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  1. a) i) What is meant by the term binomial nomenclature?
  1. ii) State briefly the general principles of classification of living organisms

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  1. b) State the main characteristics of the five kingdoms of organisms
    1. Monera
  1. Protista(protoctista)
  1. Plantae
  1. Animalia


  1. c) Describe the economic importance of:
  1. Fungi




  1. d) State the main characteristics of the following division of kingdom plantae


  1. Bryophyte


  1. Pteridophyta







  1. e) Name sub-divisions of spermatophyte and state the characteristics of each class
  2. Gymnospermae (cornifers)


  1. Angiospermae (flowering plants)





  1. iv) State the importance of plants


  1. f) i) Give the general characteristics of phylum arthropoda
  1. State the characteristics of the following classes of arthropoda


















iii) State the economic importance of insects


Beneficial effects


Harmful effects


  1. g) i) State the general characteristics of chordate












Give the characteristics of the following classes of chordate











  1. i) What is a dichotomous key?



  1. State the necessity of using a dichotomous key



  1. List the rules followed in constructing a dichotomous key



  1. iv) Describe the procedure of using a dichotomous key. Make a list of major features of the characteristics to be identified
















iv You are provided with a specimen kale leaf. Use the dichotomous key below to identify the taxonomic group to which the specimen belongs. Show the steps (number and letter) in the key that you followed to arrive at the identify of the specimen


1  a) leaf broad                                               go to 2

  1. b) leaf narrow Araicaria


2  a)  leaf parallel veined                               Cynodon

  1. b) leaf net-veined                                      go to 3


3 a) leaf with one lobe (simple)                     go to 4

  1. b)  leaf with many lobes (compound)         Grevellea


4 a)  leaf fleshy                                               Kalanchoa

  1. b) leaf not fleshy go to 5


5  a)  leaf petiole modified to form sheath    go to 6

  1. b) leaf petiole not modified to form sheath Brassica


6 a)  leaf purple                                              Tradescantia

  1. b) leaf green Commelina


steps – 1a, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5b

Identify – Brassica


  1. v) You have been provided with four animals labeled K (mature adult housefly), L (mature adult grasshopper, M(maize flour beetle) and N(worker termite) use the dichotomous key below to identify the specimens. Write down in the correct order, the steps (number and letter) in the key that you followed to arrive at your answer.


Dichotomous key


1 a)  animal with wings                                              go to 2

  1. b) animal without wings go to 7


2 a) with two pairs of wings                                       go to 3

  1. b) with one pair of wings Diptera


3 a) with membranous wings                                     go to 4

  1. b) hind pair of membranous wings                         go to 6


4 a) with long abdomen                                              Odontata

  1. b) medium sized abdomen go to 5


5 a) wings with coloured scales                                 Lepidoptera

  1. b) wings without scales                                           hymenoptera


6  a) forewings hard and shell-like                            coleopteran

  1. b) forewings hard but not shell-like Orthoptera


7  a) body horizontally flattened                                Isoptera

  1. b) body laterally flattened Symphonoptera

Identify the orders o the various specimens as per the table below


Specimen Order Steps followed

L- grasshopper

M- beetle








1a, 2a, 3b, 6b

1a, 2a, 3b, 6a

1b, 7a



2 a) Define the following ecological terms


  1. Ecology
  1. Environment
  1. Ecological niche
  1. Population
  1. Community
  1. Autecology
  1. Synecology
  1. Carrying capacity
  1. b) i) What are abiotic factors?
  1. ii) Explain how abiotic factors affect living organisms








Rainfall (water) or precipitation


Mineral salts (trace elements)

  1. c) i) What are biotic factors?
  1. ii) Give examples of biotic factors affecting ecosystems
  1. d) Discuss how the various biotic factors affect living organisms
  1. Competition
  1. Predation
  1. Diseases and parasites








  1. Symbiotic


  1. Human activities




e)i) What is nitrogen cycle?


  1. ii) Draw a simplified diagram representing the nitrogen cycle











iii) Describe the nitrogen cycle









  1. f) i) Describe how energy flows from the sun through the various trophic levels in an ecosystem



Give the reasons for loss of energy from one trophic level to another in a food chain


Why are green plants referred to as primary producers in an ecosystem?


– They utilize the energy from the sun to manufacture food for themselves and for subsequent trophic level (consumers) and other organisms


  1. vi. Explain the following terms giving suitable examples

Food chain






Food web



Pyramid of numbers












Pyramid of biomass













Account for the decrease of biomass in the successive trophic levels


  1. h) i) Describe the three characteristics of a population growth






  1. ii) Explain how the following methods are used to estimate population of organisms

quadrat method


Line transect


Belt transect








Capture-recapture method


  1. a) Describe the adaptations of plants to various habitats


  1. Xerophytes


  1. Hyrophytes







  1. Halophytes


  1. b) i) What is pollution?


