The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has released guidelines to teachers on how to carry out the Community-based learning program. The program expected to kick-off next month will see
Here is the full TSC list of all primary school administrators in Elgeyo Marakwet county. TSC classifies the following tutors/ teachers as administrators are: school heads, principals, their
Here is the full TSC list of all secondary and primary school administrators in Samburu county. TSC classifies the following tutors/ teachers as administrators are: school heads, principals,
Here is the list of teachers who have been sacked by the Teachers Service Commission in 2020. TSC LIST OF DE-REGISTERED TEACHERS IN MARCH 2020. S/NO TSC No
Kihumba Kamotho, the immediate former head of communications at the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), is dead. Kamotho died on on Monday July 27, 2020 at Mater Hospital. The
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) carries out continuous registration for qualified persons as teachers. The commission also reviews the standards of education and training of persons entering the
Here is the full TSC list of all school administrators in Lamu county. The administrators are: school heads, principals, their deputies, senior teachers and masters. NAME OF TEACHER