The new TPAD 2 window for creating and accessing your TPAD account for appraisals.
The new TPAD 2 window for creating and accessing your TPAD account for appraisals.

A number of mandatory documents are required to be attached as evidence to your TPAD 2 online form. Remember, it is important that you must attach a number of documents for each of the targets.

Remember, as much as these evidences are optional, it is advisable that you attach documentary evidence to back up your scores. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) places a lot of emphasis on the Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) in promoting teachers.

See also; TSC TPAD 2 portal- 2021 and all guides;

Failure to fill your termly TPAD data will lead to disciplinary action by the Commission.


The table below shows a number of evidences to upload on each of the targets while filling your TPAD 2 form online.

1.Professional Knowledge and PracticeDemonstrate mastery of the subject content and use appropriate instructional methods1. Lesson plans

2. Lesson observation records

3. Different instructional materials

Undertake lesson observation at least once a term4. Records of lesson observation

5. Lesson Observation notes

Utilize teaching/ learning resources effectively6. Availability of improvised/procured teaching/learning resources/aids
Prepare professional documents based on the current syllabus/designs7.  Availability of updated schemes of work.

8.  Lesson plans and notes.

9. Record of work.

10. Learner assessment record

Ability to identify learners’ capability and learning styles11.  Learner study records.

12. Individualized Education Program (IEP) based on different capabilities and learning styles.

Ability to identify and nurture learners’ talents13. Record of talent development.

14. Certificates/Awards

Ability to access, retrieve and integrate ICT in teaching and learning15.  Availability of digital content/ free online educational resources links

16. ICT integrated lesson plans/record of work covered/ learners’ notebooks

17. Printed content ( photos, print outs)

Ability to carry out learner assessment,

feedback and reporting on learners’ learning

18. Learner assessment reports

19. List of strategies to improve learner performance

Letter communicating feedback

2Comprehensive Learning EnvironmentAbility to create child friendly school/class environment through planned activities to demonstrate respect, equity, inclusion and21. Clean environment

22. Records of learner participation in Programmes/ clubs/ societies promoting friendly environment

  moral values23. Open channels of communication/Class Baraza/ student council
Ability to create a stimulating classroom environment24. Classroom with talking walls, nature corner, shop, models, learners’ work displayed on the wall among others.
Ability to ensure safety of learners25. Records of sensitization (MOE Guidelines on safety)
Ability to manage learners conduct and behavior26. Well displayed school /class rules and regulations governing learners conduct and behaviour

27. Guidance and counseling records

28. Records of learners challenging behavior and corrective measures taken.

29. Records of parental involvement

3.Teacher Professional DevelopmentPrepare Self Professional Development Support Plan30. Updated TPD support plan indicating the time frame for various activities during the term
Engage in continuous and relevant career growth and development activities31. Records of Teacher initiated and school based TPD activities
4.Teacher Conduct & ProfessionalismDemonstrate knowledge on the legal requirements in education32. Policy documents available and in use in schools
Ability to observe punctuality in lesson attendance, performance of duty and preparation of professional documents33. Updated daily attendance register (clocking in and out)

34. Updated and analyzed lesson attendance register

35. Record of submission of professional documents

Timely syllabus coverage and meeting of deadlines36. Display of syllabus coverage

37. Teacher’s lesson notes based on current syllabus

38. Checked learners exercise books

5.Participation in Professional Learning CommunityJoin Professional Learning Community(PLC)39. Records of membership in professional learning community/ cluster/ groups (Certificates, minutes, attendance lists etc.)
Collaborate with colleagues and the broader professional learning community to support teaching and learning40. Records of participation in professional learning communities within and beyond the school

41. Initiatives being implemented in collaboration with learning communities

Collaborate with parents/guardians and other stakeholders42. Records of parents’/guardians involvement

43. Records of learner participation/ involvement in community service

44. Records of joint activities with stakeholders/parents/ guardians

Establish linkages with the community45. Invitation letters

46. Attendance lists

47. Activity reports

Participate in programs organized in collaboration with other educational bodies: KNEC, MOE, KICD etc.48. Invitation letters

49. Programme/project reports