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L/NO |
1 |
1 |
Listening and speaking. |
Etiquette. Paying attention. |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Highlight importance of paying attention. Identify some attention detractors. Suggest ways of improving skill in paying attention.
Listening. Speaking. Discussion.
Class readers. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 1-3
2 | Reading.
Comprehension. | Answer questions and make sentences using vocabulary learnt.
Silent reading.
Reading aloud. Discussion. Writing. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 3-4 |
3 | Grammar.
Nouns as subjects. | State whether a noun has been used as a subject or object in a sentence.
Writing. Listening. Detailed discussion. |
Extracts from set books.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 7-8 |
4 | Grammar.
Nouns as objects / complements. | Identify nouns used as direct or indirect objects.
Identify nouns used as complements. |
Writing. Listening. Detailed discussion. Written exercise. |
Extracts from set books.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 9-11 |
5 | Writing.
Paraphrasing. | Paraphrase a given passage.
State differences between a paraphrase and a summary.
Review summary writing;
Reading. Writing. Discussion. |
Extracts from set books.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 12-14 |
6 | Speaking.
Verbal and non- verbal cues that enhance listening & speaking. | Demonstrate ability to use verbal and non-verbal skills in narrating a story.
Speaking. Guided discussion. Group competitions. |
Readers. | Readers. | ||
& 8 |
Intensive reading:
Set book.
Read some chapters and analyse language and literally appreciation. | Detailed discussion.
Reading. Written exercises.
Set book guide. | Set book. | ||
2 | 1 | Listening and speaking.
Stress to distinguish word class. | Use stress to distinguish word class. | Guided practice & supervision.
Group work. |
Flash cards.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 15-16 |
2 | Reading.
Poetry- mood.
Reading skills:
Study reading. |
Define mood as used in poetry.
Identify adjectives used to describe mood. |
Listening. Answering questions. Discussion.
Extracts from literature set books.
Integrated English Bk IV 16-17
3 | Reading.
Answer comprehension questions on the set passage correctly. | Reading.
Speaking. Writing. Guided discussion.
Charts. Dictionary. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 18-21 |
4 | Writing. | Debate. | Write points for and against a motion on a given subject. | Speaking.
Writing. Guided discussion.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 21-22 |
5 | Grammar. | Relative pronouns. | The learner should be able:
Identify and use relative pronouns. Form and use compound relative pronouns.
Listening & speaking
Answer questions. Written exercises.
From set books. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 22-26 |
6 | Writing. | Public writing. | Write formal and informal requests.
Decline a request politely. |
Discussion. Written exercise.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 26-32 |
7 & 8 | Reading.
Intensive reading of Set book.
Read analytically and identify themes style and character traits.
Answering probing questions. Detailed discussion.
Set book guide. | Set book. |
3 | 1 | Writing. | Dictation. | Take a dictation taking note of punctuation marks. | Reading aloud.
Writing. Reviewing. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 33 |
2 | Reading. | Interpretive reading. | Bring out meaning that is not explicitly stated in a given text. | Reading aloud.
Discussion. |
Newspapers. Journal. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 33-34 |
4 |
Grammar. | Interrogative pronouns.
Compound interrogative pronouns. |
Identify interrogative pronouns.
Use interrogative pronouns correctly. Form compound interrogative pronouns.
Listening & speaking
Answer questions. Written exercises.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 35-39 |
5,6 | Writing. | Personal writing.
Recipes. |
Define a recipe.
Identify words used in recipes. Write a recipe of a dish for preparing a meal for an occasion.
Reading. Answer questions. Writing. Review exercise.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 40-43 |
& 8 |
Reading. | Intensive reading:
Set book. |
Read the assigned chapters and discuss language aspects as well as literally devices.
Detailed discussion. Written exercises
. |
Set book guide. | Set book. |
4 | 1,2 | Listening and speaking.
Polite interruption and disagreeing. | Demonstrate the etiquette of interrupting and disagreeing politely.
Silent reading.
Group work. Guided discussion.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 44-45 |
3 | Reading.
Comprehension. | Answer comprehension questions on a passage and use vocabulary correctly.