  1. ii) Explain the various human activities that have caused pollution

Causes and effects of air pollution



Control of air pollution










State the causes, effects and methods of controlling and  prop roots for support water pollution

Causes and effects



Control of water pollution

-pollution caused by domestic effluents may be controlled by treating domestic waste, using biotechnology, banning the use of phosphate-based detergents, using plastic pipes instead of those made from lead, recycling gabbage, using biodegradable detergents.

Pollution caused by industrial waste may be controlled by treating/cooling industrial waste, carrying out environmental impact assessment before establishing industries

Oil spillage may be controlled by cleaning spilled oil biotechnology and penalizing the industry individual or companies which cause oil spills/water pollution

Pollution caused by agrochemicals may be controlled by using mechanical control of weeds, biological control of weeds and pests, biodegradable organic fertilizer herbicides, insecticides pesticides, organic farming educate farmers on the use of correct amount of agrochemicals

















  1. iv) State the causes /effects and control methods of soil pollution

Causes and effects



Control of soil pollution


  1. v) Define biological control give suitable examples


  1. vi) What is eutrophication?


  1. What are the effects of eutrophication?


vii) What are the effects of eutrophication?

– The plants block light from reaching plants underneath hence no photosynthesis

The plants die and decompose leading to lack of oxygen hence animals also die










  1. c) Describe the symptoms, mode of transmission and control of cholera, typhoid malaria and amoebic dysentery in humans


Disease Causative agent Transmission Symptoms Control
Cholera Vibrio cholerae(bacterium) Contaminated food or water

Spread by flies form faeces

Intestinal pain




Proper hygiene e.g. boiling drinking water


Typhoid Salmonella typhi (bacterium)
  • contaminated food or water
  • spread by flies from faeces
  • fever
  • rashes
  • diarrhea + blood from bowels
  • proper sanitation
  • vaccination
Malaria Plasmodium (protozoa) – bite by infected female anopheles mosquito – fever

Joint pains




  • killing mosquito
  • killing the mosquito larvae
  • draining stagnant water
  • clearing bushes
  • treatment
  • sleep under mosquito net
Amoebic dysentery (amoebiasis) Entamoeba hystolytica (bacterium) – contaminated food or water due to improper disposal of faeces – intestinal pain




  • sanitation
  • personal hygiene
  • cook food well
  • treatment using drugs





















  1. d) Discuss Ascaris lumbricoides under the following sub-headings


  1. Mode of transmission
  1. Effects of parasite on the host
  1. Control and prevention


  1. e) Discuss schistosoma under the following sub-headings
  2. Mode of transmission
  1. Effects on host









  1. iv) Control and prevention


  1. a) i) What is reproduction?


  1. ii) Why is reproduction important?


iii) Name the types of reproduction


  1. b) i) What is cell division?
  1. ii) What are chromosomes?


  1. c) i) What is mitosis?


  1. ii) Describe the five stages of mitosis



















































  1. ii) State the significance of mitosis


  1. d) i) What is meiosis?


  1. ii) State the significance of meiosis


iii) Give a summary of the stages of meiosis

First meiotic division









Prophase I





Metaphase I






Anaphase I




Telophase I




Second meiotic division

Prophase II







Metaphase II






Anaphase II

-chromatids of each chromosome separate to the poles






Telophase II




  1. iv) Give the similarities between mitosis and meiosis
  1. v) What are the differences between mitosis and meiosis?
Mitosis Meiosis
  • maintenance of chromosome number (diploid)
  • takes place in somatic cells/growth
  • no crossing over/no variations
  • results into 2 daughter cells
  • no pairing/no synapsis/no bivalent formed
  • a one division process of four stages
  • reduction/halving of chromosomes (haploid
  • occurs in reproductive cells/gonads/produces gametes
  • crossing over takes place/variation occurs
  • results into 4 daughter cells
  • there is paring/synapsis/bivalent
  • a two division process of four stages each



  1. d) i) What is asexual reproduction


  1. ii) What is the significance of sexual reproduction in living organisms?


iii) State the advantages of sexual reproduction


  1. iv) Give the disadvantages of sexual reproduction


  1. e) i) What is asexual reproduction?


  1. ii) State the advantages of asexual reproduction







iii) Give the disadvantages of asexual reproduction


  1. iv) Explain how reproduction occurs by the following methods of asexual reproduction





Binary fission


  1. f) i) What is a flower?


  1. ii) Draw a longitudinal section of a labeled diagram of a flower








iii) Give the functions of the parts of a flower
















  1. iv) What is inflorescence?


  1. v) Explain the meaning of the following terms which describe flowers










Dioecious plants


Monoecius plants


Complete flower






Incomplete flower


  1. vi) Explain the meaning of the following types of ovary



Inferior (epigynous)


  1. g) i) What is pollination?


