Home Latest Education News Teachers' Resources Form 3 Agriculture Exams and Marking Schemes Free

Form 3 Agriculture Exams and Marking Schemes Free

Form 3 Agriculture Exams and Marking Schemes Free

Name: …………….……………….…………….………….. Adm No: ……………………………

Class…………………………………………………………..Date: ………..……………………….





Paper 1

Form Three


Time: 2Hours



  • Write your name and admission number in the space provided.
  • Sign and write the date of examination in the space provided
  • This paper consists of three section A, B and C.
  • Answer all questions in section A and B.
  • Answer any two questions in section C
  • All the questions should be answered in the spaces provided.
  • This paper consists of 11 pages






A 1-16 30  
B 17-20 20  
C 21 20  
22 20  
23 20  
TOTAL   90  















Answer all the questions in this section in the space provided.

  1. Give four characteristics of intensive farming system       (2mks)


  1. Give an example of a weed matching the following description
  2. a) Causes poisoning tolivestock and human (1mks)



b)Alternate host of rust                                                                                                    (½ mk)                                                                 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

  1. c) Aquatic weed (½ mk)       ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  2. Name the plant part used for vegetative propagation of each of the following plants.
  • Sisal (½ mk)


  • Pyrethrum (½ mk)


  • Sweet potatoes (½ mk)


  • Sugar cane (½ mk)





  1. State four cultural ways of controlling black jack weed.       (2mks)


  1. Name three sources of underground water                                                                  (1½mks)


  1. State three causes of blossom end of rot in tomatoes          (1½mks)


  1. Give three characteristics of crops used to prepare green manure.                         (1½mks)


  1. State four reasons for practicing minimum tillage.       (2mks)


  1. Name four farm records that should be kept by a poultry farmer.                          (2mks)





  1. Give three ways in which pasture crops are classified       (1½mks)


  1. State four ways in which land reforms can be implemented in Kenya.       (2mks)


  1. State four factors that determine the stage at which a crop is harvested.       (2mks)


  1. Give four beneficial effects of weeds to a farmer.       (2mks)


  1. Give four advantages of practicing crop rotation.       (2mks)



  1. Name four classifications of pesticides according to the target pest                   (2marks) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  2. Give four ways in which inorganic fertilizer can be classified             (2mks)




Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.




  1. a)Identify the crop management practice shown above (1mks)             ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
  2. b) Name two example of crops on which the above can be practiced (2mks)


c)State three reasons for carrying out the above practice                                         (3mks)



18.The diagram below illustrate investigation on a property of soil using soil samples labeled A, B and C.




  • Name the property of soil being investigated       (1mk)


  • What is the relationship between the soil property above and the size of soil particles?                   (1mk)


  • Which soil sample would be suitable for growing paddy rice?       (1mk)


  • Give a reason for your answer in (c) above                                                  (1mk)


  1. The following is a list of nutrients: copper, calcium, nitrogen, molybdenum, zinc, phosphorus, carbon, Sulphur, iron and magnesium. Which of the above nutrients are;
  • Macro – nutrients                                                                               (1mk)


  • Micro – nutrient       (1mk)


  • Fertilizer elements                                                                                        (1mk)


  • Liming elements       (1mk)


  • Primary macro nutrients       (1mk)



  1. Study the diagrams below and answer the questions



  1. a) Name examples of crops damaged by crop pests above             (2mks)


  1. b) Give three examples of rodent pests (3mks)







Answer any two questions in this section in the spaces provided after question.

21.a) Discuss sorghum production under the following sub heading

  1. i) Ecological requirement (3mks)
  2. ii) Varieties             (2mks)

iii) Pests and their control                                                                                                      (3mks)

  1. iv) Harvesting (2mks)
  2. b) Describe five physical method of pest control (5mks)
  3. c) Explain five functions of a live fence in a farm.             (5mks)


  1. a) Explain five factors considered when siting farm structures (10mks)
  2. b) Explain the different ways in which each of the following environmental factors influence crop
  • Wind       (5mks)
  • Temperature                                                                               (5mks)


  1. a) Explain the cultural methods of controlling soil erosion (8mks)
  2. b) State six roles of trees in soil and water conservation (6mks)
  3. c) State six benefits of land consolidation (6mks)

















Answer all the questions in this section in the space provided.

