5 |
Branches of Agriculture. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able:
To define Agriculture as an art and a science.
To describe the branches of Agriculture. |
Brainstorming: Teacher elicits the definition of Agriculture. Discussion- Branches of Agriculture: crop farming, livestock farming, Agricultural Economics, Agriculture Engineering, e.t.c.
Chart- Branches of Agriculture.
Livestock / Crop products. |
KLB Pages 1-3
LONGHORN Pages 1-2
CERT.AGRIC Pages 1-3
| |||
3 | Importance of Agriculture. | To explain the importance of Agriculture. | Brain storming, guided questions and detailed discussion. | Livestock / Crop raw produce, industrial goods, flow charts.
| CERT.AGRIC Pages 3-4.
| ||||
6 | 1 | Problems facing Agriculture. | To state and explain problems facing Agriculture and suggest possible solutions. | Brain storming, guided questions and detailed discussion. | CERT.AGRIC Page 4.
| ||||
2 | Farming Systems. | To define a farming system. To identify factors that affect choice of a farming system. | Teacher exposes the meaning of a farming system. Discussion on factors that affect choice of a farming system.
| KLB Pages 5-6 LONGHORN Pages 6-7 CERT.AGRIC Page 5 | |||||
1 | Farming systems in Kenya.
Intensive farming systems. | To describe various farming systems practised intensively.
To state advantages and disadvantages of each type of intensive farming. | Q/A & Discussion: – Arable farming. – Small-scale farming. – Subsistence farming Q/A & Discussion: -commercial farming. -Intercropping.
| LONGHORN Pages 7-9
CERT.AGRIC Page 6. | |||||
7 | |||||||||
3 | Extensive farming systems.
Advantages and disadvantages of extensive farming system.
| To describe various farming systems practised extensively.
To state advantages and disadvantages of each type of extensive farming. | Discussion: – Dairy farming – Large-scale farming – Ranching – Plantation farming.
Q/A and explanations.
| Relevant photographs: plantations, ranches, dairy farms. | KLB Pages 5-6.
| ||||
8 | 1 | Methods of farming.
Mixed farming. | To define mixed farming.
To state advantages and disadvantages of mixed farming. | Probing questions. Discussion- factors favouring / militating against mixed farming.
| KLB Pages 6,7,& 8
LONGHORN Pages 9-13
| ||||
2 | Nomadic Pastoralism. | To define nomadic pastoralism. To state advantages and disadvantages of nomadic pastoralism.
| Probing questions. Discussion- factors favouring / militating against pastoralism. | CERT. AGRIC Pages 7-9 | |||||
3 | Shifting cultivation. | To define shifting cultivation. To state advantages and disadvantages of shifting cultivation.
| Exposition; Discussion. | CERT. AGRIC Pages 7-9 | |||||
9 | 1 | TEST | |||||||
2 | Organic farming.
Agroforestry. | To define organic farming. To state advantages and disadvantages of organic farming. To define agroforestry.
| Probing questions. Discussion: factors favoring / militating against organic farming / organic farming.
| Specimens of organic manures. Specimens of agroforestry trees, Charts & photographs. | CERT. AGRIC Pages 8-9 | ||||
Human factors. | To explain the human factors influencing Agriculture. | Detailed discussion and probing questions on: Health (emphasis on HIV/AIDS), education level, communication, economic development, marketing, government policies, e.t.c.
Data on HIV/AIDS. |
K.L.B. Pgs 11- 15 | ||||
| 1 | Climatic factors.