Reading aloud.
Silent reading. Writing. Guided discussion.
Charts. Dictionary. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 48-49 |
4 | Grammar. | Relative pronouns II. | Use relative pronouns as interrogative pronouns and interrogative adjectives. | Discussion.
Oral exercise. Written exercise.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 50-51 |
5,6 | Reading.
Reading skills:
Critical reading.
Telestiches. |
The learner should be able:
Apply critical reading skills to analyse a given text.
Review acrostic poetry.
Reading. Guided discussion. Group writing. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 51-52 |
6 | Reading.
Intensive reading:
Poetry: Atmosphere
Read a poem & identify the prevailing atmosphere projected. | Oral exercise: reciting.
Written exercises. Presentation. |
Anthologies of poem. | Poem extracts. | ||
7 & 8 | Reading.
Intensive reading:
Set book. |
Read the assigned sections and discuss grammar & literally devices. | Read paragraphs and Identify the devices
Guided discussion. Assignment: common devices.
Set book guide. | Set book. |
5 | 1 | Listening & Speaking. | Use of tone to reveal attitude. | The learner should be able:
Interpret and express attitude using tone. |
Guided discussion. Group work. |
Charts. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 53-54 |
2 | Writing.
Use e-mail efficiently in communication. | Oral exercise:
Written exercise. Discussion.
Magazines. Computers.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 51-52 |
3 | Reading. | Responsive reading. | Relate what is in a text to own experiences. | Reading.
Discussion. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 54-58 |
4 | Grammar. | Parts of speech – revision. | Write correct form of verbs.
Complete sentences according to instructions given.
Review parts of speech.
Oral and written exercises. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 58-59 |
5 | Writing. | Public writing.
Letter of inquiry. |
Write a letter of inquiry in the correct format. | Reading aloud.
Discussion. |
Newspapers. | Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 59-60 |
6 | Reading. | Intensive reading:
Poetry. Figurative language. |
Read a poem and identify metaphors, similes, and hyperbole. | Listening & writing an exercise.
Reciting poems. Guided discussions. |
Anthologies of poems for further reading. | Poems from East Africa by Cook and Rubadiri. | ||
7 & 8 | Reading. | Intensive set book reading:
Read the assigned sections and discuss grammar & literally devices. | Reading. Discussion.
Video& Audio tapes.
Prescribed set books guides
Prescribed set books.
6 | 1 | Listening & speaking.
Oral poetry –
Analyse a poem that is in form of a recitation. | Reading aloud.
Exposition. Guided discussion. Writing.
Charts. Dictionary. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 63-64 |
2 | Reading. | Critical reading. | Identify literal, implied and inferred meanings in a text.
Reading texts.
Writing. Listening. Discussion.
Extracts from Prescribed set books.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 64-66 |
3 | Reading. | Comprehension. | Answer comprehension questions correctly. | Guided practical activity.
Reading. Inferring meanings of given words.
Charts. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 63-64 |
4 | Grammar.
Verbs – participle phrases. | Rewrite sentences using participle phrases. | Q/A to review participle tenses. Discussion.
Reading. Listening. |
Audio tapes. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 67-69 |
5 | Writing. | Advertisement. | Highlight details that should be included in advertisements.
Group work. Group resentations.
Sample adverts. | Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 70-71 |
6 | Reading. | Intensive reading:
Critically analyse issues raised, style, and themes in a given poem. | Listening.
Speaking. Reading. Writing.
Poetry book. | ||||
7 & 8 | Reading. | Intensive reading:
Set book. |
Critically analyse plot, characters, themes, and style in the novel. | Guided discussion.
Probing questions. Dramatization. Written exercise.
set book guide.
Selected set book. | |||
7 | 1 | Listening & speaking.
Tongue twisters. | State functions of tongue twisters.
Translate tongue twisters to other languages. |
Reading aloud.
Discussion. Formulating tongue twisters. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 70-71 |
2 | Reading. | Reading skill:
Facts and opinions. |
Distinguish facts from opinions.
Discussion. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 73-75 |
3 | Grammar.
