Home KNEC News KCSE 2024/2025 Ranking of Best 100 Schools in Kericho County (Final Official...

KCSE 2024/2025 Ranking of Best 100 Schools in Kericho County (Final Official Update)

KCSE 2024/2025 Ranking of Best 100 Schools in Kericho County (Final Official Update)

Position Nationally Name of School Region County Mean Score Mean Grade
29 CHEPWAGAN BOYS Rift Valley Kericho 9.7474 B+{plus}
30 Chebwagan high Rift Valley Kericho 9.74 B+{plus}
41 Cheborge Boys Rift Valley Kericho 9.44 B{plain}
44 CHEBORGE GIRLS Rift Valley Kericho 9.3754 B{plain}
45 Korongoi Girls Rift Valley Kericho 9.36 B{plain}
47 KIPSIGIS GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL Rift Valley Kericho 9.3154 B{plain}
60 Kabianga High Rift Valley Kericho 9.2162 B{plain}
61 Moi Tea Girls High School Rift Valley Kericho 9.21 B{plain}
123 KIPKELION GIRLS Rift Valley Kericho 8.3335 B-{minus)
160 LITEINI HIGH Rift Valley Kericho 7.9656 B-{minus)
162 TENGECHA GIRLS Rift Valley Kericho 7.9595 B-{minus)
181 KUNYAK SECONDARY Rift Valley Kericho 7.7647 B-{minus)
199 KAPSOIT SECONDARY Rift Valley Kericho 7.4858 C+{plus}
206 AIC LITEIN GIRLS Rift Valley Kericho 7.4 C+{plus}
219 CHEPKECHEI BOYS Rift Valley Kericho 7.281 C+{plus}
222 TENGECHA BOYS Rift Valley Kericho 7.2423 C+{plus}
247 KERICHO HIGH Rift Valley Kericho 7.017 C+{plus}
255 BELGUT STAREHE GIRLS HIGH Rift Valley Kericho 6.742 C+{plus}
271 CHEPTENYE BOYS Rift Valley Kericho 6.2359 C (plain)
280 LELU SECONDARY Rift Valley Kericho 6.0792 C (plain)
282 KAPTEBENGWO SECONDARY Rift Valley Kericho 6 C (plain)


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