– Rainfall. | To discuss at length influence of rainfall on Agriculture. To identify farming practices that: – Reduce effects of water shortage. – Overcome effects of excess water.
| Q/A and explanations about: rainfall i.e. lack of rainfall, excess rainfall, rainfall intensity, distribution and reliability. Exposition and explanations. | Weather station instruments: rain gauge. | KLB Page 18 CERT.AGRIC Page13 LONGHORN Pgs 24-32. | |||
2 | – Temperature. | To define cardinal temperature range, maximum and minimum temperature, optimum temperature. To identify factors that cause temperature variations. To explain ways in which plants/ animals overcome extreme temperatures.
| Exposition and explanation. Discussion and Q/A on; altitude, latitude, seasons, winds, clouds, slope, e.t.c. Students highlight ways in which plants / animals overcome extreme temperatures, then the teacher delves into the details. | Thermometers. | KLB Page 19.
CERT. AGRIC Page 16.
LONGHORN Pages 24-32. | ||||
3 | – Light. | To state functions of light. To describe characteristics of light. | Q/A: Functions of light. Exposition & Discussion: Light intensity, duration and wavelength.
| KLB Page 21. CERT. AGRIC Page 18. LONGHORN Pgs 24-32.
| |||||
11 | 1 | – Wind and Relative Humidity. | To identify effects of wind on agricultural production. To explain relation between relative humidity and rate of evapotranspiration. | Q/A: Uses and nuisances of wind. Exposition: Meaning of relative humidity. Discussion: Relative humidity v/s rate of evapotranspiration.
| KLB Page20.
CERT. AGRIC Page 20. | ||||
2 | Biotic factors. | To explain effects of biotic factors on Agriculture. | Q/A and explanations on effects of: pests, diseases, pathogens, predators, pollinators, bacteria, e.t.c. on Agriculture.
| Wall charts / Sample pests and pollinators. | KLB Pages 16-17. CERT. AGRIC Pages 20-21. LONGHORN Pages 16-21.
| ||||
3 | Edaphic factors.
| To define soil. To state uses of soil. To identify forms of weathering. | Q/A and explanation: definition of soil, its uses. Exposition: Teacher exposes meaning of weathering and forms of weathering.
| Soil / rock samples. | KLB Page 22. CERT. AGRIC Page 21. LONGHORN Pages 33-60 | ||||
12 | 1 | Soil profile. | To define soil profile. To represent soil profile diagrammatically. To explain effects of soil profile on crop production. | Exposition – Definition. Drawing and labelling soil horizons. Explanation and questioning: soil horizons v/s crop production.
| Chart – Soil profile. | KLB Page30.
CERT. AGRIC Pages 27-28.
LONGHORN Pages 33-60. | |||
2 | Soil constituents & sedimentation. | To identify constituents of soil. | Group experiments-To show soil sedimentation.
(Left overnight). | Measuring cylinder, Water, Sample of garden soil, Sodium carbonate.
| KLB Pages 32-34.
CERT. AGRIC Page 30.
| ||||
3 | Soil constituents & sedimentation. | To explain the importance of the soil constituents. | Discussion: Constituents of soil and importance of each constituent. | LONGHORN Pages 33-60. | |||||
1 | 1,2 | Soil texture. | To define soil texture. To identify textural classes of soil. To identify types of soils. | Group experiment- Mechanical analysis of soil. Discuss the results. Expose meaning of soil texture. | Sieve meshes of different diameters, Beakers, Garden soil, Weighing balance.
| KLB Pages 46-49. CERT.AGRIC Page 38. LONGHORN Pages 33-60. | |||
3 | Water retention of soils. | To describe an experiment to show: – Water retention of soils. – Capillary rates of different soils. | Group experiments. Discussion of observations. | Sandy, Loam, Clay soil Cotton wool Funnels Stop watches Rulers Measuring cylinders.
| KLB Pages 52-53. CERT. AGRIC Page 46. | ||||
2 | 1 | Effect of soil water holding properties on crop production. | To explain the effects of soil water holding properties on crop production. | Q/A and explanation about soil aeration and drainage and their influences on growth of crops.
| KLB Pages 52-53. CERT. AGRIC Page 46. | ||||
2,3 | Soil structure.
| To define soil structure. To identify types of soil structure. To identify mans influence on soil structure. To explain effects of soil structure on crops. | Detailed discussion. Drawing of diagram- soil horizons. Q/A: Man’s influence on soil structure. Q/A: Soil structure v/s Crop production.
| Chart- soil structure forms. | KLB Page 41.