Verbs –the gerund. | Identify a gerund used as a subject or object. | Discussion.
Oral and written exercises. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 75-76 |
4 | Writing. | Institutional writing.
Speeches. |
Outline points to be highlighted in a speech.
Write a sensible speech. |
Discussion. Written exercise.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 77-80 |
5 & 6 | Reading. |
Intensive reading:
Set book.
Critically analyse plot, characters, themes and style in a novel. | Guided discussion.
Probing questions. Dramatization. Written exercise.
Set book guide,
One of the set books. | |||
7-8 |
8 | 1 | Listening & speaking.
Ogre narrative. | Identify features of style used in a given narrative.
Cite moral lesson(s) from a given narrative. |
Silent reading.
Role playing. Practise oral renditions. Discuss characters, moral lessons.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 84-86. |
2 | Reading.
Study reading.
Textual information. |
Interpret textual information. | Exposition.
Oral and written exercises. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 77-80 |
3 | Reading.
Reading comprehension. | Answer comprehension questions correctly.
Infer meanings of given words and phrases.
Inferring meanings of given words. Look words from the dictionary.
Dictionary. | Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 87-89 |
4 | Grammar.
Adverbs. | Identify types of adverbs.
Form adverbs from adjectives. |
Q/A to review parts of speech.
Oral and written exercises. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 89-93 |
5-6 | Writing.
Writing reviews. | Write a review of a narrative. | Guided discussion.
Reading. Listening Group presentations.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 93-96 |
7 & 8 | Reading. | Reading
Intensive reading Set book. |
Critically analyse plot, themes, characters and style in a set book. | Guided discussion.
Reading. Listening & speaking.
Video & and audiotapes, Set book guide.
Selected set book. | ||
9 | 1 | Listening and speaking. | Proverbs. | Complete proverbs and interpret them. | Group competitions.
Discussion. Essay writing to illustrate a given proverb. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 97 |
2 | Reading and writing. | Reading
Comprehension. |
Answer questions based on a passage.
Reading aloud.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 98-100 |
3 | Writing and speaking.
Persuasive speech. | Write short speeches and present them to class.
Individual and group reflections.
Readers. | Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 101 |
4 | Writing. | Study writing.
Questionnaires. |
Structure questionnaires. Fill in questionnaires.
Exposition. Individual and group reflections.
Sample questionnaires. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 105-110 |
5-6 | Grammar.
Typical endings of adverbs. | Form adverbs using typical endings. | Discussion.
Oral exercise. Written exercise. Exercise review. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 101-104 |
7 & 8 | Reading. | Intensive reading
Set book.
Evaluate the plot, characters, styles, and themes in the novel. | Oral & written exercises.
Dramatization. Guided discussion.
Audio tapes.
Set book guide.
Prescribed set book.
10 | 1-2 | Intensive reading.
Background and setting of a story. | Describe the background and setting of a story.
Identify the time-span of events in a story. |
Brain storming.
Probing questions. Discussion. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 111-4 |
3 | Intensive reading.
Character and characterization. | Analyse characters in literary texts. | Probing questions.
Oral questions. Guided discussion. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 115-6 |
Listening & speaking.
Themes. | List down themes revealed in a story.
Arrange themes in order of prominence. |
Brain storming.
Probing questions. Discussion. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 116-7 |
5-6 | Intensive reading.
Style. | Identify stylistic devices used in stories / narratives. | Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 117-9
7 & 8 | Intensive reading:
Contextual questions. | Answer context questions on set books. | Guided tasks.
Written exercise. Review of the exercise. |
Set book guide. | Set book. | |||
11 | 1 | Listening & speaking.
Features of proverbs. | Describe features of proverbs.
Translate proverbs to English.
Exposition of new concepts.
Give examples of proverbs. Discussion.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 120-2 |
2 | Study reading.
Non-textual information. | Derive non-textual information from diagrams.
Examine diagrams.
Probing questions. Discuss derived information. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 123-4 |
3 |
Grammar. |
Prepositions. | Identify prepositions in given sentences.
Use simple and complex prepositions correctly. Identify words that serve as prepositions and adverbs.
