndovu Traders

Three Column Cash Book

For the Month of January, 2012

Date Details D.A Cash Bank Date Details D.R Cash Bank
2012         2011        
Jan 1 Bal b/d   30,000 75,000 Jan 2 Purchases   15,500  
Jan 5 Chui 1,250 23,750   Jan 8 Drawings     8,900
Jan 11 Maro 800   16,000 Jan 17 Furaha 900 29,100  
Jan 15 Sales   24,250   Jan 20 Cash c     15,000
Jan 20 Bank c   15,000   Jan 25 Wages   21,000  
Jan 22 Koko 1,000   39,000 Jan 25 Bal c/d   27,400 106,000
  3050 93,000  130,000   900 93,000 130,000
Jan 25 Bal b/d   27,400 106,100          


Dr                                                                                                      Cr










3.   (a) Objectives that may be attained by establishing firms in different parts of the country. (10 Marks)
(b)    Accounting documents that are used in home trade.


4 (a) Financial Ratios. (10 Marks)
  1. 𝑇𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 =  𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠  −  𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑠

= 1,155,000 − 30,000

= 𝑠𝑕𝑠 1,125,000


𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒  𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘

𝐶𝑂𝐺𝑆 = 430,000 + 930,000 + 10,000 − 470,000 − 20,000

𝐶𝑂𝐺𝑆 = 880,000

430,000 + 470,000

𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘 =


𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘 = 450,000

𝑅𝑂𝑆𝑇𝑂 = 880,000  = 1.96 ≈ 2 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠



III.       𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘 − 𝑢𝑝 =


1,125,000 − 880,000       245,000

=                                        =                 = 27.84%

(b)    Features of monopolistic competition. (10 Marks)




firms acquire the factors at the prevailing market rates and



  1. 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛 =





= 21.78%



  1. 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 = 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 − 𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑠

= 245,000 − 25,000 + 100,000 + 25,000

= 95,000

(b) Guidelines/Principles of govt. expenditure. (10 Marks)

/minimize wastage/ensure maximum benefit.

5.   (a) Disadvantages that a developing country may suffer by liberalizing foreign trade. (10 Marks)

of the prices, quantities and other market factors.

6.   (a) Sources of finance for a public limited company apart from the sale of shares. (10 Marks)
(b)   Factors that may have caused a decline in the demand for wooden furniture. (10 Marks)


KCSE 2015

1.     (a)Uses of National income statistics to a country. (10 Marks)
(b)    Principles that would lead to effective use of government resources. (10 Marks)

/minimize wastage/ensure maximum benefit.

2.  (a) Ways in which the consumer may benefit from warehousing. (10 marks)


(Any 5 x 2=10 Marks)

(b)    Mambleo Traders Two-Column Cash Book. (10 Marks)


Mambleo Traders Two-Column Cash Book

Dr             For the Month of September, 2014                      Cr


Date Details Cash Bank Date Details Cash Bank
1/9 Bal b/d 15,500   1/9 Bal c/d   9,700
5/9 Sales 8,500   15/9 Creditor 10,000  
12/9 Debtor   9,000 17/9 Wages 2,600  
19/9 Samson   23,400 23/9 Cash   7,700
20/9 Debtor 6,700   24/9 Electricity   1,200
23/9 Bank 7,700   27/9 Purchases 8,950  
25/9 Debtor   11,500 30/9 Water   2,800
26/9 Sales 12,800   31/9 Bal c/d 29,650 26,000
28/9 Investment   3,500        
    51,200 47,400      51,200 47,400


  1. (a) Characteristics of a monopolistic competitive

(10 Marks)



(b)      Features of human wants. (10 Marks)


4.  (a) Chui Traders; Trading Profit and Loss Account.

(10 Marks)

Chui Traders Trading Profit and Loss Account

For the period ended 31st December, 2014


Opening stock                      10,000

Add: Purchases                               15,000 Add: Carriage in                                 1,200

Less: Returns Out  1,100     15,100

Sales                   28,000 Less: Returns In 800 Net Sales           27,200
COGA4S 25,600  
Less: Closing stock   2,500  
Cost of goods sold 22,600  
Gross profit c/d 4,600  


 27,200  27,200

Gross Profit b/d   4,600

Carriage outwards                 1,200

Discount Allowed                   300

Rent income            580

Discount Received 1620

Insurance 950  
Net profit c/d    4350  
    6,800  6,800

/argued/debated between buyers and sellers.

5.      (a) Trends in office management. ( 10 Marks)

(Any 5 x 2=10 Marks)


(b)    Advantages of government involvement in business.


6.          (a) Benefits that Kenya may enjoy by being a member of the African Development Bank (ADB/AFDB).

/social advancement/ development.

/forum – to promote its development agenda.

(b) Features of under developed countries. (10 Marks)


KCSE 2016

1.          (a) Explain five factors that may promote entrepreneurship in Kenya. (10 marks)


(b) Explain five circumstances under which a partnership may be dissolved. (10 marks)


2.          (a) Explain five advantages of government involvement in business. (10 Marks)


(b)   Traders are required to observe ethical practices when carrying out product promotion. Explain five reasons for observing such ethical practices. (10 Marks)


3.      (a) Explain five methods of determining the price of a product other than price control. (10 Marks)
(b)      Benefits that may be realized by a country as a result of government policy to relocate industries to rural areas.


4.          (a) Ndovu Traders Three-Column Cash book.

(12 Marks)

Ndovu Traders Three-Column Cash book

Date Details D.A Cash Bank Date Details D.R Cash Bank
2015         2015        
Jan 1 Bal b/d   30,000 75,000 Jan 2 Purchases   15,500  
Jan 5 Chui 1,250 23,750   Jan 8 Drawings     8,900
Jan 11 Maro 800   16,000 Jan 17 Furaha 900 29,100  
Jan 15 Sales   24,250   Jan 20 Cash c     15,000
Jan 20 Bank c   15,000            
Jan 22 Koko 1,000   39,000 Jan 30 Bal c/d   27,400 106,000
   3,050  93,000  130,000   900   93,000 130,000
Jan 30 Bal b/d   27,400 106,100          


Dr                         For the month of January 2015                    Cr













  1. b) Rehema Traders

Balance Sheet

Fixed Assets   Capital 600,000
Motor Van 200,000   Less: Drawings 10,000
Furniture    140,000 340,000   590,000

Current Assets

Stock      160,000

Debtors 100,000

Cash       200,000   460,000



Current Liabilities

Creditors                 210,000






As at 31st January, 2015














  1. (a) Principles that would lead to effective use of government resources. (10 Marks)

/minimize wastage/ensure maximum benefit.

Date Details D.A Cash Bank Date Details D.R Cash Bank
2015   2015  
Sep 1 Bal b/d   55,000 250,000 Sep 3 Ribbons   4,500  
Sep 2 Sales     35,260 Sep 8 Wangila 6,000   94,000
Sep 12 Wetu 1,200   58,800 Sep 15 Salaries   34,000  
Sep 25 Bank c   50,000   Sep 25 Cash c     50,000
Sep 28 Anyango 7,500   67,500 Sep 30 Bank c   52,580  
Sep 30 Cash c     52,800 Sep 30 Bal c/d   13,700 320,360












Sep 30 Bal b/d   13,700 320,360          


(b)      Explain five disadvantages that a country may face if it restricts trade with other countries. (10 Marks)


6 (a) Gondi Traders Three-Column Cash book. (10 Marks)

Gondi Traders Three-Column Cash book

Dr                  For the month of September, 2015                  Cr



KCSE 2017

1.          (a) Ways in which the internal environment may contribute to the success of a business enterprise.

/directing /organizing / coordinating / controlling activities of the organization.

(b) Channels of distribution that a Kenyan manufacturer would use to ensure their goods reach in another country.
2.          (a) Differences between chain stores and departmental stores. ( 10 Marks)


  Chain stores Departmental stores
i) Have many branches in different

parts of the country

Have different shops under the

same roof

ii) Purchases are centralized Purchases are made per


iii) Sales are decentralized Sales are centralized
iv) Have standard prices in all their


Prices vary in each department

according to products sold

v) They are uniform in outward appearance and interior layout. Each department is different in outward appearance and interior layout.
vi) They have centralized management Each department has its own manager hence different managements
vii) Slow moving goods in one

branch can be moved to another where demand for them is higher

Slow moving goods in one

department cannot be moved to another department

viii) They sell similar products in all

their branches.