CERT. AGRIC Page 40.
LONGHORN Pages 33-60 | ||||
| 1-2 | Soil chemical properties. | To describe chemical properties of soil. To explain the influence of chemical properties of soils on crop production. | Teacher exposes new concepts e.g. carbon acid in the soil. Group experiments – Soil pH ranges. Discuss the observations. Explanations and questioning.
| Litmus papers, Bromothymol blue, Universal indicator, pH meters.
| KLB Page 55.
LONGHORN Pages 33-60. | |||
Crop production tools. | To distinguish farm tools from farm equipment. To identify farm tools and equipment and state their uses.
| Drawing garden tools.
Identifying real tools, such as pruning fork, leveling boards, knap-sack sprayer, soil auger, e.t.c
| Chart – Tools that are not common.
. | KLB Pages 59-63.
CERT. AGRIC Pages 48-52
LONGHORN Pages 62-63 | ||||
4 | 1 | Classification of farm tools and equipment.
Maintenance of farm tools and equipment | To classify tools on basis of their uses.
To state practices of maintenance of the tools.
| Common farm tools, school farm | KLB Pages 59-63. CERT. AGRIC Pages 48-52 LONGHORN Pages 62-63 | ||||
2,3 | Livestock production tools and equipments. | To identify livestock production tools and equipment. To state purposes of livestock production tools and equipment. To label diagrams of important tools. To state practices of maintenance of the tools.
| Drawing/ identifying the elastrator, hoof trimmer, strip cup, teeth clipper, drenching gun, chaff cutter, dehorning wire, bolus gun and others. Discussion: Maintenance practices of identified parts of the tools. | Chart-Uncommon tools: elastrator, hoof trimmer, strip cup, teeth clipper, drenching gun, chaff cutter, dehorning wire, bolus gun and others. | KLB Pages 63-75.
CERT. AGRIC Pages 54-59.
LONGHORN Pgs 63-73. | ||||
5 | 1,2 | Workshop tools and equipment. | To identify common workshop tools and equipments. To identify practices of maintaining the workshop. To state general safety precautions to be observed in a work shop. | Drawing / identifying Common workshop tools/ masonry tools: saws, planes, hammers, pliers, spoke shave, files, rasps, G-clamp, tin snip, e.t.c Q/A: Maintenance practices.
| Saws, planes, hammers, pliers, spoke shave, files, rasps, G-clamp, tin snip | KLB Pages 94-97.
| |||
3 | Measuring tools. | To identify common measurement tools and equipments. To identify practices of maintaining the measuring tools. | Drawing / identifying common measurement tools: tape measure, plumb bob, T-square, spirit level, marking gauge.
| Common measurement tools: tape measure, plumb bob, T-square, spirit level, marking gauge.
| KLB Pages 82-85. | ||||
6 | 1,2 | TEST & MID TERM BREAK | |||||||
3 | CROP PRODUCTION 1 Land Clearing. | To explain importance of land clearing. To identify tools for land clearing.. |
Brainstorming, Q/A & Discussion. |
Tools / photographs of tools used in land clearing. | KLB Page 109. CERT. AGRIC. Page 81.
| ||||
7 | 1 | Land preparation.
| To explain importance of land preparation. To identify methods of land preparation. To identify tools for land preparation.
Brainstorming, Q/A & Discussion. |
Tools / photographs of tools used in land prep. | ||||
2,3 | Primary cultivation.
– Hand cultivation. | To state advantages and disadvantages of hand cultivation. To relate hand cultivation to correct tools and equipment. | Q/A: Advantages and disadvantages of the cultivation methods discussed.
Discussion: Choice of equipment for primary cultivation.
| Tools / photographs of tools used in hand cultivation. | KLB Page 106.
