TSC new job groups, grades and titles for teachers
TSC new job groups, grades and titles for teachers

Under the current collective Bargaining Agreement, CBA, for teachers a number of new grades for the tutors were introduced. These grades were developed after the job evaluation exercise by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, SRC, in 2016. A new grading system for teachers was thus introduced. Each grade has a cluster of teachers aggregated together and which have specific designation codes. Below is a sneak preview of the grading system and designation codes for teachers and other TSC staff; as established by TSC.

1). Grade B5 (T- Scale 5); Established for Primary Teacher II
2). Grade C1 (T- Scale 6); For Secondary Teacher III, Lecturer III and Primary Teacher I
3). Grade C2 (T- Scale 7); For Secondary Teacher II, SNE Teacher II (Primary Schools), Lecturer II and Senior Teacher II
4). Grade C3 (T- Scale 8); A grade established for Secondary Teacher I, Lecturer I, SNE Teacher I (Primary Schools), SNE Teacher II (Secondary Schools) and Senior Teacher I
5). Grade C4 (T- Scale 9); Established for Senior Master IV, Senior Lecturer IV, SNE Senior Teacher (Primary Schools), SNE Teacher I (Secondary Schools) and Deputy Head Teacher II
6). Grade C5 (T- Scale 10); For Deputy Principal IV, Senior Master III, Senior Lecturer III, Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher and Curriculum Support Officer II.
7). Grade D1 (T- Scale 11); Made up of Senior Master II, Deputy principal III, Senior Head Teacher, Senior Lecturer II and Curriculum Support Officer I
8). Grade D2 (T- Scale 12); Deputy Principal II and Senior Master I
9). Grade D3 (T- Scale 13); Principals and Deputy Principal I
10). Grade D4 (T- Scale 14); A job group for Senior principals.
11). Grade D5 (T- Scale 15); This is the job group for all Chief Principals.

And here, now, is a list of some of the common designation codes:
1). Grade B5 (T- Scale 5; Primary Teacher II): The designation code is G99JE. This is the entry grade for primary school teachers.
2). Grade C1 (T- Scale 6; Secondary Teacher III, Lecturer III and Primary Teacher I). The designation code is G99HF. This is an entry grade for secondary school teachers who are holders of Diploma in Education.
3). Grade C2 (T- Scale 7; Secondary Teacher II, SNE Teacher II (Primary Schools), Lecturer II and Senior Teacher II); Designation code for this grade is G99HG. This is an entry grade for secondary school teachers who are holders of a Bachelor’s Degree in Education or its equivalent. It is also a promotional grade for holders of Diploma in Education.
4). Grade C3 (T- Scale 8; Secondary Teacher I, Lecturer I, SNE Teacher I (Primary Schools), SNE Teacher II (Secondary Schools) and Senior Teacher I). Designation code: G99HH. This is a promotional grade for teachers in secondary school.
5). Grade C5 (T- Scale 10; Deputy Principal IV, Senior Master III, Senior Lecturer III, Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher and Curriculum Support Officer II). The Designation Code for this grade is: G99BL. This is a promotional grade for institutional administrators in secondary schools. For Head Teacher II (Primary Schools) the designation code is G99EJ.
6). Grade D3 (T- Scale 13; Principals and Deputy Principal I). The Designation code for this job group is: G99AN. This is a promotional grade for administrators in secondary schools.

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