  1. Characteristics of intensive farming system.       (2mks)
  • High yield per unit area
  • Capital intensive
  • Labour intensive
  • High managerial skills

½ x 4 = 2mks


2a).causes poisoning to livestock and human

Thorn apple, Sodom apple

  1. b) Alternate host of rust

Wild oats

  1. c) Aquatic weed




  1. Plant part used for vegetative propagation of each of the following plants.
  • Sisal – Bulbils/suckers             (½ mk)
  • Pyrethrum – splits (½ mk)
  • Sweet potatoes – vine /stem cutting (reject cutting alone) (½ mk)
  • Sugar cane – setts (½ mk)


  1. Cultural ways of controlling black jack (2mks)
  • Mulching
  • Cover cropping
  • Crop rotation
  • Proper spacing
  • Clean seed bed
  • Flooding
  • Timely planting

½ x 4 = 2mks


5.Sources of underground water                                                           (1½mks)

  • Springs
  • Boreholes
  • Wells

½ x 3 = 1 ½ mks



  1. Causes of blossom end of rot in tomatoes (1½mks)
  • Irregular watering
  • Lack of calcium
  • Excessive use of nitrogen

½ x 3 = 1 ½ mks


  1. Qualities of a good green manuring plant (1½mks)
  • Hardy
  • Fast growth
  • Ability to rot quickly
  • Highly leafy
  • Leguminous

½ x 3 = 1 ½ mks


  1. Reasons for practicing minimum tillage. (2mks)
  • Reduce cost of cultivation
  • Control soil erosion
  • Improve soil structure
  • Conserve water

½ x 4 = 2mks


  1. Reasons that should be kept by a poultry farms
  • Health records
  • Feeding records
  • Labour records
  • Egg production records
  • Marketing records
  • Inventory records

½ x 4 = 2mks


  1. Ways in which pastures are classified (1½mks)
  • Pasture stand; pure/mixed stand
  • Pasture establishment; Natural/artificial
  • Ecological zone

½ x 3 = 1 ½ mks


  1. Ways in which land reforms can be implemented in Kenya. (2mks)
  • Land consolidation.
  • Land adjudication and registration/issue of title deeds
  • Improve land legislation
  • Tenancy reforms
  • Land settlement and resettlement

½ x 4 = 2mks



  1. Factors that determine the stage at which a crop is harvested. (2mks)
  • Market price/market demand
  • Weather conditions
  • Purpose/intended use
  • Taste and preference/form required
  • Concentration of required chemical/colour/maturity

½ x 4 = 2mks


  1. Beneficial effects of weeds to a farmer. (2mks)
  • Some are edible to man
  • Some have medicinal value
  • Control soil erosion
  • Some provide food to livestock
  • Releases humus after decomposition

½ x 4 = 2mks


  1. Advantages of practicing crop rotation. (2mks)
  • Maximum use of nutrients
  • Control buildup of pests and diseases
  • Control weeds
  • Improve soil fertility when legumesare included
  • Control soil erosion when cover crops are included
  • Improves soil structure if grass lay is included

½ x 4 = 2mks (reject if underlined word is missing)


  1. Four classes of pesticides according to target pest. (2mks)
  • insecticides
  • rodenticides
  • nematocides
  • fungicides

½ x 4 = 2mks

  1. Ways in which synthetic fertilizer can be classified

Nutrients contained

Mode of application

Time of application

Effect on soil ph.












Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

17 a) identify the practice


  1. b) Tomatoes

Garden peas

Some varieties of beans

  1. c) Reasons why practice is carried out

Production of clean fruits

Facilitate spraying and harvesting of the crops

Prevent infestation by soil borne pest

Controlincidence of disease outbreak


  1. The diagram below illustrate investigation on a property of soil using soil samples labeled J, K and L.
  • Name the property of soil being investigated       (1mk)
  • Soil capillarity 1 x 1 = 1mk
  • What is the relationship between the soil property above and the size of soil particles? (1mk)
    • The smaller the size of the particles the greater the force of capillarity.

