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IEBC list of elected and gazetted MCAs 2022 per County (Meru) plus votes garnered


IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by Articles 88(4) and 177 (1) (a) of the Constitution, section 4 of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Act, 2011, Sections 38, 39 (1) and (1A) (i) of the Elections Act, 2011 and Regulation 83 (1) (a), (e), (f) (i) and (g) of the Elections (General) Regulations, 2012 the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission hereby declares that the persons whose names are listed in the schedule hereunder were elected as members of the various County Assemblies having received the majority of the votes cast in the election held 9th August, 2022 and complied with the provisions of the Elections Act, 2011 and the Constitution.

And that;

a) The respective Codes to the Counties are listed in the First Column to the schedule.
b) Every County name is listed in the Second Column to the schedule.
c) Each Constituency is assigned a Constituency Code number in the Third Column to the schedule.
d) The names of the Constituencies are specified in the Fourth Column to the schedule.
e) Each County Assembly Ward is assigned a Code number in the Fifth Column to the schedule.
f) The names of the County Assembly Wards are specified in the Sixth Column to the schedule.
g) Every Surname of the elected member is listed in the Seventh Column to the Schedule.
h) The other names of the elected member are listed in the Eighth Column to the Schedule.
i) The elected member’s Political Party/ Independent name is indicated in the Ninth Column to the schedule.
j) The abbreviation of the elected member’s Party /Independent abbreviation is indicated in the Tenth Column to the schedule.
k) The votes garnered by the elected persons are indicated in the Eleventh Column to the schedule.

County Name Constit uency Code Constituency Name County Assembly Ward
County Assembly Ward Name Surname Other Names Political Party Name Abbreviatio n Votes Garnered
012 Meru 051 Igembe South 0251 Maua Miriti Kangwana Duncan Devolution Empowerment
DEP 2,273
012 Meru 051 Igembe South 0252 Kiegoi /
Joshua Timothy Mutwiri Independent IND 2,901
012 Meru 051 Igembe South 0253 Athiru Gaiti M’mwaithia Josphat Baariu Independent IND 3,257
012 Meru 051 Igembe South 0254 Akachiu M’mucheke Silas Mithika United Democratic
UDA 3,079
012 Meru 051 Igembe South 0255 Kanuni Mugambi Josphat United Democratic
UDA 3,848
012 Meru 052 Igembe
0256 Akirang’ondu Itumitu Morris
Jubilee Party JP 4,642
012 Meru 052 Igembe Central 0257 Athiru Ruujine Ambau Julius Kabira Party Of National Unity PNU 3,526
012 Meru 052 Igembe Central 0258 Igembe East Mutiria Murithi  Titus Devolution
Empowerment Party
DEP 3,276
012 Meru 052 Igembe
0259 Njia Murungi Ali Mwenda Jubilee Party JP 4,277
012 Meru 052 Igembe
0260 Kangeta Stephen Kairi Mbijiwe Devolution
DEP 3,284
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