  1. ii) Explain the types of pollination


iii) State the advantages of pollination


  1. iv) List the agents of pollination


  1. v) How are flowers adapted to wind and insect pollination?

Insect pollinated flowers (entomophilus)





Wind pollinated flower (anemophilus)


  1. vi) State the ways in which plants prevent self-pollination


vii) Give the characteristics that ensure cross pollination takes place in flowering plants


viii State the advantages of cross pollination


  1. h) i) What is fertilization?

– Fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote


  1. ii) Describe how fertilization takes place in a flower














iii) What is double fertilization?


  1. iv) Name the changes that Occur in a flower after fertilization


  1. i) Distinguish between a fruit and a seed


  1. ii) How is a seed formed?


iii) Draw a labeled diagram of a seed








  1. iv) Describe the main parts of a seed












  1. v) Draw a labeled diagram of a fruit











  1. vi) How is a fruit formed?




vii) Explain the importance of fruits in the survival of plants



  1. iv) State the differences between a seed and fruit
Seed Fruit
  • fertilized ovule
  • attached to placenta through funicle
  • one scar called hilum
  • has seed coat/testa
  • seed wall undifferentiated
  • fertilized ovary
  • attached to branch through a stalk
  • two scars (style scar and stalk scar)
  • has fruit wall/pericarp
  • fruit wall is differentiated


  1. i) What is placentation?


  1. ii) Explain the following types of placentation







































Free central placentation










  1. i) How are fruits grouped?

Simple fruits


Aggregate fruits









Multiple (compound) fruits


  1. ii) What are succulent fruits?



iii) Give types of juicy fruits



















  1. iv) What are dry fruits?


  1. v) What are dehiscent fruits?







  1. vi) Give types of dehiscent fruits







vii) What are indehiscent fruits?


  1. Give main types of indehiscent fruits



  1. i) What is seed and fruit dispersal?


  1. ii) Why is dispersal of seeds and fruits necessary?


iii) Explain how seeds and fruits are adapted to various methods of dispersal

Adaptations for wind dispersal










Water dispersal seeds


Animal dispersal seeds


Self dispersal/explosive

  1. a) i) Distinguish between external and internal fertilization in animals



  1. ii) State the advantages and disadvantages of external fertilization




iii) State the advantages and disadvantages of internal fertilization






iii) Give a reason why it is necessary for frogs to lay many eggs


  1. iv) Compare external and internal fertilization
External Internal
  • occurs in water outside the bodies of animals
  • many eggs are laid
  • usually less contact between male and female
  • both fertilized eggs exposed to danger
  • occurs inside the body of the female animal
  • fewer eggs released from ovary
  • very close contact in form of copulation between male and female
  • Fertilized eggs are enclosed hence highly protected inside females’ body.



  1. b) i) Draw and label the human male reproductive system
































































  1. ii) Describe how the mammalian male reproductive system is adapted to perform its functions





Vas deferens


Accessory glands


iii) How is the sperm adapted to perform its function?

  1. c) i) Draw and label the human female reproductive system






























  1. ii) Describe how the various structures of the human female reproductive system are adapted to their function








Oviducts (fallopian tube)






iii) Explain how the ovum is adapted to its function


  1. iv) Explain the differences between sperm and ovum
Sperm Ovum
  • long with a tail and head
  • small
  • locomotory
  • stores little food
  • has  acrosome (tip with lytic enzymes)
  • nucleus prominent but cytoplasm negligible
  • spherical
  • large
  • stationary
  • a lot of food stored in yolky cytoplasm
  • lacks acrosome
  • a lot of cytoplasm




  1. d) i) Explain the process of fertilization






























  1. i) Explain the process of implantation





















































































 State the functions of umbilical cord








  1. iv) State the role of placenta


  1. e) i) What is gestation period?


  1. ii) Explain the functions of the membranes associated with placenta




Yolk sac



iii) Explain the events that take place to facilitate parturition










  1. iv) State the reasons why later in pregnancy the ovary will b e removed without disturbing the pregnancy


  1. f) i) What are secondary sexual characteristics

– Characteristics (physiological and anatomical) that start developing at puberty due to the influence of male and female hormones


  1. ii) State the main secondary changes in




iii) Describe the role of hormones in secondary sexual characteristics in


Follicle stimulation hormone (FSH)













  1. g) i) What is menstruation?

– vaginal discharge due to disintegration of endometrium


  1. ii) Describe the role of hormones in the human menstrual cycle


iii) What is menopause?