1 x 1 = 1mk


  • Which soil sample would be suitable for growing paddy rice?       (1mk)
    • L 1 x 1 = 1mk


  • Give a reason for your answer in (c) above                                                  (1mk)
  • Has the highest capillarity/has the highest water holding capacity.

1 x 1 = 1mk


  1. The following is a list of nutrients: copper, calcium, nitrogen, molybdenum, zinc, phosphorus, carbon, Sulphur, iron and magnesium. Which of the above nutrients are;
  • Macro – nutrients       (1mk)
    • Calcium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Carbon, Sulphur and Magnesium

(Award 1 mark of all the five macro – nutrients are present. Penalize fully if any of the macro – nutrients is missing.

  • Micro – nutrient       (1mk)
    • Copper, molybdenum, Zinc and Iron

(Award 1 mark of all the four micro – nutrient are there)

  • Fertilizer elements       (1mk)
    • Nitrogen and Phosphorus

(Award 1 mark if the two are present)

  • Liming elements       (1mk)
    • Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur.

(Award 1 mark if the three are present

  • Primary macro nutrients       (1mk)
    • Nitrogen and Phosphorus

(Award 1 mark if the two nutrients are presents


  1. a) maize




  1. b) mice














Answer any two questions in this section in the spaces provided after question.


  • Functions of a live fence in a farm.                                                        (5mks)
    • Act as windbreak
    • Some are used as a fodder for the livestock e.g.tick berry
    • Some may provide edible fruits e.g. Kei apple
    • Have aesthetic value
    • Provide security
    • Mark the boundary when planted on a border lines

1 x 5 = 5mks


  • Discuss sorghum production  under the following                     (10mks)
  1. a) Ecological requirement

Rainfall requirement is 420mm-630mm per annum thus grows well at attitude below 1500m above sea level

Requires fairly fertile and well-drained soil

  1. b) Varieties



  1. c) Pests and their control

Sorghum shoot fly-early planting, closedseason, use of appropriate insecticide

Birds—use of flame throwers, use of scarecrow

Stem borers-use of appropriate insecticide, proper disposal of crop remains after harvesting



Takes three months. Heads are cut using sharp knife, sun dried, threshed, winnowed and stored.



  1. c) State five physical method of pest control (5mks)
  • Proper drying of produce


  • suffocation
  • physical destruction of  pest e.g. hand picking and killing of pest
  • use of scarecrow
  • use of lethal temperature
  • use of electromagnetic radiation

1 x 5 = 5mks


  • Factors that should be considered when siting farm structures           (10mks)
  • Size of the farm.
  • Government policy – this ensures that laws are followed.
  • Direction of prevailing winds
  • Farmers taste and preference
  • Relationship between the structures
  • Proximity of amenities e.g electricity

2 x 5 = 10mks


  • Explain the different ways in which each of the following environmental factors influence crop production.
  • Wind       (5mks)
  • Strong wind increases the rate of evaporation/evapotranspiration/wilting
  • Help in pollination of crops
  • Strong winds have a cooling effect which influences rate of physiological processes
  • Strong winds may cause lodging/destruction of certain crops.
  • Wind can spread diseases/pests
  • Used in winnowing/cleaning grains

1 x 5 = 5mks


  • Temperature       (5mks)
  • It affects quality of certain crops eg. pineapple
  • Causes increase in incidences of pests/diseases.
  • Low temperature causes frost injury
  • Influences distribution of crops
  • High temperature increases rate of evapotranspiration hence wilting
  • Influences the rate of physiological processes in crop.