Sell different products in different


ix) Usually located in town centres Usually located in outskirts/sub-

urban areas.

Ojwang Limited

Trading Profit and Loss Account

For the period ended 31st December, 2013


Opening stock                    200,000     Sales                   1,200,000 Add: Purchases 680,000                                              Less: Returns In 50,000 Add: Carriage in                       42,000                                                Net Sales                 1,150,000 Less: Returns Out 80,000 642,000

COGA4S                             842,000

Cost of goods sold 762,000
Gross profit c/d 388,000


Carriage outwards 30,000


Less: Closing stock             80,000




Gross Profit b/d 388,000 Discount Received 45,000

Discount Allowed             80,000         Rent income         60,000 Net profit c/d      333,000

  493,000                                       493,000

Net profit c/d     333,000


3.          (a). Benefits that a private limited company would get by converting to a public limited company include:

shareholders must scrutinize / approve the company’s Annual audited Accounts / which must also be published.

Date Details LF Cash Bank Date Details LF Cash Bank
2016       2016      
Mar 1 Capital   15,300   Mar 1 Capital     8,200
Mar 4 Harrison   4,600 13,400 Mar 3 Purchases   10,200  
Mar 6 Chebet     9,310 Mar 5 Wages     5,000
Mar 7 Otieno   7,720   Mar 8 Hassan   5,450  
Mar 9 Cash C1   6,000 Mar 9 Bank C1 6,000  
Mar 12 Mwende   8,570   Mar 10 Insurance     3,700
Mar 13 Makokha     11,200 Mar 11 Repairs   3,900  
Mar 29 Cash C2   10,640 Mar 14 Water bill     2,590
          Mar 15 Rent     6,500
          Mar 29 Bank C2 10,640  
          Mar 29 Bal c/d   0 24,560








Mar 29 Bal b/d   0 24,560          





4.            (a) Dagoretti Enterprises Two-Column Cash book. Dagoretti Enterprises

Two-Column Cash book

Dr                     For the month of March, 2016                         Cr


  1. (a) Demerits of the output approach in measuring National Income include: (Any 5 × 2 = 10 Marks)
(b)      Circumstances under which a country may realize surplus in its balance of payment include: (Any 5 × 2 = 10 Marks)

/ manufactured products since they fetch higher prices in the international market.

This will create more market for exporting goods thus increasing the country’s earnings


6.         (a) Methods that the government may use to increase the supply of goods in the market include: ( 10 Marks)



(b)   Factors that may promote the growth of entrepreneurship in Kenya include: (10 Marks)

to the youth / would be entrepreneurs to also go into business.


KCSE 2018

1.          (a) Circumstances that may lead to the existence of a business opportunity to be exploited. ( 10 Marks)

consumers’ choice / meet differing consumers’ needs.

/ requirements.



(b)     Factors that Chuma steel manufacturers may consider when choosing a channel for distributing their products.

(10 Marks)

company. It also contains their personal information and number of shares held by each.

(b) (i) Kisababu Traders Trading Account. (5 Marks)

Kisababu Traders Trading Account

For the period ended 31st December, 2014


Opening stock 15,700 Sales 84,000
Add: Purchases 58,800 Less: Returns In   9,000

Less: Returns Out    1,500   57,300      Net Sales             75,000

COGA4S                                73,000

Less: Closing stock              13,000

Cost of goods sold                60,000

Gross profit c/d                   15,000

75,000                                   75,000

Gross Profit b/d  15,000


𝑮𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒊𝒕


higher, more middlemen should be involved to spread

(ii) 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒌 − 𝒖𝒑 =

(2 Marks)



such risks.

𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘 − 𝑢𝑝 = 15,000 𝑥100


𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘 − 𝑢𝑝 = 25%

(iii) 𝑹𝑶𝑺𝑻𝑶 =      𝑪𝑶𝑮𝑺

𝑨𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒄𝒌




(3 Marks)


there is stiff/high competition.

