• July 1, 2024 6:47 pm

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    • KCPE 2019 Exams Ranking; top and best Candidates, schools in Nakuru County

    KCPE 2019 Exams Ranking; top and best Candidates, schools in Nakuru County

    Nakuru County was one of the top best County nationally after producing 17 candidates in the top 100 list in…

    SAN DAMIANO GIRLS High School 2021/2022 KCSE Results Analysis, Grade Count

    SAN DAMIANO GIRLS High School 2021/2022 KCSE Results Analysis, Grade Count The School recorded an impressive result in the 2021…

    KCSE 2023 Marking Centres, Reporting Dates and Directions

    KCSE 2023 Examiners Reporting Dates, Marking Centres and Directions Here are the 2023 KCSE Marking Centres and reporting dates for…