Q/A to elicit preposition of time, place, direction.
Oral and written exercises.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 124-7 |
11 | 4 | Reading. | Comprehension. | The learner should be able to answer questions based on a comprehension. | Reading.
Writing. Marking. Infer meanings of new words. |
Supplementary readers.
5 | Writing. | Writing reviews. | Review a short story using the 5W and H technique. | Probing questions.
Discussion. |
Supplementary readers.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 127-9 |
6 | Reading. | Vocabulary. | The learner should be able to use new words in sentences correctly.
Listening. Q/A. Speaking. Take an exercise. |
Flash cards. Group competitions. |
Supplementary readers.
7-8 | Reading. | Intensive reading.
The learner should be able to analyse characters and themes in a given text.
Discussion. Writing. |
Set book guide. | Set book. | |||
12-13 | END OF TERM ONE EXAMS | ||||||||
L/NO |
1 | 1 | Grammar. | Short and long vowels. | Pronounce short and long vowels. | Reading.
Writing. Review exercise. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 130 |
2-3 | Reading. | Comprehension:
Answer questions on a text and analyse theme, style, and issues raised. | Expressive reading.
Detailed discussion. Writing an exercise. |
Extracts from readers and
supplementary readers. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 131-2 |
4 | Writing and speaking. | Duality of words. | Spell words backwards.
Give meanings of new words formed. |
Group competitions.
Group presentations. |
Teacher’s choice. | |||
5-6 | Writing. | Social writing.
Emails and faxes. |
Write informal and formal emails / faxes. | Guided practical activities. | Computers /mobile phones, telephone lines, modem. | Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 134-6 |
7 & 8 | Reading. | Intensive Reading:
Set book. |
Analyse plot, themes, characters, and style. | Role-play.
Listening. Writing. |
Set book guide. | Set book. |
2 | 1 | Reading. | Intensive Reading
Tone and attitude.
Identify tone and attitude in a given poem. | Silent reading.
Reading aloud. Guided discussion. |
Anthologies of poems.
Poems of East Africa / Teacher’s choice/ Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 137-9
2-3 | Grammar. | Inverted sentences. | Write inverted sentences.
Give reasons for sentence inversion. |
Oral exercise.
Discussion. Written exercise. Exercise review.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 140-2 |
4-5 |
Writing. |
Report writing. | Identify sections of a report.
Write a sensible report. |
Sample reports. | Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 143-5 |
6 | Reading. | Comprehension:
The learner should be able to:
Answer questions from a given passage. |
Q/A: discussion.
Expressive reading. Writing. |
Supplementary readers.
Teacher’s choice. | |||||
7 & 8 | Reading. | Intensive reading:
Set book. |
Analyse themes and style in a novel. | Examples.
Oral exercise. Written exercise. Dramatization.
Set book guide. | Prescribed set book.
3 | 1 | Listening and speaking. | Etiquette.
Turn- taking. |
Demonstrate proper turn-taking skills in discussions, presentations and speeches.
Listening. Simulations. Discussion.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 148-9 |
2 | Grammar. | Sentence connectors. | Identify some sentence connectors.
Join sentences using connectors. |
Brain storming.
Oral and written exercises. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 152-4 |
3 | Writing. | Writing a confidential report. | Write a confidential report / reference letter. | Q/A to review a formal letter format.
Read a sample report. Written exercise. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 155-6 |
4 |
Speaking. |
The learner should be able to:
Initiate and sustain a discussion on a given topic.
Read a passage.
Deduce the implications of the words used by the speakers. |
Teacher’s choice. | |||
5 | Listening & speaking. | Giving and receiving instructions. | The learner should be able to:
Give instructions in given situations. |
Oral examples.
Written exercise. Guided discussion. |
Set of instructions.
Magazines. Newspapers. |
Teacher’s choice. | |||
6 | Reading. | Intensive reading:
Characterization. |
The learner should be able to:
Discuss characters in specific contexts. |
Expressive reading.
Discuss characters. Assignments & their review. |
Literature set books.