2.          (a) Clauses found in MOA of a PLC. (10 Marks)

𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘 = 15,700+13,000 = 14,350


𝑅𝑂𝑆𝑇𝑂 = 60,000 = 4.181 times


3.          (a) Demerits of using carts as a means of transport in towns. (10 marks)



(b)    Types of direct taxes used by government to collect taxes from individuals and companies. (10 Marks)

NB: Must mention the word “tax/duty” to score.

4.          (a) Factors that may have contributed to increased demand for soft drinks. (10 Marks)
(b)    Forms of economic integration that countries may join to promote international trade. (10 Marks)
  Open office Enclosed office
i) All/most staff works in one


Each/few staff is allocated

a room.

ii) Encourages team work. Discourages team work.
iii) Sharing of office equipment

is possible.

No sharing, each office

has its equipments

iv) Easy to supervise employees since are in one


Difficult to supervise employees since they are

in different rooms.

v) Cheaper to construct since has few partitions Relatively expensive to construct since have many


vi) Discourages absenteeism since one is easily


Encourages absenteeism since each worker has a


vii) Does not guarantee safety

for personal valuables

Guarantee safety for

personal valuables

viii) Easy and cheap to decorate. Difficult and relatively

expensive to decorate all offices.

ix) Difficulty to keep the office tidy since is used by many


Easy to clean and keep the office tidy.
x) Easy flow of


Slow flow of


xi) Easy location of staff since they are in one room. Difficult in location of staff since are in different


xii) There may be overcrowding of employees There is no overcrowding of employees.
xiii) Economical in use of floor


Uneconomical in use of

floor space.

xiv) There is lack of confidentiality in


There is confidentiality in consultations/discussions.


(a) Differences between open office and enclosed office. (10 Marks)


(b)                        Mageta Traders           (10 Marks) Balance Sheet

As at 31st July, 2016

Fixed Assets                          Capital                         82,500

Land        82,000                    Long Term Liabilities

Furniture 61,500  143,500  10 Year Bank Loan 165,000

(b) Jawabu Traders Two-Column Cash book.

Jawabu Traders Two-Column Cash book

Dr                       For the month of February, 2015              Cr




Current Assets

Stock      18,600

Debtors  17,700

Bank       91,000

Cash        10,800  138,100


Current Liabilities

Date Details LF Cash Bank Date Details LF Cash Bank
2015         2015        
Feb 1 Bal b/d   12,500   Feb 1 Bal b/d     5,000
Feb 3 Debtors     18,900 Feb 2 Water Bill   800  
Feb 5 Sales   7,150   Feb 2 Electricity   1,100  
Feb 9 Co-op S.D     13,000 Feb 2 Wages   4,700  
Feb 13 Debtor   15,900   Feb 7 Purchases     6,400
Feb 15 Cash C   9,500 Feb 10 Drawings     2,500
          Feb 15 Bank C 9,500  
          Feb 17 Creditor     4,390
          Feb 27 Furniture     21,100
          Feb 28 Bal c/d   19,450 2,010








Feb 28 Bal b/d   19,450 2,010          


Creditors                   34,100







  1. (a) Problems of using national income statistics to compare living standards of citizens of Kenya and Tanzania include; (10 Marks)

/contentment of citizens.











KCSE 2019

1.          (a) Services that may be offered by wholesalers to the retailers. (10 Marks)


(b) Differences between sole proprietorship and PLC.

(10 Marks)

(b) (i) Rakwaro Enrerprises TPL. (7 ½ Marks)


  Sole proprietorship Public Limited Company
i) Formed by one person. Formed by a minimum of

seven promoters.

ii) Proprietor has unlimited


Shareholders have limited


iii) Existence depends on the life of the sole trader. It has perpetual existence irrespective of death of


iv) Main source of capital is

personal savings.

Main source of capital is sale

of shares.

v) Managed by the sole trader. Managed by a board of


vi) Few legal formalities are required in formation. Formation procedure is long requiring many legal


vii) Require little capital to start. Require huge amount of

capital to start.

viii) Quick decision making

since there is no consultation.

Slow decision making because

there is consultation from shareholder and directors.

ix) Maximum ownership is one


No maximum number of


x) Starts trading after receiving

business license.

Starts trading after receiving

certificate of incorporation.


