1.Learners are forced by the HOIs to pay assessment fee which is catered for in the capitation the school receives.this makes the learners have minimal time with the teacher since they are send home almost thrice every week.This also applies to activity fee  which is also catered for by the government

2.JSS teachers are forced to teach remedial classes with no motivation or with little motivation apparatus/home science requirements not bought in most of schools making the teachers to have hard time as they facilitate learning

4.commercial exams are brought to schools through the HOIs and most of them are below the required standards and covers strands which we haven’t covered.this kills the learners morale because they fail the exams when tested on strands which they haven’t covered

5.No furniture for jss teachers .i.e chairs and tables/office desk.this makes the teachers to store their instructional materials in dusty/congested shelves in the staffrooms

6.headteachers are not facilitating jss teachers to attend the workshops/retooling .the few being facilitated are told to refund the money after reimbursement .others are given little money which cannot carter for this whole week.

7.jss teachers being forced to teach other classes e.g grade 3,4,5,6 and class 8.this is a burden to the teachers since they are not trained to teach these classes allowances for outdoor activities like ballgames/athletics competition.

9.jss teachers are forced to make compulsory lunch payments and if one declines to contribute its termed to be insubordination .again he/she is considered to be doing away the unity of the staff

10.class teachers for grade 7 are picked from primary school teachers hence they don’t visit the classes regularly and doesn’t know well the issues affecting grade 7 learners

11.materials needed for preparation of professional documents are not provided to the jss teachers e.g counter books for writing records of work and lesson notes .these teachers are forced to buy the materials

12.jss teachers being charged to be appraised for TPAD

13.lack of inclusivity in lab materials acquisition

14.unfairness by the HOIs to some jss teachers e.g not sticking to equity when giving out facilitation fee to jss teachers

15.jss teachers are not represented in schools boms

16.when it comes to selection of officials to officiate at zonal/sub county/county levels during ball games and athletics,jss teachers who are more than qualified are left out and selection done to primary schools teachers who even lack the required skills


1.JSS teachers to have their own staffroom to avoid a lot of issues with the primary school teachers

2.commercial exams should stop with immediate effect

3.jss teachers be provided with enough fare for the outschool activities like retooling

4.jss teachers to have a representative in the bom and not a primary school teacher

5.jss teachers to sticky in teaching grade 7  ONLY to have enough time for lesson preparations.