CS Magoha gives status update on payment of the KCSE examiners by Knec
|Education Cabinet Secretary (CS), Professor George Magoha, has issued a statement on the status of the payment of the 2020 Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) Examiners.
According to CS Magoha, the delayed payment for the 2020 Kenya Certificate of Secondary (KCSE) is as a result of lack of funds at Knec. He says KNEC was allocated KCPE/KCSE grants of Kes.4,023,868,712 instead of the required Kes.4,588,244,200. This left the Council with a deficit of Sh773,984,107.
Magoha further says Deputy Centre Managers and teachers handling practical based subjects at KCSE do not qualify for any Knec benefits as they are deemed to be on duty.
Here is the full statement by CS Magoha;
Reference is made to your letters dated June 22, 2021 (Ref: NA/DDC/EDUC/2021/(034), and June 24, 2021 (Ref: NA/DDC/EDUC/2021/(036)), respectively.
Further to your request for a response to the statement by Hon. Owen Yaa Baya, MP for Kilifi North Constituency and to various parliamentary questions, please find attached a written response from the Ministry for your further action.
Explain why the Kenya National Examinations Council has not paid teachers who marked KCSE 2020 examinations and when they will be paid
Hon. Chair, KNEC engages teachers and other contracted professionals in the administration and marking of national examinations and pays them a token for the services rendered.
The reconciliation of the 2020 KCSE examiners script fees has been completed and the total amount payable is Kes.1,025,235,307 out of which Kes.251,251,200 was paid at the conclusion of the marking period between 4th and 7th May 2021. Thus, the amount outstanding is Kes.773,984,107.
For the FY 2020/2021, KNEC was allocated KCPE/KCSE grants of Kes.4,023,868,712 instead of the required Kes.4,588,244,200 at Kes.800 per candidate for KCPE and Kes.5,400 per candidate for KCSE. Consequently, KNEC was not unable to pay the teachers who were engaged during the marking of the 2020 KCSE examinations on time.
The Ministry has however engaged the National Treasury for the release of the outstanding funds to ensure that the outstanding arrears are paid as soon as possible to the markers.
To forestall a recurrence of such unpaid arrears in time for the next national examinations, KNEC has been directed to ascertain the number of candidates as soon as the registration process is concluded, in order for the Ministry to ensure that any shortfall is covered in the Supplementary budget tabled and considered by Parliament before the examinations begin in March 2022.
See also;
The Knec Examiners Portal (https://examinersapp.knec.ac.ke/) 2021 Guide
2. The Criteria used in determining rates for paying invigilators, supervisors, examiners and centre managers, the current rates and when KNEC intends to revise the said rates.
Hon. Chair, supervisors and Invigilators are paid to facilitate their travel and meals at a fixed rate per day. The amount paid to supervisors depends on the number of days worked.
Examiners are paid travel return fare based on the distance of their duty stations from the marking centres. The script fees rate is based on the length and marking demands of the paper.
The review of paper rates was carried out in 2019. The next review will be in 2022 subject to the availability of funds.
3. Explain why the deputy centre managers and teachers handling practicals during examinations are not considered for payment and could the Ministry consider paying them
Hon. Chair, The Deputy Centre Managers and Teachers handling practicals are not directly involved in the administration of examinations in their respective schools and therefore not entitled to any form of payment.
The Deputy Centre Managers are there to assist in enforcing discipline of the candidates during the examinations while Science Teachers prepare the laboratories for the practical tests which is part of their routine duties and responsibilities.