Chapter 6 documents required by TSC and how to get them plus Costs

List of Five Documents TSC requires after interviews for promotion of teachers.

Have you been invited for a Teachers Service Commission, TSC, Promotion interview? Well, congratulations. Here is a list of the 5 mandatory clearance and compliance documents you need to get.

  • Valid Certificate of Good Conduct from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations
  • Clearance or Compliance Certificate from the Higher Education Loans Board
  • Tax Compliance Certificate from KRA
  • Clearance from Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission
  • A Clearance Certificate from an approved Credit Reference Bureau CRB

1. KRA Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC)

A TCC, otherwise known as a Tax Clearance Certificate is an official document issued by KRA, as proof of having filed and paid all your taxes.
Tax Compliance Certificates are issued free of charge and are valid for twelve months only.
Application for a TCC is done through iTax platform and the certificate is sent to applicants’ email address. You can check if your Tax Compliance Certificate is valid using the new KRA M-Service App.

Note: Taxpayers seeking Tax Compliance Certificate must be compliant in:

  • Filing of tax returns on or before the due date for all applicable tax obligations.
  • Payment of tax on or before the due date.
  • Clearance of all outstanding tax debt.

Also read: How to get a KRA Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC) free

2. Helb Compliance or Clearance Certificate

Once a HELB beneficiary has completed repaying the loan, he/she is issued Certificate of Clearance. This service is not charged.
If you did not benefit from HELB loan, you can apply for the Non-loanee Compliance Certificate from the HELB Portal or e-Citizen Portal. This service is not charged.

Related Posts:

How to apply for HELB loan clearance, compliance certificate and refund; requirements and process

How to easily get HELB Clearance, Compliance Certificate

3. Certificate of Good Conduct

This is a Certificate issued by the Directorate of Criminal  Investigations in Kenya confirming an applicant’s criminal record status. It is also known as a Police Clearance Certificate. This certificate cost sh 1,050 which you will pay via M-pesa paybill.

How to apply for a Certificate of Good Conduct/Police Clearance Certificate

1. Login to e-citizen – DCI Portal;
2. Apply for a Police Clearance Certificate
3. Print 2 copies of  the invoice and one copy of Form C24 (Form for fingerprints) and present to the DCI offices or your nearest Huduma Centre for fingerprint processing.
4. Check e-citizen portal for the certificate in 2-4 weeks.
Documents Required during application
Original I.D and copy.

Continue Reading:How to quickly get a Police Clearance Certificate

4. EACC Clearance

Here no certificate is issued. However a self-declaration form in duplicate (two copies) downloaded from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) is filled.
Completed form to be signed by the applicant and the signature be witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths or Magistrate.

Upon submission of the completed form, the details are verified and acknowledgment of the application is done by stamping on the copy of the application which is retained by the applicant.

Completed form can be submitted in person or may be dropped on behalf of the applicant at the EACC Head Office at Integrity Centre, Nairobi or at any EACC Regional Office or Huduma Centers country wide.

No certificate is issued; however, the Commission will submit to TSC a confidential report on all short listed applicants.

Getting EACC clrearance is free but you will pay Commissioner for Oaths or Magistrate around 500/-.

Attach the following documents with the self-declaration form:

  • Copy of identity card or passport.
  • Copy of KRA PIN Certificate.
  • Copy of Academic certificates (High School Certificate, Diploma, Degree).

Related News:

How to get Clearance Application from the Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (EACC)

5. CRB Clearance Certificate

CRB clearance is a certification that is issued by CRB (Credit Reference Bureau) to consumers as a “clean bill of health” on their credit background.

This is usually issued by a CRB, any of the 3 CRB’s in Kenya (Metropol, TransUnion and CreditInfo) can issue you a CRB Clearance.

A CRB clearance certificate may be used for a variety of reasons one of them being for loan consideration after a past adverse or negative listing with the CRB.

It is also part of pre-employment requirement for integrity clearance for public office jobs.
Kenyan CRB’s have records of ALL ID cardholders in Kenya whether you have borrowed a loan or not and you can obtain a clearance certificate whether you have never borrowed or defaulted on a loan.

If you have a loan you are servicing and you have not defaulted you are eligible for CRB Clearance from any of the three CRB companies.
CRB’s do not issue clearance to those who have defaulted on their loans or have loan arrears.

You will pay Kshs. 2200 which is the processing fee for a CRB Clearance Certificate. If you have a loan you defaulted you will have to pay the arrears to get clearance.
For Metropol you can use the USSD *433# to access your clearance certificate and checking your CRB status.

