Kakamega county shall be hosting this year’s Mashujaa day celebrations. This day has been set aside as a holiday to commemorate great Kenyans who sacrificed to liberate our country from tge chains of colonialism. The day was initially referred to, “Kenyatta Day” named after Kenya’s founding father; Mzee Jomo Kenyatta.

For Safaricom Subscribers, Safaricom promises to return all airtime spent on calls and bundles today. Safaricom says: “Wewe ni Shujaa Wetu! (You are our hero). As we celebrate you, all the airtime you use today will be given back to you tomorrow! Call and buy bundles with the free air time”.

Various luminaries and Corporations have had time to wish Kenyans a happy Mashujaa Day Celebrations. We sample some of these messages, below: