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CBC Grade 7 Computer Science Schemes of Work Free Editable Word, PDF Downloads

CBC Grade 7 Computer Science Schemes of Work Free Editable Word, PDF Downloads


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Grade 7 Computer science Curriculum Design

Longhorn Computer Science Grade 7 (Teachers Guide and Learners Book)

NAME OF THE TEACHER                                                                SCHOOL                                             YEAR                         TERM            III       

Wk LSN strand Sub-strand Specific Learning Outcomes Key Inquiry Question(s) Learning Experiences Learning Resources Assessment Methods Ref  
1 1 COMPUTER NETWORKS Internet concepts


Internet as a resource that runs on a global network of computers

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      describe the internet as a resource that runs on a global network of computers

b.      explain benefits of internet in the immediate environment


c.      use IT devices to access the internet


d.     appreciate the use of internet as a computer network resource.

1. Why do you use internet?

2. How do you connect to internet?


The learner is guided to:

• search for the meaning of the term internet and present to peers,

• debate on the benefits and challenges of the internet,


Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips


Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 183-187


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 141-143

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


  2   Challenges of the internet By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      explain challenges of internet in the immediate environment

b.      explore ways of overcoming challenges of internet in the immediate environment.


c.      assess the internet connectivity in a nearby locality or school.


d.     appreciate the use of internet as a computer network resource.

1. Why do you use internet?

2. How do you connect to internet?


The learner is guided to:

• in groups, discuss ways of

overcoming challenges of the internet in the immediate environment,


Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips

Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 187-189


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 144-147

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


  3   Basic requirements for internet connectivity By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      identify basic requirements for internet connectivity


b.     observe pictures of the basic requirements for connecting to the internet.


c.      appreciate the use of internet as a computer network resource.

1. Why do you use internet?

2. How do you connect to internet?

The learner is guided to:

• discuss the basic requirements for internet connectivity (Internet

Service Provider (ISP), Internet software, communication media,

communication device),


Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips


Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 189


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 148-149

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


2 1   Connecting to the internet and using it By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      identify the basic requirements for internet connectivity.


b.     connect to the internet to search for a topical issue.


c.      appreciate the use of internet as a computer network resource.

1. Why do you use internet?

2. How do you connect to internet?

The learner is guided to:

• share experiences on interaction with the internet and list the services available,

• in turns select service available in the internet and use it to search for a

relevant topical issue,

• use the internet to search for a topical issue.

Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips

Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 190-191


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 150

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


  2   World Wide Web (WWW)


Importance of World wide web

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      explain the importance of WWW as used in computer networks


b.     make posters on WWW.


c.      appreciate the use of WWW as a repository of information.

1. How do you access internet resources?

2. Why do you use a web browser?


The learner is guided to:

• use available learning resources to search for the meaning of the terms World Wide Web (WWW), web browsers, uniform resource locator (URL),

• in turns discuss examples of web browsers (explorer,

Firefox, Chrome, Netscape,

Opera, Safari)


Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips

Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 192-195


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 151

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


  3   Features of a web browser By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      identify the features of a web browser


b.     Using IT devices locate the features of a web browser on the screen.


c.      appreciate the use of WWW as a repository of information.


1. How do you access internet resources?

2. Why do you use a web browser?

The learner is guided to:

• launch and navigate a web

browser to identify its features,


Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips

Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 195-196


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 152-153

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


3 1   Components of Uniform Resource Locator By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      name the components of a URL


b.     describe the components of a uniform resource locator (URL) used to access resources in the internet.


c.      appreciate the use of WWW as a repository of information.

1. How do you access internet resources?

2. Why do you use a web browser?

The learner is guided to:

• take turns to write URL format: protocol://hostname/other


• participate in giving examples of URL

• type a web resource Uniform Resource Locator (URL), and discuss its components,


Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips

Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 196-197


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 154-155

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


  2   Components of Uniform Resource Locator By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      name the components of a URL


b.     describe the components of a uniform resource locator (URL) used to access resources in the internet.


c.      appreciate the use of WWW as a repository of information.

1. How do you access internet resources?

2. Why do you use a web browser?

The learner is guided to:

• take turns to write URL format: protocol://hostname/other


• participate in giving examples of URL

• type a web resource Uniform Resource Locator (URL), and discuss its components,


Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips

Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 196-197


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 154-155

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


  3   Locating resources in the WWW using a web browser By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      list the different types of web browsers.


b.     use a web browser to locate resources in the WWW


c.      appreciate the use of WWW as a repository of information.

1. How do you access internet resources?

2. Why do you use a web browser?

The learner is guided to:

• take turns to demonstrate how web browsers work,

• practice using a web browser to locate relevant internet resources.

Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips

Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 197-198


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 156

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


4 1 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Computer programming concepts



Meaning of program and computer programming

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      define the terms program and computer programming

b.      explain the importance of programming as used in computing


c.      using IT devices locate a computer program


d.     appreciate using computer programs in performing daily life activities.

1. Why do computers have programs?

2. How do you use computer programs?


The learner is guided to:

• use available learning resources to search for the meaning of the term

programming and programs,

• in groups discuss the importance of computer programs,


Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips

Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 199-202


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 157-159

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


  2   Application areas of computer programs By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      identify areas where computer programs are used in daily life.


b.     Group computer applications according to functions.


c.      appreciate using computer programs in performing daily life activities.

  The learner is guided to:

• take turns to discuss areas where computer programs are used in daily life and list them,

• share ideas on the use of

programming in daily life activities,


Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips

Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 203


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 160-161

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


  3   Launching and interacting with computer programs By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      list the different types of computer programmes.


b.     launch and interact with a computer program for awareness.


c.      appreciate using computer programs in performing daily life activities.

  The learner is guided to:

• share experience on performing daily life activities (playing computer games, listening to music, performing mathematical

operations, drawing objects, type text) using available computer programs accessories.

• in groups, start and interact with a computer program accessory such as, a computer game, calculator, paint, snipping tool, media player

and note notepad, accessories.

Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips


Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 204-206


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 162-164

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


5 1   Visual programming concepts


Types of visual programming applications

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      identify types of visual programming applications for use


b.     demonstrate knowledge in visual programming.


c.      appreciate navigating a visual programming application interface.

1. Why do you use visual? programming


2. How do you launch

visual programming


The learner is guided to:

• use available resources to search for the meaning of the term visual programming,

• discuss and list examples of visual programming applications used in

computer programming,

• in groups discuss the procedure of launching a visual programming



Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips

Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 207-210


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 165

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


  2   Launching a visual programming application By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      explain the procedure of launching a visual programming application


b.     launch a visual programming application in a computer.


c.      appreciate navigating a visual programming application interface.

1. Why do you use visual? programming


2. How do you launch

visual programming


The learner is guided to:

• in groups, launch a visual

programming application such as Microsoft Make Code, Scratch, Code.org, Sprite box,

• share experiences on navigating the visual programming application interface with peers.

• consult a computer resource person to demonstrate how to

launch visual programming

applications used in computer programming,

Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips


Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 210-211


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 166-167

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


  3   Launching a visual programming application By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      explain the procedure of launching a visual programming application


b.     launch a visual programming application in a computer.


c.      appreciate navigating a visual programming application interface.

1. Why do you use visual? programming


2. How do you launch

visual programming


The learner is guided to:

• in groups, launch a visual

programming application such as Microsoft Make Code, Scratch, Code.org, Sprite box,

• share experiences on navigating the visual programming application interface with peers.

• consult a computer resource person to demonstrate how to

launch visual programming

applications used in computer programming,

Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips

Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 210-211


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 166-167

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


6 1   Visual programming features


Features of scratch

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      explore features of a visual programming application.


b.     match the functions of the features of visual programming application to their functions.


c.      appreciate the application of the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions

1. Why is visual programming popular in introducing computer programming?2. How do you use visual programming application features?


The learner is guided to:

• in groups discuss the features of a visual programming application

• match the functions of the

features of a visual programming application to their functions


Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips


Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 212-215


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 168

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


  2   Features of scratch By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      explore features of a visual programming application.


b.     match the functions of the features of visual programming application to their functions.


c.      appreciate the application of the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions

1. Why is visual programming popular in introducing computer programming?2. How do you use visual programming application features? The learner is guided to:

• in groups discuss the features of a visual programming application

• match the functions of the

features of a visual programming application to their functions


Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips

Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 212-215


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 168

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


  3   Functions of the features of scratch By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      relate the features of a visual programming application to their function


b.      match the functions of the features of visual programming application to their functions.


c.      appreciate the application of the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions

1. Why is visual programming popular in introducing computer programming?2. How do you use visual programming application features? The learner is guided to:

• discuss the functions of the

features of a visual programming application


Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips


Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 215


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 169

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


7 1   Functions of the features of scratch By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      relate the features of a visual programming application to their function


b.      match the functions of the features of visual programming application to their functions.


c.      appreciate the application of the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions

1. Why is visual programming popular in introducing computer programming?2. How do you use visual programming application features? The learner is guided to:

• discuss the functions of the

features of a visual programming application


Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips


Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 215


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 169

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


  2   Terminologies used in visual programming applications By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      describe terminologies used in a visual programming application


b.     demonstrate the use of Visual programming terms.


c.      appreciate the application of the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions

1. Why is visual programming popular in introducing computer programming?2. How do you use visual programming application features? The learner is guided to:

• in turns discuss and demonstrate the use of visual programming terms (reserved words, syntax, variables, input output statements, control structures,

variable declarations).


Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips

Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 216


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 172-175

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


  3   Using scratch to create a sequence of instructions By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      name the features of the scratch program.


b.     use the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions.


c.      appreciate the application of the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions

1. Why is visual programming popular in introducing computer programming?2. How do you use visual programming application features? The learner is guided to:

• in groups, create a sequence of actions using the features of a visual programming application (animations, sound)

• share experience on the use of the features of a visual

programming application

Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips


Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 218-220


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 176-179

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


8 1   Using scratch to create a sequence of instructions By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      name the features of the scratch program.


b.     use the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions.


c.      appreciate the application of the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions

1. Why is visual programming popular in introducing computer programming?2. How do you use visual programming application features? The learner is guided to:

• in groups, create a sequence of actions using the features of a visual programming application (animations, sound)

• share experience on the use of the features of a visual

programming application

Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips


Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 218-220


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 176-179

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


  2   Using scratch to create a sequence of instructions By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      name the features of the scratch program.


b.     use the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions.


c.      appreciate the application of the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions

1. Why is visual programming popular in introducing computer programming?2. How do you use visual programming application features? The learner is guided to:

• in groups, create a sequence of actions using the features of a visual programming application (animations, sound)

• share experience on the use of the features of a visual

programming application

Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips

Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 218-220


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 176-179

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions


  3   Using scratch to create a sequence of instructions By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:


a.      name the features of the scratch program.


b.     use the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions.


c.      appreciate the application of the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions

1. Why is visual programming popular in introducing computer programming?2. How do you use visual programming application features? The learner is guided to:

• in groups, create a sequence of actions using the features of a visual programming application (animations, sound)

• share experience on the use of the features of a visual

programming application

Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manila papers, Internet, video, audio clips


Longhorn Comp. Scie T.G Pg. 218-220


Longhorn Comp. Scie P.B Pg. 176-179

Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions





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