7 & 8 | Reading. | Intensive reading:
Set book. |
The learner should be able to:
Analyse plot, themes, and style in a novel. |
Brain storming.
Discussion. Written exercise. |
Set book guide. | Set book. | |||
4 | 1-2 | Reading. | Comprehension. | The learner should be able to:
Answer questions on a given passage correctly. |
Reading a passage.
Answer questions. Review the exercise.
Supplementary readers.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 157-161 |
3 | Grammar. | Sentence and paragraph connectors (review) | Rewrite sentences adding sentence and paragraph connectors appropriately. | Oral and written exercises.
Discussion. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 164 |
4 | Writing. | Essay writing. | Write an application letter with reference to an advertisement. | Reading.
Writing. Discussion. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 161 |
5 | Reading. | Reading skills.
Note-making. |
Make notes based on a given passage. | Supplementary readers.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 162-3 |
6 | Writing. | Creative writing.
Autobiography. |
Differentiate between a biography and an autobiography.
Outline important aspects of an autobiography.
Reading. Writing. Discussion.
Supplementary readers.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 165-8 |
7 & 8 | Reading. | Intensive reading:
Set book. |
The learner should be able to:
Analyse themes and style in a novel. |
Brain storming.
Discussion. Written exercise. |
Set book guide. | Set book. |
5 | 1 | Listening & speaking. | The vowel sound. | Write down words that have the same vowel sound. | Reading.
Writing. Discussion. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 169 |
2 | Reading. | Comprehension. | The learner should be able to:
Answer questions on a given passage correctly. |
Reading a passage.
Answer questions. Review the exercise.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 170-4 |
5 | 3 | Grammar. | Conjunctions. | Outline functions of conjunction. | Oral exercise.
Written exercise. Exercise review. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 175-7 |
4-5 | Writing. | Institutional writing.
Curriculum vitae. |
Write a C.V. in the correct format. | Reading.
Writing. Discussion.discussion.round to the writing.wel sound. |
Supplementary readers.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 178-180 |
6 | Reading. | Institutional writing.
Curriculum vitae. |
The learner should be able to:
Write a CV from a passage. |
Expressive reading.
Guided discussion. Written exercise. |
Supplementary readers.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 181-2 |
7 & 8 | Reading. | Intensive reading:
Drama: Introduction to the play.
List characteristics of a particular play and give the background to the writer. | Written exercise. Expressive reading.
Guided discussion. |
Set books.
6 | 1-2 | Listening and speaking. | Role play.
Negotiation skills. |
Demonstrate proper negotiation skills. | Reading.
Guided discussion. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 183-7 |
3 | Reading. | Comprehension. | The learner should be able to:
Answer questions on a given passage correctly. |
Reading a passage.
Answer questions. Review the exercise.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 188-190 |
4 | Grammar. | Revision exercise. | Answer questions correctly. | Written exercise.
Exercise review. |
5-6 | Writing. | Argumentative essay. | Write an argumentative essay based on a given topic. | Discussion in groups.
Writing. Guided discussion.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 191 |
7 & 8 | Reading. | Intensive reading:
Set book. |
Analyse plot, characters, themes and style in the play. | Oral questions & written exercise.
Dramatizing. |
Set book guide.
Audio and video tapes. |
Set book guide. | Set book. | |
7 | 1 | Listening & speaking. | Study skill. | Answer questions from a read- out passage.
Writing. Answering questions. |
Selected set book | Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 192 |
2 | Reading. | Comprehension. | Answer questions on a given passage correctly. | Written exercise.
Oral exercise. Mixed exercise.
Supplementary readers.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 192-5 |
3 | Grammar. | Punctuation. | Use punctuation marks correctly. | Written exercise.
Exercise review. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 195 |
4 | Writing. | Devices for presenting titles, quotations and headings. | Present titles of publications, quotations and headings in the correct format. | Exposition.
Supervised practice. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 195-9 |
5 & 6 | Reading. | Intensive reading:
Set book. |
Analyse plot, characters, themes and style in a given play. | Oral questions. Written exercise.
Dramatizing. |
Set book guide.