This means that individuals looking for a job in Kenya are required to get clearance from the Kenya Revenue Authority, the Credit Reference Bureau (CRB), Ethics and Anticorruption Commission (EAC), Higher Education Loans Board (HELB), and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

Also Read: How to get a CRB (Credit Reference Bureau) clearance certificate free

Here is all that you need to know concerning Chapter 6 Requirements

1. What are the contents of Chapter Six of the Constitution?

• Responsibilities of leadership
• Oath of office for State officers
• Conduct of State Officers
• Financial integrity of State Officers
• Restrictions on activities of State Officers
• Citizenship and Leadership
• Legislation on Leadership and the establishment of EACC

2. What does leadership and integrity entail?

• Personal integrity
• Competence and suitability
• Free and fair elections
• Objectivity and impartiality in making decisions
• Selfless service
• Commitment in service
• Accountability to the public for decisions and actions.

3. What is the Leadership and Integrity Act (LIA), 2012?

It is the law established to implement the requirements of Leadership and Integrity(Chapter Six of the Constitution).

4. What is the purpose of LIA?

It is to ensure that State and Public officers respect the values, principles and requirements of the Constitution.

5. What is the distinction between a State Officer and a Public Officer?

All employees of the Government are Public Officers. However, State Officers are holders of the offices listed under Article 260 of the Constitution.

6. Who is responsible for implementing LIA?

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC).

7. What is the General Leadership and Integrity Code?

It is a code of conduct for Public and State Officers provided for under Part II of LIA.

8. Are public entities allowed to develop their own Leadership and Integrity codes?

Yes, however they must include all the requirements in the General Leadership and Integrity Code under part II of LIA.

9. What are the duties of public entities/bodies under LIA?

• Develop specific Leadership and Integrity Code for their officers
• Open and maintain a gift register
• Open and mainatin a register of conflict of interest
• Take disciplinary action in cases of breach of code
• Receive complaints and take action
• Create awareness in respect of the provisions of Chapter Six of the Constitution
• Ensure that the State Officers commit to the specific Leadership and Integrity code on assumption of office
• Ensure whistle blowers are not victimized

10. What are the consequences for breach of the Leadership and Integrity code?

Any breach of the code amounts to misconduct and the State and Public Officer are subject to disciplinary action. Where the breach of the code is so severe and it warrants removal or dismissal of the State Officer, the same shall be done in accordance with Articles 47 and 251 of the Constitution.

11. What are the DOs and DONTs of State/Public officers under LIA?


A State/Public Officer shall;

i) respect and abide by the law
ii) take personal responsibility for what they do or fail to do
iii) carry out duties efficiently, honestly, transparently and in an accurate manner.
iv) keep accurate official records and documents
v) carry out duties in a manner that maintains public confidence in the integrity of the office
vi) treat members of the public with courtesy and respect;
vii) maintain high standards of performance and level of professionalism
viii) observe and subscribe to the ethical and professional requirements
ix) demonstrate honesty in the conduct of public affairs
x) declare all conflict of interest
xi) register conflict of interest
xii) declare, register and surrender all gifts received
xiii) maintain public property in good condition and repair
xiv) observe political neutrality
xv) carry out duties with impartiality and objectivity
xvi) disclose all offers of future employment or benefits that
could place the officer in a situation of conflict of interest
xvii) conduct private affairs in a manner that maintains public confidence in the integrity of the office
xviii) pay taxes
xix) report improper orders to EACC
xx) commit to specific Leadership and Integrity code
xxi) seek approval from the EACC before opening and or operating bank account outside Kenya
xxii) submit annual statements of accounts held outside Kenya to EACC


A state/public officer shall not;

i) use his office for personal gain
ii) misuse public resources
iii) falsify any records
iv) accept a monetary gift
v) retain any gifts received in official capacity
vi) solicit for monetary contributions from the public
vii) open, maintain, control or operate a bank account outside Kenya without the approval of EACC
viii) act in any manner that may compromise the security of the country
ix) allow a person to use confidential information for private interest
x) act as an agent for a political party or a candidate in a political party
xi) knowingly give false or misleading information to any person
xii) hold dual citizenship
xiii) knowingly falsify any record or misrepresent information to the public
xiv) neglect financial obligations
xv) bully any person.

12. Can a member of the public lodge a complaint against a State Officer who has committed a breach of the code?

Yes, to the public entity where the breach occurred.

13. What are the offences under LIA?

• Obstructing, hindering, assaulting or threatening a person undertaking duties under this Act
• Deceiving/misleading a person undertaking duties under this Act
• Destroying records, documents or evidence
• Providing false information
• Failure to declare operation or control of a bank account outside Kenya
• Acting for foreigners in a manner that compromises the security of the country.

14. What are the penalties for committing an offence under LIA?

• Fine not exceeding five million and imprisonment not exceeding five years or both upon conviction
• Where the penalty is not expressly provided, a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand shillings or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or both
• Forfeiture of illegally acquired property.

15. Can a member of the public seek an advisory opinion on issues related to leadership and integrity?

Under the Act only State officers and public entities may seek an advisory
opinion from the Commission.

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chapter 6 documents kenya,
chapter 6 documents pdf,
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chapter 6 requirements,
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