CERT. AGRIC Page 77-78.
LONGHORN Page 103.
| ||||
8 | 1,2 | Secondary cultivation. | To state aims of secondary cultivation. To state factors affecting number of secondary cultivation carried out. To identify implements used during secondary cultivation.
| Q/A: Definition of secondary cultivation, factors affecting number of secondary cultivations, etc.
Discussion: Implements used during secondary cultivation. | School farm,
Chart showing harrows. | KLB Page109-110.
CERT. AGRIC Page 84-85. LONGHORN Page 110.
| |||
3 | Minimum tillage. | To define minimum tillage. To give reasons for carrying out minimum tillage. To state advantages and disadvantages of minimum tillage.
| Teacher exposes the meaning of minimum tillage.
Q/A and explanations: Advantages and disadvantages of minimum tillage.
| KLB Page 112-113.
CERT. AGRIC Page 85.
LONG HORN Page103. | |||||
9 | 1,2 | Tertiary operations. | To identify tertiary operations carried out in the field. To state importance of some tertiary operations. To relate required soil tilth to the type of tertiary operations carried out.
| Discussion: Ridging, rolling and leveling and their importance. | Chart / photographs showing ridgers, rollers, levelers. | KLB Pages 110-111.
LONG HORN Page 86.
| |||
Uses of water in a farm.
To state uses of water in a farm.
Q/A and brief explanations. Written assignment. |
Photographs of dams, boreholes, springs and gutters. |
KLB Pages 117-120. CERT. AGRIC. Pages 89-92. LONGHORN Page 114.
| ||||
10 | 1 | Sources of water in a farm. | To identify sources of water in a farm.
| Q/A and brief explanations. Written assignment. | otographs of dams, boreholes, springs and gutters. | KLB Pages 117-120. CERT. AGRIC. Pages 89-92. LONGHORN Page 114.
| |||
2 | Water collection and piping, | To describe water collection, and piping. | Assignment method / group discussion. | KLB Pages 120-121. CERT. AGRIC. Page 94. LONGHORN Page 114. | |||||
3 | Storage and treatment of water. | To describe water storage and treatment.
| |||||||
11 | 1 | Irrigation. | To identify aims of irrigation. To explain choice of irrigation equipment. To state methods of irrigation.
| Brief discussion. | KLB Pages 129-134.
CERT. AGRIC Pages 101-104.
LONGHORN Pages 114-124. | ||||
2,3 | Methods of irrigation. | To describe methods of irrigation. To state advantages of overhead irrigation over surface irrigation. To explain economic importance of irrigation.
| Probing questions and discussion. | Illustrative charts- Methods of irrigation. | |||||
12 | 1 | Drainage.
| To describe methods of water drainage.
| Probing questions and discussion. | Illustrative charts- Methods of drainage. | KLB Page 136. CERT. AGRIC Pages 108-109. LONGHORN Page 133. | |||
2,3 | Water pollution. | To identify agricultural practices that can lead to water pollution. To identify practices that can reduce water pollution.
| Q/A: Identifying water pollutants and methods of pollution control. | Samples of water pollutants & polluted water. | KLB Page 139.
CERT. AGRIC Page 110.
LONGHORN Page 137 | ||||
Characteristics of a fertile soil. | To identify characteristics of a fertile soil. To describe ways in which soil fertility is lost. To state ways of improving soil fertility.
| Q/A and explanations. Brief discussion. | Samples of fertile soil, eroded soil, | KLB Page 142.
CERT.AGRIC Page112. LONGHORN Page 140. | |||
3 | Organic manures. | To identify role of organic manure in crop production. To state types of organic manures.
| Q/A and explanations.
| KLB Pages146-147.
LONGHORN Pgs 143-145. | |||||
2 | 1,2 | Methods of making organic manure. | To describe methods of making organic manure. | Discussion: Compost manure, green manure, FYM. Procedure of making manure. | Compost manure, green manure, FYM. | KLB Pages 149-150. CERT.AGRIC Page 114-116. LONGHORN Pages 146-148. | |||
3 | Quality of FYM. | To state factors influencing quality of FYM. | Detailed discussion. Q/A: Proper storage of FYM.
| FYM. | KLB Page 149. CERT.AGRIC Page116. | ||||
3 | 1 | LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION I Importance of livestock.
Livestock types and breeds.
To state the importance of livestock. To define the terms livestock breed and livestock type.
Q/A Exposition: Definition of livestock breeds and types. |
Livestock products and by-products. | KLB Page 155.
CERT.AGRIC Page 118.
LONGHORN Page 152. | |||
2 | Dairy cattle. | To identify key parts of a cow. To identify characteristics of dairy cattle. To describe various breeds of dairy cattle.
| Drawing and labeling a cow.
Q/A: Characteristics of dairy cattle.
| Chart- key parts of a cow. | KLB Page 159
CERT.AGRIC Page120. | ||||
1 | Breeds of dairy cattle. | To describe common breeds of dairy cattle. | Brief discussion: characteristics, origin of – Jersey, Guernsey, Friesian, Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, e.t.c.
| Wall chart: breeds of dairy cows. | KLB Pages 159-162. CERT.AGRIC Pages 120-122. LONGHORN Pages152. | ||||
4 | |||||||||
2 | Beef cattle. | To identify major parts of a beef animal. To identify general characteristics of beef cattle.
| Drawing and labeling a beef cow. | Charts- a beef animal.
| KLB Pages 162-163.
CERT.AGRIC Pages123-127. | ||||
1 | Breeds of beef cattle. | To describe various breeds of beef cattle | Brief discussion: Hereford, Aberdeen Angus, Charolais, and Galloway. | Wall chart-Beef cattle | KLB Pages 163-164. CERT.AGRIC Pages 123-127. | ||||
5 | |||||||||
2 | Dual-purpose cattle. | To identify dual-purpose cattle breeds (both exotic and indigenous). To state characteristics of dual-purpose cattle breeds.
| Discuss characteristics of Sahiwal, Red Poll and Zebu (East African Zebu). | Photographs of dual-purpose cattle breeds. | KLB Pages164-165. CERT.AGRIC Pages 127-128. | ||||
1 | Sheep.
Breeds of wool sheep. | To name the key parts of a sheep. To name breeds of wool sheep. To state characteristics of each bread of wool sheep.
Identifying and stating characteristics of Merino sheep, Rambouillet, Suffolk. | Chart- key parts of a sheep.
Wall chart- Breeds of wool sheep.
| KLB Page 174 CERT.AGRIC Page 129-133. LONGHORN Page164. | ||||
6 | |||||||||
2 | Mutton sheep breeds. | To name breeds of mutton sheep. To state characteristics of each bread of mutton sheep.
| Identifying and stating characteristics of the Dorper, Black head Persian sheep, Masai sheep, Somali sheep. | Wall chart- Breeds of mutton sheep.
| KLB Pages 176-177. CERT.AGRIC Page 132. | ||||
3 | Dual-purpose sheep. | To name breeds of dual-purpose sheep. To state characteristics of each bread of dual-purpose sheep.
| Assignment method: Stating characteristics of Romney Marsh, Corriedale, and Hampshire Down. | Wall chart: dual-purpose sheep breeds. | KLB Page 178.
