Photo- JKUAT main campus in Juja. The university got the highest admissions of new students in 2019.
Photo- JKUAT main campus in Juja. The university got the highest admissions of new students in 2019.

On Friday June 21, 2019. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) Chancellor, Prof. Joseph Mathu Ndungui conferred degrees and awarded diplomas to 3545 graduands during the institution’s 33rd graduation ceremony, where 118 were awarded doctorate degrees.

In the backdrop of such enviable achievements, the University’s attention has been drawn to news items, commentaries and opinions in social media questioning the integrity of the degrees offered by JKUAT. In view of the unfortunate misinformation of the public, the University wishes to state as follows:

1). JKUAT observes stringent quality measures in mounting its academic and research programmes at all levels, including those set by the Commission for University Education and various professional bodies.
2). All degrees of the University are meritoriously earned and no student is allowed to graduate without going through the due process regarding coursework, seminars, original research, external examination and publications. Indeed, all the 118 candidates awarded PhDs, earned their degrees having taken an average of 5 years, some having enrolled in the year

3). JKUAT has a highly qualified and dynamic faculty comprising 923 academics. The College of Human Resource Development, for instance, is served by 85 doctorate degree holders.
This, in addition to veritable teaching and research infrastructure, has enabled the institution to be the most preferred in the country by students seeking higher education.
JKUAT attracted the highest number of students on government scholarships for the second year running, having admitted 4, 886 in 2018 and 5,901 students in 2019.

4). The University has over the years created an environment of creativity and innovation giving our staff and students a pedestal to engage in award-winning research and innovation.

5). Due to its teaching and research outputs. JKUAT in 2012 won a competitive bid to host the African Union fronted Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences Technology and Innovation.

The University has also been in the forefront in providing sustainable solutions in key areas such as food security, manufacturing, construction and ICT.

JKUAT also leads other Kenyan universities in the number of intellectual property rights under its fold.
JKUAT therefore takes great exception to the recent misleading and disparaging comments that could risk the careers and future of many young Kenyans who have received their education in the University. Quality higher education is at the core of Kenya’s development prospects. As such, trivializing the process by unfairly targeting JKUAT or any other institution for that matter is retrogressive and could potentially roll back gains already consolidated in the sector.

JKUAT is proud of its graduates and wishes to assure the general public that it remains committed to the ideals and values underpinning quality, relevance, and professionalism. Our recent certifications on ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems) and ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management Systems) are only the latest testaments to this commitment.