Rakwaro Enterprises Trading Profit and Loss Account

For the period ended 31st December, 2015




Opening stock                                           160,000

Add: Purchases 960,000

Add: Carriage in 6,800 966,800

COGA4S                                         1,126,800

Less: Closing stock                                            280,400

Cost of goods sold                                            846,400

Gross profit c/d                                            577,600



Discount Allowed                                               40,400

Salaries and Wages                                             200,000

Net profit c/d                                              337,600


Sales               1,440,000

Less: Returns In   6,000 Net Sales            1,424,000







Gross Profit b/d 557,600












  1. (a) Negative implications of a young
    • There is high dependency ratio since the working population is
    • It leads to unemployment since existing job opportunities do not match the
    • Leads to low labour supply since they may not have attained the working age or the required
    • It diverts government resources to cater for consumption of goods for the youth hence hindering implementation of other development
    • It creates pressure on social amenities e.g. schools hospitals, recreation
    • May lead to increased social evils such as crime and prostitution due to lack of jobs/idleness.
    • Increased rural —urban migration leading to the development of
    • There is low saving and investment due to high expenditure on
    • There is low investment leading to low production of goods and
    • Low per capita income due to high dependency
    • Possible political instability due to inability to control and maintain the growing

(ii) 𝑰𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒍 = 𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒍 − 𝑵𝒆𝒕 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒊𝒕 + 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔


𝐼𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 720,000 − 337,600 + 28,000

𝐼𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝟒𝟏𝟎, 𝟖𝟎𝟎          (2 ½ Marks)

3.          (a) Demerits pipeline as a means of transport.



3 (b) Measures that can be taken to increase the volume of exports. (10 Marks)
4.          (a) Financial Ratios.( 10 Marks)

(i) Gross Profit= 𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒔 − 𝑪𝑶𝑮𝑺 Gross Profit= 500,000 − 40,000 Gross Profit= 𝐾𝑠𝑕. 10,000

𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘 − 𝑢𝑝 = 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡


𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘 − 𝑢𝑝 = 10,000 𝑥100


𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘 − 𝑢𝑝 = 25%

(ii) 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒏 = 𝑮𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒊𝒕

𝑵𝒆𝒕 𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒔

𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘 − 𝑢𝑝 = 10,000 𝑥100


𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘 − 𝑢𝑝 = 20%

(b)      Benefits of a business to the society. (10 Marks)
5.          (a) Advantages of locating firms in different parts of the country. (10 Marks)


(ii) 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑠 = 5


𝑥 50,000 = 𝐾𝑠𝑕. 2,500

of the country. This broadens the income sources for locals in every part of the country.


(iv) 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 = 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 − 𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑠

𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 = 10,000 − 2,500 = 𝐾𝑠𝑕. 7,500

(v) 𝑅𝑂𝑆𝑇𝑂 =       𝐶𝑂𝐺𝑆

𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘





marginalized areas.


𝑅𝑂𝑆𝑇𝑂 = 2 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠


(b)    Government initiated methods of consumer protection.
6.          (a) Procedure for obtaining an insurance policy
(b)    Assumptions associated with the circular flow of national income in a two sector economy. (10 Marks)

KCSE 2020

1.          (a) Measures that the government may take to solve youth unemployment in Kenya. (10 Marks)

/ more labour / increase job opportunities.


(b)    Reasons why consumers need protection. (10 Marks)
2.      (a) Principles of government spending. (10 Marks)

/minimize wastage/ensure maximum benefit.

(b)   Trends in office management. (10 Marks)
3   (a) Ledger Accounts. (10 Marks)


Dr                                             Capital a/c                                      Cr


Date Details LF Amt Date Details  


30/3/18 Bal b/d   100,000 1/3/18 Bank   100,000
      100,000       100,000
        30/3/18 Bal b/d   100,000


Dr                                        Bank a/c                                             Cr


Date Details LF Amt Date Details  


1/3/18 Capital   100,000 4/3/18 Cash   20,000
        6/3/18 Purchases   30,000
        30/3/18 Bal c/d   50,000
      100,000       100,000
30/3/18 Bal b/d   50,000        



Dr                               Motor Vehicle a/c                                      Cr







Dr                                General Motors a/c                                 Cr







Dr                                             Cash a/c                                         Cr








Dr                                        Purchases a/c                                     Cr






Dr                                               Sales a/c








Dr                                         Drawings a/c                                     Cr








  1. Benefits of intermediaries in the chain of
    • Breaking bulk / dividing goods into smaller quantities that can be conveniently be purchased by
    • Accumulation of bulk to ensure a steady supply of goods (throughout the year) / satisfy large
    • Avails a variety of goods (to the consumers) from different producers / that consumers can choose from / to satisfy different
    • They offer advisory services to the consumers about the goods in the market / usage / price /
    • Avails the goods closer to the consumers which relieves / saves the consumers the cost of travelling / transport /
Date Details LF Amt Date Details LF Amt
2/3/18 G.