CERT.AGRIC Pages133-134
| ||||
7 | 1 | Breeds of meat goats. | To name and state characteristics of breeds of meat goats.
| Highlight the characteristics of: Galla goat, Boar goat. | |||||
2 | Breeds of milk goats.
| To name and state characteristics of breeds of milk goats. To state characteristics of Angora goat. | Highlight the characteristics of: Toggenburg goat, Saanen, Jamnapuri goat, e.t.c. Highlight the characteristics of Angora goat.
| Wall chart- milk and meat goats. | KLB Page 180. CERT.AGRIC Pages 135-137. LONGHORN Page 169. | ||||
3 | Pig breeds. | To name key parts of a pig. To identify breeds of pigs and their characteristics. | Highlight briefly the characteristics of Large White, Ladrace, Hampshire and others.
| Chart- Key parts of a pig Wall chart- Major pig breeds.
| KLB Pages 166-171. CERT. AGRIC Pages 139-140. LONGHORN Page 174. | ||||
8 | 1 | C.A.T. | |||||||
2 | Breeds of rabbits. | To name key parts of a rabbit. To identify breeds of rabbits and their characteristics. | Briefly discuss the typical conformation and characteristics of New Zealand White, the California White, the Chinchilla and Earlops.
| Chart- Key parts of a rabbit Wall chart- Rabbit breeds.
| KLB Pages 184-185. CERT. AGRIC. Pages 141-143. LONGHORN Page 183. | ||||
1 | Chicken breeds. | To name key parts of a chicken. To list characteristics of pure breeds of chicken
| Drawing and labelling. Assignment method: Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Australop, Light Sussex, Plymouth Rock, e.t.c.
| Chart – Key parts of a chicken. | KLB Pages 172-174. CERT. AGRIC. Pages 143-146.
LONGHORN Page 178. | ||||
9 | |||||||||
2 | Chicken hybrids. | To state advantages of hybrids over pure breeds.
| Q/A & brief discussion. | ||||||
3 | Camel breeds. | To identify the two major camel breeds. | Exposition; Discussion; Excursion.
| Photographs of camel breeds. | KLB Pages 185-186. CERT. AGRIC. Pages 185-186. LONGHORN Page 182.
| ||||
Introduction. | To define the terms Economics and Agricultural Economics. | Probing questions and discussion. | KLB Page 189.
CERT. AGRIC Page 149.
LONGHORN Page 190. | ||||
2 | Basic economic principles. | To explain basic concepts of economics. | Discussion at length on the following: scarcity and choice, opportunity cost, preference and choice.
| KLB Pages 189-190. CERT. AGRIC Page 150. LONGHORN Page 190. | |||||
3 | Importance of Farm records. | To describe the importance of keeping accurate up-to-date farm records.
| Q/A and explanation of importance of farm records. | Specimen farm records. | KLB Pages 190-191. CERT. AGRIC Page 150. LONGHORN Pages 192-194. | ||||
11 | 1 | Types of farm records. Inventory and financial records. | To describe inventory records and financial records. | Probing questions and discussion. | Samples of records / charts. | KLB Page 192. CERT. AGRIC Page 152. LONGHORN Page 160. | |||
2 | Labour records and production records. | To describe labour records and production records, and their components. | Probing questions and discussion. | Labour records and production records. | KLB Page 198, &192. CERT.AGRIC. Page 152. LONGHORN Page 160.
| ||||
3 | Livestock Production Records.
Breeding records. | To identify components of animal breeding records. | Q/A: Components of breeding records. Group work: – Components of breeding records of a cow in tabular form. -Components of breeding records of a sow.
Livestock breeding records. |
KLB Page 194. CERT.AGRIC Page 154. LONGHORN Page 200.
| ||||
12 | 1 | Feeding records.
Health records. | To explain importance of feeding records. To represent feeding details in tabular form. To identify details of animal health records.
| Probing questions and discussion. | Chart – Sample of animal health record. | KLB Page 196-197.
CERT. AGRIC. Page 158-159.
| |||
2,3 | Livestock production records. | To state importance of keeping accurate livestock production records. To identify necessary details of livestock production records.
| Discussion: Milk production record/ egg production record.
Practical activity- Design milk production / egg production records.
| Livestock production records. | KLB Page 192. CERT. AGRIC. Page 152. LONGHORN Page 160. | ||||
| |||||||||