Audio and video tapes. |
Set book. | ||
8 | 1-2 | Listening & speaking. | Oral reports.
Discourse markers. |
The learner should be able to:
Explain functions of discourse markers. |
Brain storming. Oral exercise. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 200-1 |
3 | Listening & speaking. | Oral reports.
Signposting. |
Give examples of signposting as used in oral presentations. | Exposition.
Brain storming. Oral exercise. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 202-3 |
4-5 | Reading. | Reading comprehension. | Answer questions on a given passage correctly. | Written exercise.
Mixed exercise.
Supplementary readers.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 208-9 |
6 | Writing. | Clauses. | Rewrite sentences according to instructions given. | Written exercise.
Mixed exercise.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 205-8 |
7-8 | Writing. | Creative writing.
Biography. |
Describe components of a biography. | Exposition.
Reading. Group work. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 209-214 |
9 | 1 |
Listening and speaking. |
Debate. |
Give points for / against a given subject in a motion. | Group debate.
Inter-group debate. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 221 |
2-3 | Reading. | Reading comprehension. | Answer questions on a given passage correctly. | Written exercise.
Mixed exercise.
Supplementary readers.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 221-3 |
4 | Grammar. | Typical endings of adjectives. | Form adjectives from nouns and verbs. | Discussion.
Oral questions. Written exercise.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 223-8 |
5-6 | Writing. | Expository writing. | Plan and present expository essays. | Exposition.
Discussion. Written exercise. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 229-231 |
7 & 8 | Reading. | Intensive reading:
Set book. |
Analyse plot, characters, themes, and style of the play. | Oral and written exercises.
Discussion on the set books.
Set book guide. | Selected set book. |
10 | 1 | Listening & speaking. |
Table manners.
Cite bad habits that may be exhibited at the table. | Reading aloud.
Open discussion. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 232-3 |
2-3 | Reading. | Reading comprehension. | Answer questions on a given passage correctly. | Written exercise.
Mixed exercise.
Supplementary readers.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 234-6 |
4 | Grammar. | Adjectives. | Outline functions of adjectives in sentences. | Discussion.
Oral questions. Written exercise. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 236-8 |
10 | 5 | Writing. | Summary. | Write a cohesive summary on a section of a given subject. | Read a passage.
Make a summary as guided. |
Prescribed literature set books.
Teacher’s resources.
6 | Writing. | Public writing.
Letter of application.
Write a letter of application for a job. | Reading an advert.
Letter writing.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 240 |
7-8 | Reading. | Intensive reading:
Set book. |
Analyse plot, characters, themes, and style of the play. | Oral and written exercises.
Discussion on the set books.
Set book guide. | Selected set book. | ||
11 | 1 | Listening & speaking. | Stress in words. | Write down sentences that bring out two meanings of a given word. | Oral and written exercises.
Guided discussion. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 241 |
2 | Reading. | Comprehension. | The learner should be able to:
Answer questions on the passage correctly.
Read a passage.
Answer questions. Infer meanings of new words. |
Supplementary readers.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 241-3 |
3 | Grammar. | Cloze and indirect speech. | Fill gaps with suitable prepositions.
Rewrite questions in indirect speech. |
Oral and written exercise;
Exercise review. |
Extracts from set books. | Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 245-6 |
4 |
Writing. |
Summary. |
The learner should be able to:
Write a summary of a passage. |
Written exercise.
Reading a passage. Marking exercises. |
Magazines. Reports. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 243-5 |
5-6 | Social Writing. | Giving instructions to family and friends. | The learner should be able to:
Give instructions to family and friends in point form. |
Oral and written exercises.
Listening & speaking. |
Prescribed set books.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 246-7 |
7 & 8 | Reading. | Intensive reading:
Set book. |
Analyse plot, characters, themes and style of a given play. | Oral exercises.
Discussion on the set books. Dramatization.
Prescribed literature set books. | Literature set book guides. | ||
L/NO |
1 | 1 | Listening & speaking.
Poetry. | Answer questions based on a poem that has been read out. | Listening;
Oral and written exercises. Detailed discussion.