  1. h) Explain the symptoms, methods of transmitting and prevention (control) of the following sexually transmitted diseases


  1. i) Gonorrhea

–  caused by a bacterium called neisseria gonorrhea

– transmitted through sexual intercourse,

– infects urethra and vaginal tract (epithelia)

– Symptoms include pain, discharge of mucus and bad smell (females)

– Effects include sterility, heart diseases, blindness of foetus and arthritis

– Treatment by antibiotics

– Control and prevention by proper sexual conduct









  1. ii) Herpes


iii) Syphilis


  1. iv) Trichomoniasis


  1. v) Hepatitis

– Viral disease

Affects the liver

Transmitted through sexual intercourse

No known treatment


  1. vi) Candidiasis



  1. a) Define the terms
  1. Growth
  1. Development






  1. b) i) Differentiate growth in plants and animals
Plants Animals
  • confined to shoots/root tips (apical)
  • have definite growth regions(meristems)
  • often indefinite/continuous
  • growth results in branching
  • affected by light, auxins, hormones and temperature
  • occurs all over the body(intercalary)
  • different parts grow at different rates(allometric)
  • maximum growth on maturity(definite)
  • no branching
  • affected by nutrients


  1. ii) List the processes involved in growth
  1. List the parameters used to measure growth


  1. iv) Name the patterns of growth in organisms


  1. c) i) Name the different types of growth curves


  1. ii) Draw a sigmoid growth curve and explain its different phases/stages






A-lag phase

– Slow growth rate at first

Organism adapting to the environment

B-exponential phase




C- Stationery phase (plateau)

– Birth rate equals death rate (equilibrium)

Lack of nutrients, accumulation of toxic waste products

D-phase of decline



iii) Draw an intermittent curve and explain the various stages








B-no growth

C- moulting/ecdysis


  1. d) i) What is seed dormancy?


  1. ii) State the biological importance of seed dormancy


iii) State the factors which cause seed dormancy

Internal factors

External factors







  1. iv) Give the conditions necessary to break seed dormancy


  1. e) i) What is seed germination?


  1. ii) What is viability


iii) Discuss the various conditions necessary for the germination of seeds




Suitable (optimum) temperature





  1. iv) Name and describe the types of germination

















cotyledons are brought above the ground level during germination due to elongation of hypocotyls




  1. v) Name the part of the bean seed that elongates to bring about epigeal germination



  1. vi) Account for the loss in dry weight of cotyledons in a germinating bean seed


vii) Describe the physiological changes that occur in a seed during germination


viii) Explain the biological significance of cotyledons being brought above the ground in epigeal germination


  1. f) i) Distinguish between primary and secondary growth

Primary growth


Secondary growth

-occurs at the cambium meristems

Increases width (girth) of the stem


  1. ii) What are meristems


iii) State the characteristics of meristematic cells









  1. iv) State the location and function of the following meristematic tissues

Apical meristem

Intercalary meristem

Lateral meristems


  1. v) Describe primary growth


  1. vi) Describe secondary growth in plants

vii) State the significance of secondary growth










  1. g) i) Describe one method which can be used to measure the average growth rate of a single leaf of a plant


Average rate of growth =    total increase in length

period taken to achieve full length


Average rate of growth  =    total increase in area

period of time taken to achieve final area



  1. i) Describe how the growth of a root can be determined



time observe the intervals with the marks


iii) A boy hammered a nail in the bark of a tree at a height of 1.5metres above the ground.

Four years later, the nail was found at the same height although the tree had grown 3 meters taller. Explain the above observation

The nail was hammered at a point where vertical growth had stopped/further growth was confined to increase in width/diameter.

Vertical growth is confined to tips/apex/vertical apical meristem





  1. h) i) Describe the role of hormones in growth and development of plants

indole acetic acid/IAA/ auxins

Cell division/increase in cell division

Tropic responses

Cell elongation/increases in ell elongation

Development of abscision layer

Growth of ovaries into fruits/parthenocarpy/initiates flowers

Inhibits growth of lateral buds/produces apical dominance

Stimulates adventitious/lateral roots

Gibberellins (Gibberellic acid/GA3


Promote cell elongation/rapid cell division/increase in length of the internodes

Promote fruit formation without fertilization/parthenocarpy

Reduces root growth

Breaks seed dormancy/promotes germination


Cytokinnins (Kinnins/Kinnetin/Zeatin)


Ethylene (ethynelC2H4)


Abscisic acid (ABA) abscisin hormone/dormin)













  1. ii) State the applications of plant hormones in agriculture


iii) Explain apical dominance


  1. iv) Describe the role of hormones in the growth and development of animal

somatotrophin (growth  hormones)










  1. t) i) What is metamorphosis?


  1. ii) Explain complete metamorphosis

radical changes in the body during the life cycle of an organism

called holometabolous development




example is egg    larva  pupa   adult  (imago)

occurs in animals such as butterfly and bee









iii) What is the significance of each of the four stages in complete metamorphosis?


Larval stage






  1. iv) Describe incomplete metamorphosis



  1. v) Name the hormones that control metamorphosis in insects








  1. vi) State the advantages of metamorphosis in the life of insects

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