1 x 5 = 5mks


  • State six roles of trees in soil and water conservation       (6mks)
  • Protect soil below from raindrop erosion
  • Provide shade and reduce loss of moisture through evaporation
  • Acts as windbreaks
  • The roots of trees bind soil particles together
  • Reduces spread of running water thus reducing its erosive power
  • The leaves decay to supply humus which improves soil structure

1×6 =6mks

  • State six benefits of land consolidation                                                                                                                                                                                                  (6mks)
  • Proper supervision of land
  • Economic use of time and saving on transport cost
  • Agricultural advice by extension officers is possible
  • Sound farming planning
  • Soil conservation and land improvement
  • Construction of permanent structures is possible
  • Weed,pest ,disease control is enhanced


1 x 6 = 6mks


  • Cultural methods of controlling soil erosion (8mks)
  • Contour farming – cultivation and planting done across the slope hence in holding water thereby increasing infiltration and reducing run off.
  • Mulching covers the soil thereby reducing splash erosion/reduce the speed of run off.
  • Strip cropping – alternating strips of crops that give good soil cover with those that give little soil cover controls movement of soil particles hence control soil erosion.
  • Vegetated water ways – this slows down run off/trap eroded soil particles thereby preventing soil erosion.
  • Afforestation/re-afforestation – trees protect soil from splash erosion by atomizing rain drop/encourage water infiltration/protect soil from wind which could detach and remove soil particles.
  • Intercropping – crops which do not cover soil and crops that have good ground cover should be planted together to prevent splash erosion/surface run off.
  • Minimum tillage –this maintains good soil structure.
  • Cover cropping – this spread over the surface of soil hence protect soil from effects of raindrops.
  • Crop rotation – maintains soil cover for protection against soil erosion/improved soil structure.
  • Correct spacing – this ensures adequate soil cover.
  • Grass strips/filter strips – they are left between cultivated/cropped strips of land to reduce speed of water and filter out trodden soil.
  • Agroforestry – this intercepts raindrops/stabilizes soil acts as wind breaks.
  • Rotational grazing – this allows grass to recover thus prevent soil erosion.

1 x 8 = 8mks


                                                 JOINT EXAMS

                                                 AGRICULTURE PAPER 2

                                                  FORM 3 TERM 3


Answer all the questionsin the spaces provided.

  1. What is                                                                                                         (1mk)

A parasite is an organism that benefits from another organism in terms of nutrition.


  1. General factors that influence agriculture (1 1/2mks)
  • Biotic factors
  • Human factors
  • Climatic factors
  • Edaphic or Soil

Mark the first three correct answers (3 x ½ = ½ mks)

  1. State four signs of ill-health in livestock.             (2mks)
  • Abnormal behavior
  • Abnormal posture
  • Alimentary canal disfunction
  • Abnormal skin e staring coat

(any correct first four points 4 x 1/2mks)

  1. Differences between Wessex and Essex pig breed             (2mks)

Wessex is black in colour, with white shoulders and only the front legs white while Essex is black in colour with a white shoulder and front and hind legs white.



(mark as whole, ie, rej if one is wrong (1 mk)

  1. What is a disease predisposing factor.             (1mk)

These are conditions inside or outside the body of an animal which lead to an animal to contract a disease or an injury.                                                               

  1. Give five advantages of artificial insemination. (2 ½ mks)
  • Semen of one superior bull can be used to serve many cows .
  • It helps to control breeding diseases.
  • It helps to prevent large bulls from injuring small cows.
  • It helps to reduce expenses of keeping a bull on pastures.
  • Semen can be stored for a long time even after a bull is dead.
  • It helps to control breeding and in breeding
  • It helps to eliminate dangerous bulls from the farm.
  • It is useful tool in research

(any correct first five points (5 x ½ = 2 ½ mks)

  1. Differentiate between line breeding and upgrading.             (1mk)

Is the mating of distantly related animals that share a common ancestor while upgrading is a type of crossing where the female of low grade stock is mated with a pure breed sire.

  1. Give four routes of administering vaccines in farm animals.             (2mks)
  • By injections
  • Orally through the mouth
  • By inhalation through the nose
  • Through the cloaca.

(4 x ½ = 2mks)

  1. Give four functions of a rumen in a ruminant animal.             (2mks)
  • Fermentation of food
  • Synthesis of amino acids
  • Breakdown of proteins into peptides amino acids and ammonia
  • Break down of carbohydrates and cellulose into butyric acid acetic, propionic and formic acids.