Resource persons. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 249-250 |
2 |
Reading. |
Comprehension. |
Answer questions on the set passage correctly.
Written exercise.
Reading a passage. Listening & speaking. |
Section of a set book. | Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 245-6 |
3 |
Writing. |
Composition based on a set book. | Write a composition based on a set book. | Written exercises;
General review.
Section of a set book. | Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 253 |
4-5 | Writing. | Essay writing. | Write an essay using new terms illustrated in a tree diagram. | Look up terms in the dictionary;
Writing; General review. |
Dictionary. | Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 254 |
6 | Grammar. | Indirect speech and idioms. | The learner should be able to:
Rewrite sentences in indirect speech. Explain the meanings of idioms / phrases. |
Written exercise;
Exercise review.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 253 |
7 & 8 | Reading | Intensive reading:
Set book. |
Analyse plot, characters, themes, character, plot and style of the play. | Oral exercises.
Discussion on the set books. Dramatization.
Prescribed literature set books. |
Literature set books. |
2 | 1
2 |
Listening & speaking | Features of oral poetry.
Read a passage and answer questions based on it.
Translate an oral poem from a given community into English. |
Silent reading;
Reading an oral poem; Writing translations; Group reflections.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 256 |
3 | Writing | Summary writing. | The learner should be able to:
Write a summary based on a text. |
Writing; General review. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 259 |
4 | Grammar. | Clauses; Substitution. | Define substitution as used in clauses.
Identify aspects of substitution in sentences. |
Reading examples;
Oral exercise; Written exercise. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 259-260 |
5 | Reading. |
Comprehension |
Answer questions on a given passage.
Written exercise.
Reading a passage. Listening & speaking. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 257 |
6 | Writing. | Writing reviews.
Film writing. |
Review a film using various techniques. | Guided practical activities;
Group reflections; General review. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 261-2 |
7 & 8 |
Reading |
Intensive reading:
Set book. |
Analyse plot, characters, themes, character, plot and style of the play. | Oral exercises.
Discussion on the set books. Dramatization.
Set book guides. |
Literature set books. |
3 | 1 | Reading |
Comprehension. |
Answer questions on the set passage correctly.
Reading aloud.
Guided discussion. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 265-6 |
3 |
Grammar. |
Illipsis. |
Read a dialogue and identify where illipsis has been used.
Provide the missing words.
Identify instances of illipsis and supply words that have been omitted. Rewrite sentences using illipsis.
Guided discussion; Oral and written exercises.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 267-270
4-5 | Writing. | Report writing. | The learner should be able to:
Write a report base on graphs and diagrams. |
Oral and written exercises.
Listening & speaking. |
Diagrams, charts. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 271-2
6 | Listening & speaking. | Poetry games I. | Compose poems using same-start-letter style. | Reading a poem aloud;
Guided discussion; Group writing; General review. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 264-5
7 & 8 |
Reading. |
Intensive reading:
Set book. |
Answer questions based on set books. | Guided revision;
Answer review questions.
Set book guide. | Literature set book. |
4 | 1 | Listening & speaking. | Poetry games II. | Compose poem using same-end-letter style. | Reading a poem aloud;
Guided discussion; Group writing; General review. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 273-4
3 |
Reading. | Poetry.
Alliteration and assonance.
Metaphors, irony and contrast. |
Define the terms alliteration and assonance.
Identify instances where Alliteration and assonance are used.
Describe use of metaphors, irony and contrast and provide textual evidence from a text. |
Reading a poem aloud;
Guided discussion; Writing; General review. |
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 276-7
4-5 | Institutional Writing. | Notification of a meeting, memo and CV writing. | The learner should be able to:
Write a notification of a meeting, memo and CV correctly. |
Writing. | Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 279-280
6 | Grammar. | Rewriting sentences to convey same meaning. | The learner should be able to:
Rewrite sentences to convey same meaning. |
Oral and written exercises.
Integrated English Bk IV
Pg 278-9
7 & 8 |
Reading |
Intensive reading:
Set book. |
Answer questions based on set books. | Guided revision;
Answer review questions.
Set book guide. | Literature set book. | |