  800,000 30/3/18 Bal c/d   800,000
      800,000       800,000
30/3/18 Bal b/d   800,000        


Date Details LF Amt Date Details  


30/3/18 Bal c/d   800,000 2/3/18 M.Vehicle   800,000
      800,000       800,000
        30/3/18 Bal b/d   800,000



4   (a) Benefits of savings account to a customer. (10 Marks)
Date Details LF Amt Date Details  


4/3/18 Bank C 20,000 10/3/18 Drawings   8,000
10/3/18 Sales   15,000 30/3/18 Bal c/d   27,000
      35,000       35,000
30/3/18 Bal b/d   27,000        


Date Details LF Amt Date Details LF Amt
6/3/18 Bank   30,000 30/3/18 Bal c/d   30,000
      30,000       30,000
30/3/18 Bal b/d   30,000        


Date Details LF Amt Date Details  


30/3/18 Bal c/d   150,000 10/3/18 Cash   15,000
      15,000       15,000
        30/3/18 Bal b/d   15,000


(b)    Ways in which warehousing may promote trade.
Date Details LF Amt Date Details  


10/3/18 Cash   8,000 30/3/18 Bal c/d   8,000
      8,000       8,000
30/3/18 Bal b/d   8,000        



5   (a) ( i)                              Adan Traders

Profit and Loss Account


Discount Allowed Salaries and Wages




Gross profit b/d    120,000 Discount Received                                     2,400

Commission Received 9000

Commission Allowed 16,000  
Power and Lighting 11,700  
Net profit c/d 61,100  


For the period ended 31st December, 2018










131,400                              131,400

Net Profit b/d 61,100

(ii)                                       Adan Traders

Balance Sheet

Fixed Assets Capital 1,301,800
Premises 1,120,000 Add: Net profit 61,100
Furniture 49,000 1,169,000 1,362,900

Current Assets

Stock               25,000

Debtors                         55,000 Cash at Bank 80,000

Cash in hand 65,000 225,000



Current Liabilities

Creditors                 37,300







As at 31st July, 2018




6   (a) Reasons that make it necessary for the government to promote entrepreneurship. (10 Marks)



(b) Advantages of indirect production to the society.


(10 Marks)

KCSE 2021

1 (a) Circumstances under which producers may sell goods directly to the consumers. (10 Marks)


activities / facilitate movement / production.

(b)    Terms of sale as used in international trade. (10 Marks)


2 (a) Factors that may discourage entrepreneurship in Kenya.

/high level of poverty / low incomes.

/unfavourable environment for entrepreneurs to invest.

(b) Demerits of indirect taxes. (10 Marks)
3   (a) Errors that may not be detected in a trial balance.
(b)    Documents prepared by a seller after receiving an order up to the point of delivery. (10 Marks)
4   (a) Reasons that may make a firm to operate on a small scale.


/her own choice.


(b) Patel Traders Profit and Loss Account. (6 Marks)

Patel Traders

Profit and Loss Account

For the period ended 31st December, 2020


Expenses                                     Gross profit b/d            94,000 Carriage Outwards        8,000   Commission Received 32,000

Commission Allowed   4,000   Discount Received     29,000

Discount Allowed       12,000

Insurance                      17,000

Salaries                         22,000

General expenses       15,000 Net profit c/d             77,000

155,000                                       155,000

Net Profit b/d    77,000



  1. i) 𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 − 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠

𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 192,000 − 162,000

𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 30,000

(b)    Problems the Kenya government may experience when implementing the vision 2030. (10 Marks)

/effectively implement the plans.


/increase beyond the allocated funds.