Any correct first four points  (4 x ½ = 2mks)

  1. State four advantages of Kenya top bar hive.                         (2mks)
  • It has a longer stocking rate .
  • It’s easy to control parasites and diseases.
  • It helps to get clean honey because broad and honey combs are separated by queen excluded.

Any correct four point ( 4 x ½ = 2mks)



  1. State four important reasons for feeding livestock with roughages.             (2mks)
  • It aids in digestion of food
  • It has high fibre content
  • High carbohydrates contents
  • Brings about satisfaction.

( any correct four points (4 x ½ =2mks)

  1. State four ways of identifying farm animals.             (2mks)
  • Tattoos
  • Ear notching
  • Neak tags
  • Branding

(any correct four points (4 x ½ =2mks

  1. Give two examples of feed additives in feeding livestock.             (2mks)
  • Vitamins
  • Medicants, accept coccidiosis
  • Hormones

(Any correct two points 2 x 1 = 2mks)

  1. Name two species of camel.             (1mk)
  • Dromedary
  • Bacteria

(2×1= 2mks)

  1. State four advantages of castrating male animals .             (2mks)
  • To control breeding
  • To control breeding diseases
  • It help to control in breeding
  • For faster growth rate
  • To increase the quality of the meat.

(any correct four points 4 x ½ = 2mks)

  1. Give four ways of maintaining a fish pond.             (2mks)
  • By repairing the dykes
  • Cleaning the pond
  • Planting grass where necessary
  • By removing undesirable vegetation
  • By removing the silt.
    • Any correct four point 4 x ½ =2mks)
  1. State four functions of water in an animals body.             (2mks)

.- it is a component of body cell and many body fluids

  • It is responsible for transportation of nutrients from one part of the body to another.
  • It makes the cells turgid
  • It helps to regulate body temperature
  • It helps in excreting of metabolic waste products
  • It forms part of animal products e.g milk, eggs.

Any four correct points 4 x ½ = 2mks)

  1. State four reasons for swarming in a bee colony.             (2mks)
  • Lack of water and flowers
  • Infertile even
  • Over population in the hive
  • Noise and bad smell
  • Presence of pest and diseases



Answer all the questions in the species provided

  1. The following diagram represents a poultry’s reproductive system.

Study it carefully and answer the questions that follows.


  1. Name the parts labeled ;       (2mks)

E-              ovary                                                                                                 


H-              uterus  (accept shell gland                                                                     


  1. Give the functions of parts marked.       (2mks)

F-  it’s where fertilization of the ovum takes place                                               


G-  albumen is added                                                                                                


  1. How many hours does it take for an egg to be formed.       (1mk)
  • 24 hrs.
  1. The diagram below represents an internal parasite in livestock. Study it carefully and answer the following questions
  2. Identify the parasite.             (1mk)

.Tape worm ( accept Taeniasagnata

  1. Name the parts marked.                         (2mks)

T-        suckers                                                                                                                      

V-        segment   ( accept progloltid                                                                        

  1. Give two control measures of the parasite.             (2mks)
  • Deworming with any suitable dewormer.
  • Keeping animal houses clean
  • By practicing rotational grazing
  • By keeping water tough and feeding toughs clean
  • Proper disposal of human wastes
  • Meat inspection
  • Proper cooking of meat

Any two correct points 2 x ½ =1mk)

    1. the practice.                                                                                                   (1mk)

sheep shearing

accept. shearing

  1. Name the tool that is used when carrying out the practice .             (1mk)
  • Woolshears
  1. State three precautions taken when carrying out the practice.             (3mks)
  • Avoid shearing during the cold weather
  • Shear on a clean floor , free from grease and any type of oil.
  • Take care not to cut the skin, testicles, udder, vulva or penis.
  • Avoid shearing very young lambs

Any three correct points 3 x 1=3mks)

  1. A poultry farmer wants to prepare 600kg of chick mash containing 20% DCP using maize 10% DCP and fish meal 40% DCP.

Using the Pearson’s square method, calculate the amounts of maize meal and fish meal that he will require.                                                                                                       (5mks)




maize 10% DCP                                                                                20 parts of maize











Fish meal 40% DCP                                                                        10 parts of fish meal



Amount of  maize

Amount of fish meal

Total        = 600kg

(distribute the marks appropriately)



This section consists of 3 questions.  Answer only two question

  1. (a) State five signs of heat in a dairy cow.             (5mks)

– restlessness

– Mounting others and standing still when mounted.

