TSC to promote 15,522 teachers- TSC announces

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, is set to promote more than 15,522 teachers early next year, 2023.

TSC Boss Nancy Macharia told MPs on Tuesday that the Advert is ready and will be out once the national examinations are over.

“Immediately after exams come to an end, we shall advertise and start the process of promoting the teachers to different grades,” said Macharia.

The promotions will cost the government Sh1.4 billion.

Macharia said this when she faced the Parliamentary Committee on Education.

The committee chair Julius Melly asked how much it would cost TSC to promote teachers. The members wondered why teachers were stagnating in the same job group for many years.

“There is an outcry that promotion is based on nepotism and other corruption matters. And this seems to be affecting most teachers who have been serving in the same position” Hon Melly wondered .

The TSC Boss reported that the Commission had a strained budget that could not sustain the promotion.

Macharia urged the MPs to allocate more funds through the national budget, so that the Commission could hire more teachers and promote others.

The Commission is currently recruiting over 30,000 teachers to try and fill the teething staffing gaps.