  1. ii) 𝑅𝑂𝐶𝐸 = 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡

𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑑


/destroys projects.


𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑑 = 𝑊𝐶 + 𝐹. 𝐴

= 30,000 + 1,110,000


= 1,140,000

/pay for the plan.






𝑅𝑂𝐶𝐸 = 6.754%


may be in conflict with those of the government.


5   (a)       Reasons that make it necessary for the government to train business people. (10 Marks)
6.   (a) Advantages of written communication. (10 Marks)

/use of e-mail.


(b) Patel Traders Two-column Cash Book. (10 Marks)

Patel Traders Two-column Cash Book

Date Details LF Cash Bank Date Details LF Cash Bank
2016       2016      
Feb 1 Bal b/d   1,200   Feb 1 Bal b/d     1,000
Feb 3 Daisy     14,000 Feb 2 Water   200  
Feb 5 Sales   7,000   Feb 2 Electricity   100  
Feb 9 Co-op SD     10,000 Feb 2 Wages   400  
Feb 13 Petro     10,000 Feb 7 Purchases     5,000
Feb 15 Cash C1   1,000 Feb 10 Drawings     2,000
          Feb 15 Bank C1 1,000  
          Feb 17 Maru     1,000
          Feb 27 Furniture     24,000
          Feb 29 Bal c/d   6,500 2,000








Feb 29 Bal b/d   6,500 2,000          


Dr                      For the Month of February, 2020                    Cr




















KCSE 2022

/torn/dirty/making its contents illegible/doubtful.

/her/accept examples of valid reasons as explanations.

(b)    Factors that may lead to an increase in the level of National income in a country. (10 Marks)


(xi)         Increase in skilled /trained labour/manpower

leading to increased/ /efficient/quality production.

/efficient production / fast flow of goods/services/accept examples of improved infrastructure as a mention.


2   (a) Factors that may lead to dissolution of cooperative societies. (10 Marks)
(iv)      A court order (forcing dissolutions of the cooperatives)

/government may order for its dissolution in the interests of the public/its members/ for engaging in illegal activities.

(vii)      If it has achieved its objectives (for which it was formed)

hence makes its continued existence unnecessary.

/which makes them loose their original identity

(b)    Features of underdeveloped countries. (10 Marks)

/leading to political blackmail / vulnerability


/high mortality rates

/leading to low investments

/embezzlement/lack of accountability /transparency / misappropriation/ mismanagement of resources


3   (a)  (i)                                Bank a/c                                  Cr


Date Details LF Amt Date Details LF Amt
2021       2021      
Oct 1 Bal b/d   80,000 Oct 2 Juma   14,000
        Oct 5 Bal c/d   66,000
      80,000       80,000
Oct 5 Bal b/d   66,000        



Dr                                  Juma a/c                                           Cr


Date Details LF Amt Date Details LF Amt
2021       2021      
Oct 2 Bank   14,000 Oct 1 Bal b/d   24,000
Oct 5 Bal c/d   10,000        
      24,000       24,000
        Oct 5 Bal b/d   10,000


Dr                                         Mangu a/c                                   Cr


Date Details LF Amt Date Details LF Amt
2021       2021      
Oct 1 Bal b/d   26,000 Oct 3 Cash   10,000
        Oct 5 Bal c/d   16,000
      26,000       26,000
Oct 5 Bal b/d   16,000        


Date Details LF Amt Date Details LF Amt
2021       2021      
Oct 1 Bal b/d   15,000 Oct 4 ICDC Loan   70,000
Oct 3 Mangu   10,000 Oct 5 Purchases   40,000
Oct 4 ICDC Loan   170,000 Oct 5 Bal c/d   85,000
      195,000        195,000
Oct 5 Bal b/d   85,000        


Dr                                       Cash a/c                                          Cr









Dr                                   Bank Loan a/c                                  Cr


Date Details LF Amt Date Details LF Amt
2021       2021      
Oct 5 Bal c/d   170,000 Oct 4 Cash   170,000
      170,000       170,000
        Oct 5 Bal b/d   170,000


Dr                              ICDC Loan a/c                                    Cr