-there is a slight rise in body temperature

– there a slight drop of milk yields

– vulva swells and becomes reddish in colour

– there is a clear of slimy mucus discharge from the vulva

– the cow bellows or moves frequently.

(any correct five points 5 x 1=5mks)


(b) State five advantages of cattle dip as compared to the spray race.                                 (5mks)

  • Animals are completely immersed in the dip wash
  • It is a suitable for large herds of cattle
  • It has low operational costs
  • It doesn’t require skilled labour.
  • It does not waste acaricides.
  • It can dip many animals at a time.

Any correct five points. 5 x 1 = 5mks)


(c) Give five reasons for maintaining livestock healthy.                                          (5mks)

They give higher incomedue to low treatment costs

They have a productive life span that us large

High production

Multiply regularly

Give high quality products

Its safe to consume their products

(d) State five factors affecting the digestibility of food eaten by livestock.                        (5mks)

  • Chemical composition of food
  • Form in which feed is offered to the animal
  • Species of energy to protein in feed.
  • The quantity of feed already in the digestive system of the animal.

(any correct five points 5 x 1=5mks)

  1. (a) Describe the body conformation features of a dairy heifer.             (8mks)
  • Their bodies are wedge or triangular in shape
  • They have a straight topline
  • They have a well set apart hind quarters to allow room for their big udder.
  • They have a large and well developed udder with large teaty that are well shaped.
  • They have a prominent milk vein
  • They have lean bodies which carry little flesh
  • They have a large stomach capacity that enables them to feed heavily for milk production.
  • They are docile with mild temperament.

(any correct five points 5 x 1=5points)

.(b) Describe coccidiosis under the following sub-headings.

  1. causal agent.             (1mk)

Protozoa known as coccidian of the Eimeriaspecies ( accept Coccidia spp

.           II. Symptoms.                                                                                                             (6mks)

  • Diarrhea
  • Dysentery or blood in the dung
  • The birds have ruffled feathers
  • Dullness
  • Anorexia
  • Dropping wings
  • Sudden death may occur.

(6 x 1 = 6mks)

III. Control and treatment.                                                                                          (5mks)

  • Giving birds coccidiostats mixed in either feeds or water for drinking
  • Isolating the sick
  • Avoiding wet and filthy environment
  • Avoiding overcrowding
  • Avoid mixing animals.

(5×1 =5mks)

  1. (a) Describe bee keeping under the following sub headings procedure of;
  2. Feeding bees.       (4mks)
  • Feed bees with sugar made into syrup with water at ratio of 1:1
  • Place the jar about 10 metre from the hive
  • Clean the container regularly to avoid fermentation.

(2 x 1 = 2mks)

  1. Factors to consider when siting an Apiary

Availability of water

Availability of flowers

Sheltered place

Away from noise and bad smell

Away from human beings and livestock




  • Procedure of processing honey using the heat method.       (6mks)
  • Heat some water in a surface
  • Put honey combs in an enamel basin or any other container which is not made of iron
  • Put the container with honey combs on the boiling water.
  • Heat until most of the honey melts
  • Separate the melted honey from the combs by straining through any suitable strainers
  • Keep honey in a container to cool down
  • Remove the wax layer that may form on the surface of the honey.

(6 x 1 =6mks)

  1. Importance of keeping bees.       (5mks)
  • Production of honey
  • Honey and the bees wax are sold to earn income
  • They require little capital and land to keep
  • They are good pollinators for many crops
  • Production of bee wax that is used for many purposes.

(5 x 1 = 5mks)

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