Date Details LF Amt Date Details LF Amt
2021       2021      
Oct 4 Cash   70,000 Oct 1 Bal b/d   70,000
Oct 5 Bal c/d   0        
      70,000       70,000
        Oct 5 Bal b/d   0


Date Details LF Amt Date Details LF Amt
2021       2021      
Oct 5 Cash   40,000 Oct 5 Bal c/d   40,000
      40,000       40,000
Oct 5 Bal b/d   40,000        


Dr                                Purchases a/c                                   Cr

Dr                                Motor Vehicle a/c                            Cr


Date Details LF Amt Date Details LF Amt
2021       2021      
Oct 1 Bal b/d   210,000 Oct 5 Bal c/d   210,000
      210,000       210,000
Oct 5 Bal b/d   210,000        



Dr                                             Stock a/c                                    Cr


Date Details LF Amt Date Details LF Amt
2021       2021      
Oct 1 Bal b/d   45,000 Oct 5 Bal c/d   45,000
      45,000       45,000
Oct 5 Bal b/d   45,000        



Dr                                        Capital a/c                                     Cr


Date Details LF Amt Date Details LF Amt
2021       2021      
Oct 5 Bal c/d   237,000 Oct 1 Bal b/d   237,000
      237,000       237,000
        Oct 5 Bal b/d   237,000


3(a)(ii)             Mtito Andei Wholesalers

Trial Balance As at 5th October, 2021


Details Dr (Ksh) Cr (Ksh)
Bank 66,000  
Juma (Creditor)   10,000
Mangu (Debtor) 16,000  
Cash 85,000  
Bank Loan   170,000
Purchases 40,000  
Motor Vehicle 210,000  
Stock 45,000  
Capital   237,000
  462,000 417,000




4   (a) Ways in which employees may contribute to the success of a business include:  (10 Marks)



(b)    Roles of the World Bank in promoting international trade include. (10 Marks)
(vii)          Stabilizes/ control the major (world) currencies

/exchange rates to ensure international prices charged (for imports and exports) remain stable.

/implementation/ management/ identification.

5   (a) Limitations of using mobile phones in communication.

may limit/hinders effective communication (in some areas).


5 (b)( I) Effects of the shift in demand curve from D0 to D1.

(ii) The shaded area represents excess supply /surplus (in the market)/ fall in total quantity demanded


6 (a)       (i) Ushindi Traders TPL. (7 Marks)


Ushindi Traders

Trading Profit and Loss Account

Opening stock 12,500 Sales 200,000  
Add: Purchases 111,000      
COGA4S 123,500      
Less: Closing stock 8,500      
Cost of goods sold 115,000      
Gross profit c/d 85,000      
  200,000   200,000  
Expenses   Gross Profit b/d 85,000  
Salaries 13,300 Rent Income 40,000  
Insurance 8,000      
Telephone 9500      
Advertising 14,000      
Total expenses 47,300      
Net Profit c/d    77,700      


For the period ended 30th November, 2021















124,000                                   124,000

Net Profit b/d      77,700


( a)(ii)  Ushindi Traders Balance Sheet  (5 Marks)

Ushindi Traders Balance Sheet

As at 30th November, 2021

  1. Reasons that may make Government departments adopt open office layout. (8 Marks)
    • Encourage easy supervision of workers which improves the productivity (as they are aware they are being watched) /since they are in the same room
    • Low/minimal cost to construction/maintenance/ decorate/ due to few
    • Easy /fast to locate employees as everybody works in the same room/which saves
    • (Limited) office machines /equipment are shared which greatly reduces operation cost/wastage of resources/avoid duplication.
    • Discourages absenteeism /lateness/early departure as workers absence can be easily noticed/due to close supervision/ monitoring
    • Encourages team work as employees can consult (both formerly/ informally) /can share ideas/promote friendship/personal
    • Economy of space /more floor space is available due to few/no partitions/thus can accommodate more
    • Fast/easy communications between workers since there are no physical barriers between them /are found in the same
    • Flexibility since it is easy to reorganize/ rearrange/redesign the office (when need arises)
    • Faster flow of work due to reduced movement/ working close to one
(xi)      Minimizes /discourages laziness/idleness/laxity

since workers can see/check/monitor each other.



Debtors 33,500  
Bank 12,600
Cash 18,400 73,000


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